(:Disclaimer:) I do not own Inu Yasha, Takahashi Rumiko does. Don't get me wrong, I do own some pretty cool merchandise! ^ ^

(:A.N.:) I'm taking some time off my current project, 'Iron Chef: Inu Yasha Style!' To write on a more serious manor. I believe that Inu Yasha is a great anime for humor, but even better for drama. So here's my Inu Yasha drama. Please rewiew after reading! Thank you! PS: this chapter is in Inu Yasha's POV, about his past.

Haunting Me in Dreams
Chapter One : I'll Never Wake Up
By : Feng Shui Goddess

Surrounding me was darkness. Darkness everywhere, no matter where I turned, there was no light to be found. Some may say that it is a sad thing to live your life completely in darkness, but for me it was not. I'm not somebody else, so I don't think like sombody else. I think like me, because I am me. My light had disapeared a long time ago, when the only one who accepted me had died. You see, she fell very ill while she was still very young. I was always told that a demon had put a curse on her, because she was different form the demons she lived with. She was a very kind soul, and I could tell you everything about her perfectly from my mind. That's the problem with living in darkness. You can never let go of what's behind you. You always grasp onto those emotions that you always loved. You hold onto the things that keep you going, day by day. When you live in darkness, you have nothing in the present to live for, so you must muster the courage to recall past happiness. I've lived for a long time, and as I get older, memories sometimes tend to fade. Except for that one memory I love. That one person that I cared for so much. Oh, why did she have to leave me? Didn't she know about how long I would mourn her death? Didn't she care? She was so important to me, she lived in the most beautiful purity.

My mother...

I remember when I was young, how she would hold me in her arms and tell me that she loved me. She wasn't afraid of anything. She was so content, her light lit up even the eyes of people like me. I guess that's why my father loved her. When you looked into her eyes, all your sorrows drown away, and you felt so strong. So invincible. Like you could overpower even the darkest times. I remember when she and I would go out, how everyone would shun down upon she and I, because we both were different. My mother was a human living in a colony of demons, and I was a hybrid. When you're different than everyone else, it makes you happy when you're with someone who is also strange to other people. I wonder if she felt the same about me? What am I thinking.. of course she did. All mothers love their children more than anything, she told me so.

Mother would teach me things when she and I were alone. She taught me how to read, and draw, and about music. I loved learning from her. It made her happy when I would learn, and it made me happy when I learned. My father wasn't home very often while mother was sick. I was told that he would go and visit his old lover, of whom he'd had a son with. A son that could be respected by a father. Of course my father loved my brother more than I. He was his first-born son, and a full blood demon. I could never live up to be as great as my brother... Sessho Maru. Day by day, my mother grew more and more ill and tired. I would go and pick flowers for her sometimes, and brew her tea. I would read her stories, and draw her pictures. I gave her my favorite blanket to sleep with, as well. When she was very weak, I would brush her long, midnight black hair for her, just as she used to do for herself. I would cook her food, and go shopping for her. As the days went by, mother got to the point of which she could not even stand up. I was devestated, I didn't know what to do. Finally, that dreaded day came, when she left me.

I was out at the well, cleaning clothes, when my father approached me. "Inu Yasha," he said in his deep yet comforting voice, "she's gone." I kept on cleaning, not knowing what he was talking about. "Gone? Who's gone?" I asked, puzzled by the statement. "Your mother. She's just died." I dropped the clothes I was washing into the well, and my tears formed ripples in the water. "What are you talking about, Father? I just left the house an hour ago, and she was fine. There's no way anyhting like that happened! You're joking! It's not funny to joke like that!" With that I broke down and fell to the ground, sobbing. My father sat down next to me, and put my head in my lap, stroking my hair. I looked straight into my father's melancholy eyes. "It's all your fault! It's all your fault! You were never around to help me take care of her! You left me all alone with her! How could you?! How could you?!" I screamed at my father, not caring at what his reaction would be. "I'm sorry... You're right..." He said, to my disbelief. My father was not one to admit to his faults. But here he was, saying he was sorry. Nevertheless, I was torn. My light had just left me. Just like that, she was gone.

I ran back to my home in the villiage, tears still streaming down my face. People stared and pointed at me as I passed them, but I didn't care. The wind rushed past me, and I closed my eyes tight. I was dreaming, because I knew that this moment could not be real. Where was I to go? What was I to do? When I finally made it to my house, I opened the door slowly, not wanting to face the truth. I stepped into where my mother was, and quietly shut the door. She lay there like an angel, her arms down by her sides, and the smell of tears on her face. Her long hair was spread out across the floor, and she was dressed in a purple silk kimono. Next to her lay a picture I had drawn her of she and I, reading "I love you." I noticed one of her hands was clentched tight around something. I opened her hand to reveal a piece of paper folded several times. On the paper was written "To Inu Yasha". I opened the paper slowly, as not to tear the thin rice paper. Inside was a letter written in black ink. It read:

My Dearest Inu Yasha,
I am sorry to leave you like this, but I am growing weaker and weaker by the hour, and I am afraid that my time here is over. I pray that you do not feel abandoned, for I stayed with you as long
as I was allowed. Though I was not well for much of your life, I want you to know how proud I am
of you, and what a wonderful person you are. As you get older, your memories of me will get
fainter and fainter, and eventually you will forget about me, for the better. In my jewelry box is
some money that should help you get through these tough times. I hope you can think of someone
to stay with. Maybe it would be best if you stayed with your father and Sessho Maru. I hope you
find happiness, Inu Yasha, because out of all the people I know, you deserve it most. Someday
you'll find love, and I hope she is wonderful and loving, just like you were to me. I'm sorry to end
this letter so short, but I am feeling very weak. I love you very much, my son.
Love, Your Mother

After reading the note, I refolded it and stuffed it into my kimono pocket. I went over to my mother's jewelry box on her dresser, and took out some money, about 12,000 yen. Once again I knealed over my mother, and laid on her chest, hoping that I would hear a heartbeat, or that she would say something. But I could not hear a heartbeat, or her blood running throught her veins. She was gone. Truly, she was gone. I built a big fire, and cremated my mother. Slowly, her smell that I love so much disappeared. Hundreds of sparks flew high into the dark night sky, some even landed on my kimono, but I didn't care. What I was doing was the most horrible punishment in the world. I sat down and watched, as my mothers body became ashes little by little. Tears began forming in my eyes, I didn't want to see her go. I remembered what my mother wrote me in her death note: 'I hope you find happiness, Inu Yasha.' Out of all the emotions racing in my mind at the moment, happiness was far from any of them. Slowly, my eyes grew weary, as I fell asleep against a tree close to the fire.

When I woke up, the fire was out, and all that remained was the ashes of my mother. I some of her ashes into a small bottle, and then I sealed it up. Later that night, I put together my things that meant most to me: one of my mothers kimonos, a blanket she had knitted for me, my 12,000 yen, the note mother had written me, a book I had been taught in, and a picture mother had painted of the two of us. I tied all my items in a cloth sack, and left the only home I had ever known, in pursuit of happiness. Never looking back, I continued down the road to my fate, not beoing afraid, not feeling any emotions at all. I was now all alone. I continued down the dirt path for some time, until I realized that the only place I sould stay was with my father, his new wife (of whom was once his exwife) and my half brother. Never turning back, I walked for a long time, until I reached my destination.

(A.N.) So, how was it? This was only the introduction to this fanfic, and I will continue if you like it. Please review, I'd appreciate it very much and I'll love you forever!