The Baby.

Summary: When a surprise appears in Mount Justice, the team along with the Justice league, end up discovering one of Robins secrets.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, all rights go to who they belong to.

Conner, Megan and Wally were in shock, and considering the fact they saved people from all sorts of monsters for a living this in itself was shocking. The three young heroes stared fearfully at the baby that had suddenly appeared whilst they were playing video games. Their fear increased when the young child started to cry, so much so that they became paralysed, and continued stare at the wailing baby.

This was the scene that the Boy Wonder himself walked into and looking at his three teammates and then towards the baby Robin sighed before walking over to the screaming child.

Bending down to pick up the child, Robin cradled the babe in his arms and decided that the child was hungry. Walking towards the kitchen where he knew there was some baby milk formula tucked away, Robin realised that his secret was going to be discovered. Oh and don't ask why they have baby formula, they just do, after all superheroes always have to be prepared. Well at least that's what Batman says.

Holding the child in one arm, Robin searched through the cupboards until he found what he was looking for and seeing the child relaxing with knowledge he was going to be fed, Robin cooed softly at the baby as he mixed the formula.

While waiting for it to heat up, Robin searched inside the baby's yellow blanket and discovered a note written on low quality paper that said...

I don't know where my child will end up but I hope that he is with someone who will care for him. I know that whoever gets my child will be shocked and most likely disgusted at us. But the fact is that I can't look after him. My husband & I have been targeted by very powerful man and I know that I won't be able to look after him because of this. Whoever is reading this note I beg of you to look after my son. Raise him as your own, and love him. I just couldn't bring myself to give him a name as if I did I would likely grow attached so it is your job to do so. I beg of you, please, look after my child.

Robin set the note down on the work top with a heavy sigh and, he knew that despite the lack of critical information, he would care for the boy. Then realising that the milk was done, the Boy Wonder tested its temperature on his arm, before proceeding to place the bottle near the baby's mouth. The child recognised his food source immediately and was soon drinking his fill.

Murmuring softly to the child in contemplation Robin soon decided on a name for the child, "So you need a name do you little one. Hmmm how about Rory? No not Rory, definitely not. How about Hadrian? Nope that doesn't seem right either... Elijah. Yes, that fits. From now on you will be called Elijah."

Gazing down at the child, Robin chuckled softly when he saw the baby had milk dribbling down his chin, and that the bottle had been emptied.

Grabbing a soft cloth from the counter next to the kitchens sink, Robin carefully wiped the baby's mouth before placing the cloth over his shoulder. He then arranged the baby so he was resting upright against his chest and over his shoulder so he could burp him.

Once finished, Robin shifted the babe in his arms his head was caressed in his arms and went on to rock the already sleepy child into a slumber.

When Robin was sure the child was deeply asleep and wouldn't be disturbed, he looked up at the audience he knew was watching him. He was right there were all of his teammates and the Justice League. The new arrivals had entered during his feeding of the babe, and they were all staring at him with varying expressions. Some were shocked at his obvious ease with the child, others were amused and a few (Batman) had no expression at all.

It was some time until anyone knew what to say and, it was Superman who questioned Robin quietly so as not to wake the child. The questions asked included what was happening, why there was a child in the mountain and why Robin looked so at ease with a babe in his arms.

Robin answered the dumbstuck heroes with, "The child has been sent here by his mother, her and her husband can't look after him because they've been targeted by someone powerful. She didn't say who she was and I doubt that we could find anything about them so I have decided to take him in as my son. He's now known as Elijah as the mother didn't name him. I don't understand how anyone could abandon their child, and this is mainly because I already have a son and two daughters. I'm at ease because of my experiences with my own children"

Everyone looked at him in shock jaws dropped and unbelieving of the fact that the young hero is a father, except Batman of course, he already knew all of his charges' secrets.

Robin just chuckled at their expressions and went back to tending to the baby boy whilst thinking up plans on how to raise the babe, along with his own children.