Ezra was surprised to find the chair once again occupied when he woke the next morning. "I expected you would be out on patrol by this time."

"JD told me you wanted to talk to me first." Vin answered.

"Yes, but when he informed me you had morning patrol, I assumed that would not be possible."

"There was no need to get a real early start today. Besides, it ain't even 7 o'clock yet Ez."

"God forbid! Why would you assume I would be awake and functioning at such an hour?"

"I was right –wasn't I? Figured you weren't gonna be sleeping all that sound, all things considered."

"No, I suppose not.

"What did you need to see me about Ez?"

He moistened his lips, silently trying to find the words he needed. "I understand we have not had a reply from Sheriff Mitchell on the details of what was discovered with the Olsen gang?"

"Not last I heard. Let me save you the trouble. Yes, I am planning on heading out toward where you were attacked. See what I can find. Not sure about tracks since it rained pretty hard out that way yesterday, but we know where they got caught, so it shouldn't be hard to figure their path."

"We would have been told if – if they'd found…"

"Ezra, there's no way to say it that sounds good. No, the sheriff said nothing about Chaucer's body. They may have abandoned it on the way, and I'll look."

"There was an army unit involved in the arrest?"


"My understanding is that when supplies are at a premium…?"

He couldn't believe how calm Ezra sounded. One look into his eyes betrayed the truth though. "Yes Ezra. They use horse meat."

There were several seconds of silence. He finally found his voice again. "I have to know. I need to know what happened."

"No – you really don't. Torturing yourself about this won't help."

"Not knowing is the torture. One way or the other, I must know what happened to him."

"You really think it will help? Knowing? Either answer, any answer?"

"It is the not knowing. My mind is creating strange and frightening scenes. At least with an answer, it will narrow down the horrors."

"Ezra –"

"Please. I need to know"

Vin sighed deeply. This was not going to go well, whatever news he had to bring back. "Ok. You win. If you're sure. I'll find out what I can, but when I get back, you can change your mind about hearing the details."

"Thank you." He leaned heavily back into the pillows.

"Can I ask you something?" Drained, Ezra simply nodded is response. "Since we got back into town, you ain't called one of us by name. Not even Mister, let alone by name. You did a few times on the trail, but since we got in, I don't think you've done it once. For any of us."


"You pissed off at us? I mean I get it if you are-"

"NO! How could I possibly harbour any ill feelings toward you? Any of you? You rode out to find me, save me. You have all done far more than I could ever have expected to assist me in dealing with, well with all of this."


"It is difficult to explain. I honestly was not aware of my actions. If I have to put it to words, I can only say I have a sense of dread."

Vin shook his head. "Well with all you been through, that's not surprising." Ezra looked away. "It's more than that isn't it? You think this changes things?"

"It does. It must."

"I know – I didn't mean it like that. You know it doesn't change us though? Doesn't change how you fit in here?"

Ezra didn't answer. "Look at me Ez. Yes, you and Chaucer were team, and one of the best around. But that wasn't the only reason you worked out here. You're a good lawman. Hell, whether you believe it or not, a good man. And a good friend. None of that changed."

"The problem with friendship is the fear of losing it."

"Sooner or later we all lose friends Pard. Life does that. But we aren't going anywhere by choice. And neither are you. You understand me?"

"I suppose it may take a bit of time for me to accept that. But I shall make the effort – Mr. Tanner."

"That'll do for now. And as long as you work on, we can wait. OK – I am supposed to be helping get you cleaned up some. Brought one of Chris's shirts for you. It will be looser fitting so won't rub on you. And we cleaned up the pants I had to cut so you won't need to wreck another pair. Nathan seems to think you should come down for breakfast."

"People eat at this hour of the morning? How ghastly!"

They bantered lightly, but the smiles never lit up Ezra's face. It took almost 30 minutes to get him presentable, by which time Josiah had arrived to help with the walk downstairs.

"No fighting with me about this. You can't put weight on that leg yet, so you get carried down." What little fight Ezra had in him had been exhausted simply by washing and dressing, so he meekly nodded. "Is there anyone else down there?"

"JD's walking the town, but the rest of the team is waiting for you. Nobody else. That OK?" He was answered with another nod. Vin headed down first to get out of the way. He signaled to the others the two men were on their way, then took his place.

Ezra had a fine sheen of perspiration on his face by the time he was settled into his seat. "I am not convinced this was one of your better suggestions Mr. Jackson." He moaned softly as he shifted to try to find a comfortable position.

"You need to move some before you stiffen up too much more. Don't worry. I won't let you overdo anything." He slid a plate of food over. Ezra eyed it suspiciously.

"Have you added anything unpalatable to the eggs?"

"No Ez – just plain scrambled. Same for the rest of it. Of course, there will be some tea for you later." They smiled when he groaned his reply. There followed a surprisingly comfortable silence at the table. No one thought for a moment things were normal, but it felt right to be together again. Vin finished quickly, then left to get ready for his ride.

"For how long must I recuperate before you will allow me to ride again? Mr. Wilmington has some horses he believes might have potential." Ezra chuckled lightly when they turned to glare at Buck. "You really should redirect your anger gentlemen. It was at my suggestion, and required no insignificant amount of convincing."

"It'll be a few days at least till you feel up to just sitting on any horse. Even more for a longer ride. Maybe Buck can bring some of these suggestions into town for you."

"I can do that. You just tell me when you're ready."

"Ready, likely never. Prepared to move forward...perhaps Monday or Tuesday?"

"No rush Ezra." Chris interceded. "A few more days won't make much diff-." He was interrupted by a loud shout from outside.

"Sounded like JD!" Buck stood and rushed to the door. "Well, we'll find out in a minute. He's running over here. OK, scratch that. He just turned to the stables. Vin must heard him."

"Hell, the whole damn town likely heard him." Chris complained.

Buck was out the door and on his way. "Sit tight – I'll check."

They waited slightly anxious at the commotion. Chris was in no mood to deal with any more surprises. "24 hours with no excitement. Is that too much to ask for?" He didn't realize he'd spoken aloud until Josiah answered him. "Seems so around here."

It was only a minute until Buck returned, heading directly to Ezra. He reached down and gently helped him to his feet. Josiah rose instantly to take his place on the other side of the still weak man. Nathan blocked them both. "Where the hell do you think you're taking him?"

"Outside." Josiah answered, confirming that with Buck.

"Think again."

"Trust me." Buck made it sound like a command.

"Gentlemen, you do realize I am here? Standing, albeit with assistance, right in front of you? Do you suppose I might have some say in the matter?"

"No" the three answered at once. Chris stepped in. "You OK with this Ezra?"

He shrugged as much as the aches and pains, not to mention the grip of the others, allowed. "I'm sure Mr. Wilmington has a reasonable explanation, and for reasons I am unable to comprehend, I will trust them to be valid. If I had to speculate, I would guess that some of the children of the town have made an effort to prepare something to cheer me. Fear not Mr. Larabee. I will ensure that my response to whatever awaits is appropriate, and does not let them down."

"You do realize it isn't your job to try to make anybody else happy, don't you? Especially now."

"There are some in our midst who have the misguided belief that I am a good man. I see it as a benefit to my ongoing interests to do what I can to perpetuate that myth."

"Dammit Ezra." Chris sighed in exasperation, knowing Ezra didn't completely believe he was kidding when he made such claims.

"Now, since I do not expect to pass out in the next few minutes, I think we should see this through."

Nathan growled slightly at the words 'pass out' but stepped aside. "First sign he's sick and we go in."

They made their way to the wooden walkway. Buck moved to the side but Josiah kept a firm grip, looking over Ezra's head down the street. "Do you think can loosen the vice like grip Mr. Sanchez? I believe I am capable of standing on my own."

Josiah's face went slack for an instant, before the big man broke into an even bigger smile. "Somehow, I doubt that Ezra." He turned to follow Josiah's stare, and felt his knees go weak beneath him, watching Vin escorting Chaucer around the corner.

"He just wandered up to the livery a few minutes ago. Looks a little the worse for wear, and needs a good rub down and grooming, but far as I can tell Ezra, he ain't hurt."

Seeing Ezra wasn't moving toward him, Chaucer reared his head back, breaking free of Vin's loose grip, then trotted over to the only human he had ever deemed worthy of his friendship. Ezra's outstretched hand was tentative, almost as if its owner feared that somehow this was some kind of hallucination. The instant he made contact he pulled away from Josiah. His leg wouldn't support him, but his arms around Chaucer was all that was needed to keep him upright. It took every bit of self-control the others had to hold back from joining in, but they kept their distance, satisfied to witness the reunion. No one moved until Ezra forced himself to take a few deep breaths and push himself away. Buck moved forward to offer much needed support.

"How?" He felt himself fortunate to be able to voice even that simple question.

Vin was grinning. "Well Ezra, smart as Chaucer obviously is, answering that is outside even his ability. Can only figure the gang figured he was worth more alive than dead."

"Why'd they pretend to kill him then? Why be so mean?" JD wondered.

Chris thought he knew. "Doubt they were thinking that way. I would bet they'd assume Ezra would come after them for a live animal, but not care about a dead one."

"They don't know Ezra then." Vin said, still grinning.


"I mean, you kill a man's horse, he's gonna come after you." JD reasoned.

"Not everyone would see it that way JD."

"Then they do not deserve the companionship of such a noble beast."

Josiah smiled. "Nobody here disagreeing with you Ezra. What I don't get is why they'd go to all that trouble just to end up letting him go."

"I can answer that. Got a telegram from the Judge. He made it to White Rock. I was coming to show you when Vin called me over." They looked at JD, waiting for the explanation. He pulled it from his pocket. "Doesn't say much. 'Prisoners say possessed horse attacked and escaped. Demon. Must be Chaucer'. "

Chris smiled. "Demon. Now that would have been an appropriate name."

"Chaucer is not possessed. Merely high spirited. He attacks only when provoked."

"Like his owner?" Chris asked slyly.

"Partner, not owner." Ezra corrected.

"And being every bit as smart as his owner- sorry Ez – partner," Buck continued, "he probably chewed through the rope and broke free."

"From there was just a matter of finding his way home." JD finished the analysis.

Ezra looked to Vin again. "You are certain he is unhurt?"

"Few scratches maybe. Overall he looks good to me. Guessing he's hungry, and he needs a proper grooming. Think you can convince him to let me take care of that?"

Ezra stroke gently at the tangled mane and leaned to speak quietly in Chaucer's ear. "What say you mon ami? Would you allow Mr. Tanner to assume my responsibilities for a few days until I am able to resume my duties?"

Vin was willing to swear he was being scrutinized to see if he measured up. Apparently he passed, as Chaucer gave Ezra a nod.

"Well that should make it easier. Wanted to clean him a bit before bringing him to you, but he was to fidgety to even try."

"I bet he was worried about you." Ezra looked at Nathan, but saw nothing other than sincerity.

"You want a hand up?" Josiah asked, moving forward.

"No – Ezra you cannot be riding." Nathan's order was ignored as Buck and Josiah joined forces to hoist Ezra up, with Chris offering balance on the opposite side. Ezra sat, overwhelmed, on Chaucer's back as the animal nodded in excitement, braying softly. He glanced to the others, and could feel his face flush.

"You must all think me rather foolish." He shrugged off the round of denials.

"Tell you the truth Ezra, I think we're all a bit jealous. I mean, I think Milagro is pretty special, but I doubt he'd have figured how to get away."

"Lady'd probably be wandering out there for days, that's for sure."

"I would never dispute Chaucer's intelligence." He leaned forward, stroking the mane again. "But that does not lessen the value of your wonderful companions. Pony and Peso helped save my life. All our steeds have proven themselves dozens of times over."

"That's all true," Chris agreed, "but we still think you're mighty lucky to have a special friend who feels like that about you."

Ezra looked down at the genuine smiles surrounding him. "Imagine then gentlemen, how truly privileged I feel knowing I have six more."

The End

OK – you were (almost) all correct. You knew I couldn't kill him off. Aside from everything that would be so wrong with that, you'd all put a bounty out on me! Have to admit it was an enticing notion. The more you kept saying he can't be dead, the more tempted I was to prove you wrong. Lucky for Ezra and Chaucer, that's not how my mind works. Thank you all for the support, compliments and occasional threat to life and limb.

More stories coming soon. I just can't help it!