Has it really been 2 months since I've updated this story? So sorry for the long wait. I didn't forget about this story, I promise. Life's just been crazy lately. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter...

Booth sat in a chair beside Brennan's hospital bed in the ICU.

"How is she?"

He jerked, his head turning towards the door. He exhaled, shifting his focus from Angela to Brennan. "The doctor said she should wake up soon." He brushed his thumb across her hand beneath the sheet and swallowed.

Angela approached the foot of the bed and stared at her best friend. Shaking her head, she sighed. "Why would someone do this?" Getting no response, she looked at Booth. "Booth?"

He blinked, looking over at her. "Huh? Oh." His attention drifted back to Brennan and he touched her cheek gently.

"You know something. Booth?" Angela rounded the bed and stood right next to him. "It has to do with Max, doesn't it?"

"It all seems that way." Still holding Brennan's hand, he turned to face Angela. "He's connected somehow. My team's working on some leads now." He shook his head. "I should have gone with her this morning."

Angela rested her hand on his forearm. "Booth, this isn't your fault."

He sighed and looked at Brennan. "The doctors say she was lucky."

Angela squeezed his arm. "She's the strongest person I know and will probably ever know."

"When does it end? When do we get a break?" He muttered, mostly to himself.


He blinked and leaned towards Brennan, cupping her hand in his. "Bones? Bones?" He squeezed her hand lightly. He stood up halfway and dipping his head, he pressed his lips against her forehead. He sat back down and brushed at his wet cheek. "Bones." Seeing her blue eyes staring back at him, he exhaled.

"Sweetie," Angela stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed. She leaned over and gave Brennan a light hug.

Brennan moaned, causing Angela to back off. She looked around the room and blinked. She turned her head, wincing slightly, and stared at Booth. "Ow." She swallowed, coughing. She clenched her jaw shut and closed her eyes, as tears leaked out through her lashes.

"Relax, Bones. Take it easy." He rubbed her arm. "Try not to move."

Brennan drifted back to sleep shortly afterwards.

Booth looked towards Angela and relaxed when he saw the tears streaming down her face. He hadn't imagined it. Brennan had woken up. "I need—I need to make some calls. Eli's still missing and the—."

"The bastards that did this to Bren are still out there," Angela finished.

He nodded. "And I need to see Hank and Christine."

"I'll sit here with her."

"Thanks, Ange." He stood and kissed Brennan's forehead, his lips lingering just a bit. "I love you, Bones," he whispered. "I'll find him. I'll bring him home." He straightened and left the room. He didn't want to leave, but he knew Brennan would want him to do his job; she'd want him to do what he did best, solve the case. If she was awake, she'd have kicked him out herself.

Booth returned to his SUV and froze—stuck under the windshield wipers was a plain white piece of paper, folded in half. He looked around, but knew whoever put the note there was long gone. He carefully removed the note from its pinned position with a latex glove he snatched from Brennan's spare kit he found in the trunk and slipped it into an evidence bag. He'd read it once he got to the office. He'd go there first before swinging by to see Hank and Christine. He wasn't sure yet how he'd tell them about Brennan, but he knew he couldn't lie to them, especially Christine. The little girl would sense something was wrong the second he stepped into the house. With that thought, he jumped into the driver's seat and sped off toward the Hoover.

Booth took the stairs three at a time and was out of breath by the time he reached the fourth floor. He bypassed the Bullpen and closed himself off in his office. He sat at his desk and set the evidence bag down. He took a breath and exhaled as he carefully removed the piece of paper, laying it out on top of the bag. He closed his eyes for a brief second before using a rubber glove to unfold the note. He blinked. It's a shame she didn't die, but I loved hearing her squeal. It was nostalgic, you know? Oh, and Booth? If you want to see the kid again…check your messages. He pushed away from the desk and pulled out his cell phone. He stared at the black screen, waiting for it to power on. He had one missed call and voice message from an unknown number. Part way through listening to the distorted voice of the kidnapper demand $2,000,000, his office door opened.

"Agent—. Oh, sorry, sir." Johnson started to back out, but Booth waved him in.

Setting the phone down, Booth looked at the green agent and nodded. "What do you have, Johnson."

"We tracked down the ex-boyfriend. He's in one of the interrogation rooms, but he's not talking."

Booth sighed. "Anything else?"

"Lucas and Brendon got a hit on the phone number. They traced it back to AT&T. It'll take weeks to get the phone records and go through them all. Even then, sir, it's unlikely we'll get anywhere. It's obvious the guy's using a disposable phone and he's probably tossed it by now." Johnson paused. "But maybe we'll get lucky."

Booth nodded.

"How's Dr. Brennan, sir?" Johnson asked, switching gears.

"She's awake."

"Are her injuries serious? My wife's brother was hit by a car when he was twelve and he—."

Booth cleared his throat. "Johnson."

"Right, um, is there anything else you want me to do?"

Booth grabbed the note from his desk, placing it back into the evidence bag. "Bring this to Carey. Have him dust it for prints, test the ink—I want him to find out whatever he can. Tell him to put this ahead of anything else he's working on. Got it? That goes for all of you."

Johnson nodded. "Yes, sir."

Booth dismissed the agent and followed him out. He needed to see his kids and talk to Hodgins about collecting the Ransom money.

Again, sorry for the long wait...Until next time, thanks for reading/reviewing/favoriting/following :) You guys rock!