AN:) I have been cooking this idea for a while after some down-time during the equivalent of O.W.L's. Please review to let me know what you think. And feel free to stab the daylight out of me, under this Fidelus Charm. Ha Ha! Enjoy!

If Only

"… She hasn't studied. It would be kinder to leave her where she is till they're over." Ron said.

Just then, Ginny Weasley came over and sat next to Harry. She looked nervous and tense, and, Harry noticed, she was twisting her hands in her lap."I've got something to tell you." She said without preamble." It was me! I killed the roosters. I set the Basilisk on the Muggleborns. It was the diary!" She appeared to be on the verge of tears at the end of her rant.

Harry was conflicted. Half of him wanted to tell the teachers that Ginny should be expelled, and laugh as she cried. His other half wanted to pull her into his lap and murmur loving words into her ear. Fortunately, his compassionate side won out and he pulled her into his lap and hugged her as tightly as possible. He whispered kind and loving words into her ear. To say Ginny was shocked would have been an understatement, but Ginny started sobbing against Harry's shoulder. As soon as the sobbing stopped, Ginny had sat up and given Harry a kiss on the cheek, blushed, and ran out of the Great Hall, all within 5 minutes. Without thinking, Harry ran to catch up with the girl that garnered all his attention. "Ginny!" He called when he was within arms length,"Wou - Would you be my girlfriend?" Ginny had stopped suddenly, and turned around, with a grin on her face, turned around and squealed, " Oh, Yes Harry! I love you!"

Acting on impulse, Harry leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, and he felt that she was perfect. Little did he know, he would spend the rest of his life by her side.

The End