Been wanting to do a Persona story for a while and I guess now is the time. I really love Persona 4. It's a favorite game of mine so that's a reason for doing this. If you've noticed I plan this to be a OC/Chie story because I don't really see a lot of stories with that pairing. Plus, Chie is my favorite girl in Persona 4 so that's another reason for doing a story like this. But enough with me rambling on like an idiot let's get into this.

I don't own Persona or it's characters.

It's owned by it's respective owner.

Please enjoy...

Persona 4: Seekers Of The Truth Vs. Serial Murderers Pt.1

"RYOTA!" A woman yelled working in the kitchen, She had black hair that was in a ponytail, blue-eyes and light skin tone. She was currently wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt, a pair of simple jeans and an apron, this woman's name was Akiko Ishimoto. "That boy." Akiko sighed looked to her daughter who was similar in her mothers' looks but the girls' hair was long and reached to her upper back behind her, The girl was wearing a red t-shirt, pair of jeans that were rolled to her knees and she was bare foot. The girl was reading a book at the dinner table.

"Erika, honey...?" Akiko said.

"Yeah, mom...?" Erika said.

"Could you go get your sweet big brother for me?" Akiko asked.

"Sure." Erika sighed. "Ryota is probably sleeping at his desk again. I'll go wake him." Erika got up from where she was sitting at the table.

"Thank you." Her mother said sweetly.

Erika walked up stairs in her families two-story house and walked up to a room with the door half-open. She opened the door at at a writing desk with a collection of open books and pencils and papers filled with notes was sitting with his head at the table and looked completely past out was Erika's brother, Ryota Ishimoto.

Erika walked and lightly tapped Ryota's face in order to wake him.

"Hey, Ryota..." Erika said. "Wake up."

Ryota began to stir awake and finally lean his head up. His hair was a black just like his mothers' and sisters', light skin and was also blue-eyed but over his blue eyes he wears a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. He runs a hand through his hair and adjusts his glasses on his face.

"What do you want, Erika?" Ryota asked annoyed. "Can't you see I'm trying to study."

"You're always studying." Erika scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Can't you just take a break from it for once?"

"Listen, I just..." Ryota sighed. "Just what do you want?"

"Not me, Mom needs you." Erika said. "She's called you three times now."

"Okay." Ryota sighed.

"So, hurry up!" Erika laughed. "You don't wanna make Mom mad. You know that, right?"

"I know that a little too well." Ryota remarked as his sister laughed again.

Ryota was just wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans and some black socks. The two siblings walked downstairs and made their way to the kitchen where there mother was.

"You called, Mother?" Ryota said as he stepped into the kitchen.

"Yes I was." Akiko said. "What were doing up there?"

"I was studying." Ryota said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"More like sleeping." Erika joked as Ryota rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Well, you're here now so I need you to go pick up some butter and salt for dinner tonight." Akiko said.

"Did we run out already?" Ryota sighed. "Alright, I'll go to Junes right now."

"Now, that's what I'd like to hear." Akiko smiled at her son.

Ryota walked to the front door to his home and went to go put on his black sneakers.

"And Ryota make sure you hurry back." Akiko said. "It's gonna rain later tonight."

"Alright, I got it." Ryota waved off his mom and walked out his house. "I'm off."

[In town]

Ryota was currently at Junes in the shopping department. He purchased for the salt and left the large store. He walked through the shopping district and as he was looked at the local gas station in Inaba called "MOEL". He saw a white car and next to the car was young girl, her name was Nanako Dojima. She wasn't alone, there was also a silver-haired young man next to the car that just got done talking to the gas station attendant.

THe guy looked sick for a little while. Nanako after asking if the boy was okay looks over and notices Ryota and waves to him.

"Ryota!" Nanako smiled at Ryota. The silver-haired boy looks over and see's Ryota. Ryota makes his way over to the two.

"Hey there, Nanako-Chan." Ryota waved and looked over at the silver-haired boy that looked to be about his age. "Hey, how's it goin'? I'm Ryota Ishimoto." Ryota placed out his hand for the boy to shake.

"Um, I'm Yu Narukami." The boy called Yu took Ryota's hand and shook.

"Cool, nice to meet you, Narukami." Ryota said. "You going to school here in Inaba?"

"Yes I am." Yu answered. "I just transferred here."

"A transfer student, huh?" Ryota said. "That's gonna cause talk at school. You must be going to Yasogami high, aren't you since it's the only high school here?"

"Yeah." Yu nodded.

"Alright then." Ryota said.

"Oh, Ryota." A male voice said. Ryota looked over and noticed Ryotaro Dojima.

"Hi, Dojima-San." Ryota said.

"Were you doing some shopping here in town?" Dojima asked.

"Yeah, just some shopping for my mom for dinner tonight." Ryota said. "By the way, is it okay if I catch a ride with you, Dojima-San."

"Sure." Dojima said. "We'll drop you off on the way back home."

"Thanks." Ryota said.

"Oh, this here is my nephew from the big city." Dojima said nodding toward Yu.

"So he's your nephew?" Ryota said. "We've already been introduced."

"He's his nephew?" Ryota thought. "That explains why they look similar in looks a little."

"Well, we should probably get going if we're gonna drive you home." Dojima suggested.

"Okay, let's go." Ryota agreed.

As every got into Dojima's car. With Nanako in front and with Ryota and Yu in the back.

Dojima and his other passengers drove Ryota to his home. Narukami didn't seem like the talkative type but that doesn't mean he was wasn't scrambling for words to say to him. They stopped in front of Ryota's house. It was a blue two-story house with a black roof.

"Alright, here you are, Ryota." Dojima said.

"Thanks a lot, Dojima-San." Ryota smiled. He opened the door to the car. "Bye, Nanako-Chan."

"Bye, Ryota." Nanako said. "Say hi to your Sister and Mom for me."

"I will." Ryota smiled and looked Yu. "See ya around, Narukami. I'll see you at school."

"Sure." Yu nodded with a small smile.

Ryota got out of Dojima's car and closed the door and waved at the car one last time and walked to his house.

"Mom, Erika!" Ryota said. "I'm home."

"You're back a whole lot sooner?" Akiko said.

"Yeah, well I got a ride." Ryota said.

"From who...?" His mom asked.

"From Dojima-San and Nanako-Chan." Ryota said. "Nanako wanted me to you guys hi."

Nanoko know's Ryota's family because they'd sometimes run into her at Junes sometimes and talk with her.

"Nanako-Chan is such a sweet girl." Akiko smiled.

"She's such a good kid." Erika smiled. "But wait, I thought Dojima-San be busy with him being a detective and?" Erika said.

"Yeah, well he was driving home with Nanako along with his nephew." Ryota said.

"Dojima-San's got a nephew?" Erika said. "What's he like?"

"I don't know?" Ryota shrugged. "We didn't really talk much but he seemed nice. He's looks about my age so he'll be going to Yasogami like us." Ryota said handing his mother the groceries. "Inaba isn't really a big place so we're bound to see him around town."

[Next morning]

Ryota is getting ready for school. He wears the Yasogami high uniform. The jacket is buttoned-up leaving two buttons un-done on top and under the jacket and under his white dress shirt he wears a dark blue t-shirt. His finishing touch is putting his glasses on his face.

He got done getting ready for school and walked downstairs carrying his satchel bag with his supplies and books in it. The second he got down he noticed a note on the fridge. He grabbed and it read:

"Have to be at work earlier this morning so for breakfast your on your own, Love Mom."

"Alright, thanks Mom." Ryota said. "Better started while it's early before Erika wakes up."

Ryota got started on the cooking. He cooked eggs and bacon and put toast in the toaster. While he cooked, Erika came down stairs with yawn wearing her own Yasogami high uniform holding her backpack.

"That smells good, morning." She waved to her brother and sat at the table.

"Good morning." Ryota said. "Your up earlier than usual."

"Well, I thought I'd get up early since I am starting this year." Erika said.

"Oh, that's right." Ryota said. "Your a first year." Ryota places the eggs and bacon on Erika's plate as the toast pops. "Quick warning at Yasogami, try to avoid King Moron."

"King Moron?" Erika said and realized... "Oh yeah, I've heard about him, students really despise him."

"Yep, it doesn't matter what grade your in, that guy will annoy you until your ears bleed." Ryota said placing food on his plate. "And you'll never hear the end of it."

"That's what I heard about him." Erika said and began eating. "You think we're gonna see Dojima's nephew?"

"He told me he's gonna go to Yasogami, so we're gonna see him most likely." Ryota said still eating.

Erika finishes her food on her plate and places her backpack on her. She even grabbed her umbrella since it was raining

"I'm gonna head to school now since it's the first day for me." Erika said. "See ya there."

"Yeah, see ya." Ryota waved off his sister as she left out the door and continued eating until he finished. "I wonder what class I'm gonna have?" He mumbled as he ate.

Ryota walking to school with his satchel bag around his body and holding his umbrella walked down the school zone near the Samegawa flood plain to Yasogami high school. On his way there he spotted Narukami and Nanako walking down the flood plain.

He noticed them and walked up to them.

"Hey, good morning you two." Ryota smiled.

"Hi Ryota!" Nanako smiled. "Where's Erika?"

"She decided to head to school early since she was starting as a first year this year." Ryota said and then noticed Yu. "You showing him the way Nanako-Chan?"

"Uh huh." Nanako nodded and looked at Yu. "You keep going straight from here." She pointed forward and then turned around to other. "My school is this way. Bye."

"Have a good day, Nanako-Chan." Ryota waved bye the girl as she waved back with a smile and continued walking her way to school. He turned to Narukami. "Yep, we just head straight. Pretty easy to remember, huh?"

"Uh, yeah." Yu said simply.

"Well, let's get goin'." Ryota said as him and Yu began walking to school. Ryota began thinking of things to talk about since he didn't get the chance to yesterday when he and Yu met. "So, since your a transfer student is it something do with your parents since your here in Inaba?"

Yeah, my parent's are working oversea's, so they sent me here to live with my uncle." Yu said.

"With Dojima-San, huh?" Ryota said as Yu nodded. "If you want I could show you around town when you have the time, there isn't a whole lot here but I promise you Inaba isn't as boring as it seems."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it." Yu said.

As the two teens walked to school carrying their umbrella's they heard of someone riding a very squeaky bike.

"Whoooah...!" The person shouted and crashed into a pole hitting himself in his crotch area. He held himself in pain. Ryota knew his person as Yosuke Hanamura. The two walked up to him and looked at Yosuke. The brown-haired male groaned in pain.

Narukami kept walking to the school. Ryota walked to Yosuke.

"First day and already getting hurt, eh, Hanamura?" Ryota said with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, whatever." Yosuke groaned again.

Ryota then left Yosuke and caught up with Yu. The two walked up to the gate at the school.

"Here we are." Ryota said to Yu. "This here is Yasogami High School."

"This is it...?" Yu said. He sounded like he was almost in disbelief even though he didn't really sound like it by the tone of his voice.

"It's not super impressive but yeah this is it." Ryota said and began walking inside with Yu following. They put away their umbrella's once they inside. "Alright, you got it from here?"

"Um, yeah." Yu said.

"If you know where your class is you just look at the roster on the board right there." Ryota pointed to it for Yu to see the roster board. "See ya."

Ryota left Narukami and went to look at the board. Ryota began looking at the roster and spotted his name in the second years.

"I'm in class 2-2." Ryota said. "Okay, now who's...?" He then saw the teacher for the class. "King Moron. Great." Ryota said, sounding enthusiastic.

Ryota walked inside class 2-2. King Moron was nowhere in sight. He took in his surroundings. All the students were all talking amongst themselves. He even caught some familiar faces in the class.

One of them was a girl with short brown-haired girl with brown eyes and wearing green jacket. The second was a black-haired girl wearing a red cardigan over her uniform. The first girl was Chie Satonaka and the second was Yukiko Amagi.

He made his way up to them when Chie who was talking to Yukiko looked up and noticed him.

"Ryota!" Chie said. "Are you apart of this class too?"

"That's right." Ryota nodded smiling. "Hi Chie, hey Yukiko-San."

"Hello, Ryota-Kun." Yukiko said.

From the side other students were having a conversation.

"Talk about bad luck..." Sighed a male student sitting at a desk. "The homeroom teacher here in this class is Morooka, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's King Moron alright..." The other male student replied. "We get to enjoy his long-ass sermons everyday for a whole year."

"Hey you guys, I heard there's going to be a transfer student from the city in this class." A female student said as she was talking to the male student's.

"Huh? Really?" The sitting student said. "A guy or a girl?"

"A transfer student from the city..." Chie said. "Just like you, huh, Yosuke?"

Yosuke wasn't even paying attention since he was just sitting with his head planted on his desk.

"Huh? You look dead today." Chie said.

"Yeah, I don't wanna talk about." Yosuke groaned.

"Yeah, I bet you don't." Ryota quipped as he adjusted his glasses on his face since he witnessed Yosuke's "accident" this morning.

Chie rose an eyebrow at Yosuke and looked over at Yukiko.

"What's with him?" Chie asked her friend.

"Who knows?" Yukiko said.

"Hmm?" Ryota thought. "Does this mean that Narukami is gonna be in this class?"

"Hey, Ryota...?" Chie said. Ryota snapped out of his thoughts looked and at Chie.

"Yeah, what is it?" Ryota asked.

"You busy today...?" Chie began to ask until the door then opened which revealed Mr. Morooka, class 2-2's homeroom teacher who was also known to the students as "King Moron" along with Narukami walking in behind him. All the students took their seats. Ryota took his seat in an open desk next to Yosuke.

"Alright, shut your traps!" King Moron yelled at the students who quieted down. "I'm Kinshiro Morooka, your homeroom teacher from today forward! First things first! Just 'cause it's spring doesn't mean you can swoon over each other like love-struck baboons. Long as I'm around, you students are going to be pure as the driven snow!"

This made the student's in the classroom sweat-drop.

"Now I hate wasting my time, but I'd better introduce this transfer student." Morooka gestured over to Yu. "This sad sack's been thrown from the big city out from the middle of nowhere like yesterday's garbage. And he's just as much of a loser here as he was there, so you girls better not get any ideas about hitting on him!"

"Wow, King Moron..." Ryota thought. "You just met the guy and you're already dissing him. Classic."

"Tell 'em your, kid, and make it quick." Morooka told Yu.

"...You callin' me a loser?" Narukami answered as in to stand up to King Moron. All the student's brought their heads up in surprise. Ryota smiled amusingly.

"That's it, your on my shit list, effective immediately." Morooka said angrily. "Now listen up! This town is miles away from your big city of perverts and assholes, in more ways than one. You better not even think of getting involved with the girls here, let alone abusing them! But what do I's not like the old days. Even here, kids grow up so damn fast."

"And so, the long speeches of Morooka begin now..." Ryota thought in his head with roll of his eyes.

"Every time I turn my back, you're fooling around on those damn phones, checking your life-journals and your my-places..." Morooka continued. He just continued ranting much to everyone is classrooms annoyance.

"Someone's gotta say something or else someone's probably gonna rip their own ears off." Ryota thought.

"Excuse me!" Chie rose her arm up. "Is it okay if the transfer student sits here?"

"Nice save, Chie." Ryota thought with a smile.

"Huh? Yeah, sure." Morooka said and then turned to Yu. "Hear that? Your seats over there. So hurry up and siddown already!"

Yu only nodded and went to go and take his seat next to Chie.

"He's the worst, huh?" Chie whispered to Yu. "Rotten luck for you to get stuck in this class...Well, we'll just have to hang in there for a year."

Ryota tapped Yu on the shoulder as the silver-haired young man looked at him.

"Nice job on sticking to him." Ryota whispered with a smile. Narukami said nothing, he just nodded.

"Sucks to be the transfer student, ending up in King Moron's class on the first morning here..." A male student said to a female student.

"Yeah, he won't think twice about suspending you if you get on his bad side." The female student answered. "Then again, we're all in the same boat..."

"Shut your traps!" Morooka told the students. "I'm taking roll, and I damn well expect you to respond in an orderly manner!"

Okay! I hope that was okay for a first chapter. Hope you enjoyed it since it took me a long time to get this planned out. I think we can actually get this whole thing going. Please review and tell me what you think. If you think I need to improve on or need fixing on something, don't be afraid to say anything I don't bite.

Well, I'm signing off. Hope to see ya guys next time!