Takes place after S7 E11

I thought of this idea shortly after watching E11. Please be gentle, this is my first fan fiction in a long time. I mostly write from Spencer's perspective because she is my favorite character from the show and I am a huge Spoby fan. I do not own Pretty Little Liars or any of its characters.

Spencer stared off into the corner of the room. The loft was freezing at night, the walls barely insulated. She could make out the outline of Liars Lament sitting in the corner on what would normally be her small dining table. She had been sleeping on the couch every since her accident, or really ever since breaking up with Caleb. There was something so isolating and lonely about sleeping in a bed alone you once shared with another person. Her mind wandered slightly as she pictured Caleb cuddled up to Hanna in a bed far away from here. She shook her head as if to clear those thoughts and focused back on the game in front of her. It was as if someone knew she was thinking of playing as the lights began to spread across the board. Miniature street lights lit up the street as the soft glows of the store fronts and homes illuminated the small room. Spencer began to get up but hesitated for a moment as she thought of her conversation with the girls last night….

Emily: "We have to promise we won't play the game anymore, not until we can all play together."

Hanna: "Or unless we come up with a better idea first" muttered Hanna eyeing the fireplace across the room.

Alison: "We shouldn't have played in the first place" Alison stated, eyeing Spencer across the room. Her friend had been abnormally quiet sense they had showed up to discuss the newest evidence Spencer had obtained from Liars Lament.

Spencer's train of thought was interrupted as she remembered that her and Alison were cousins now. The thought made Spencer want to gag. And Charlotte hadn't been Alison's biological sister but Spencer's. The thought made Spencer feel nauseous and exhausted. This family was a mess. She had 3 half siblings, one with a different father (Charlotte) and two who had different mothers (Jason and Melissa), although genetically speaking I guess she was most related to Jason, since their mothers were twins after all. How could someone grow up their whole life and not know they were adopted? It all made since now. Her mother said Mary Drake was clinically insane…. Although maybe not anymore insane then she was. She was in Radley too. She had a psychological break. She had a drug problem. She couldn't cope with life, unlike the rest of the Hastings who swept drama under the rug like it was dust and lied like it was their job. She had never belonged in this family and now it was clear why.

Her friends acted as if she should be okay with this…. Like it was just another day living under AD's reign of power. Couldn't they see her pain? Couldn't they see the torture she was feeling. Did she have to spell it out for them? Her whole life was a lie. Her mother wasn't really her mother. She was genetically related to the person who tortured her for so many years. She wondered if Charlotte knew they were related... after all she must have known Mary was her biological parent to take on the last name of Drake.

Spencer saw a flash of light go across the screen on Liars Lament and got up cautiously from the couch to read the writing that flashed before the screen… TRUTH or DARE was written in bold letters across the front…

She was already in trouble for playing once, it wouldn't hurt to play again would it?

Please let me know how I did for chapter 1 and follow/comment, Also I know I have a lot of problems w/ 1st, 2nd, 3rd person and thats the hardest part of writing for me.