"There is no god in this world!" Trunks moaned in annoyance as she watched the Shamoshan's slave throw rose petals into a large tub of hot water that she was currently sinking her body in.

"A ripple apple waiting to be bitten into." One of the Shamoshan slave moaned. "Our lord will feast on you soon and then he will breed you."

"Please stop talking." Trunks moaned in annoyance.

"And then your children will rule this world with an iron fist! The thought excits me!" The Shamoshan slave said. Trunks threw her head back as she lowers her body down into the tub of water. After a few seconds of being submerged, a large hand grabbed her head and pulled her from the water. It was Broly, a naked and horny Broly.

"Broly want wife." The large man said as he sets her down onto the side of the pool size like tub.

"But...the wedding!" Trunk said.

"Wedding shall wait, Broly wants wife now!" The large saiyan shouted. Trunks looks down to the ground for a few seconds before standing up from the edge. She grabs silky towel from the ground next to her and wraps it around her body.

"BYE!" Trunks shouted before flying out the room as fast as she could. Broly growled before chasing after.

"One more day."

18 said as she stares at the screen that calculated the arrival of their rescue. Three days had currently past and so far nothing has changed on the ship. Everyone was training for their full on assault of Broly. although personally, 18 thought everyone in that room was going to die. Excluding she and Krillin, she would be dammed if he died.

"18!" Pwende shouted. "Goku broke the stove."

"Thanks Pwende." 18 shouted. "I will get to it, you take the wheel."

"Okay!" Pwende said as the two switch seats. 18 makes her way to the kitchen to see a blown up stove and Gohan trying to revive his father.

"Dads dead!" Gohan shouted.

"What else is new?" Piccolo asked.

"Oh my god, or Kami...dende Kami?" 18 asked herself as she walks over to the stove that was producing black smoke. "You know, this can kill us in our sleep."

"That's why we called your." Piccolo said.

"Good thing your kid knows how to drive." 18 said.

"She gets that from her mother." Piccolo said, making Gohan look up from his father. He looks over to Piccolo to ask:

"About Pwende..." Gohan started. "How and when was she created? I mean, you can only produce men."

"It was Bulma's idea to make her." Piccolo said.

"How?" Gohan asked.

"Science." Piccolo said as he remebers the day Bulma came up to him to ask:

"Wanna have a baby?"

Bulma asked the green man in front of her. Piccolo was standing in her lab when she asked the question. The blue haired woman was smiling ear to ear at the alien as she stared into his black pupils.

"I don't know if you know anything about Nakeians, but we don't have penis's." Piccolo said.

"Or sperm." Nail responded.

"I know, but you have a reproductive system, don't you?" Bulma asked.

"I guess." Piccolo said.

"Well, I want to plant my eggs in you." Bulma said, making Piccolo stare down at her weirdly.

"This woman is insane!" Kami shouted.

"I am not sure that's possible." Piccolo said. "And even if that was possible, I still wouldnt do it."

"Why not?"

"Because it is an act against nature and my people!" Piccolo said.

"I think it will be a scientific break through! I heard from Mister Po-po you can't produce kids because of some sort of defect from your father."

"He didn't have time to develop me before spitting me out." Piccolo growled. "And in any case, who said I even wanted kids?"

"I presume you wanted some since you kind of raised Gohan as your own."

"And I failed horrible on that." Piccolo growled. "Look, if I wanted a brat, I would have stolen yours by now."

"I wouldn't let you take my son!"

"But you let me take Gohan when he was four didn't you?" Piccolo said with a smirk. Bulma was about to respond to that insult with another insult. But stopped when she realized he was right, she didn't do anything when he took Gohan.

"Okay, look, I want to see if I can infuse human DNA with Namekian DNA." Bulma started. "Its just a theory, but I believe its possible."

"So your going to carry around an egg?" Piccolo asked.

"No, you are! Since you don't have sperm, you will have to carry our child."

"This sounds weird since your with Vegeta."

"Were not have sex Piccolo, were just making a baby."

"Yea, still sounds weird." Piccolo said. "Fine, lets make a baby, but if Vegeta tries to kill me, I will kill you first."

"Deal!" Bulma shouted. "Alright, Imma need you to lay on your back and close your eyes."

"Dam, she's not even going to take you to dinner first!" Nail said. Piccolo ignored Nail as he walks over to the examination table. She walks over to a cabnet and pulls out a syringe with a long thick needle.

"That is a big needle." Piccolo said in fear.

"Oh don't worry, you will barely feel a thing when the medicine kicks in." Bulma said as she rubs some sort of white gel onto Piccolo stomach. Once done, the two wait around a minute before the gel kicks in, making Piccolo stomach feel numb.

"So, how is this going to work? Last I check, women can't produce seeds."

"I know, what I am injecting into you is a special serum made by my eggs…and Vegeta and Goku DNA." Bulma said as she quickly injects the seed into Piccolo body. The green man stared at her in horror at her words.


"NO!" Bulma shouted. "I created a Saiyan serum made by both Goku and Vegeta DNA strands."

"So I will be carrying their child? I mean, I don't mind Goku, but Vegeta…"

"Its not their sperm!" Bulma shouted. "I use their DNA strand to turn my egg into a seed."

"How is that possible?"

"I could explain it, but that's a lot of words I don't feel like saying." Bulma explained as she watches the last of the serum flow into Piccolo body. "Now we wait."

"I am starting to regret this." Piccolo growled as he stands up from the table. "So…do I like take some sort of medicine, or eat something."

"Come back to me in three days. Or when you start feeling something growing in your stomach." Bulma said.

"O…Okay." Piccolo said before putting his clothes on his body.

(Three days later)

"I FUCKING HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR YOU FUCKING MISERABLE BITCH!" Piccolo shouted as he grips the side of the bed in anger and pain. Bulma, Dende and 18 stared in horror at the large bulge growing inside of Piccolo stomach.

"Is this normally suppose to happen when you're about to give birth." Bulma asked Dende.

"No." Dende said. "Normally the only pain we have is breathing."

"KILL ME!" Piccolo shouted. "SOMEBODY KILL ME PLEASE!"

"Should we be doing something?" 18 asked.

"No! The development is at 98 percent!" Bulma shouted. "Just a little longer Piccolo."

"DRUGS! I NEED DRUGS!" Piccolo shouted.

"I can't give you drugs, your so close to having the baby." Bulma said.

"This is so weird, like seeing a person go through this type of pain…turns me on a bit." 18 said.

"KILL THE DRIOD!" Piccolo shouted. A second later 17 came walking into the room holding a tray of medical tools.

"This is going to be sick…and awesome." 17 said as he held the tray by Bulma. 18 looks at the scan screen and saw that Piccolo child had hit 100 percent.

"Time to have a baby." 18 said. She grabs a syringe filled with blue liquid, she inject it into Piccolo arm. The Namekian screams in pain, shaking his body violently as the world around him goes black. Bulma wasted no time cutting the Namekian open to retrieve the experiment. It was a long and brutal operation, but it was a successful operation! For in Bulma arms was the first hybrid of Namekian and saiyan and maybe a small bit of human.

"It looks…weirdly cute." 17 said as he stared at the creature in Bulma arms. Unlike most Namekians, this child was not an egg. It was green like Piccolo, but it didn't have any slug features, expect for its antenna's. The child had a small strand of purple hair and big purple eyes to match. It was staring up at Bulma with its big blue eyes.

"Awww, its so cute!" 18 said. "What is it, a girl of boy?"

"Namekians are normally men." Dende said.

"It's a girl." Bulma said. "She has a vagina."

"She has genitals!?" Piccolo shouted as he stood up from the bed.

"You heal quickly." Bulma said.

"Regeneration's a bitch." Piccolo growled. He walks over to the blue haired woman and saw his child, his daughter staring right back up at him.

"ITS SO FUCKING ADORABLE!" Nail shouted in Piccolo head.

"Finally, I have a grandchild." Kami said, he sounded happy.

"So…what are you going to do with it?" 18 asked.

"Train it of course." Piccolo said. "When I get feeling back into my feet, I will take it to the time chamber."

"The hell, she staying with me." Bulma said. "Train the kid, she's just a baby!"

"I started training when I hatched from my egg, she will be fine. She's my kid after all."

"Oh, so its your kid now." Bulma growled. "Last I check, I put it in there."

"I HELD IT!" Piccolo shouted.

"Oh, looks like mommy and daddy are getting a divorce." 17 said.

"We weren't even married!" Bulma growled. "Besides, you don't even have a place to live, you just float in the air all day meditating. This is a kid Piccolo."

"Your right, its not like I cared for Gohan." Piccolo growled. "And I do have a place to live now. I live on the look out with Dende, my room is the time chamber."

"I refuse for my kid to go into the chamber! Your going to have to wait until she's at least 11 years old!" Bulma said. "Now, who wants a snack?"

"Piccolo taking the baby." 17 said. Bulma looks down at her arms and notice the child was gone. She then turns her head to see that Piccolo was gone as well.


"Where is Trunks?" 18 asked.

"With Vegeta." 17 said, making Bulma face turn purple in shock.

"OH MY GOD, MY BABY!" Bulma shouted.

(18 days later)

"I am deeply sorry!" Bulma said as she bows to Chi-Chi and Gohan. She was currently in Goku home begging the Saiyan to find the child Piccolo had stolen. 18 came along just to see how things would turn out.

"I have another child!?" Goku asked.

"In a way, yes." Bulma said. "Remember when I asked you to give me a sample of your sperm, saliva and blood. I did the same for Vegeta and created a serum that I thought would help our group in fights. But now I realize that it does something else."


"We know this." 18 said. "Especially after what happened to Krillin."

"That was a dark and disturbing day." Goku said.

"For you maybe." 18 said.

"And I am trying to find the baby! Where is Piccolo Gohan, he's not at Kami's look out and he's not by that stupid water fall he likes to train at." Bulma shouted. "Oh my sweet baby, he's probably training her to be a killing machine. She must be going through brutal training."

"I wish you were this worried about me when I was taken." Gohan grumbled. "Also, did you check the time chamber, seems like a place he would keep the kid."

"His room was empty." Bulma shouted.

"No, not HIS BEDROOM the Time chamber that allows you to spend a year in a room for a day."

"What!?" Bulma shouted. "Oh my god, its been 18 days, my baby must be 18 by now!"

"Speaking of babies, where is Trunks?" Goku asked.

"OH FUCK!" Bulma shouted.

"Calm down, he's with Krillin!" 18 said. "My god you are a horrible mother."

Kikkie: Going to leave it here. I have been going thorugh some stuff, so its really hard to make the TFS jokes, but I hope I made you guys laugh today.