
Darkness befell me as the rattling of chains were heard. A daily occurrence among the slaves of the Donquixote Pirates. On my left side was my brother, who was riddled with the horrid Amber Lead sickness, while on my right was our polar bear companion. The three of us have been with Donquixote Doflamingo for almost five years now. Ever since he came and took us from the North Blue all the while murdering Corazon as well. It tore my brother's heart to shreds having saw it with his own eyes. I was blindfolded when it all happened, but I could hear and sense what was happening. That too nearly ripped my heart to shreds.

This happened when we were only nine and 12 years old. Now at the ages of 14 and 17, we were planning on how to escape from the horrors of being here. Or at least we have been for the past three years. After which that wretched Doflamingo force-fed me a devil fruit that made me the prime subject to his tortures. Scars riddled my body because of it, both internal and external. Now that one of his endeavors has gone too far, the three of us need to escape now.

"Otouto," At the sound of his voice I lifted my head full of thick silver locks to look at my brother. "You need to leave by yourself. For the both of your safety's."

I blinked owlishly as his words processed through my head. I should be kicking and screaming in outrage, as any normal 14-year-old would, but I'm far from the very definition of normal. A mere nod and small thankful smile was given from me as I handed my older brother the pick-pocketed Ope-Ope no mi.

"Then you'll need this for when you escape as well Law."

His dark golden eyes widen in surprise and slight hope as he took the fruit and hid it behind his back.

As night fell, I made sure that my senses were sharp and clear to detect if any of them were still asleep. Law and Bepo had long since helped me remove my seastone handcuffs, so all I had to do was stay in the same position to avoid suspicion from Doflamingo and his cronies. Which surprisingly was not very hard to do.

Once the moon was high in sky signaling that it was indeed midnight, my handcuffs were very slowly and quietly taken off before I stood up on my large feet. The large pirate ship's passageways were surprisingly very easy to figure out. So, it didn't take very long before my feet landed me on the top deck. However, due to Doflamingo being a very powerful and dangerous pirate, I had to be extra careful where my feet stepped in case of any squeaky or loose boards. Just as I had made it into one of the lifeboats and had dropped it into the sea, the sensation of that monster stirring from his sleep made itself known. My hands grabbed the oars quickly before I rowed the boat away as fast as I could without straining myself. It wasn't until my heterochromatic eyes couldn't see the ship anymore that my body finally relaxed in relief. A small hopeful smile reached my lips as my left hand went to my stomach and gently rubbed it in reassurance.

It's all right, little one. I'll find us someplace safe to live in. I promise to keep you safe. Always."

A fluttering sensation in my stomach responded to my words as I closed my eyes to go into the deepest sleep I have had in years.