Chapter 9: Trying

Everyone in the Order shared an uneasy look in response to Hermione's admission.

How could she have been so stupid as to forget something so important. Hermione Granger, so-called brightest witch of her age, she thought sardonically. She wanted to stomp her foot in frustration.

"Mrs. Potter?" Dumbledore prompted.

She felt James place a comforting hand on her thigh and gently squeeze.

Taking a shaky breath Hermione began to speak, "In the Shrieking Shack during Harry's third year. When he transformed back, he saw me. I remembered because his reaction was so strange."

"That's right," Sirius agreed. "When we accused him of betraying Harry's parents, he looked over and saw Hermione. He lunged at her and begged her to forgive him. Not Harry. Her."

"He was living as a rat for 12 years," Remus rubbed his face tiredly. "It's likely he wouldn't have ingested the memory potion. We were careful not to mention Hermione's name."

"Only Dumbledore, Remus, and Severus knew about the Death Magic prior to our deaths," James added running his hands through his hair making it stick up wildly. "We thought it would be best to keep it as quiet as possible. Remus was undercover, but we had given him a letter to open if anything happened to us explaining everything. We did the same for Peter."

Snape's eyes flickered to James upon hearing his former bully use his first name.

"We must assume that Voldemort knows about Hermione Potter's return." Dumbledore spoke solemnly. "While Death Magic is not considered dark magic, it would be reasonable to conclude someone such as him would be well versed in its workings."

Hermione shot Snape a pleading look, silently asking if he knew anything.

Hermione Hinkley had never been anything but civil to Snape during his time at Hogwarts. Like Lily, she had detested the way James behaved in his younger years. She had supported Lily's friendship with Snape, despite him being a Slytherine and her a Gryffindor. Her only crime was her love for James Potter. And being a swoty little know it all.

"There has been no mention of the Potter's, as far as I am aware," Snape told Hermione, looking her in the eye.

Hermione let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. If Voldemort knew of her return, it would make her a target. She would be easier to get at than the prophecy. Her closeness with Harry, combined with his desire to protect the ones he loved regardless of the personal risk, would put him in even more danger than he already was. No, she wouldn't leave Harry. Not again.

James leaned down to press a comforting kiss to the top of her head. He would do whatever it took to protect Hermione and Harry from Voldemort. He gave his life for them once, he would do it over and over again if it meant they would be safe.

"I will," Snape paused, choosing his words carefully, "alert the Order if I hear any mention of Hermione or James Potter."

"Thank you, Severus," Dumbledore started, "Nevertheless, I would advise that recent events be kept quiet until such a time that it is appropriate."

His final words were aimed solely at Hermione and James, who had earlier made it clear that the decision to let the world know of their return would be Harry's and Harry's alone. Hermione understood the need to protect Harry. A part of her wanted to pack up and move everyone she loved to hide away until the war was over. But that wasn't possible. Harry, no matter how much she detested it, was destined to play a major role in the defeat of Voldemort. Keeping him in the dark would only hurt him in the long run. He had endured so many lies and deceits over the years, and she refused to be the cause of any more. As Harry's best friend, she saw first hand what being kept in the dark had done to Harry. As his mother, she had the power to put a stop to it. Dumbledore and his plans be damned, she thought fiercely.

"We appreciate the concern, Albus," James rose to his feet, his hand never leaving Hermione's upper back. "But like I said before, Harry is our son, and we will decide what is best for him."

"You have been in his life for a day," Molly rose to her feet to meet James head on, "you cannot possibly know what is best for him!"

James looked as if he had been slapped. He took a full step backwards, bewildered by what Molly had just said to him.

"Molly," Arthur soothed, trying to resolve the conflict his wife was creating.

"That's enough!" Sirius yelled.

Hermione stood up. Her face was cold and as impassive as her voice. "I understand that this has been hard for you to wrap your head around, but don't think for a second that you know what is best for Harry. I have been by his side for the last four years and I have seen first hand exactly what happens when you all continuously keep him in the dark. Running off to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. Rushing into the Chamber of Secrets. Pursuing a convict. Harry did all of those things only knowing half of the truth! He has been through more in his 15 years than all of us combined. Maybe if he had known the whole truth, he wouldn't be so inclined to rush head first into dangerous situations.

And you." Hermione rounded on Mrs. Weasley. "You have absolutely no right to speak to my husband that way. He gave his life for Harry! He loves and cares for that boy more than anyone else in this room! How dare you accuse him of not knowing what is best for Harry! Everything James does, and has done, since Harry was born, is to protect him."

At the end of Hermione's rant, Mrs. Weasley was looking thoroughly embarrassed.

James hadn't moved. All of his doubts and insecurities about being Harry's father rose to the surface. He felt Sirius grip his shoulder tightly, grounding him. He could do this. No matter what anyone else thought, he had always strived to be the father that Harry deserved. And that wasn't about to change.

"You're right, Molly," James moved back to the edge of the table. "I have been back in his life for only 24 hours. And in those 24 hours I've seen Harry has become the man I had always hoped he would be. I wish I could tell you that I know Harry. But I can't. But Hermione," he grasped his wife's hand, "Sirius, Remus, they know Harry. And Harry has agreed to let me get to know him as they do. So, I appreciate your concern for my son, I do, but like we've said; he deserves the truth and we will be the ones to give it to him."

Hermione beamed up at her husband. There he is, she thought merrily. James Potter had always been confident, even a little cocky. He knew who he was and he embraced it. Hermione knew James was an amazing father and given the chance, everyone else would see it as well.

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed dejectedly. "If no one else has anything to add…"

He paused giving others opportunity in the room the opportunity to speak up. When no one did he continued, "Our next meeting will be in two weeks before the children head off the start of term."

Snape was the first person out of his chair, gliding hastily to the door. Unthinkingly, James followed. Snape was a few paces in front of him. James was vaguely aware that the children were loitering on the staircase. Probably trying to catch snippets of what was being discussed during the Order meeting, James thought absently.

"Severus," James called. Snape froze. James almost cringed at the tension that had formed from simply addressing his former classmate.

James had never addressed Snape using his first name. Not even when he was brought in by Dumbledore to help create the potion that would end up saving his wife's life.

James cleared his throat awkwardly, taking a step forward and reaching out his right hand.

"Thank you," James' tone reflected the severity of his gratitude. "Truly. My family would not be together right now if it weren't for you and your help."

Snape eyed James' outstretched hand like it had personally offended him.

"I did not do it for you, Potter." Snape bit venomously. The control he had expertly shown during the Order meeting was slipping fast. He did not need nor want James Potter's gratitude.

"I know," James didn't lower his hand, "but I'm grateful nonetheless."

James knew exactly why Snape had agreed to help them. And her name was Lily Evans.

Snape's eyes flashed dangerously before spinning around, his robes billowing out behind him, and shutting the front door with a little more force than necessary. James heard the faint 'crack' of apparition that signified Snape had officially left the building.

James dropped his hand and slipped it casually into the front pocket of his jeans. A faint smile was playing at the edge of his lips. He hadn't expected Snape to shake his hand. In fact, he half expected a particularly powerful, well deserved, stinging jinx to be thrown at him.

Movement on the staircase caused James to look up. Harry, along with all Weasley children, sans Bill and Charlie, were staring down at him. Before he had the chance to greet them, Dumbledore exited the kitchen. The headmaster swiftly crosses the foyer with sparing so much as a glance at Harry and the others gathered on the stairs.

"Mister Potter," both James and his son looked to the professor, who was facing away from both of them. "I am very pleased to see you have reunited with your family."

Dumbledore opened the door and apparated away.

James wasn't given much time to ponder the old wizard's comment, as he was suddenly jostled by a strong solid body crashing into his own. Automatically, James' arms wrapped around the figure. Looking down, he saw a mess of jet black hair that mirrored his own. He felt the frames of Harry's glasses against his shoulder.

James instantly understood Dumbledore's last words before he left. They weren't for him, they were for Harry.

Harry let go of all the doubts he had surrounding James and Hermione's story as soon as the words had left Dumbledore's mouth. He had wanted to believe them last night, and that morning at breakfast, but a part of him was holding back. A part of him thought it was a cruel joke devised by the universe to give him back his parents and then have them taken away when their story turned out to be a lie.

Now, there was no doubt. Only happiness and hope. Harry could have a family. He didn't have to be alone anymore. Trying suddenly felt so much more doable than it had the night before.

"You alright, son?" James asked when Harry pulled away.

"Fantastic." Harry smiled brightly.

"Fantastic?" James smiled back raising an eyebrow at his word choice.

"Yes. Fantastic." Harry confirmed, echoing Remus' words from the night before.

"Me too."

"So, is the Order meeting over yet?" Ron interrupted. "I'm starving."

"Ron!" Ginny hissed. "Can't you see they were having a moment. I swear, you only think with your stomach."

"Yeah, Ron!" George repeated with fake outrage.

"You just interrupted a precious moment between father and son," Fred continued in the same tone as his brother.

"Quite beautiful really," George went on.

"Bugger off," Ron shoved Fred. His cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Mother mine!" George called out for his mother.

"Ron is being mean!" Fred finished.

Ginny kicked Fred, causing him to trip down the remaining steps.

George made a high pitched choking noise in the back of his throat.

"Feorge," Fred called from the bottom of the staircase, "I've been done in by my own sister."

"It's okay, Gred," George grabbed Ginny and hoisted her over his left shoulder, "I'll avenge you."

"Put me down, you prat!" Ginny struggled in her brother's grip as much as she could without fear of falling.

George rushed to the bottom of the staircase to meet his twin. "Ron, come," He adjusted his grip on Ginny, beckoning his brother. "To the kitchen!"

Ron followed his siblings into the kitchen, glancing back at Harry, who had an amused look on his face, and James, who looked like he was remembering a particularly fond memory.

"They remind me of the Marauders," James commented wistfully.

"Really?" Harry asked. Most of the stories he had heard about the marauders were solely James centric. Remus and Sirius had focused on stories that would give Harry a sense of who his father was, choosing to gloss over most stories that involved themselves.

"Well, we have some time before you head back to Hogwarts," James placed his hands in his front pockets nervously. "I would love to educate on the greatness that was, and still is, the Marauders."

"There you two are," Hermione's entrance cut off Harry's reply. "I swear if that woman says one more thing to me about my son, I'm going to-"

"Alright, love," James silenced his wife's ranting by snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into his side. "Enough shop talk. I was just promising Harry that I would teach him the ways of the Marauders before he goes back to Hogwarts."

"James, I swear to Merlin," Hermione looked her husband straight in the eye, "If I get one letter from McGonagall saying that our son made all the slytherins quack like ducks at breakfast, what I did to you our sixth year will seem like child's play in comparison."

"Oh, c'mon, that was funny and you know it."

"Was it funny when you spent the next four Saturdays in detention?"

Harry could not keep himself from smiling if he tried. Despite the bickering currently taking place in front of him, Harry couldn't recall a time when he had ever been happier. Even getting his Hogwarts letter paled in comparison to this moment.

"You okay, love?" Hermione asked, noting Harry's goofy smile.


AN: Little bit of a filler chapter. I had a lot of fun with this one. I loved writing Hermione standing up for James! I know that many of you have commented that Molly seems annoying, but it comes from a place of love and Hermione and James both know that. This will be the last time I will write in depth about Death Magic and the doubts that others have about their story. I love hearing from you guys so review of PM me!

Stay Safe, lovelies! xoxo