Chapter Six

The sun slowly moved through the curtains, gracefully landing on your face in a familiar warmth. You opened your eyes slowly and stretched your arms above your head as you heard a creak as the adjoining room slowly opened, to reveal Dean. His green eyes stared at you in worry, "Are you feeling okay?"

You nodded, and twisted your fingers into the fabric of the blanket, slowly pulling it off. Throwing your legs over the side of the bed you stood up, "Better than okay, actually." You thought about the night, and Dean's words to you.

He stepped in, closing the door behind him, "Thats good."

Licking your lips, you moved closer and ran your hands nervously over the baggy black shirt of Sam's you were wearing, "Dean, I uh... about last night."

His eyebrows raised, "What about--?"

You reached forward and yanked the collar of his shirt, and pulled his lips down on yours. You were kissing Dean Winchester. His lips were hard and soft at the same time, bruising yours with force. His hands began to explore under your shirt when he stepped back and tilted his head, smirking, "If you needed a kiss sweetheart you could have just asked."

Confused you opened your mouth to speak, when he interrupted you chuckling, "Last night I was out a bar, but that was definitely a nice morning greeting."

"But... you said"-

"Said what?" he asked inquisitevely crossing his arms in amusement.

"Um..." you turned your head away trying to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. You could have sworn last night was real. The taste of his kiss on your lips was bittersweet. Everything had been a dream, "Just forget it okay?" you finally stated blinking back the tears.

He said nothing before moving back toward the door, "Glad you're alright, you gave me... Sam and I a scare. You should go check up with him." He quickly fled back to his domain.

You stood, trying to block away the pain of rejection. Taking a deep breath you shoved it to the back if your mind and took to the bathroom. You washed your face and brushed your hair, curling it in anger. Grabbing your makeup that you hardly wore around the boys, you smacked on eyeshadow, cover up, mascara, and a pale pink lip stick. You walked over to your dufflebag and gropped around inside before pulling out some leather pants with fat zippers running up the legs. You pulled off Sam's shirt and traded your plain back bra for a lacey red one. Grabbing your favortie blue plaid shirt, you cropped it to where it was showing your flat stomach, and the tops of your breasts.

Satisfied, you pulled your shoulders back and opened the door wide. You strode out in confidence in the heat of one of Sam and Dean's scuffles. They both stopped mid scentence when they saw you. Sam's eyes widen, his lips parting, "Hey."

Dean looked away, moving over to the fridge and peering inside even though all that was in there was a pack of beer.

You ignored him, and sat next to Sam looking at the screen of his laptop, "What's new?"

He stuttered, "Um..."

Dean rolled his eyes and glared at the two of you, "The Pier had nothing to do with the disapearances. All the vics went to the same bar before going missing."

You immediately piped up, "Then what are we waiting for?" You brushed your hand over Sam's in Dean's line of vision.

Sam looked at you, "You have you stay here. "

Dean nodded turning his back to you, "You fit the profile of the women."

You licked your lips, "More reason for me to come. The god isnt going to show if their isnt anything enticing them," you continue talking shutting up Sam, "Ill crawl out the window and follow you."