AN: I was inspired by the Wescola-Steroline goodness from SDCC 2016. This started as one thing and ended up totally another. A bit of Steroline fluff where Stefan channels his inner drunk Paul Wesley, with a side order of Bamon. Enjoy!

"Hurry up, Damon. We're going to be late." Stefan's patience with his brother was wearing thin.

"Okay, keep your hero hair on! Blondie's waited years for this June wedding. Us being ten minutes late for our tux fitting isn't the end of the world." Damon's wedding interest started and ended with organising Stefan a kick ass bachelor party. If Caroline got any more manic, she was in danger of getting her neck snapped.

The brothers arrived at the discreet, high end boutique that Caroline had picked out. The sound of the old-fashioned doorbell alerted the vampire and witch to their presence. Both jumped up, Caroline planting a chaste kiss on Stefan's lips then admonishing for his tardiness, Bonnie wrapping her small frame around Damon, kissing him like they had been separated for weeks not a couple of hours.

"Urgh, you two, get a room!" Even Bonnie and Damon's OTT PDAs weren't going to dampen Caroline's mood. She was marrying Stefan in less than a month and she couldn't be happier. All her dreams had come true; after a few false starts, Stefan had become the perfect boyfriend. Actually, that wasn't true, he still made the odd small misstep, but she accepted his quirks as part of him. He was also the best stepfather to the twins, something that made her enormously happy.

"So where are these suits, you've picked out for us?" Stefan looked adoringly at Caroline.

"In the dressing rooms. Yours is through there, Stefan, and Damon's is in that one." Caroline didn't meet either of the brothers' eyes.

"Come on Steffy Bear, let's get suited and booted and give these ladies the thrill of their lives." Damon's gaze raked lasciviously over Bonnie who looked away. Weird, he thought. He walked over to the dressing room and pulled the curtain to reveal a bright fuchsia pink coloured tux with a matching ruffled 70s shirt and top hat. "Nope, Blondie, I am not wearing that, no way, no how."

"Err, Caroline. Are you sure?" Stefan's own suit was identical to Damon's, only pale pink in colour. He knew that Caroline had picked out pink and yellow for their wedding colours, but he had thought meant his buttonhole, not the whole outfit.

Caroline looked crestfallen and she burst into tears, ugly sobbing marring her beautiful face. She vamped out of the shop leaving two shocked Salvatores and a livid Bonnie in her wake.

"Get in those changing rooms, get those suits on and fake it til you make it, you idiots." She hissed. "I'll go find Caroline."

Stefan and Damon, both a little scared of Bonnie's magic, did as they were told.

"How are you doing?" Stefan asked, once he was fully dressed.

"Honestly, I look a mess. You owe me big style for this. Is it too late to back out of best man duties?"

"Yes! I dunno, Damon. This doesn't really seem Caroline's style. I…." Stefan was silenced by the sound of the girls returning.

"Let's have a look then." Caroline called in a wobbly voice.

Two curtains swooshed backed simultaneously to reveal a pair of embarrassed vampires. Damon strutted out like he was on a Paris catwalk; Stefan shambled out, head down. They were greeted by Caroline and Bonnie, camera phones in hand, grinning like cats that had got the cream.

"We've been set up," Damon exclaimed. "You minx." He grabbed Bonnie, swinging her around until she begged to be put down.

"So, you don't want us to wear this?" Stefan, confused, fiddled with the ruffles on his shirt.

"No," Caroline chewed, guiltily, on her lower lip. Stefan pulled her close, kissing her gently.

"What's this in aid of then?" He questioned between kisses.

Caroline peeked up at him from beneath her eyelashes. "My actual choice is a little left field, particularly for the man whose entire wardrobe is black and grey. I thought you would have visions of 'Dumb and Dumber'". At that moment, a shop assistant appeared holding a stylish, pale blue grey tux not a ruffle in sight. Stefan still looked nervous.

"Come on, Stef," Bonnie chided. "Time to step out of your comfort zone!"

Stefan turned from Bonnie's semi threatening face to Damon's look of amusement to Caroline's hopeful gaze. With a deep sigh, he plucked the suit from the assistant's hands and headed to the dressing room. He slipped off the pink monstrosity and into the new outfit. It fitted like a glove and he actually looked okay. He stepped back out into the shop.

Caroline gasped, Bonnie grinned and gave him a thumbs up and Damon looked moderately impressed.

"Very nice," the shop assistant gushed.

Stefan stepped towards Caroline, taking her hand. "Do I pass muster?"

"You look gorgeous." The tears started to form in her eyes. "Exactly as I envisioned you."

"So, not to make this about me, but what am I going to wear?" Damon whined.

Bonnie rolled her eyes and shoved a navy-blue suit into his hands. "There you go, Salvatore. Suit up!"

"So, there's not going to be any pink at this wedding?" The penny finally dropped for Stefan.

"Nope," Caroline smiled. "I don't really like pink."

"I'm such an idiot." He mirrored her smile.

"You're my idiot." With that, she kissed him. This wedding was going to be perfect.