Seth looked down from the balcony at the women sitting down there in the club. The music was loud and most of them seemed to have a good time but he only had eyes for one. Jael. He had been wanting her secretly for so long now. She was a seamstress at WWE and he always went to her when he needed new gear or his old gear needed to be fixed.

She hadn't gone out partying with them for about two weeks. Rumour had it she had been dumped by whoever it was she was dating back at home. Seth didn't care who it was. All he cared about was that she was single and out with them again. He wanted her so bad and he was willing to cross the line to have her. He had been holding back for so long but now that everyone said she was single again, he wasn't gonna waste anymore time.

He watched as the waitress made her way over to her with the drink from him. He wanted to see her response to his gesture.

"A drink from a gentleman," the waitress said as she sat the drink down in front of Jael.
"From who?" Jael asked.
"I'm not allowed to say," the waitress said and smiled.

Jael handed her the drink back.

"No thanks. Whoever he is, tell him thanks but no thanks," she said.

Seth frowned and felt angry as she saw her deny the drink from him. How dare she? Didn't she know who he was? Didn't she know she was beneath him? He would show her her rightful place. For a split second her eyes looked into his as she looked around the entire place but she didn't really look at him. Not the way he wanted her to. Women all over the world would devour the sight of him and she didn't even stop to let her gaze linger on him. He felt furious. No woman ever said no to him and she was about to find out soon enough.

He watched as she got up and said goodbye to the other women. He got up from his chair and slowly made it down the stairs as he watched her walk out of the club. He followed, making sure to stay far enough behind for her not to notice him, and even if she did, she knew him and he could always play off on that. He was in no hurry to catch up with her. After all, they stayed at the same hotel and he already knew her room number. He always knew her room number no matter where they were.

She went inside and waited for the elevator. He made it unseen to the stairs and ran up them as fast as he could. He opened the door to her floor ajar. The elevator hadn't arrived yet. He was in good time. He watched through the open crack as it arrived and he saw her step out of it. Alone, unseen by anyone but him.

She walked to her room and unlocked it. As she stepped inside, he hurried out from his hiding place and ran towards her room. She had almost closed the door and he pushed it open with force, making her stumble into her room. He quickly hit the lightswitch before she turned around and saw it was him. He kicked the door shut as he launched towards her. He yanked her up by her arms. She screamed and fought back the best she could but he was too strong for her. He knew he would be. He had played this out in his mind many times before and the outcome was always the same. Today was the day he would get to experience it for real.

He threw her down on her stomach on the bed. He got the small knife out of his back pocket. He grabbed her hair with his left hand and yanked her head back while the knife in his right hand touched her throat.

"Ssh," he shushed into her ear.

That was the only sound he dared to let out so that she wouldn't recognize his voice. The feeling of the blade against her throat immetiately shut her up.

"Please, don't hurt me," she whispered.

He let go off her hair and moved his hand down to push her dress up. He felt her tense up. It was alright. He was sure he would make her feel good soon enough. She let out a small whine as he ripped the panties from her body, exposing her to him. He grabbed one of her buttocks with his hand and squeezed tight. Again she whined but he didn't care.

He pressed a knee between her legs, forcing them apart. His other knee followed shortly after and he was in between her legs. She heard him unzip his jeans and then the sound of foil being ripped as he opened a condom. Her tears started falling.

"Please..." She whispered as a last plea but either he didn't hear her or he didn't care.

She grabbed the pillow and dug her nails into it as he entered her. It hurt so bad and she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming. The blade against her throat made sure she didn't dare to let out a sound.

His hand went back into her hair as he started thrusting into her. He had dreamed of this moment for so long and he couldn't believe he was actually getting her now. He bit into her shoulder, not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to let her know he was in charge of her. He heard her crying but he didn't care. To him it was the sounds of pleasure. He was having his way with her, one way or another. He had tried to play nice for so long and it hadn't worked. She had asked for it the hard way.

He tried his best not to make any sounds but she felt so good. He sped up, thrusting into her faster, and he bit down hard on his own lip to keep a loud moan within as he finally came. He stayed inside her for a few seconds as he gently ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her back. He wanted to tell her how long he had wanted this and how amazing it had felt to finally get her but he kept quiet. He slowly pulled out of her and closed his jeans again. He watched her as he walked backwards away from the bed. She didn't even turn her head to try and look at him. She just laid there as he had left her. Broken, defeated... and absolutely beautiful in his eyes.

She heard the door close as he left and she finally managed to move. She got out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom. She fell to her knees in front of the toilet and threw up. How could this happen to her? And who was the strange man that had forced himself into her room? As soon as she had finished throwing up, she ran to the door and locked it before she fell to her knees in front of it and sobbed.