So quick announcement I have a beta reader and editor her name is Theri she will be helping me with the rest of the series.
As for the chapter length when talking with Theri, she thought it is faster to lower the word count to 1,000-5,000, and I agree, so chapter s will be shorter but made up with her excellent ideas for the story,
As it stands, five ideas have been written out for a future date all involving the other Persona protagonists and even some other small events. And to note in June, all writing should pick up as the summer rolls in we will be trying to post as many chapters as possible. Thank you so much for following and commenting/reviewing it warms my heart to see so many people love this!
Walking out of the faculty office, Akira said nothing as she brushed by other students. She didn't care how she looked to them currently; she just needed to get to Ryuji and Morgana. Before she could go off and track them down, a teacher told her that classes were back in session. She had no other choice but to wait. The entire time she made sure to listen, but the steely hardness in her gaze was warning enough not to fuck with her.
As soon as the last bell rang, she ran out of the classroom. Every moment that Kamoshida wasn't caught made her more and more pissed off. The fact that he had not only groped her and made her feel violated, but was now thinking it was okay to hit on her and get between her legs just to get out of expulsion made her brain boil. Honestly, she wanted nothing more than to push him off the rooftop. To make him understand firsthand how Shiho must've felt. But that wasn't what a phantom thief did. A phantom thief stole hearts.
Heading to the courtyard, she spotted Ryuji and Morgana before dashing towards them. The two spotted Akira. Before Ryuji could greet her, she finally burst out with, "What do we need to take down Kamoshida's palace?" The bitterness and venom that swirled in her tone made even a hardcore delinquent like Sakamoto flinch.
The two gazed at her with immediate concern. Ryuji held out his hands in an attempt to calm her down a bit. "Look, I agree what Kamoshida did was shitty, but you said it yourself! We can't go in blindly. We could risk killing him."
"I don't care, Ryuji!" she shouted, unable to hold back the tears of frustration dripping down her cheeks. "I-I don't care anymore…," she finished slowly, lowering herself to the ground as she let more tears fall. Morgana jumped down and climbed into her arms, purring as if trying to calm her.
The blond athlete frowned, suddenly recalling the events from earlier. When Akira hadn't tagged along with him and Mishima, Ryuji had just assumed she had went on to class. But yet something was amiss. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. Kneeling down beside her, he rested a hand comfortingly on the girl's shoulder. "What did Kamoshida tell you when we left?"
The girl looked at her companion in surprise. "How did you - " Akira started before shutting her mouth. She thought for a few moments for a way to reply while Ryuji waited patiently. By every muscle in his body, it was obvious to her that he wanted desperately to know. Sighing in capitulation, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. "He told me to come to his house and have sex with him. In exchange, he wouldn't expel me…," she admitted honestly.
For several quiet moments, the two listeners were silent. Then, Ryuji began to pace, his face turning a bright red. "That shitbag!" Finally stopping, he slammed his hand viciously against the glass of the vending machine. "We can't waste any time." The blond turned towards Morgana with fire in his eyes. "We gotta hurry and go to that world so we can beat the shit out of that asshole!"
Morgana looked towards Ryuji. "First of all, calm down. What Kamoshida did is beyond something I don't condone, but right now going in with blind anger and emotions high will get us all killed." The cat gave Akira one last reassuring purr and stepped out of her lap. "Secondly, we are not beating him up. We are simply stealing his distorted desires," he continued. Ryuji remained quiet. Akira, slowly calming down from the situation, looked towards the feline trying to calm the situation. Now that Morgana could see that Akira calmed down, the feline continued.
"I can assume that you have both made up your minds about this. About how he might suffer a mental breakdown?" Morgana asked the pair.
Morgana was on edge; in front of the feline were two emotionally unstable teens. Both had their reasons for the emotional instability, but still, it would be dangerous to have them take Kamoshida's desires with that mindset. The feline needed them with clear minds for this. One wrong move and it would spell the end for all three of them.
Ryuji quickly nodded. "'Course I have. Someone almost died,he's extorting Akira! I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him anymore."
Morgana head shifted to look at Akira, who was slowly getting up and rubbing away any remaining tears from her face. "And you?" Morgana mewed gently.
Akira took a second to get her thoughts together. Morgana was right; as much as she wanted to beat the shit out of Kamoshida brutally, it wouldn't help put him behind bars. She just had to deal with it for a bit longer. Right now the mission was clear: to steal his desires, and that's the only thing that mattered. "This is our only way to make Kamoshida face his crimes. It's either this or allowing him to continue his rule over this school. I can't allow it," she stated with a calm anger.
The fire had returned to her eyes. There was time for tears later.
With what Akira could only describe as a cat smile, Morgana mewed happily, "Then it's decided."
"By the way, is gettin' rid of a palace hard? You've tried it before, right?" Ryuji asked, only now realizing that it might be a good idea to ask Morgana that.
"When did I ever say that?" Morgana sniffed.
Ryuji took a second to process Morgana's answer, his brown eyes faintly unfocused. Finally, he frowned. "What!? Were you just pretendin' to know!?"
The feline didn't get a chance to answer as a soft, female voice interrupted their discussion.
"Is it true that you're getting expelled?" The three took a moment to identify the voice and turned toward the direction of the sound, only to be met with Ann. It seems she had come back from the hospital. Looking at her, Akira could tell she had been crying, as she could see tear lines.
But that wasn't what made Akira curious - it was the fact that people now knew about them possibly getting expelled. She could only assume Kamoshida told people himself, or someone overheard the yelling in the PE facility office outside from the hallway.
"Everyone's talking about it…," Ann added sullenly, not surprising Akira in the slightest at that point. Rumors seemed to be Shujin's favorite pastime. It sounded hilarious to Akira; a prep school determined to teach the future and get kids ready for college, and the real world didn't have equally as enthusiastic students. Instead they were more concerned about every little rumor they heard.
"That asshole's at it again!" Ryuji snarled. His face turned into a familiar scowl as he eyed Ann. "So you came all this way to tell us that?" The sour, defensive tone in his voice shot right towards her.
"If you're going to deal with Kamoshida, let me in on it too." Ann's words were a surprise to Akira and Ryuji, though it was clear to Akira why the blonde wanted in. Shiho's suicide attempt must have finally broken whatever was left of Ann's patience regarding Kamoshida. Ann's voice rose with the same resentment the two of them had previously shared. "I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!" Her voice echoed across the courtyard with all the hurt and anger pent up inside of the second-year.
Akira took a moment to ponder her classmate's words. What was the best way to handle the situation? Ryuji, however, wasn't nearly so refined in his processing. "This has nothing to do with you," he started as Akira tried to pull on his sleeve to get him to shut up. He ignored it, instead shaking his head. "Don't butt your head into this!" he warned Ann.
"But it does! Shiho's my -" Ann didn't have a chance to retaliate as Ryuji's voice grew louder at her response.
"I said don't get in our way!" He threw the blonde a frigid glare. After a few tense moments of eye contact, Ann walked away in anger, realizing she wasn't going to change Ryuji's mind.
Akira just stared at the blond in anger. Morgana's ears folded back. "That was a bit harsh," the cat said honestly.
"We can't take her somewhere like that," Ryuji replied hotly, and to a degree he was right. Kamoshida's palace was dangerous to an outsider, especially one without a Persona.
Morgana still looked a bit sad. "I hope that she doesn't torment herself over this. When it comes down to it, women don't hesitate," the cat said truthfully despite Akira being there. Though the girl did agree they were fickle creatures. In fact, she was possibly the same.
Ryuji shook his head in agreement before getting back to the point at hand. "We just gotta hurry up and deal with Kamoshida. Let's go already." Ryuji's leg was twitching, as if he was ready to lash out at any moment. It seemed the entire incident only fueled his flames.
With no disagreement, the three left the school courtyard and headed out towards one of the alleyways to plan.
After successfully navigating through the students eager to leave and head home or go to clubs, they hid in a familiar alley. Morgana jumped on top of a metal box for the few minutes they spent waited for the crowds of students to leave.
Eventually, the coast was clear. Ryuji turned around and nodded as if to say it was clear to talk.
"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, so I hope you're ready," Morgana warned them.
"Huh? Phantom thieves?" Ryuji asked the feline as the reference went over his head.
"Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal treasure - that is what we become!" Morgana proudly explained, a smug glimmer in his eye.
"I see. I quite like that explanation," Akira replied, a kind of coy smirk pulling her lips back. It sounded straight out of an American cartoon.
"That sounds kinda cool!" Ryuji agreed with excitement.
"So we just gotta say the school, Kamoshida's name, and castle? Then we end up in bizarro world." Ryuji tried to retrace the steps they took a few days ago. He took out his phone with the Metaverse app front and center before looking at it with some confusion. "How the hell's all this work? Did someone make it?" he asked out loud.
"I honestly don't know, but does it matter, Ryuji? This app is allowing us to take down Kamoshida," she replied with a sigh.
"True. There's no point in thinkin' about it now." Ryuji's face lit up with glee as he stretched his arm. "All right, I'm gonna bust loose. We'll show that effin' Kamoshida!"
Akira quickly grabbed her phone and opened the Metaverse app. She looked back to her teammates, wanting to confirm that they were ready.
"Let's go!" Morgana ordered. That was all Akira needed to hear. Grinning maliciously, she tapped the eye icon, failing to notice the discreet pair of eyes watching the whole scene unfold from a short distance.
Ann looked over at them hiding in the corner of the entrance to the alley. She had heard everything. "They really are going to do something….They're doing something on their phone? A name…. School?" What could they possibly be doing?
A small tug yanks at Akira's stomach, and she feels the atmosphere change, dragging Ann along with them.
Once again thank you Theri for helping me out! Please leave your thoughts in a review!