The school dance was a quiet affair so far, the music soft and sweet as people conversed and drank punch that wasn't yet spiked. Stefan himself stood near the end of the clearing waiting for Elena to arrive with Caroline and Bonnie. His suit was pressed and neat, a simple skinny black tie loose around his neck.
After about ten or fifteen minutes of waiting, Elena and her friends showed up. His girlfriend wore the red dress with the slit up the side that Percy had picked out for her and her makeup was done in a smokey red look that complimented her eyes well. Caroline's dress was simple with different shades of blue and her own makeup gave her an ice queen aesthetic. Bonnie's was a gold-colored long dress that matched her tall heels and golden eyeshadow. All women were stunning and they turned heads nearly immediately when they walked in the clearing.
Percy had yet to show up so Stefan had a breather from him and his brother for a short while. When Stefan had first met Percy, he had known something was off with the teen. There was an unsettling vibe coming from him that put him on edge. If he thought Damon was dangerous, his senses told him that Percy was even more so.
With Percy not around, however, there was a distinct lack of pressure in the air around him. Of course, that could have just been Damon's presence but Stefan was certain it was not his brother. Vampires were powerful, yes, but this feeling was something else entirely. It was ancient and new, like something was trying to find a place to settle and was lost between the times, and it was trapped inside the body of an seventeen year-old. It confused his senses, making him relaxed and alert at the same time and, at the end of the day, it left Stefan exhausted. He was out of his league, he knew, but, for all intents and purposes, Percy appeared to be a human with a distinct lack of morals.
Just as Stefan was going to speak, the pressure was back again and he knew Percy had stepped into the clearing. The human, he could admit, frightened him and he knew Percy enjoyed that, found glee in making him squirm. It was what made him a perfect match for Damon.
"Holy shit," Caroline grinned widely, turning to look at her friend enter with his boyfriend. "He looks amazing."
It wasn't just her saying so, the human did look good in his dress. It was long, coming down to his ankles, showing that the man wore three inch forest green heels that had two seashells on the side. The dress, while primarily a forest green, reminded Stefan of the ocean in a way he couldn't explain. Throughout the outfit, he could see different aspects that represented the sea, like the flower crown mixed with shells resting on the teens head or the waves sewn in carefully at the bottom, and Stefan couldn't help but feel like it was significant to something his brain couldn't connect. The top of the dress was black, slowly bleeding into green, and the sleeves of his stress had tiny waves sewn in that went along with the draping fabric around his arms.
Percy hadn't noticed him yet, something that Stefan was grateful for. Sometimes, he liked to tell himself that the human wouldn't hurt him, couldn't hurt him, but he knew it was a lie before he could finish the thought. There were times where the vampire felt like the only thing stopping the human from attacking him was Damon. However, he knew that, with one word from his brother, Percy wouldn't bother with something like mercy. Some would say he was being dramatic, that Percy was just one person, but Stefan knew better. Something was off with the man and the term "human" seemed just insulting when paired with the teen.
"Stefan Salvatore," Percy grinned, having made his way over to the vampire when he was lost in thought. "Looking sharp. Wearing a new suit?"
"Had a spare lying around," Stefan responded. Small talk. He could do small talk. "Your dress looks lovely. The colors really suit you."
Amusement glinted in the sea-green eyes, like Percy knew what the vampire was doing, "Thank you. Happy birthday," He tilted his head, his grin widening into something a tad unsettling. "I'm sure it'll be a good one." Before Percy could talk long, his eyes seemed to catch something, "Excuse me, I have to go talk to someone."
Stefan shuddered as the man walked off, finally feeling the weight of his presence leave him. He made eye contact with Elena, who smiled sympathetically at him. While Elena hung out with the startling human, she was just as unsettled as the vampire, especially when Caroline and Bonnie seemed to find nothing wrong with him. When Stefan turned to look back over in Percy's direction, the man was only talking to Caroline, laughing like he didn't just make Stefan uncomfortable with only a handful of sentences.
"You seem tense, brother."
Stefan stiffened, caught off guard yet again by someone approaching him out of no where. "You know I don't like talking to Percy."
Damon grinned, though it was not unsettling like Percy's, "Oh, I know. It's so funny to watch. He's really good at steering conversations wherever he wants. I'm impressed."
"It's not natural. Damon, he's not natural. There's no way he's human. I mean-"
"I know he's not human, little brother," The elder Salvatore said calmly, lifting a solo cup he had grabbed earlier to his lips. "You are right on that, there's no way he can be one. Though, for now, he doesn't seem to want to do any harm- physically," He amended at his brother's look. "There is a chance, however, we could be wrong about everything and he could very well be a human with extremely loose morals. For now, let's... Not tell him about us."
"I wasn't planning on it," Stefan assured, looking a bit relieved his brother wasn't asking him to. The less he spoke with Percy, the better his mental health would be. "I should go to Elena. Don't forget to ask Percy to dance, I'm sure he'd love it."
Damon nodded, smiling with raised eyebrows that told him that the elder Salvatore knew he was fleeing, "I'll make sure to." He tilted his head, giving a little finger wave to Elena, who was watching their exchange several feet away by the drink table, and received an awkward smile in return.
Stefan could finally breathe a sigh of relief when he was back over by his girlfriend. The dance, so far, was like a minefield and everywhere he turned he ran into someone more and more dangerous. When he had moved to Mystic Falls, he thought the worst he would ever have to face was someone trying to stab his heart or poison his drink. Instead, it seemed like he had a verbal war to face instead and he knew, deep down, he would never win the battles.