Birth of a Flower

A/N: In celebration of the birthday of Violet's creator (my rl best friend), I've decided to write about the birth of Violet Kimblee. This is set a few years before my story Bad Idea begins (not long after Solf J Kimblee was sent to Ishval during the war).
For those of you who don't know, Alice (my OC and the MC of the story)was married to the infamous Crimson Alchemist, Solf J Kimblee, who she grew up with and has known for most of her life. Another important fact to know before I start this: Alice is the granddaughter of General Grumman (who raised her but kept her identity a secret per her request), and cousin of Riza Hawkeye (their mothers are the children of General Grumman).
Now that you have the main background info needed, the story shall begin!
Side note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the reviews, and if you're interested in seeing where the story goes after this, it's connected to my fic Bad Idea (I also have a kind of background fic that's just Alice and Solf's friendship/relationship over the years, but that hasn't been posted yet).
ANYWHORE, let the story begin!

Chapter 1: Good News or Bad News

It had only been a few days since the State Alchemists were sent to Ishval to quickly end the war. The Führer decided to wait to send State Alchemists until he was ready to pass Executive Order 3066, and Alice knew what that meant.
The slender yet muscular woman with blood red hair and ice blue eyes was alone in her apartment. There were typical household furniture and appliances, all in black and red, but even so, she felt as though she were in an empty room with nothing but loneliness surrounding her. For most of the time that she had alone, she stayed in bed, hiding from the world under her vantablack blanket and dark red sheets.
This particular day, however, was different. When she slowly woke up, something felt rather odd. She wasn't quite sure what it was. Was it sickness? Possibly a hangover? Or maybe it was something else; something that she hadn't thought of. The strange feeling suddenly turned into nausea, and she ran to the bathroom, throwing up as soon as she got to the toilet.
"What the hell," she muttered between vomiting. Once her stomach was empty and the nausea stopped, the pale woman went to the sink to brush her teeth.
After carefully brushing her teeth, Alice looked in the mirror and noticed something odd. Her canine teeth were sharper than usual; they were even more sharp than those of wolves. Her eyes instantly widened in horror when she thought about the cause. Only three things could cause her teeth to sharpen: menstruation, thirst, or the thing she suspected…pregnancy.
"FUCK," she yelled before running back into her room and throwing the sheets off of the bed to check for stains. "Oh no," she said, and repeated the word "no," as she ran back into the bathroom and searched through all of the medication in the cabinets until she found it: the small, circular pill case. She frantically opened the case and counted the pills. "Shit," she yelled when she realized that she hadn't taken the pills in weeks.
Alice hurried to the phone that was mounted on the living room wall, her hair flowing behind her like a sea of blood. She quickly picked up the phone, but paused when she was about to type the number. She slowly put the phone back on the hook then leaned on the wall, sliding down it as her eyes filled with tears. Like a scared and depressed little girl, she sat there with her knees to her large breasts, and laid her head down on her knees, letting the tears flow down her cheeks and onto her chest and legs.
The two people that were the dearest to her were gone. They had always been there if she ever needed anything, especially when her depression hit her like an anvil falling from the sky. Now she needed them more than she had in years, but for once they weren't there. She could not even communicate with them, and had no one else to turn to with her concerns. For the first time since she was about sixteen, Alice felt like a scared little girl with no way to fix her problems, and she hated it. She hated her depression, and hated herself for having it, and for causing such a disaster.
As her thoughts grew darker, she got up and reached for a bottle of tequila from the minibar next to the couch. She stopped, remembering what the problem was. When she put down the bottle, she decided to get dressed and go to the pharmacy that was just two blocks away.
Before putting on any clothes, Alice looked at herself in the long mirror that was leaning against a wall in the bedroom. She was wearing one of her husband's white button down shirts and nothing else, so she unbuttoned the shirt and let it slide off of her body. She turned to the side and looked carefully at her abdomen, hoping to see nothing different. After making sure that there was no size difference, she decided to go with a more relaxed and humble look, so she put on her tight black leather pants with a black belt that had four chains linking the belt to a small leather strap on her left thigh. For a shirt, she put on a black bra and slipped on a long sleeved black fishnet shirt that had many holes. The bottom of the shirt had been ripped off, so the shirt ended just a few centimeters past her bra, showing off her black gold belly ring that had a simple black ball on the top, and a sapphire jewel on the bottom with a small black dagger charm, with two roses next to the handle, hanging from it.
Alice put on her black collar with silver spikes, and slid on her thigh-high black laced boots, which had seven inch high heels. She quickly brushed her long red hair, and put on her makeup. When she finished, she put her wallet and keys in her bra, then walked to the store.
She grabbed handfuls of packages of pregnancy tests and took them to the counter, where she managed to flirt with the cashier enough to distract him from noticing what she was buying.
"Here," she seductively said as she handed the cashier a wad of cash. "Keep the change." She winked and grabbed her bags, walked home.

"Fuck," Alice yelled, throwing the last pregnancy test at the wall. As she feared, all fifty seven pregnancy tests that she had gotten were positive. With her last hope destroyed, she sat on the bathroom floor and cried. "Why am I so stupid," she said as she sobbed.
Hours went by, though to Alice it felt like days, and she managed to cry herself to sleep with her head laying her arm on the edge of the bathtub. In her dreams, she saw a vision of herself around eight months into her pregnancy. She was wearing a long lavender dress that flowed to the ground and covered her bare feet on the bright dark grass. Judging by the weather, it was a little after the beginning of autumn. As she walked with the wind blowing her hair and dress backwards. She soon reached an open field in the center of the forest. Her dream was so vivid that she could almost feel the bright green grass under her feet as she walked.
Once she reached the center of the field she sat down, now surrounded by blooming violets. She had not realized that she had been smiling the entire time until she reached for a violet and smelled it. The smell was sweet and subtle with a small hint of blood. The scent and beauty of the violets filled her with joy and she plucked a few more of the darkest violets to make a crown that perfectly fit on her head, making her smile more. She made a much smaller crown out of the brightest violets near her, and gently placed it on her now very large stomach.
"I love you," Alice said with a smile, in her dream world as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. After that, everything went black as a telephone rang loudly in a distance.