In the Dursley's car on the way home from King's Crossing Train Station, Harry had spent the time trying to figure out why he recognized the two people standing near the Grangers at the station when he was leaving. For some reason, they seemed to be apart of his past before his parents death. His mind kept associating them with Hermione some how.
The thought of Hermione had produced another feeling, the feeling that he liked Hermione more then just a friend. He kept thinking about the kiss that she gave him back before getting on the train to London from school. Harry kept thinking about whether there was something there between them or if it was just a crazy notion.
He was not able to continue his thoughts about him and Hermione because they had just turned onto Privat Drive and his uncle slammed on his brakes.
Harry looked up from his hands just in time to see what his uncle had stopped for. Just in front of 4 Privat drive, there was a shoot out between Death eaters and Wizards and above 4 Privat Drive was a Dark Mark.
While getting out of the car at the protest of his aunt and uncle, Harry yelled to his uncle, "Get somewhere safe. You can't do anything here. Move!"
Harry ran toward where Mrs. Figg was standing. He then noticed that the two people from the train station were there too. He didn't have time to see who they were, because the Death Eaters saw him come up. They turned and started firing curses at him.
For reasons Harry didn't quite understand quite well, Harry was starting to throw up some strong shields. Harry then started firing off stunning and disarming charms at them.
It took the Auror's and to his complete surprise Mrs. Figg a moment or too to realize this and started fighting the death eaters too. Some escaped their charms and disapperated to safety before they could be captured.
When all the fighting was done, Harry took a look at what was left of 4 Privat Drive and there was just a black scar where there was once a house.
With the combination of the fighting and the sight of Privat Drive, Harry felt something in his mind give in.
10 years ago, just after his parents' death, Harry had a memory and powers inhibitor charms put on him for his own safety. There was a little charm/mechanism that was put in place for situations like this that would allow Harry to defend himself from death eaters. The Powers Inhibitor charm was the first to be released then in order to explain the increase in powers; the memory charm would then be release.
Harry's memory charm had finally been released and now Harry felt week and stumbled. The two strangers that now Harry knew as Sikandar and Sarah Durrani, started ran to him before he collapsed helping him down easily.
Harry said, "Thanks Sikandar, Sarah, I guess the memory and power charms are broken. It took ten years. I saw you at the station but at the time only could piece together that you were from my past and it had something to do with Herm. Now I know for sure. Was anyone hurt? Oh and hello Bella, "the final statement was toward Mrs. Figg standing beside Sarah.
Sarah, Sikandar, and Arabella Figg looked at each other nervously knowing that someone was going to have to let him know sometime. Sikandar finally decided to speak.
"Harry there was one death. It happened just before we got here. He was visiting Arabella just before they attacked. I guess they didn't think that you were not there or maybe they were planning on attacking you before you got home. They didn't come to the conclusion that there was a witch in the neighborhood, namely Arabella."
Harry interrupted, "Sikandar, I don't mean to be rude, but who was the man that died?"
Sikandar hesitated. Sarah finally got the courage and said, "Harry Sirius had come by orders of Albus to speak to Arabella about your 3rd task."
Again Harry interrupted but this time to break down, "Oh no not Sirius. Please not Sirius. He escapes from being imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit to be killed by Death Eaters. Now what am I going to do? I was hoping one day to get away from the Dursleys but now I am going to be stuck with them till I am 18." The final statement was sort of not understandable because Harry was crying by now.
Sikandar and Sarah both looked at each other and then at Harry and said to him, "Harry, you don't have to worry about where you are going to live from now on. You have a house that you and your sisters have inherited and I am sure that Albus will let you live there. The house if you remember is the Potter Castle and it has been in your family since Godric and Rowena built it. Plus, Albus has given us permission to take you in. If you remember your parents wanted us to be your god parents when we turned 18. Well we are willing and wanting to be your godparents and guardians. Actually, since your charms are off I think we should take them off of Hermione, Amanda, and Virginia so that you all can work together. Let us go and talk to Albus about what we plan to do. Do you think that you have the energy to apperate to Hogwarts? Let us first get your stuff. I think that the Dursleys are beyond shock."
Harry and the Durrani's turned around and looked where Harry had left the Dursleys. Unfortunately they thought that the Dursleys were not hit but they were wrong. They found the Dursleys dead from what looked like the killing curse.
(A/N:) That is the first chapter everyone please review and let me know what you think.