AN: JK Rowlings world - I am so pleased she allows us to expand it with our own fertile imaginations. Thank you, JK Rowling x I must also thank Vino Amore for going through it first of all.

Triggers: Implied!Peodophilia, Obsessive behaviour, racism, bullying, DARK!GREY Hermione.

Pairings: Hermione/Multi; Harry/Ginny, (I may as well make this easy, and say Harry will be with Ginny in any of my stories whether he be Harry Snape or Harry Potter or Harry Malfoy), Ron/Luna, Daphne Greengrass/Marcus Flint (one-sided). Daphne Greengrass/Anthony Goldstein (requited). Others to be decided...


Young Lucius: Nick Rhodes

Young Narcissa: Dakota Blue Richards

Older Lucius: Jason Isaacs

Older Narcissa: Joely Richardson

Draco Malfoy: Tom Felton

Fenrir Greyback: Idris Elba

Kingsley Shacklebolt: Paterson Joseph

Andromeda Tonks: Julia Sawalha

Remus Lupin: Ewan McGregor

Sirius Black: Richard Armitage

Handsome Voldemort: Aiden Turner

Antonin Dolohov: Colin Farrell

Rodolphus Lestrange: Rufus Sewell

Rabastan Lestrange: Tom Hiddleston

Bellatrix Lestrange: Helena Bonham-Carter

Bellatrix Black: Tuppence Middleton

Severus Snape: Alan *sniff* Rickman

Finbar Avery: Gabriel Byrne

Blaise Zabini: Royce Pierreson

Adrian Pucey: Cillian Murphy

Others to be announced as and when I can put faces to names ...

In Good Faith

Summary: Six year old Hermione, in a bid to escape a frightening situation, ends up in Diagon Alley. With the help of the kind Professor Snape, Hermione manages to spend at least one night in a warm bed. All would be well if Draco had not found her and demanded that she be his sister. The Malfoy's adopt her and change her name to Adhara Hermione, and she becomes favoured Niece to Bellatrix Lestrange... The older she becomes the more male attention she recieves.


She was 6 today. The outside of the house looked like a rainbow vomited all over it; brightly hued streamers littered the usually pristine garden. Glittery signs hung up, proclaimed a big, round, friendly 6 in green and silver, red and pink, and yellow and purple. Hermione loved the green and silver balloons the best and snuck all the green and silver stuff to her room with the intent to ask her daddy to decorate the room with those colours.

Whilst not a popular girl at school Hermione managed to get a worthwhile gathering to help her usher in the new birthday. Tables were placed outside as it was still fairly warm for mid September. Ribbons hung in loops to the table legs. Mountains of triangle cut sandwiches of tuna mayonnaise, egg and cress, cheese and tomato, chicken and cucumber. Sausage rolls. Pineapple and cheese on toothpicks. Bowls of lettuce, tomato and grated carrot next to squeezable tubes of salad crème, mayonnaise, and ketchup – these were 6 year old kids – it was rather amusing to see children mix them all together. Pizza slices, cheesy flavoured nibbles. Bottles of diet fizzy drinks. Jugs of water and paper cups, plates, straws and napkins were already littering the suburban Cheltenham back garden.

Not to mention the other table filled with sweet delicacies. Cupcakes with different neon coloured icing. Some with glittery gold fairies on the top. Others with He-Man characters, supposedly for the boys, but Helen Granger was delighted to note that to kids – cake was cake and she won a bet with her mother, Maria. Butterfly cakes with cream and jam dusted with icing sugar. Lemon meringue pies. Fondant fancies. In the centre of the table was a ginormous cake in the shape of the letter 6. The end was a Snakes head with friendly bulbous pink eyes, a red forked tongue laying flat on the plate, the back of the number was decorated in alternating red, black and purple triangles of different sizes layered to look like scales. The body eventually curled off, the number tapered into a pointed tail that, to the joy of the children, they could pick up to discover that it rattled with skittles.

Inside was Hermione's favourite flavour: Lemon. It was Hermione's job to open the cake that her father painstakingly made for her along with her best friend Steven. Steven stood shyly next to her holding her hand; looking so sweet in his black suit. Hermione wore a Tinkerbell's outfit – she refused to let Steven go. Steven refused to be let go by her.

Steven's mother was rich enough to film the entire show, Steven insisted so he could watch his future wife. He was 8 and he knew Hermione was his wife. It made his mother smile but also worry. Hermione was a genius child. It seemed all she had to do was read the basic mechanics and know what to do. Take her VCR for example. Even Steven found it difficult but in 3 minutes Hermione had managed to show everyone how to record programmes. How to film on their camera. That was just the start of her cleverness.

44 Vine Road was a five bedroom semi. One of the spare bedrooms held instruments that Hermione was more than proficient in. She could also work out the mathematics of dancing. Learning languages was never a problem: Alexander Granger joked that the motivation was that Hermione could then natter for any country. To many people, it would seem Hermione was a happy, popular, wonderful little girl.

Yet: The many children that were there would thank her for the party but would never invite her to theirs. Steven would. The mothers of the children will always gush and smile over how clever she must be but behind closed doors would breath a huge sigh of relief that their children were, thankfully, normal. The husbands would all slap Granger on the back and declare that there is only ten years to go before he had to worry about boyfriends – yet swore never to let their sons near the oddball.

The darkest thing of all was the little girl herself: Hermione Jean Granger. Dressed as Tinkerbell with the blonde pixie wig. Daintily eating a slice of Lemon Snake cake, sitting next to the only person she loved more than her parents also devouring the birthday cake. Steven called Hermione some sort of Superhero as she could do things. Certain things that exhilarated, frightened, and loved all at once.

Once she set a girls hair on fire. That truly worried poor Hermione. Terrified that she had caused permanent damage to the girl, she spent every day she could to make it up to the girl by running her every errand. However, the girl exploited that and got Hermione into more trouble. Trouble like stealing other children's lunch money to remain in this girls good graces. When Steven found out he told the girl, in no certain terms, to find some other slave.

However, she was so exhilarated on firework night last year that she clapped her hands at the end of the show and little blue balls of light floated in front of her: Like will o' the wisps, her father whispered in her ear, and went home and read Hermione her favourite fairy story: Beauty and the Beast before kissing his girl on the forehead. Hermione loved that night. Was the best in her whole life so far.

Frightened, Hermione was continually frightened since he showed up. An old college friend of her parents. Daryl Stubbs. A big, jolly sort of individual whom Hermione liked at first. He always bought her things whenever he visited. Once he purchased her a rabbit and she loved her bunny: Daisy, thinking of her father's kind friend every time Hermione petted her. Then, suddenly, another person showed up – it turned out Daisy belonged to Daryl's niece. So Hermione, devastated and sobbing, had to give her back to the original owner. A blonde haired princess Prima Donna in the making. Her father shouted at Daryl's irresponsibility over breaking his daughter's heart.

That was when Dear Daryl became Danger Daryl. Though he did purchase her proper bunny rabbits, fluffy ones – one as black as night the other as white as Snow, Hermione unimaginatively named them Soot and Snow, and adored them the same as Daisy. One day, her parents had asked Daryl to look after Hermione whilst her grandma had to be taken to the hospital. Eagerly, Daryl took charge of their lovely little girl. The moment her parents were out of the house he stood over her.

"Do you love the rabbits, Hermione?" he asked.

Silently, warily, Hermione nodded whilst hugging Snow. "I am going to put Snow to bed," she said. Daryl watched her from the open French doors as the little girl put the rabbit in her hutch and fed her a carrot. "There, she's tucked in. Want to watch a film? Daddy's got some of the best latest VHS."

"Hmm," Daryl tilted his head to the side, "how about first I read you a story. What is your favourite?" Hermione skipped happily up the stairs and found her Ladybird book set and gave Daryl Rumpelstiltskin and Beauty and the Beast. "There they are," she said as she hopped up on her small child chair that she loved.

"No," Daryl said sitting on the sofa, "why do you not sit next to me?"

Danger Daryl – Hermione called him from then on. She was certain his father's friend should not have had his hand there... or hugged her... like that. That was three months ago.

After the cake had been eaten, Daryl turned up, and walked over to her parents. Keeping his steely gaze on her. Sitting in the middle of reasonable pile of gifts Hermione found she was the happy owner of several new varie-hued, green dresses, a My Little Pony stables, some more wonderful books to read or be read out loud to her. Chronicles of Narnia, she squealed then realised who it was from, she locked eyes with Daryl. Gulping she held firm the giant hard backed, colour illustrated book, close to her chest like a shield. There were other gifts, some My Little Ponies, a Care Bear with a storm on his belly, and a last one which her father brought through the house. A bike! The one she wanted! Green, silver handles, snakes decorating the crossbars and white plastic basket at front and a little bell.

"This one is from your mother and I," said her daddy. "I am going to teach you to ride this, then we will work our way up to horses, sweetheart!"

Everyone oooh'd and aaah'd over the bike and Hermione hugged her father tight before kissing her mother on the cheek.

"After all, dear girl, you only have three years to earn your Cycle Proficiency Test, you like a head start."

"That's too much of a head start, daddy," Hermione smiled but jumped and down excitedly.

By the time 3 0'Clock rolled around many of the children were becoming tired so their parents thanked hers for a lovely time, yelled Happy Birthday one more time, before leaving in their gleaming cars. By 3:30pm the house was a littered mess. Daryl had stayed behind.

"Why don't I put the little fairy to bed for her nap and I will come back down to help you recover from hurricane Birthday, yeah?"

"Thanks mate," Alexander said. "Hermione is relatively easy to get to sleep."

Nervously, Hermione took Danger Daryl's hand upstairs. Once the door to her bedroom closed Hermione realised he was still with her. After removing the blonde wig finally allowing her wild bushy hair free, and had laid her little bag of gold glitter stars to work as Pixie Dust, Hermione told him.

"It's all right, I can go to sleep; you don't..."

"Oh nonsense, Hermione, why do we not play a game. Let's call it; 'Who can hug the longest?' hmm? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"No, it does not," Hermione folded her arms and tried to side step the grown up but he moved with her. "I just want to go to sleep."

"Sleep? Why? There are so many other things we can do, Hermione, things only you and I can do... our little secret, if you will..."

Hermione froze on the spot. Not wanting to scream in case he tried to hurt her. No, what she wanted was a hiding place. Somewhere that he could not find her. Somewhere that she was safe. Closing her eyes, she wished in her imagination, to find that special some place. For some reason cobble stones, shops with differently dressed people, the scent of spices hung in the air. This was where she wanted to be. Please be real, she begged, I want to be there!

A crack woke her up and suddenly she was just where her mind made up. Cobble stoned walkways, shops with colourful fronts and awnings, weird but vibrantly dressed people. The noises though; chickens clucking, children running and parents yelling at them not to or they'd get hurt. Older children dressed just as fancifully, smiling, apple cheeked faces glowed with joy. Hermione would have loved it if she was not so small, shy and rather insignificant. It was drummed into her all day at school to never speak to strangers – they never told her that people her parents knew could also be frightening.

Still, she gulped, as she was accidentally, roughly pushed to the floor by a big brute of a boy. Teenaged. Red hair. Fang earring. Nope, she sighed, he looks too big and too cool to talk to me. His friends did too. They were laughing about something. Her ears perked up, could only hear one repeated word amongst the hubbub: Hogwarts.

The cool red head laughed: "Right under the greasy git's nose, I'm tellin' you, it was easy to get here. Found a great way out of school. I cannot wait to tell my brothers about it." Oh, he had brothers. Maybe he could help her out, no, maybe he hated girls. "Though not my sister, the only female Weasley born for a few centuries," he puffed up proudly, "got to protect her at all costs."

"If she is going to be as cool as you, Bill," said friend number one, "you won't need to protect her."

Protect, she wanted to feel safe. Could she trust this scary looking Bill? Suddenly the red heads joviality left him as he saw two other men walk nearby: "Hello WEASEL," sneered the dark haired one. "Shouldn't you be at school!"

"I ain't breakin' no rules, Dolohov, just hike it!" Bill snarled.

"I always despised you!" the one called Dolohov growled.

Hermione watched fascinated as the two boys thrust thin sticks of wood into each other's faces. All Hermione could think was: They're going to poke someone's eye out, if they're not too careful.

"Oh come on, Bill, he's not worth it mate. Dumbledore would go ape if he found you were using magic underage. Remember, you're not supposed to be here in the first place."

"That's right," Dolohov sneered, "carry on like this and you will end up like your bastard Uncles!"

Hermione's heart thudded in her chest. The dark man seemed to be made of ice, and storm winds, Hermione had never seen a pair of eyes so dark or mesmerizing before. Warily, her wide eyes flittered between red and dark – fire and ice. Surreptitiously, Hermione scuttled further into the crowd, hiding underneath robes and skirts to get away from what she deemed a dangerous situation. This was meant to be a place of safety so she went in pursuit of somewhere safe.

However, that was harder than she thought. Carts of fruit and vegetables wheeled around by – Hermione gasped – they were winged horses – they were beautifully sleek, handsome horses. Oh, she could have squealed if she could. Hermione wanted to stroke and nuzzle into their necks. A place of safety.

Owls swooped and soared holding things that looked like letters in their mouths, with little satchels that tinkled with the sound of coins causing her to spin in a circle on her heel as she followed their flight. Then Hermione's mouth dropped wide open. Well, she sighed, if that is not safe I do not know what is. For she was standing in front of the biggest, most interesting book store she had ever seen! She walked in hesitantly at first in case it did not exist and she was going to wake up. If this was a dream Hermione did not want to wake up.

"I swear, Aggie," she heard a woman say. "Your little boy gets handsomer every time I see him,"

Hermione turned to see a boy her age with blond hair and really friendly blue eyes and she felt even shyer around him than the cool kid. The boy caught her gaze and tugged on his extremely old looking mum's sleeve. Without missing a beat in her conversation with the other lady, she shooed him away, the boy walked up to Hermione getting redder every minute he stepped up to her. He'd never seen her before and, to his amazement, she was not running away from him.

"H-Hi," he stammered, blushing. He thought the girl was pretty before, but close up he was sure she was lovelier than the sun. "My name's Neville, w-what's y-yours?"

Tilting her head and smiling back just as shyly, Hermione dipped her head so her frizzled hair could hide her burning face: "H-hermione," she stammered back. "I've never seen this shop before."

Neville was shocked. No one spoke to him. Especially girls. Rarely pretty girls. Stumped the boy looked around the shop as if trying to find some topic to talk about: "I like plants," he said. "Do you?"

"Animals," Hermione mumbled. "And, books."

No one, aside from Steven, had ever gone out of their way to speak to her.

"Animals are cool too," Neville said hurriedly as he did not wish to offend his new friend. "Books are good as well." He was about to continue when the old woman walked up to them.

"Who's your friend, Neville?"

"Hermione," Neville said. Confident enough to be able to call her a friend. "Can I give her our address so she can owl us?"

Just as Hermione was about to ask by what he meant by Owling, when royal mail was just as good, she heard the five minutes till closing time announcement. Neville was dragged away whilst she found herself pushed suddenly against the bookshelf in the mad rush for the customers to get their purchases and get home. Hermione, realising she had not got any book vouchers, decided to walk out of the shop quietly. Missing the disappointed look on Neville's face when he could not see her any more.

That made the time 5:30pm. As she walked out she noticed a mad dash from all the buildings. The odd place she found herself in seemed to be shutting up for the night. Owls were being sent out by the flock it seemed, and Hermione noticed the darkening sky and the lighting of lamps reminiscent of the one in Narnia – she was still in her Tinkerbell outfit. The early autumnal chill of evening caused her to shiver slightly.

It was not until she heard the clock strike 8pm that she realised the danger she was in. There was a set of steps, much like the ones in Mary Poppins at the bank, and Hermione decided to take shelter against the wall. Sitting there, with her knees up to her chin trying to stave off the tears. Witnessing from her hiding place the place come alive with adults. Obviously ones who had just finished their work. Green robed individuals particularly took her fancy.

Streams of people coming in and out of pubs and restaurants. Some drunkenly swayed with arms around busty, heavily made up women leading their companions to other less religious places. Hermione was clever enough to understand what Nancy did in Oliver Twist was not exactly child friendly, and she adored Nancy. A woman who had little to give but her heart and she offered it all to the wrong man. How Hermione despised Bill Sykes. Come to think of it that cool red head was called Bill.

Rocking herself back and forth, trying to keep warm, Hermione eventually allowed herself to rest.

That was Friday the 19th. The day she turned 6 and was frightened more than she had ever been.

Saturdaythe 20th was quite sunny for September but still, the steel grey of Autumn climbed into the atmosphere and now, not only was she frozen but was also hungry. What would Pip or Oliver do in this situation? Steal food! Hermione wondered if she'd be sent straight to hell if she stole some fruit from the cart, surely one apple would not go amiss on a cart full of them? There, she sighed, there is one. Go on, a voice hissed, you know you have too. What is the worst that could happen to you? Er, she sighed, I could go to prison.

Hermione had no idea of the time now, she had not yet been able to learn by position of the sun. Still, surely her parents would turn up any minute now, the fact that she knew this place meant she must have been here before with her mum and dad. She decided to explore a bit though. She may bump into her parents somewhere. The girls stomach still protested against her mind, it was morals or starvation. There were some choices a six year old should not have to make. Still, she thought, that if she was going to die at least hell would be warm.

Stealth was required, Hermione understood that much. So she waited patiently in a dark side alley and watched as the female vendor of the nearest fruit and veg shop walk a few steps to talk to the one next door. A bakery holding all kinds of deliciously scented fresh baked goods. From cottage loaves, to bloomers, and the wonderful nutty brown bread she especially loved with Nutella. So, a feast of bread and fruit it will be. Quietly she crept along, behind other vendors, making it look as if she was going the other way. Then, casually; she crossed the street and sidled down a similar way to the one from whence she came, eventually halting by where the fruit cart was and hurriedly crawled under.

She peeked out from under the fake grass covering. Keeping her gaze to where the owner had her back turned, then slowly sneaked her hand out and up to grab the nearest pieces of fruit she could when; suddenly, she felt a large hand grab and firmly circled her outstretched wrist.

"Tut tut," a voice sneered. Hermione gulped as she angrily crawled out of her hiding place. "Here I thought the days of petty thieving went out with corsets. Now why don't you run along to your parents little girl."

Hermione peered up at the person who had caught her doing wrong. A man who looked to be slightly older than the red headed cool guy peered down at her: "I would if I knew where they were and I knew where I was," she said calmly even though her stomach continued to protest. The bustle of the street could not drown out the noise of hunger. "Been here since yesterday," she sniffed.

"Hmm, you must know where you are, otherwise you would not be here. Ergo, you have been here before, and so have your parents," he snapped, the man clearly had little patience with children.

"Yes thank you," she snapped back, her hunger making her too irritable to be shy. "I worked that part out myself – but I haven't – I would remember that marvellous bookshop and begged to be allowed to live there if I had been here before. I most certainly would have recalled flying horses and owls with things in their beaks."

The man seemed to be just as vexed for his eyes glittered menacingly as he looked down his big nose at her and met her eye for eye: "That is as may be, child, but..."

"Look," she sighed trying to sound like her mother. Taking a deep breath she tried to be patient with him. "I'm lost, I'm scared, I'm hungry and I have no money, what would you suggest I do, Mr Clever?"

The man's lips twitched into an amused smile: "All right," he sighed, "for the sake of argument," he tilted his head, pondering over the sight of this strange child. "Let us say I believe your excuse of finding yourself in a hidden street – in London – and you say you have not been here before then, answer me this, how did you get here?"

Hermione rubbed her stomach now sickening with hunger. The amusement left the man's face as he watched the girl collapse to her knees, clutching hold of her painful stomach. Through her mass of hair she looked up at him with wide brown beseeching eyes: "Please sir," her desperation showed through, "help me."

The man seemed to warm up towards her and knelt down to her level, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder: "I am Professor Snape, not Mr Clever," she tried to giggle, "what is your name?"

"Hermione," she sighed."I am telling the truth sir, I really do not know how I got here."

"It's all right, Hermione," the Professor tucked some of her unruly hair behind her ear. "Come on – I will get you something to eat. A bed for the night and I will see what I can do after that as to finding out where you come from. Do you like beef stew?"

Nodding, Hermione kept quiet as Professor Snape effortlessly lifted her up and carried her through the hustle and bustle of the streets. Not caring in the world at the wide eyed, gaping mouths of the crowd. Once they reached The Leaky Cauldron he set her down and called for immediate service. Tom, a hunchback, nodded when he clapped eyes on the waif of a child shivering and pale with hunger.

Two big steaming bowls of chunky beef and onion stew with cheese dumpling topping arrived on the table within minutes. Hermione was given water to drink throughout her meal. Snape watched her guzzle voraciously on the hearty lunch. Once he was sure she had cleaned out the bowl the Professor sat back.

"Hermione is not much for me to go on to help you, I need your surname."

"Granger," she said. "My name is Hermione Jean Granger."

"Granger," Snape rolled her surname around his mouth, he was shocked at seeing one of his future muggleborn pupils. "Miss Granger, do you know where you live?"

"Of course I do," she sighed rolling her eyes. "44 Vine Way, Cheltenham."

"Good, I will see what I can do," he wondered what Dumbledore would have done. "Are you still hungry?"

"Apple and pear crumble and custard would be nice, sir," she said shyly, "but I am sure that is enough. I will pay you back when..."

"No need, little girl," the Professor smiled. Hermione decided then and there that she immediately liked him, "now, I will get dessert and you can tell me more of how you got here."

Suddenly her attitude changed and she began to squirm and fret. Professor Snape watched the atmosphere cool right before his eyes and wondered what she was running from. No, he amended, who she was running from.

"You promise you won't tell anyone," she whispered.

The dark haired man shook his head: "I am a Master of Secrets, Miss Granger," he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes which made her giggle, "I won't tell a soul." Once she did however, the promise could not be kept. What the girl was describing almost made him want to vomit at the mouth: "I will do all I can to help you stay safe. I will pay for a room for you, you are to stay near to The Leaky Cauldron..."

"Cauldron as in Magic?" she smiled and jumped in her seat.

"Cauldron as in, as you say, magic," Professor Snape said with a hint of amusement. He liked this child. She was infectiously wonderful. "Now..."

"I always wanted to do magic!" she rushed out as if confessing this was somehow her secret she had not revealed to anyone. "I bet magic would be amazing to do!"

Tilting his head to the side, Hermione was reminded of a raven, with the way they bob and move their heads. She shrunk into herself as she watched this Professor scrutinize her: "Remember what I said," he continued. "Stay in the Leaky Cauldron, or remain in that wonderful bookshop you told me about. Do not go exploring further than the bookshop – or this area. Tom, the keeper, shall help you in anyway he can."

Dessert arrived then and they both ate in companionable silence. Secretly, Hermione was wishing this man was her father's friend, he was absolutely wonderful and Hermione's little six year old heart beat fast in her chest as she realised how nice he was. When she got older, she promised herself, she'd find this man and repay him for the kindness she had been shown today. Once finished Professor Snape took Hermione's tiny little hand and led her to the barkeeper.

"Hello, little'un," he stooped down to her level. Suddenly, Hermione's timid side came out as she hid herself in Professor Snapes wonderfully smelling, thick black dress thing, clutching onto the fabric for dear life. "Shy one, isn't she. Wadd'ya think? Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff for the little mite?" Tom smiled down at the little girl again. "She's terrified poor thing, have you thought about the Weasley's they can..."

"No," Professor Snape said firmly. "I hope that this issue can be resolved tomorrow but she requires safety and warmth – the Weasley Matriarch would smother her too much, it could terrify her, and you know she gets attached to children, Molly would want to take Hermione in for her own."

Hermione knew what smother meant, and thought of all those Witches in Fairy Stories who lured and killed children. Then again, she thought, if she liked children she may have given Hermione a nice bed. And Weasley; she heard that name before. Charily, she glanced up at Tom who softened his features as he stared at her big brown eyes: "Poor mite, you're doing a good thing, Professor. This way, young Lady, to your chambers. I will get you something suitable to wear too, must be like the arctic tundra wearing that."

Professor Snape chuckled as he took hold of her hand: "Now, Hermione, you will behave for Tom won't you and I should be able to get you home and dry by tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir," she whispered to her new favourite person, then turned to Tom. "Also, thank you to," she lowered her lashes shyly and whispered. "Favourite colours are green and yellow."

"You are most assuredly welcome, little girl," Tom said. "A nice yellow dress or two, yes?"

After that, Hermione spent the rest of the day sleeping, eating and finally able to explore the most marvellous bookshop in the world. The only other thing she did was get fitted for new robes by a wonderful woman called Madam Malkin.

That was Saturday the 20th. The day she met Professor Snape and learned that Magic might just be real and realised that strangers are sometimes better than people her parents knew.

Sunday the 21st was when something most shocking happened. Hermione had fallen asleep in one of the most squishiest chairs possible with a big book on her lap in the most wonderful book store in the entire world in her new buttercream yellow dress robes. Rudely, she was prodded awake by a pointy faced child with white blond slicked back hair, green robes, (she had learned to call them), and the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen. The boy looked like an angel.

"Mother!" he yelled causing Hermione to wince and cover her ears.

"What is it, darling?"

Hermione sunk further into the cushions trying not to let this most beautiful of women see her. For she was tall, elegant, flowing silken curly blond locks braided at the sides of head joining to make one long plait sitting smartly aligned with her spine. She was wearing the lightest of blue robes they almost looked silver. Her voice made Hermione feel safe.

"Can she be my sister?" the boy pointed at Hermione.

Turning red with embarrassment Hermione was about to protest at this when another person came into view. Regal, handsome, beautiful too in his manly way. Hermione thought of a fairy tale prince and lowered her eyes to the floor where her feet were suddenly the most interesting invention since sliced bread.

"Do not point, Draco, remember your manners," the man scolded his son. Rather unfairly, Hermione thought but her shyness took over again. "Now," the man turned his full attention on Hermione which caused her to squirm and wriggle: "You must be the girl Severus told me about," he whispered as he knelt down to look in her eyes: "I must apologise for my son's behaviour, you see," he said with a sigh. "Draco has always wanted a sister and he tries to steal other people's," this made Hermione smile a little and the man stroked her face tenderly. "Come, Severus has found your parents and they are extremely worried for you."

"They are?" Hermione whispered. "And who is Severus?"

"Of course they are, dear," the woman played with Hermione's hair. "Severus may have introduced himself to you as Professor Snape," immediately Hermione brightened at the name. An action that was not lost on Narcissa. "I am Narcissa Malfoy, this is my husband, Lucius Malfoy, and my son Draco Malfoy."

"H-Hermione," she stuttered. "And thank you, Mr and Mrs Malfoy," she flushed. Draco sulked and pouted.

"I want Hermione for my sister," Draco whinged. Hermione watched his father drag the spoiled boy away.

"What are they saying?" Hermione tilted her head to the side seeing if she could lip read, to her disappointment, she couldn't. "Mrs Malfoy, do you think my parents will hate me?"

"They will be glad to see you – too much so to be angry," Narcissa's eyes warmed as she observed the girl shrink back again. "Hermione, come, take my hand, there are ways to get to places – one which you unwittingly utilised. Now, do not be scared, it is perfectly safe."

Oh this was wonderful, Hermione sighed, it seemed like they were going to do magic together. She had no one to explain her episodes with. Lucius and Draco came back with smiles on their faces.

"Shall we go then?" Lucius asked as he took Hermione's other hand whilst the boy, Draco, completed the circle by standing and holding one each of his hands in his parent's spare ones. "Close your eyes, Hermione."

She did and with a crack found she was home again. Immediately, her mother ran out of the house and picked her daughter up into her arms and wept uncontrollably.

"It is all right, mum," Hermione said, "I went on the most marvellous adventure – here let me introduce you to the Malfoys," in her excitement she missed the pale look her mother offered to Lucius. "Can they come in?" Hermione asked in all innocence.

"Yes," Helen Granger said quietly. "Come in; all of you, and let us talk about what you've been up to for the past two days, young lady!"

Hermione knew she was in trouble. Draco was sulking much too much as he was moaning about why he could not just take Hermione to the Manor and have her as his sister. Both children missing the awkward looks Lucius Malfoy and Helen Granger were giving each other. Narcissa was remarking to herself how nice a home it was for Muggles whilst gently stirring her milk in her tea.

Hermione did not know then, or care, that this was not a reunion after a massively awesome adventure but the start of something infinitely bigger.

October the 31st of that year she was adopted by the Malfoys. Henceforth, she was now known as Adhara Hermione Malfoy. Draco Lucius Malfoy's big sister! The first few weeks she spent in her new lavish bedroom in tears as she could not help but speculate on why her parents did not want her any more but she got no satisfactory an answer by herself. No one else would tell her what happened to them either.

Her new parents were filthy rich and she had all the horses her heart was set on. Her own mini-pet farm with rabbits, ponies and guinea pigs. Indoor heated swimming pool which she used daily. She found out there really were flying broomsticks and carpets. Despite this she missed her parents. Not that the Malfoys were not particularly cruel, and at least she would never see Danger Daryl again.

Narcissa was a particularly doting mother. Lavishing all the sort of dresses she wanted; varying shades of greens, yellows, purples, and blues. Lucius was a busy but doting father on his new daughter giving her little trinkets, ribbons and bows to match her dresses, and any pet she set her heart on. But the fact remained. They were not her parents.

About the only thing that cheered her up was her new younger brother, Draco, who went out of his way to make her smile. Her house elf Dobby who adored her. Most of all, dear Uncle Severus, who indulged her with all sorts of sweet treats her mother would then confiscate and scold the man so for trying to make her daughter fat. Oh being Adhara Hermione Malfoy was not so bad but, she sighed, it was nothing like being Hermione Jean Granger.

Little did she know that in ten years time – her life was about to take a darker turn. For as she grew, the prettier she became. Elegance dictated her stance. Poised in every movement she made. Comportment was beyond compare, graceful movements showed in every toe step she made. No one could doubt her intelligence since she was sorted in Ravenclaw.

Ten years later her new fathers friends turned out scarier than Danger Daryl. First there was her Uncle Rodolphus who made her squirm in her seat with just a smile. Antonin Dolohov; who made no secret of his desire for her, he grew to be dangerous beyond expectations. Rabastan who's light, sea green eyes, shone with lust as he observed her; the list went on.

Then there were her brother's friends, Blaise Zabini who made her feel like a queen at the Yule Ball. Theodore Nott who was the shyest and sweetest. Adrian Pucey, tall, muscular and gorgeous outrageously flirting with her at every opportunity.

Not to mention her own friends. She was not blind to the longing looks Ronald Weasley offered her. Nor was she unaware of how Neville Longbottom stammered around her. Then there was Ernie McMillan and Terence Boot. Oh, Adhara Hermione was not without charms. By her 17th birthday, Lucius Malfoy had to go through many marriage proposals from Pureblood parents wishing to secure her hand, and her dowry, for their own.

One above all else took to her. Red eyed, serpentine, but mesmerizing in his own way. Her heart thumped whenever she thought about him.

Let this story be about Adhara Hermione Malfoy. Doting daughter, clever student, friends with the Boy-Who-Lived but could also understand the Dark Lord's views too.

Adhara Hermione Malfoy's life truly began to be complicated the summer after the Triwizard Tournament when poor Cedric Diggory was murdered by a lowly rat so Harry told it.

The scariest of her whole life was the night she met Lord Voldemort...

AN: The story from now on, will start from the night of Voldemorts return but there will be flashbacks to previous years. Also, I will try not to make this a Snamione... it will be very hard for me not too, but I am sure my beta, Vino Amore, will slap me if I went there...