Author's Note: This is my first story on here. I've always loved the Elsanna ship, and have just been dying to try my hand at it. I hope you enjoy it. I don't own Frozen or any of its characters.
Elsa strolled up to the front of her class to turn in her test. Her white-gold hair was pulled back in a braid and she was wearing black jeans and a t-shirt with "Friday the 13th" in the center in bloody white letters, and combat boots. She was shocked to see that she was the third person to finish the test. She knew that she'd been distracted, but her stats class was normally so easy. If only that redhead hadn't been so cute. Her smile filled the blonde's mind. She sighed, realizing that not being the first to finish her test wouldn't affect anything, and left the classroom. Trying to get the freckles highlighting that gorgeous smile out of her head.
She exited the classroom into the fourth floor of the mathematics building. Class had only been going on for fifteen minutes, so she had the halls completely to herself. She didn't have class for a little while, so she took her time as her mind wandered.
It had been a week since Rapunzel had called things off. Elsa had taken it hard. She should have known better than to fall for a straight girl, no matter how open she was to experimenting. Even if that experiment lasted most of a year. She had needed the companionship of some people who would understand. She just hadn't expected to already meet someone new.
Even Rapunzel wasn't a distraction from this new girl, and she found her drifting back. If only she had bothered to at least find out the girl's name, or maybe even gotten her number. Then now she wouldn't be pining for some mysterious redhead that she may never see again. It wasn't like people tended to be that attracted to someone who had never said a word to them.
Elsa saw what appeared to be the only other person wandering the hall at this time. She started to ignore the person and carry on, when out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a lock of red hair. It couldn't be. She turned to look at the young girl, who was now headed straight for her, the red hair joined by creamy skin adorned with a heavy dusting of freckles. The subject of her thoughts was heading right for her, as if her focus upon the girl had summoned her. "Hey!" the redhead called. The red hair that had haunted Elsa's every thought for the last hour was pulled back in a ponytail. It had felt like so much longer than an hour. She was wearing the same pink dress that Elsa had seen her in before.
Elsa stopped flat in her tracks, staring. She hadn't said a word to the girl the entire time. She must have just stared a hole into her so effectively that the younger girl noticed. She had never been great at controlling herself. "Hi," she replied lamely.
"I saw you at the group. Kind of couldn't help noticing the way you were eyeing me," the redhead announced, face flushed.
"Oh, you saw that?" Elsa muttered, nervously shuffling her feet. She couldn't believe she'd been that obvious.
"Oh, sorry, not that it was a bad thing. I didn't mean it like that. I mean at first I wasn't sure. I thought maybe I'd pissed you off. Like maybe I shouldn't be there 'cause I was bi or something. Or maybe I was in the wrong room. I mean, not that you would have known I was bi. But then you kept staring, and I realized you weren't angry, and I mean it was nice. I'm sorry?" the girl finished, looking like she was desperately trying to force her mouth to stop moving.
Elsa stared at her, perplexed. She had perhaps found the one person who was less capable of basic flirting than she was. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," she stammered. "Your freckles are cute," she blurted out before she could think.
"Oh!" the girl turned a darker shade of red. "Um, thanks. I think all of you is cute."
"Not that the rest of you isn't cute! I mean, you're gorgeous. I just kind of have a thing for freckles," Elsa smiled halfheartedly in the hope that she had managed to remove her boot from its firm placement in her mouth.
"Oh, well then I'm glad. Let me start over. Hi, I'm Anna," she put her hand out, cheerfully.
Elsa stared at her, the name hitting her like a ton of bricks. "Anna?"
"Yeah?" Anna paused, confused, her hand still in midair.
"Sorry, that was my sister's name, it just surprised me."
"Oh, well, I never had a sister, so pretty sure we're not related," Anna giggled awkwardly, starting to pull her hand back.
Elsa took the proffered hand, shaking it happily. "I didn't mean it like that, sorry," she apologized for the third time in a one minute conversation. "I'm just not used to hearing it. I'm Elsa." She pulled a pen and paper out of her bag, scribbling a series of numbers that she hoped was her phone number onto the piece of paper before giving it to Anna. "Call me, I'm late for class," she lied, trying to extricate herself from the increasingly awkward situation before she lost any chance of a date with the girl.
"I am!" the cheery voice called after her, her phone vibrating in her pocket.
"I'm saving your number! I'll call you after class, okay?" She shouted back, hurrying, and completely forgetting she didn't actually have class for another hour.
The next day, Elsa sat in the coffee shop, fidgeting in her chair. It was 2:58, and they said they'd meet at 3:00. She'd been waiting there for almost half an hour. They had spent almost two hours on the phone the previous night talking. Other than confirming the date, and that it was date, they hadn't really discussed much in particular. They just couldn't stop talking to each other.
She was incredibly excited. She even actually had to agonize over what to wear when that was so rarely a problem for her. She had finally decided on a blue tank top, with a black denim jacket, blue jeans, and sneakers. She was already regretting her decision. Checking the time on her phone, she noticed in her reflection that a few strands of hair had fallen free of her braid. As she reached a hand up to attempt to fix them, the bell over the door rang out. She turned to see the freckled beauty, wearing an ornate green dress that tightly hugged her figure, while revealing nothing save for a foot and a half of deliciously freckled pale legs down to her flats. Her lipstick was just a dark enough shade of red to make her hair stand out all the more. Elsa stared transfixed, feeling like a pauper before a princess. She knew she should have gone with the blouse and skirt she had picked out last night.
Anna's face lit up when she saw her, and she bounced over to her table. "Hey,"she greeted her, "I hope you haven't been waiting long."
"Nah, I just got here," Elsa replied, leading her to the counter. They both ordered hot chocolate, sandwiches, and cupcakes. "I've got it," she added, handing the cashier her credit card.
The two sat down with their food, Elsa looking through the steam emanating from her cocoa at the redhead, unable to take her eyes off of her for long enough to lead her drink to her mouth. This had the natural and completely predictable consequence of her spilling hot chocolate onto her tank top. "Oh, Jesus fuck!" Elsa shouted standing up from her chair, ripping her shirt off, to save herself from the scalding liquid.
Anna stared, as Elsa turned completely red, covering herself with her jacket. "God I am the biggest idiot," Elsa said, looking about ready to run away.
Anna put a hand on her arm, stifling a giggle. "You're not an idiot. And hey, now I already know you look amazing topless. I mean, in your bra. I mean, you look good," she was turning even redder than Elsa.
The blonde sat back down. "Well, maybe you can repay the favor later," she tried.
"Maybe I can," the redhead giggled, the two silently agreeing that they couldn't be any more awkward, so they may as well just go full throttle.
They finished the cupcakes at Elsa's apartment.