Viktor may be very hungover... just a little... but he can still remember what Phichit had told him last night. The idea that the skater hadn't meant to give him but produced anyway. He's a bit surprised himself that Yuuri never bothered to make a trip to see his friend skate, but at the same time he completely understands why he wouldn't.

Groaning, Viktor sits up from the tangled mess his bed had become in his drunken slumber and makes his way to the shower in his flat. Pushing back his sweat-soaked bangs, he wonders about what would happen if maybe Yuuri did go see Phichit skate a program designed around his best friend. There are a few issues, he realizes as he turns on the shower head and strips himself of his clothes. The main concern he has being Yuuri's current state. Trying very hard not to dwell on the sadness attached to that thought, Viktor tries to think through getting him out of the hospital logically rather than emotionally.

He could just suggest that they go out for dinner or something along those lines. Yuuri's played along with him like that before. It could work. Then the issue of somehow getting to the rink comes along. Yuuri did used to skate, and he seems like he still does stay in touch with the skating community enough to know where all the competitions are held, especially if he's talked to Phichit about the one this weekend.

Viktor steps into the shower and lets the cool water fall over his physique. He just stands there staring at the tiled ceiling, hoping for an answer to just come to him. The only real option it looks like he has though would be the first one he's thought of. Actually telling Yuuri where they're going would be the smart idea, he realizes, but also not the most practical. Yuuri won't go that way. He won't listen to Viktor that way. He hasn't seen his best friend skate in who knows how long? He's not going to start now just because someone he's known for less than an year tells him to.

Frustrating. That's what this is.

Yuuri might hate him if he just drags him to the rink without telling him. He might be infuriated with Viktor. He's not sure that's a chance he wants to take especially since...

He should probably wash his hair already before he ruins it with the hot water. Squeezing his favorite shampoo into his hand, he begins scrubbing it carefully into his platinum locks. The smell of his shampoo makes him realize just how awful he smells. Oh god, how did he walk around like this last night? Only vaguely does he remember parting ways with Phichit and ending up back at his flat.

He holds the thoughts of getting Yuuri to the competition off for now, deciding to just focus on getting the smell of alcohol off of him and out of his hair. The task proves to be a bit harder than usual, which troubles himself a little. He hasn't gotten that drunk in a while. When did he lose track of selfcare? Sighing, he finishes doing what he needs to and turns off the water, throwing a robe on and a small towel around his neck. Stepping out into his bedroom, he wrinkles his nose in disgust at the few empty bottles scattered around the floor. What happened to him last night?

Shrugging it off for now, Viktor finds himself relaxing on the windowsill bench in the corner of his room staring out at Saint Petersburg. His mind is scattered and not really focusing on any particular thought until his phone rings from somewhere in the mess that is his bed. He continues to dry his hair as he walks across the room, fumbling through his sheets before the blindingly bright screen of his phone flips over. Only then is he aware of the pulsing in his head.

Without really staring at the screen, Viktor picks up the call.

And regrets it immediately.

"When did you plan on telling the rest of us?"

Unexpectedly, it's Yurio calling about the one thing he didn't really want to talk about. Two people knowing already seemed like a lot to him, but now Yurio knows and most likely Otabek as well. Of course Mila told them. He didn't think she was going to say anything considering what happened when he told her. How annoying.

"I'm not in the mood for this, Yura. Not today and not now." He almost hangs up, but Yurio's lack of anger scares him from doing so. The younger Russian is oddly quiet.

"I know. I heard about it from Mila. I don't know why you trusted her not to say anything. What gives though? Were you ever planning on telling us?"

Viktor pinches the bridge of his nose and regrets not hanging up. Yurio has a point, but it's only been two days since he found out himself. Why would he think he would tell everyone as soon as he found out? Then again he doesn't understand how hard it is to choke out the words, to hear them ring through the air again. "I'm not talking to you about this right now. Why do you care? All you've done is cause problems and worries for him. It's almost hilarious that you care."

"Look, idiot, what I think of him doesn't matter. I'm more... We don't want you acting all stupid again. It was super annoying and creepy."

"If all you're going to do is insult me then I'm hanging-"

"Fine, I don't want you to leave."

Silence. Neither one of them makes an attempt to talk for a few moments. Viktor's too stunned to really speak - and touched if he's being honest, but he'll really ruin it if he says that.


"Don't even. Bye."

As expected, Yurio hangs up without another word.

Viktor doesn't make out much from the conversation, but just enough to figure out that Yurio is worried he'll do something selfish once Yuuri- He shakes his wet bangs at the very thought of doing anything cowardly as such. He could never. It's concerning even to Yurio, which should have him worried himself, but Viktor knows himself pretty well.

Or at least he hopes so. It's hard to say when he's never fallen in love as deeply as he has recently. Love could make you do anything. He shakes his head again.

No. He couldn't... He won't. Not if he has his close friends nearby then he shouldn't.

Maybe he should start going back to that therapist from before... Is that too much? Does he really doubt himself that much?

Viktor nervously starts tapping his fingers against his phone screen before abruptly standing up.

Try to focus on getting Yuuri to the rink, Viktor. How am I going to get him there without him knowing where we are? How can I get him to trust me to leave the hospital? Would it really be smart to have him leave like how he is...? Maybe hire someone to standby and watch him closely just in case? That could work...

"It's all falling into place now..." Viktor quietly whispers to himself, the thoughts from before gone for now but haven't disappeared for good.

Maybe he should contact Phichit. Surely, Drunk Viktor was smart enough to get the skater's number. He is, after all, just as good at socializing drunk compared to being sober. Flicking through the many contacts in his phone, Viktor proudly hovers over Phichit's contact information.

Good. Oh wait... Phichit said he wanted Yuuri to be there out of his own will. If he mentions Yuuri coming to Phichit then Phichit will just visit Yuuri and thank him for finally wanting to come. That wouldn't end well. They'd both be furious at Viktor.

Why is this so complicated? Viktor throws his phone back onto his bed and stands up, deciding to forget it for now and get dressed for the day.


. . .


"You want to what?"

Sitting across from Viktor at their usual cafe is Mila, staring at him as though he's grown another head. He leans his head against the palm of his right hand while his left stirs around what's left in his empty coffee cup. He's asked for is Mila's opinion and any possible ideas she might come up with. So far, all he's gotten is an odd look of surprise. He's taken Yuuri out of the hospital before. How is this any different?

"I just can't figure out how to do it. His friend's competition is in two days. Is it too short notice? From what I've read, there are two days of competition for the men's singles. Yuuri would only have to see the last day because that's when his friend skates for him. The issue is I don't know how to get Yuuri there without Phichit knowing. Any ideas?"

"Vitya, I don't know how to tell you this nicely. Well... I don't think you should take him out of the hospital again. I think he needs to stay there until..." Mila sits back in her seat and traces the lid of her coffee lightly. "If he's really not feeling well, then maybe it's not a great idea. You did say that his friend wanted him to go because of a decision he made not you."

"Do you really think that?" Mila might be right... but he'd feel bad if Yuuri really didn't see the program his friend designed for him. It would be a bad idea since Yuuri's condition is so very... critical. How has this become so difficult? "Should I just stream the competition with him? Would that be easier?"

Mila flicks her sunglasses up onto her head, fixing her hair so nothing sticks out of her red bob. "It would be, yes, but since when have you cared about anything being easier? I'm just saying that you shouldn't. I think it'd be really nice of you to do that, though. Make the decision you think is the best. I'm not taking part of it. I've helped out enough." She winks and takes a sip of her coffee. "I need to go now, but let me know what you choose. You don't have a lot of time left." Getting up from the table, Mila briefly puts her hand on Viktor's shoulder before heading out the swinging doors.

Alright, so Mila was a dead end. Maybe he should just forget it. He doesn't want anything terrible to happen to Yuuri if he's taken out. There are so many possibilities of something going wrong. He shouldn't interfere.

Viktor laughs at himself almost immediately, gaining stares from those sitting at the tables near him. He gives them an apologetic look and promptly gets up from the table, a new idea in his mind.

Pulling out the earbuds in his pocket, Viktor connects them to his phone and plays Phichit's free program piece. He pulls up the notes in his phone and begins listing out everything that could go wrong. It's a longer list than he would like but nothing he can't work around.

1. Yuuri's health

It's number one because it'll be the most difficult to find a solution for. He'll have to talk to a nurse who's been working closely with Yuuri and keeping a trained eye on his condition. That could be arranged. He's met almost all of them on staff. Plus almost all of them like him. Hopefully that detail could be arranged.

2. He can't find out about the rink

That's... a bit trickier. He could blindfold him and tell him they're going out somewhere fancy. That would work. Only issue is Yuuri's never been blindfolded before, and Viktor's taken him to plenty of fancy places. The idea of that seems almost ridiculous. Maybe saying that he's taking Yuuri somewhere special would work? The rink will be loud, though, and he knows for a fact that Yuuri doesn't like crowded places. He's never done well with them, he's said to Viktor before. Ear plugs would be excessive. A blindfold would be suspicious. So what would work? He should just get Chris's take on it.

3. Phichit not knowing until just before the performance

That detail is just as hard to work out. He would have to somehow get Yuuri already in the rink, and he would already have to have dealt with the argument that is to come. Time will be crucial. Viktor would need enough time for the meltdown and fixing that as well as getting Yuuri to Phichit in time. Complicated again.

4. Need tickets and get them backstage

Viktor groans in frustration just looking at the list the longer it gets. The tickets he could get easily but backstage passes? There's no way his status will get them anywhere near the entrance where the skaters are. Phichit would have to know about... or maybe... If he told someone that he was alone and got Phichit to let him in then maybe it could work! He just has to pretend that he's alone... Or maybe Yuuri would be okay with being there at that point and get them both in. Yuuri could even just go in himself. That would work perfectly. Once again, Yuuri has to be okay with being there. He might be furious - or even worse upset - at Viktor. He could live with that if it means getting Yuuri to see Phichit's program.

That would all depend on how everything else goes and how Yuuri feels about all of it. Another thing he can't figure out or plan for.

So much for a clear mind.

There's so much that could go wrong that he's almost sure maybe he shouldn't go through with this. Almost. It's the will to have Yuuri see what his friend has done for him that keeps the thought present. He has to do this. For Phichit. For Yuuri.

With this new mindset, he sets off to the hospital to get part one of this plan on the move. He already knows when the date of the competition is, so based off of that he can at least ask Yuuri if he will be free that day. From there on, he'll work the details out along the way.

The walk seems short since he's so focused on how horribly things could end up. He passes through the front doors and the reception area with ease. He's walking into Yuuri's room in no time since he seems to be free of tests at the moment. Taking the earbuds out of his ears, Viktor walks on into the room.

"Yuuri..." Viktor forgot just how sick he truly is.

There, lying in his bed, is a very sick version of the Yuuri he loves. His skin has turned paler than before, and he's coughing violently as he tries to hold himself together, lying in a ball at the edge of his bed.

Viktor's heart shatters all over again. "Yuuri." His voice sounds hoarse, as if the tears he's holding back could fall any moment. "My love."

Yuuri seems to stir from where he is and cracks open an eye to see who's calling him. Upon seeing Viktor's face, albeit blurry, he tries to sit up only to be attacked by a violent string of coughs once more. "Viktor..." His voice has been dried out from all the coughing he must've been doing. "Y-You're here?"

His confusion makes Viktor confused as well. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Yuuri's face turns bright red, and it almost scares Viktor to see such a vivid color on his otherwise drained face. "I-I... I didn't...want you to see..."

Oh. Obviously. It makes so much sense to hear Yuuri try to say the words out loud. "I can leave! I won't disturb you anymore. You need sleep anyway." Viktor immediately makes his way to the door, afraid of upsetting Yuuri further.

"N-No!" It's the first word Yuuri's been able to speak so far so clearly.

So Viktor stays. He refuses to look at Yuuri when he coughs, though. He hears the rustling from inside Yuuri's room, which probably means that he's trying to sit up. He wants to tell him to stop and relax, but he also knows how stubborn Yuuri can be, especially in moments such as this.

"I miss you." Yuuri's voice is strained with fresh tears.

Viktor whips his head over to look at him and sees him crying heavily with his arms propping him up about halfway. Viktor can clearly see the struggle he's going through, and it takes all of him to not burst into the room and take him into his arms. "I miss you too, love. Please don't strain yourself." It hurts too much to see you do so. The echo of words he knows he can't possibly say ring through his mind.

"I-I just wish... I really miss you. I need you." He's hiccuping through the tears and coughs.

"Me too..." Viktor holds his breath, knowing if he lets go of it he may break. He needs to remember what Mila told him the last time he was here. Be strong, be strong, be strong...

Yuuri wipes at his face with the one hand not supporting him up. "I-I'm sorry... I just... It's been so hard..."

"Shhh... Yuuri, it's okay. Everything's okay. I'm here for you." They both know that his words aren't entirely truthful but hearing them out loud give some comfort.

Yuuri's tears retreat into sniffles as he lies back down. "H-How are you?"

Viktor smiles bitterly at the memory of last night and pretty much the past two days as a whole. "Not bad. Mila and I met for breakfast not that long ago, plus I got a rude wake up call from Yurio. He really has a way of words." Viktor shakes his head at the memory of the brief yet meaningful call.

Yuuri tries to smile through all the grimacing. It's his smile that makes Viktor hold back talking about Yuuri's condition. He knows they need to, but maybe not now.

"Have you seen Phichit again yet?" It's an honest and what he thought would be an easy inquiry. Only it's apparently not.

"He's been... busy. The official practices start today." Yuuri talks about it briefly before changing the topic. "Do you and Mila go out a lot?"

"Oh. Well, not as much as we usually do. I've been spending more time with Chris since he's hanging around for a bit before going back to Switzerland."


They're enveloped in silence. It feels odd since Viktor knows that they're both holding back certain feelings and words.

Viktor closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, opening them slowing again. "Yuuri."

Yuuri tries to hold his gaze as long as possible.

"How have you been these past few days? I want an honest answer." Viktor clasps both of his hands together nervously over the answer he might get.

Yuuri looks as though he tries to give him an answer, but nothing comes out. It takes a few more minutes before Yuuri crumbles in front of him. "Oh, Viktor... I... How am I... Why?" He buries his face into his hands and just sobs uncontrollably.

"Oh, Yuuri..." How much have you been holding back? "Let me help. What can I do?" There's desperation in his voice, but he can't help it. He's not here at the hospital everyday. He's not listening to every doctor tell him he only has a month left. He can't hear the plans they're making for when he's gone. There's so much that Yuuri must have to deal with even in just one day.

"T-They asked... They wanted to know... where I wanted to... to b-be... buried..." Yuuri breaks again. "It sunk in. H-How do I answer? What should I have said? I don't understand... H-How does anyone respond? I-I don't know anymore... Viktor, help. Please..." Yuuri's gasping for breath now, and Viktor runs up to the glass with tears running down his own face now.

"Yuuri... Yuuri, I'm here. I'm here now. I'm here."

It must be so much harder than he thought.

He's not sure how much time passes before they've settled down.

"S-Sorry..." Of course, Yuuri is the first to speak and it's an apology.

Viktor wipes away what remains of his tears and shakes his head, standing as tall as he can. He looks directly at Yuuri before speaking. "Do not apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. I should apologize for not talking to you about this sooner. I can't say I understand how you feel, and I can't tell you it will be okay. I can tell you that I will be here every step of the way. You will always have me beside you. I promise."

Yuuri stares at him with wide eyes. Gentle tears still seem to be falling from his eyes, but this time he's started laughing.

Viktor's confused again. He didn't think he said anything funny. Did he?

"V-Viktor..." Yuuri finally stops laughing for a moment and catches his breath. "I love you so much. Thank you."

Viktor hadn't expected that from him, but then again, he didn't really know what he expected in the first place. Nonetheless, Viktor smiles back at him. "Anything for you, Yuuri. I love you, too."

They talk a little while longer right before Viktor remembers what he thought to himself before he came in here. "Oh, Yuuri?"


"Are you free in two days?" He's hoping that he had forgotten about their conversation about the competition.

Yuuri stops to think for a moment before giving him an answer. "I think so? Why?"

Viktor takes a deep breath. "I want to take you out then. I know there's a lot you're going through, and I probably shouldn't. I still want to! I promise this will be the last time I do it! I'm pretty sure all the doctors and nurses hate me for doing this, but I feel like-"

"Vitya, yes. I would love to."


Yuuri nods.

Viktor is now even more scared than he was before. How is he going to manage pulling this off? There's no way... What if Yuuri gets really angry at him/ What if Yuuri never wants to see him again? What if-

"Vitya, is everything okay?"

He must look stupid if Yuuri of all people is asking him that.


"You look like I should've said no."

"Oh." Oops. "Oh! No no no! I'm glad you've said yes! I'm excited! I promise!"

Yuuri laughs and breaks into a small fit of coughs.

Part one: accomplished. Now if only the rest of his plan was this easy...


. . .


"You're joking, right?"

"Mila said the same thing. Can either of you be more original?" Viktor sighs as he stands up from the couch nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

Chris sighs, shaking his head as he sets down his phone on the kitchen island. "He's very sick, Viktor. Not just that but he never sees his friend skate because it reminds him that he can't do that anymore. Isn't that what you told me? How could you possibly expect him to be happy with that kind of plan?"

"Chris, listen. Phichit is skating to a song he holds close to him. He needs to see it. Now of all times, too. Phichit wishes Yuuri would see it, too. Yuuri thinks it would upset him, but I don't think he realized how much care those around him hold for him. He can be mad at me all he wants, but if it makes him realize just how much love is around them then I've done something right."

"Or horribly wrong." Chris leans his head against his arm that sits on top of the kitchen top. "You should ask him what he wants rather than force him into it. I'm sorry, but I don't think your spontaneity will bring you favorable results this time around. If you plan on ignoring me, then good luck."

"No hope at all?"


Frustrated, Viktor places his hands on his hips and begins pacing faster than he was.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner that you were going to do this?"

"Uhh... I forgot?"

Chris shakes his head. "I knew I should've called after what Mila told me the other day."

"Wait, Mila told you about that?" Why does he expect anything less than her? Yurio was right.

Chris rolls his eyes. "Obviously. You were having a meltdown. She came to me to rant about it. You do realize you're about twice her age, right? If you start freaking out, then she freaks too. You have to give credit to her more often. I don't know how she handles you as often as she does. I'd be drinking a lot more if I was her."

"Hey." Viktor frowns at the very obvious insults. He's not wrong to an extent, though. He is surprised that Mila hasn't killed him. All he does is complain and cry and scream at her. Maybe he should send her something nice...

"I'm only telling you the truth. While you're up, pour me a drink."

"Aren't you helpful today?" Flippantly, Viktor heads over to the kitchen and starts rummaging through his cabinets. He grimaces at the low stock of drinks left and grabs whatever is closest. Grabbing a glass, he pours him a drink and sets it in front of Chris. "Maybe I should stop calling you over. It's only two in the afternoon, and you're drinking."

"Oh, darling. I always drink when I'm with you." Chris takes the glass and raises it before taking a sip.

"How flattering."

"Vitya, I'm not insulting you. At least, I'm not trying to. I only want what's best for you in this difficult time. I think you two should just focus on spending time together, not all these extra side trips. Trust me. He only wants to be with you."

Viktor stops moving, and his eyes widen. "You're brilliant."

"I know- Wait. Oh no. What did you just think of?"

Viktor flashes him a bright smile as he reddens in the cheeks. "You're right, Chris. Spending time with him is much more important. I don't know how I didn't think of this before. I mean we've only spent so much time together, and I can't imagine life without having met him. I-I... Oh, no. What if he says no?"

"Why is this a recurring theme for you? Vitya, I'm going to need you to speak English rather than muttering Russian."

Viktor smiles sheepishly at Chris. "Sorry. I didn't even notice."

Chris rolls his eyes again at his friend. "You're Russian. Obviously you didn't notice. So what is this new revelation of yours?"

"Well..." It sounds even more ridiculous in his mind. "Chris, will you be my best man?"

Chris almost drops the glass he's been holding.


. . .


"Phichit, I want to watch it this time. I want to see all the hard work you've put into your skating."

"No way. you sit there in your bed and chill. I do not want to hear from you until I call waking you up. Got it?"

Yuuri laughs on his end of the call, his coughing the only thing that stops him from continuing. "I didn't mean in person. I just meant that I was going to watch the livestream. I feel bad that that I've been so self-centered that I haven't seen any of your performances, but..." I want to see one before I'm gone. He can't make himself say the words aloud.

"Oh my gosh, then yes! I would love for you to see my FP at least! It means a lot to me this season, and I'm glad I get to skate in the same country as you."

The breathy pause afterwards tells Yuuri all that he needs to know. He's happy that Phichit is skating nearby, too. It makes all of the... preparations... easier to handle. Phichit knows how to calm him down so quickly. The growing weight on his chest seems lessened by those who know him so well being around him. His parents even mentioned that they were going to fly down by the end of the week. With Viktor here as well, he has everything he could possibly need.

"Are you skating to The King and The Skater again?"

"Yuuri! How dare you assume I would reuse program music!"

Yuuri tries laughing again. "Gomen, gomen. I know you wouldn't. What is it, though?"

"Hmm...nope. I'm not telling you. You'll have to wait to see!"

"Unfair. I tell you everything that happens between me and Viktor."

"Ah! That's because when I ask, you never seem to stop talking. That's all on you, my dear Yuuri."

Yuuri turns bright red, grateful that Phichit wasn't in the same room to tease him endlessly. "It better be good."

Phichit laughs on the other end, practically cackling. Yuuri can picture how crazy he must look at the rink in front of all the other skaters. It must be why he can hear distant apologies being blurted out by Phichit. "Of course it is. We're talking about me, remember?"

"I don't know, Phichit. I've heard that Seung-gil is doing well."

"You are not allowed to suggest that other skaters are better than me." Someone must've passed by Phichit because he's apologizing again and talking one mile-a-minute trying to explain what he really meant by that. "How dare you make me say that in front of everyone."

Yuuri smirks at the false anger his friend has directed at him. Before Yuuri can send another remark, one of his primary doctors walks in. He grimaces, knowing all too well what that means. "Hey, Phichit, I have to go. Good luck." He doesn't wait for a response before he quickly hangs up. He'll have to apologize later for that.

Maybe if he closes his eyes long enough, he won't feel this round of testing.

One can dream.


. . .


"You're crazy. This is insane. This is truly the worst idea you've ever had. Maybe the worst idea is a little much, but it borders terrible. Why is this the replacement idea? Please explain that to me." Chris is frantically trying to understand Viktor's mindset, but it's too late. The other is already determined. "Unbelievable. This is crazy. Have I mentioned that yet?"

"Hmm... do you think I should go understated? Is he a silver kind of man or gold?" Viktor crouches down to examine every different style in the glass cases set up in the jewelry store they're in. "Should I pick one with a diamond set in it or no? I feel like he wouldn't like one, but I also think he likes sentimental things..."

"I can't believe I even came with you. Vitya, this is wonderful and I'm happy for you, but why? You do realize what the position you're in looks like?"

"Chris." Viktor stands tall and turns around to lock eyes with his friend. "This is what I want. I think... I think this is what I've been trying to get to, but I couldn't figure it out. This... This is what I can do. I've been struggling with the knowledge that there's nothing left I can do for Yuuri. He's being treated at least three times a day every single day. Every time I visit him, I notice how worn out he looks. I have to sit there and just watch."

"Is this just about doing something for him then? Is that all?"

Viktor shakes his head. "No. Chris, you know my selfishness better than anyone else in the world. I want him to be mine officially. I think... this may be something he would want before... he's gone. What if you were in his position? What would you like before you were gone? I know for a fact he doesn't want anyone to forget him. I always want to remember him, and I know that I will. I want him to know that I will always remember him."

"With a ring? That's your idea? You do know that someone can easily take off a ring, right?" Chris crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow at him.

"It's a wedding band, not a ring won at some fair. I love him. Why are you so against this?"

"Vitya, it's not that I hate the idea of you marrying him. That's not it. I hate the idea of you being miserable every day of your life afterwards. You need to look at the other side of this. I-"

"Why are you always telling me I'm wrong? Can't I be happy?"

"Viktor, that is what I'm trying to find out. Will you even be happy knowing that the matching ring belongs to someone who can no longer live beside you?" Chris holds a stern tone with him, hoping to knock some sort of sense into Viktor.

Instead, it only makes him angry.

"I will be happy with all the memories the two of us have made together. Every time I look at the ring on my finger, I'll think of them. That doesn't mean only sad memories. If that's what you think of my gesture, then I will have to ask you to leave." Viktor angrily points to the exist of the store.

Chris sighs and shakes his head. "Vitya, relax. I plan on staying. I just wanted to make sure this is what you wanted. That's all." He puts an arm around Viktor and walks them back to the glass cases they were looking at before. "I will stand behind this decision as long as you are sure of it."

Viktor tries not to smile, but it breaks across his face anyway. "Thank you, Chris. I appreciate it."

After getting the help from a clerk, Viktor makes a purchase that has him grinning ear to ear. Chris can't help rolling his eyes, yet he too keeps a smile on his face.

There hasn't been much happiness at all in the past few months, and he knows it will only get worse from here on out. If there's one thing he can do to lighten the situation, then he's grateful for the opportunity given to him now. To even think of Yuuri's reaction sends him reeling.

He wants to be united with Yuuri in this way, and he's hoping the other feels the same way, too.