Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Percy Jackson and the Olympians


The clash of these two techniques hit with tremendous force, creating a purple sphere of uncontrollable power. The sphere grew larger in power, pushing the powerful flow of the waterfall, and disintegrating the rock around it. The sphere slowly stopped growing and at the center of the sphere, a explosion of blindly white light shine over the entire area.

Once the light disappeared the sphere was no more and what's left in the center is two boys. Naruto Uzumaki lay on the ground unconscious while the victor of the battle, Sasuke Uchiha, stood over him staring at his unconscious body.

"Naruto… I…"

He stopped and turned his head upward to see that droplets started to fall. Slowly the rain started to fall heavily on them. Sasuke stared at the sky in silence until he felt pain shoot through his left shoulder. Falling down onto his knees from the pain he coughed up blood onto the ground.

"I see that you defeated my son"

Surprise came across Sasuke's face when he heard the voice. Looking up he saw a man standing in front of him and Naruto. The man had an aura of power around him, it felt like being in a middle of a storm. The most striking feature of the man is his eyes, the same sky blue eyes that Naruto has. His long black hair waved in the air, dry as if it wasn't doused in the rain. He wore a white V neck t-shirt, with black khaki shorts.

"Who are you? Sasuke muttered in ragged breaths. Staring at this obviously powerful man.

He walk towards Naruto, kneeling in front of him. He put his hand on his head and Naruto disappear into thin air. Looking at the stranger stunned at what he did.

"What did you do?"

"It's none of your concern ...Sasuke."

After those words he disappeared into thin air just like Naruto, leaving Sasuke alone.


Groggily sitting up from the ground, Naruto rub his eyes, trying to get his vision back into focus. With his eyesight returning he noticed that he was in the middle of a woods.

"Dammit, where the heck am I."

Looking to the ground to his right he saw a pouch lying there. Grabbing it he opened it, surprise by the fact that there is a scroll, a pair of clothes, rolls of green paper, and a freaking sword. Pondering on how all of this could fit in this pouch, he grabbed the scroll first and started to unroll it.

"Hello Naruto, you may be wondering where you are and how you got there. After your battle with your friend, Sasuke, I came and grabbed you after you lost consciousness and brought you here to another land. You may ask why I did it? It's because I'm your father and I can't reveal my real name to you because here names have power. For now you may call me by my mortal name, Minato. Now in the contents of the pouch you will find a change of clothes, currency of this world, a sword, and the pouch itself. The items will help you along your journey in these lands. This is all I can do for you son, hopefully we will meet again."


"Oh forgot to mention that I'm a god and that there's monsters running around the world right now so… there is a place for your kind per se at Long Island, New York. Safe travels son."

Staring at the scroll in disbelief, trying to understand all of this information. His brain trying and failing to think of how this could be real.

"I was just in a fight with Sasuke-teme and now I'm somewhere that I don't even know what to call!" Growling to himself he stopped for a moment to think.

"Okay, I'm stuck in unknown land with someone calling me son, and telling me that I need to get to this place called Long Island. Alright I'll go to this Long Island and get some answers."

Coming to terms of what he learned, he grabbed the pair of clothes out of the pouch and put it on.

"At least it's orange."

Looking over the outfit his dad had given him, he had on a orange jacket with the kanji storm (嵐) and sea(海) on the middle of his jacket, a blue t-shirt, a pair of orange sweatpants, and his Konoha hitai-ate on his forehead. He grab his old ripped up clothes and put it into the pouch. He put it on the pouch, where his old kunai pouch used to be.

Looking for higher ground, Naruto ran right up top of a tree. Looking around he notice a black top road in the distance. Having a destination he set off towards that direction.


After traveling for a while, Naruto can see a rest stop, where all of the self moving metal carriages seem to go and stop to recharge. Deciding that he needed some information he jump right down to the building and went in.

Searching for somebody to talk to Naruto went to the front counter, seeing a person behind it. "Hey… um can you point me to Long Island, New York?" The clerk in front of him stare at him in confusion.

"Kid where are your parents?" Staring at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Um... my dad said he would meet up with me somewhere in Long Island" He said slowly "I'm just wondering if I'm heading the right way?"

The clerk looked at him in suspicion, wondering to himself why would a kid like him head to Long Island by himself.

"Sure all you have to do is just head down that road down south."

"Thanks guy and um do you have anything to eat?" Rubbing his stomach in hunger.

"We have hot dogs, pizza, and hamburgers." Pointing at the various of stations of the food he called out.

Looking at the food he pointed out to him, he looked at them strangely.

"Is a hamburger any good?"

The clerk looked at him in disbelief, what kid didn't know what a hamburger was.

"Yeah kid it's good."

Going over the Hamburger station he took one out and brought it to the counter. Reaching over to his pouch he grabbed the wad of hundreds out of his pouch. The guy looked at him in surprise at seeing a roll of hundred bills in his hands. Taking one of the hundred of bills out of the roll he gave it the the guy.

"Is this enough? Unsure if the amount of money was enough for the hamburger.

"Yeah kid that's more than enough." Reaching over he took the hundred dollar bill and give Naruto his change. Naruto took the change and put it back into his pouch.

Unwrapping the burger he can see that it was bread with meat in between it. Hoping that it is good, Naruto took a bite. Surprise at how good it is, Naruto started chowing down on the burger. After he finish the burger he went and bought a dozen more from the stand. The look on the guy's face was amusing as he stuff down all the burgers down his mouth.

Going outside Naruto started running towards the direction the guy pointed out to him.


With the night closing in fast Naruto stopped for camp. Making a fire for the night, Naruto lay next to the fire looking up at the stars. Sitting up Naruto reached into his pouch and grab the sword from it. Looking at it, it didn't look like any sword he ever saw. The sword hilt is black and jagged, with the sword's guard having two spikes pointing upwards. Unsheathing it, Naruto saw that the blade is double sided, one side of the blade the color black while the side white.

"Why the heck would I need a sword for?" Naruto to thought to himself. He never learned how to even use a sword. Why now when he can shove a Rasengan up their chest?

Staring at the fire, Naruto heard howling in the distance. Getting up, Naruto went to investigate the noise. Jumping up onto the trees, Naruto head towards the sound. Getting closer to the noise Naruto saw two big black dogs sniffing around.

The black dogs stopped sniffing then they turn their heads upward, towards him.


Naruto quickly put his hands into a cross sign, summoning clones into existence. He and his clones jumped down circling the dogs. Raising his hand to one of his clones they started to make a Rasengan, while another two did the same. After completing the Rasengan, Naruto told the remaining clones to grab hold of the dogs limbs to hold it down.

The clones spring into action, at once the clones dived in grabbing onto the dog's legs. Getting a running start, Naruto jump into the air, thrusting his hand forward drilling his Rasengan into one of the head of the dog.

Naruto was expecting for blood, but surprised that the dog turned into gold dust. Turning to the other dog, Naruto watches as his clones quickly did the same to the other dog.

Dispelling his clones Naruto went by the gold dust, checking if the dogs left anything behind. Swiping away the gold dust, all he found is a couple of canine teeth and a couple of gold coins. Pocketing the items into his pouch Naruto went back to his camp site. Sitting by his fire again, he couldn't help but think about those dogs.

"Must have been those monsters that dad warn me about."


It's been a few days since he came here and he hated it. After the first night Naruto encountered even more monsters. There was a giant with one eye, a monster that had a goat head, and even more of those dogs.

From the way he's going he was getting closer to Long Island. Naruto was surprised when he saw all the tall buildings when he was in New York. Of Course he didn't have the time to admire the view when getting chased by monsters almost every hour of the day.

Stopping at one of the rest stops Naruto went inside and bought some hamburgers and water. Walking over to one of tables, sitting down and start chowing down on the hamburgers.

While on his fifth burger Naruto notice something off. Looking around him he notice that there's nobody around him. With obvious signs of trouble Naruto bolted away from the table and ran as fast as he can.

Running, Naruto felt a rumble from behind him. Looking behind he saw a four headed dragon stomping towards him.

"Shit, what the hell is that thing dattebayo!"

Running faster towards the beach, stopping by the shore, Naruto summons as many clones as he possibly can. Naruto wanted an open space to battle with the dragon.

Once the clones were summoned, the dragon came crashing in, snatching as many clones it can with it's large mouths. With the dragon preoccupied with his clones, Naruto and a few other clones readied their Rasengans, for a full blown barrage. Getting behind the dragon, Naruto and the clones all jump in the air. Throwing their hands forward, the attack landed all over the dragon's necks, shredding through it.

Naruto watched as the dragon fell down onto the ground, as he landed onto the sand. Looking back he watches as the dragon didn't turn to golden dust. Instead the dragon slowly regenerated back it's heads, this time with even more heads.

"The fuck, I thought it would die! Shit, now what."

Naruto stares at the now eight headed dragon as it stared him down. The dragon started stomping towards Naruto, with it's heads snapping towards him. Moving back quickly he tried moving away from the dragon, but one of the heads grabbed him with his teeth and flung him into the water.

Naruto's body skipped on top of the water, bleeding from the bite from the dragon, when it grabbed him.

"Dammit, am I going to die here?" His body floating on top of the water.

"Naruto use the sword." A voice called out.

"The sword?'" Naruto painfully reach for his back pouch, grabbing the sword he pulled it out. Holding onto the sword he notice a glow from it.

"Unsheathed it and release your power!" The voice yelled out.

Unsheathing the sword he felt it vibrate, pulsing out as if it had a life of it's own. For some reason he raise the sword upward and saw dark clouds forming above him. The water started to become wild, becoming relentless. The sky started to rain hard, the wind getting stronger, and the tides getting bigger. His body started to rise out of the water, floating in the air, the wind carrying him.

Pointing his sword at the dark skies, lightning struck it, covering it in pure lightning. Naruto stared at the eight headed dragon, being held by the water, wrapping around it like a rope. Naruto got into a striking form and controlled the wind to fling him towards the dragon. Stabbing it in the gut, the heat from the lightning burnt the inside of the dragon, causing it to burn up from the inside.

Naruto watched as it disintegrated into gold dust. The water started to subside going back to a gentle tide and the dark clouds started to part apart. Soon the storm and the sea subsided going back to normal. Naruto laid in the water exhausted from what he did, he look at the sword in his hand, smiling.

"I think I will use you."

After that thought, he fell unconscious.