Emma grew up thinking her wedding would be the most magical night of her life. So far, she was right.

Three years after that fateful day in Sean's driveway, he had proposed in the very same spot. Even though Emma had long since convinced him to move out of the ratty apartment in the back of the shop, after that moment they made a rare visit back to the place where they had their first real reunion.

Six months later, Spike walked Emma down the aisle to her childhood sweetheart. They both shed more tears than they'd like to admit when Snake gave an emotional speech before they said their vows, which then induced even more tears.

Hours after the ceremony, Emma couldn't wipe the image of Sean's smile when Snake had said "you may now kiss the bride" off her mind. It made her grin to herself as she cleaned up the banquet hall after most of the guests had left. Among the few that remained were her Mom and Manny. Everything was pretty much done, so Sean went to get the car to load all of the gifts they received.

"Hey, Em," Manny called. "Everything is pretty much "

"Thank you so much for everything!" Emma pulled her Maid of Honour into a tight hug. "How are you holding up, Sweetie?"

After Jay's secret was exposed, he left Toronto and no one has heard from him since. Manny hasn't been in a relationship since Spinner broke up with her. Despite playing the role of the supportive best friend perfectly, Emma could see the pain in her eyes as she watched the ceremony. The regret that festered within her as she pictured herself and Jay in front of that altar instead of her two friends.

"I'll be fine," she sighed. "I'm strong."

"Sometimes, it's okay not to be." Emma released her from the embrace and looked her in the eye. "Remember I'm always going to be there for you, okay?"

Their moment was interrupted by the arrival of Sean. The two girls shared another hug before saying their goodbyes and Manny went home for some much-needed sleep. After she left, Sean pulled his new wife into a heated kiss.

"Let's grab these gifts and get out of here," he growls. "I believe we have a honeymoon to enjoy."

It takes a few trips to bring all of the gifts to their car, but when the pile has shrunk they notice a crumpled pile of paper tied together with a few pieces of string. Hidden in the back, they were covered with Sean's messy handwriting and Emma's neat printing. But perhaps the most noticeable detail, was the tag, with only two words scribbled on it, hastily tied to the string.

I'm sorry