(Author Note: Hello Readers! This is my first 100 story. I hope that you enjoy it. Please Comment and let me know what you think. Thanks! ~Potter-Weasley-Granger1)

Clarke's P.O.V.

"Clarke, you have to come with us," begs Raven. "Please Clarke, I think you will really like it," agrees Finn. "I don't know guys, I can't even put one of those hammocks up," I reply. "That's what we are for," replies Raven. "Fine, I guess it wouldn't kill me to go," I say.

Bellamy's P.O.V.

I walk along with Murphy and Miller until I see her. A girl that I haven't seen before. "Hey Murphy," I say pointing, "Who is that girl." Murphy turns to look and says, "I don't know I don't think I've ever seen her before." Then Miller says, "That's Clarke Griffin. I don't know a lot about her other than she hangs out with Raven Reyes and Finn Collins." I nod in a daze, she is beautiful. I can't see her eyes because she is wearing sunglasses, but she has beautiful blond hair. I need to talk to her. Is that crazy? I've never meet her before, but I feel a magnetic pull towards this girl. Before I know what, I am doing I am walking towards Clarke and her friends. I can hear Miller and Murphy speed walking behind me trying to keep up. I don't want to come on too strong so I choose a place in the grass near where they are sitting close enough to hear them. I realize that that is slightly creepy, but she intrigues me. Miller and Murphy sit with me for a while, but eventually Miller leaves to find Bryan and Murphy claims that he has a class. I try not to completely listen to their conversation, but I do hear the boy, I think his name is Finn, say something about meeting in the front circle with their hammocks. Then the three of them get up and leave. I continue to lay in the grass for a couple of minutes as I think about who I can beg to let me borrow their hammock. I know that Murphy's girlfriend Emori has a hammock I just have to convince her to let me borrow hers. I quickly get up and head over to the dorm room that Murphy and Emori share. I knock on the door and I hear shuffling then the door opens. "Bellamy, what do you want," asks Murphy. "I thought you had a class," I question. "No, I just didn't feel like stalking that girl with you, what do you want," he says. "I need to ask Emori something," I reply. "What do you need Bellamy," asks Emori from behind Murphy. "Can I borrow your hammock," I ask. "Uh yea sure," Emori agrees before she disappears. "Bellamy, you seriously need to get a grip, I know that your breakup with Gina hit you really hard, but Bellamy what you are doing is called stalking," says Murphy sternly, "Most girls frown upon that." I roll my eyes and Emori is back and hands me the hammock. "Thank you Emori, I will have it back to you soon," I smile. I turn and leave headed to the front circle. I arrive in time to see the trio walking down towards the trees that are located off of the front circle. They stop at a couple of trees and I keep walking a couple of feet and drop the hammock. Raven and Finn seem to know what they are doing and Clarke seems to be just sitting and watching. Soon they have three hammocks up and I still am trying to figure out what I am doing. The only thing I can think to do is ask them for help, I already look like I don't know what I am doing. So, I walk over to them. "Hello, I am kinda new to this whole hammocking thing. I was wondering if you could help me put my hammock up," I ask. "Sure man," replies Finn, "Let me help you out." Finn takes the hammock and what he tells me are straps and has it up in like two seconds. I still haven't a clue how to do it, but I thank him and watch as he gets in his hammock. He does it so gracefully I attempt to do the same, but I almost miss the hammock and I just kind of flop into the floating bed. I turn to see Raven laughing at me. "Hey. Not fair I've never done this before," I say in defense.

Clarke's P.O.V.

We go down to the trees to hammock together and Finn helps some guy put up his hammock. As Finn is helping him Raven says, "Clarke, that guy is totally checking you out." "There is no way," I reply. "He keeps look over at you. He isn't paying attention to Finn at all," replied Raven. Raven starts to tease the guy and he gets defensive, but playfully defensive. "So, what's y'all names," he asks. "My name is Raven, and this is Clarke and Finn. What's your name," asks Raven? "My name is Bellamy Blake," he replies. We continue to talk, the four of us until Raven says, "I'm hungry. Bellamy, would you like to go somewhere with us to eat?" "Yea, that would be great," he replies. We quickly pack up the hammocks and head to Finn's car. Finn drives and Raven beats me to shot gun so I am forced to sit in the back with Bellamy. It's not that I don't like Bellamy, because I think that I do. He smells really nice. Soon we are at the restaurant, Jefferson's, our favorite wing spot. We go in together and quickly order. While I am sitting next to Bellamy in this restaurant booth I feel as if we have known each other for longer than the couple of hours since we met each other, but yet there is something huge about me that Bellamy doesn't know.

(Author Note: What is Clarke's secret? Let me know what you thought about the chapter. Thanks! ~Potter-Weasley-Granger1)