
Shisui then sees Naori, the purplenette smiles at her former student she then sees the loo of frustration in his eyes. "Shisui are you okay?" asked the concerned Naori.

He shook his head negatively "we'll talk somewhere else." muttered Shisui Naori nods her head the two then returned back to his home he soon explained what happened in the small meeting both Uchiha members found themselves even more disgusted with their clan "I truly feel sorry for Itachi, Sasuke, and Mikoto. They have to deal with such a heartless person." said Shisui as he runs his hand through his black hair.

Naori nods her head in agreement "Fugaku is consumed by his hatred. Shisui you know he's blind with his hatred it corrupts him to his very core. " said Naori.

Shisui nods his head to his sensei "yes, I know. His eyes are cursed with the hatred of the clan. Fugaku is slowly dragging our clan down." Said Shisui.

"Our mission is even now more important. We can't be allowed Naruto to fall in the heads of Fugaku or the council no matter what. We must protect Naruto no matter what he's the last of the Uzumaki Clan and the son of the Yondaime Hokage. But you know Shisui what we are doing is dangerous correct?" asked Naori.

"Yes, I'm aware of sensei. But I have full confidence if needed you, me, and Itachi can take on the Uchiha Clan. But you must excuse me. I need to pick up my student." said Shisui.

Naori chuckles at this "have fun Shisui." said Naori Shisui chuckles at the woman.

Shisui then shunshin away he then appears at the academy but with the certain appearance of Shisui, everyone jumps in fright "Shisui-sensei! What are you doing here?" exclaimed Naruto in shock Shisui turned his head towards his student.

Shisui smiles at Naruto "I came to pick up." said Shisui.

"Really?" asked Naruto his sensei nods his he then grins fully "can we get some ramen?" asked Naruto.

"Later, first we train," said Shisui he watches as his student's face becomes happy with a large grin, sure he was still in pain but he knew it was worth it, and at the end, he'll become strong to project not just himself but the people he cares about.

Recap End

As the Uchiha and Uzumaki duo were walking towards the Uchiha training ground Naruto can't help to wonder why someone would want to help him especially an Uchiha like Shisui. As far back as the young child could remember no likes him, actually everyone within the walls of the village hated him but no one hated him more than the Uchiha which he never understood why.

Sure he was happy he was being trained but that didn't mean he was curious. Even after his sensei had told him why he chooses him it still left the young child dumbfounded he was glad that Shisui had helped him with his new taijutsu. "I'm part of a powerful clan but I can't tell anyone. Ugh, but it can't be helped." thought Naruto his eyes then turns towards his sensei "hey, sensei! Is fuinjustu hard for you to learn?" asked a curious Naruto he knew Shisui was a powerful shinobi he wouldn't be surprised if Shisui was going to be the next Hokage.

Shisui smiles at the boy that was Naruto always curious about everything "well, I'm no Seal Master like Jiraiya-sama but I'm beginner either. How about a little bit?" asked a smirking Shisui.

Naruto looks at Shisui with a raised eyebrows "a bet? What kind of bet? Will, there be ramen!" exclaimed Naruto with a huge grin on his face. His stomach roars at the prospect of ramen he could always go for Ramen. Besides, it was the only food he could actually get without being overcharged while he knew he needs to eat more than just ramen getting food wasn't that easy. Most times he would have to resort to stealing or go hunting for actual food. There was also part of him that hated the civilians and shinobi even though he was young he still felt hatred for those making his life hard.

Shisui chuckles at Naruto "no it isn't ramen." said Shisui causing Naruto to pout in response" but it's something better than ramen. The bet is if you can get a C or higher on the remainder at the academy. I will get you an advance book for sealing." states Shisui he snickers as he watches Naruto gains a star gazed expression at the mention of fuinjutsu "but this also means you have to keep up with your studies meaning no more skipping and no more pranks you think you can do that?" asked Shisui with a serious expression.

Naruto grins at Shisui with a toothy grin "you bet Shisui-sensei! I'll be the strongest Fuinjutsu Master in Konoha!" roared Naruto.

"Glad to start now let's begin your training," said Shisui he then pulls out a kunai Naruto does the same the two smirked at each the blonde and ravenette then run at each other.

Time skip- Two Years Later

Since Shisui had taken Naruto under his mantle the blonde boy has changed with having someone to actually teach him. Thanks to the teaching of Shisui he had grown as a person and his intelligence has also grown. He even was able to become top of the class and thus making Kiba the dead-last. He was finally able to awaken the chakra chains but he still struggles to use them in battle he had also begun training in Water Release (Suiton).

Even though two years had pasted Naruto's hair had grown considerably longer because of how long his hair has grown longer making Naruto put It in a ponytail. Naruto now wears a long sleeve black shirt, over it, he wears a long-sleeve black kimono top he has it tied together with medical tape. Over it, he wears blue traditional armor which is similar to the ones that Uzumaki people wear. He wears black ninja pants he has his kunai holder strapped to his waist, he has medical tape wrapped around his legs, and he wears black shinobi shoes. He also has a standard-sized katana. It sports a pewter-colored rectangular guard, with small protrusions on each corner, and a sun-like design wrapped around the hilt's collar. The hilt itself is a yellow color, and the sheath is a metallic-gold color.

The blonde-haired Uzumaki stands in the middle of the training ground with his eyes closed he then lets out a sigh he then pulls out four kunai. A volley of kunai are thrown from the trees Naruto then backflips in the air and throws the four kunai deflecting several of the kunai he quickly grabs two of the kunai and throws them to deflect more. Once his feet touch the ground he pulls a couple of shurikens deflecting them he then hears another one behind him he then front flips catching it with the sole of his shoe once he opens his eyes he sees the kunai and shuriken laying on the ground.

He then hears the sound of clapping he turns around and sees Shisui "good job Naruto usually only high skilled jounin can perform this exercise you're the only child who was able to complete this except Itachi and me." said Shisui with a smile.

Naruto bows at Shisui in respect "it's only thanks to you I've grown so strong Shisui-sensei. If it wasn't for you I'd still be an idiot wearing orange." said Naruto he then walks towards Shisui with a stoic expression.

Shisui pats Naruto on the head causing the blonde to look up at the jounin "you shouldn't be too hard on yourself Naruto. You have achieved so much since you become my student it was your own will that allowed you to grow so strong as long as you keep your conviction I'm sure you'll keep growing stronger." said Shisui with pride he knew it was only a matter of time when Naruto will surpass him after all Naruto does wish to be Hokage he knew Naruto had what it takes to be Hokage he has had faith Naruto will control the Bjiuu chakra.

Naruto watches as Shisui takes out a scroll he then tilts his head in confusion and curiosity Shisui smiles at the curious child "this is a summoning scroll. It contains the Raven contact unlike the one I have which is the Crow contract. I want to give this to you as a present for all the hard work you've done. I also have this for you too." said Shisui who takes out another scroll.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the second scroll it looked old and worn out if he had to guess that scroll was ancient. He also noticed the Uzumaki clan symbol on the scroll "where did you find that?" asked Naruto in a tone not fitting a child.

He couldn't blame Naruto for being on edge since most Uzumaki artifacts were either Destroyed or captured by other villages he knew Naruto wished to find and located each scroll and artifacts from his fallen clan. "I found it on the outskirts of Land of Mist (Kiri no Kuni) so, do you want to sign it?" asked Shisui. Naruto nods his eyes blazing with a bright fire Shisui smirks at Naruto he then opens up the scroll Naruto notices various of names written in blood one of the names he noticed were Terumi for some reason that name seemed familiar. He then turns to look at his sensei "to sign the contract you must write your name in blood after that I'll show you the proper hand signs." said Naruto without any hesitation he quickly signed the contract after telling Naruto the proper hand signs and telling how much chakra he needs Naruto is ready to summon the animal.

"Ready?" asked Shisui.

Naruto nods his head "yeah." said Naruto he bites his finger and slammed his hand on the ground "Summoning Technique (Kuchiyose no Jutsu)!" yelled Naruto a huge cloud of smoke blocks his vision once the smoke vanishes a small white raven appears in front of it.

The small bird tilts its head in confusion it's bright golden eyes shined with curiosity "who are you?" asked the bird the voice of the bird was feminine.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm the summoner of the ravens," states Naruto.

The small bird looks at Naruto as if shes was sizing him up "wow, you're young! Much younger than our previous summoner! She was much older than you! My name is Bright Feather ( Akaruihane)! It's been so long since we had a summoner but you don't have enough chakra to summon mama! I have to go now for dinner!" exclaimed the small bird in a happy tone the bird then vanished in a cloud of smoke returning home.

Shisui hands Naruto the Uzumaki scroll at which Naruto accepts it "sensei what did Akaruihane mean I don't have enough chakra?" asked the blonde Uzumaki in confusion from what Shisui had told he had lots of chakras far more than anyone in his class he even had more chakra than his teacher it was the reason why he had so much trouble using the clone jutsu.

"Well, if I had to guess Akaruihane's mother is the leader of the Ravens and if that's the case then you need the chakra capacity of a Kage to summon her. I'd say it'll take a few years before you have enough chakra to summon her. Now let's head back I'm sure you are eager to read what's in the scroll." states Shisui Naruto simply nods his head "I'll see you tomorrow after school." said Shisui he then shunshin back to the Uchiha manor.

Once Naruto returns home he sits on the couch he then pours his chakra into a scroll, once he does the scroll lits up in a golden light. He opens the scroll up and he notices its a letter.

"Whoever has found this I'm unsure how many of us have escaped even now I can sense thousands of enemies heading towards us. I fear that the Uzumaki Clan will soon be a memory of the past I'm not sure if everyone will be able to escape this I hope those that I have warned about what's to come have escaped through the secret passageways. As the leader of the Uzumaki Clan, I must stay and do my duty to protect my people with my time being short I leave this scroll containing all my knowledge of fuinjutsu, kenjutsu, and ninjutsu. I'm not sure if the next generation of Uzumaki will have any knowledge fuinjutsu so I leave all my fuinjutsu to whoever finds this and location of each of our hidden temples that are scattered across the lands. If there are any Uzumaki that still resides in Konoha then there is a temple just beyond the outskirts of Konoha this temple houses many of the masks. There's also another temple within the Land of Iron there's a weapon sealed away within a temple it was kept within our clan for decades it was a weapon that belonged to the very first Uzumaki leader Toshino Uzumaki I hope for the very best of you fellow Uzumaki

, From Ashina Uzumaki former Uzukage

Naruto's eyes narrowed with suspicion " so, there are more scrolls out there, I'll locate each of them and be the strongest Uzumaki in history." states Naruto with his eyes serious as the night he then rubs his eyes wiping away the sleeping dust from his eyes with exhaustion he then heads to bed.

The next day Naruto is at the academy with a bored expression as he watches one of his classmates practice their kunai throwing his eyes then turns towards Sakura and Ino who are staring at Sasuke with a lovely Dovey gaze Naruto sighs at the two girls. The only thing that the two cared about was Sasuke but it was the same with every girl in class except for Hinata to him she was the only one capable of being a kunoichi.

"Naruto is something bothering you?" asked Shino out of everyone Shino was the only smart one in class besides Shikamaru only the three smart enough to realize the academy was a shell of its former self. But Shikamaru was too lazy even take the academy seriously the young genius would rather sleep and watch clouds but Shino was also his closest friend due to both being hated and feared of course the children feared Shino because of his standoffish personality and the insects he uses.

Naruto shook his head at the Aburame negatively "no, just bored this Is a waste of time I mean how will any of this help us in the ninja world? They're only teaching us the basics they're only teaching us low-level ninjutsu, and academy level taijutsu. When it comes to kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, and genjutsu we're basically on our own." states Naruto.

"That may be the case but the Third Ninja War World is over so there's no need In having gennin ready for war. We're in peaceful times. We should be glad that there isn't a war." said Shion.

Naruto rubs the back of his head "yeah, I supposed but that's still no reason to baby us." said Naruto he did want to change the academy. After all, he did promise Shino once he becomes Hokage he plans to fix the academy.

"Naruto it's your turn!" yelled Mizuki.

Naruto walks up to the training post he then pulls out a few kunai as he throws each weapon they hit each targeted post he then walks away. "Naruto what the hell! Stop showing off! You'll be better than SASUKE-KUN!" screamed Sakura.

Naruto then punches her in the stomach knocking the air out of her causing her to fall to the ground Naruto sighs as she glares at him "there's no need to yell like that. I'm right there and I would appreciate it if you didn't try to blow out my eardrums." said Naruto he then walks back inline standing next to Shino once again the two then watch as Ino throws kunai at the training post.

The two watches as each kunai didn't hit any of the bull eyes "maybe you're right." said Shino causing the blonde to snicker at his friend.

Naruto grins at Shino "did you just make a joke? I didn't know you your clan knew how to make jokes?" grinned Naruto with a cheeky grin.

Shino allowed a small smirk to graze his stoic face "what can I say? You're quite the influence." commented Shino causing Naruto's smirk to widen the idea of an Aburame joking was quite humorous mostly due to the fact that Aburame Clan is always serious and stoic they were a clan that had complete control of their emotions.

Later that day, Naruto is standing outside of Academy waiting for Shisui after waiting for five minutes he began to worry "this isn't like sensei he should be here by now. Something isn't right here." said Naruto he then runs towards his and Shisui's training ground. Ever since Shisui took him as his student he had never once been late even when he had unexpectedly mission he would send a clone or a crow.

As Naruto enters the training ground he sees his sensei his smile shifts to that of a horrified expression his sensei was standing in the middle of the training ground but Shisui was missing an eye and he looked incredibly injured. Naruto runs towards his sensei "Shisui-sensei! You're eye! What happened to you! We have to get you to a hospital!" exclaimed Naruto with tears running down his face he hugged his sensei tightly Shisui smiles down at him patting his head.

"It's too late for me Naruto I've been poison by the Root a man named Danzo Is responsible for this he took my left eye. My time is up to Naruto. Beware of Danzo and the Root I don't have much so listen closely. I was ordered to stop a coup but Danzo tried to steal my eyes for his own selfish desire I can't trust this eye to my clan they'll just abuse my eye they wouldn't understand what I did they are corrupted by their own hatred and jealousy. That's why I'm giving you my right eye." said Shisui Naruto could only stare in shock as Shisui removes his own eye the young man smiles at Naruto "now hold still I'm going to transplant my right eye to your own because of your Uzumaki genes you'll be able to turn it off and on." said Shisui after preforming the medical jutsu Naruto's right blue eye turns into the infamous Sharingan. Shisui then brings Naruto in for a hug "I'm sorry this has happened, little brother but I need you to do me one little favor." said Shisui.

Naruto's eyes widened Shisui had just called him brother while he always saw Shisui as a family he never expected Shisui to actually call little brother."Wh-Wh-What is it?" stuttered Naruto.

"Seal my body in a scroll and destroy it there can be no trace of my body. Can you do that?" asked Shisui.

Naruto nods his head "I'll miss you." said Naruto.

Shisui nods his head "take care of yourself Naruto never lose your conviction." said Shisui he then hands Naruto his tanto which Naruto grasp it as if it was a fragile item.

"R-R-R-Right," muttered he then seals Shisui away in a scroll. Naruto then uses the hand signs of Snake, Boar, Tiger, Rabbit, Dog, Rat, and Goat he then claps his hands together "Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Truth of the Ten Commandments (Uzumaki Fuinjutsu: Jikkai no Shinjitsu )." mumbled Naruto an Uzumaki formula appeared on the ground suddenly a crimson and black armor creature rise from the ground " do it." cried Naruto he unconsciously awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan the colossal creature's eyes glowed a bright green color it then fires a green blast from his eyes turning the scroll into stone the creature clothes its hand once it did that the scroll turned into dust Truth was then send back into the Uzumaki formula Naruto then crashes to his knees crying his eyes out "I'll make him pay!" cried Naruto.

Time Skip- Five Years Later

"Team 10 will be Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki and you're sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi," said Iruka.

"What! How I can't be with Sasuke-Kun!" exclaimed Sakura.

Ino nods in agreement "YEAH! It's NOT FAIR!" roared Ino.

Iruka massages his head in annoyance "the teams were decided by Hokage-sama so deal with it! Life as a ninja is never fair." said Iruka causing both girls to look down in a depressing tone "now Team 8 will be Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, and Kiba Inuzuka your sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi and Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi you're sensei will be Kakashi Hatake." said Iruka both blonde and pinknette glare at each other.

While new genin was waiting for their new assigned Sensei Asuma was standing in front of his father "I have a question dad." said Asuma he then blows out smoke from his cigarette.

Hiruzen simply nods his head "you want to know why I decided to change the team placements." said Hiruzen Asuma nods his head "Sasuke needs a sensei who won't show favoritism while Naruto needs someone to help him with wind release I can only trust you to train them properly. I'm sure you know the importance of the Uzumaki clan." said Hiruzen.

Asuma sighs "yeah, I understand but wouldn't Naori be better suited in training Sasuke?" asked Asuma he knew other than Sasuke Naori was another survivor of the massacre.

Hiruzen released a nervous chuckle causing Asuma to raise an eyebrow in curiosity "well, you see Naori is on a long term mission and she has no interest in training Sasuke. Now shouldn't you be off to the academy to meet your team." said Hiruzen.

Asuma rubs the back of his head "right, I'll be off." said Asuma he then shunshin in front of the building he then sighs "so I have a lazy genius, an avenger, and a serious blonde kid this should be fun." thought Asuma he then enters the classroom and smiles at his new team "Team 10 follow me." said Asuma once the three boys got up he leads them to a BBQ restaurant he noticed lots of the villagers glaring at Naruto but the blonde fuinjutsu specialist didn't even acknowledge them.

Once the four of them sat down and ordered food, fortunately, they only had to wait for a few minutes for the waitress to bring them food. Asuma quickly began to cook the food "now that the food is here how about we tell each other our likes, dislikes, and dreams." said Asuma.

Shikamaru looks at Asuma with a lazy look "sounds like a drag." said Shikamaru.

This response causes Asuma to chuckle causing each of the boys to stare at their sensei in confusion "you really are a Nara! I'll go first my name is Asuma Sarutobi my likes are my cigarettes, the village, and helping each of you as for dislikes...ahaha I don't really have anything I dislike as for my dream that's to protect the king. Now it's your turn Shikamaru." said Asuma.

Shikamaru sighs "how troublesome I like shogi, cloud watching, and sleeping, I dislike things that are troublesome, and my dream is to live an average life with a woman who isn't troublesome and have one child." said Shikamaru causing both Sasuke and Naruto to stare at Shikamaru with a deadpan expression.

"Definitely a Nara mindset." thought Asuma he then turns towards Sasuke "your turn Sasuke," said Asuma.

The young Uchiha gains a serious expression "I have no likes or dislikes nor do I have a dream. What I have is an ambition to kill a certain someone." states Sasuke.

Shikamaru looks bored as he stuffs his face with food "ugh man what a drag." grumbled Shikamaru.

Naruto rolled his eyes at Sasuke "tsk, as that'll ever happen. You'll have a better chance at marrying a woman than kill Itachi but even that seems unlikely. " thought Naruto he then takes a few bites "I like ramen, Dango, learning new fuinjutsu, and gardening I hate arrogant people, traitors, and ignorant idiots and my dream is to be the greatest fuinjutsu master and surpass all the Hokage's before me." said Naruto.

"So I got an unmotivated genius, an avenger, and an inspiring kage I sure have my hands full but let's see if they have what it takes." thought Asuma he then grins at each of them "you three sure have some interesting ambitions but its time to see if you three have what it takes to be ninjas of the village," said Asuma shocking the three children.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Asuma "what you mean? We already pasted the genin test." states Sasuke.

Asuma chuckles at the frustrated child "that was nothing but a mock test. The real test is tomorrow you see each jounin has their own test and the test I have is the same test that has been passed down since the formation of the legendary sannin. Arrive at the Training ground 10 at 7 in the morning you three will need your rest." said Asuma after he pays the bill each of them went their separate ways as Asuma heads to his home he then thinks back to Naruto "so, the little gaki likes to garden tomorrow should be interesting." commented Asuma with a grin on his face he then takes out a cigarette and ignites it.

Later that day Naruto swings his tanto cutting through a clone causing it to dispelled another clone runs behind and tries to attack him. Naruto then channels water nature through his sword and cuts down the clone the water slash had not only cut through the clone but the trees themselves. He then released a sigh he then sheathed his small blade he then looks up in the star gazed night "Shisui-sensei please continue watching over me." mumbled Naruto he then turns to look at a flock of owls his stomach then decides to let itself be known "I'm so hungry." groaned Naruto.

The next morning Naruto gains a deadpan expression as he sees Shikamaru sleeping no doubt Shikamaru had fallen asleep while cloud watching he then turns towards Sasuke who's leaning against the tree "no doubt brooding like always seriously how does he expect to bring the Uchiha Clan back when he doesn't talk to any females then again I don't blame I wouldn't want some annoying loudmouth girl either." thought Naruto he then sits down and begins to meditate.

"Ah, you three are here already good," said Asuma who's smiling at his team he then turns towards Shikamaru who is snoozing away Asuma picks up a small pebble and throws it at Shikamaru. The young Nara groans in annoyance as the pebble hits his stomach. Their sensei smirks as Shikamaru looks at him with a tired look "now that everyone is up its time for your test." said Asuma.

"You never told us what the test is," said Shikamaru with a sigh.

"The test is quite simple," said Asuma causing the three to be curious at what exactly the test is. They watch as Asuma pulls out three bells "you're test is to take from me but...there's a five percent chance rate you'll pass you half an hour to take these from me and a word If advice aims to kill. Your test begins now." said Asuma each of the three boys vanished into the trees.

Asuma turns towards the trees disperse easily catches a glimpse of each of his students "hmm, at least two of them have the right Idea but Shikamaru doesn't seem to care whether he hides or not. This seems interesting." thought Asuma he then takes another of his tobacco sticks and ignites it h then hears the sound of footsteps he turns and sees Naruto walking out of the woods with both swords "you know between the other two you're a little different from the other two." commented Asuma.

"Well, what's the point in hiding when you're just going to find us. Besides, I want to test myself against a member of the Sarutobi Clan," said Naruto glaring at the young man Asuma smirks at Naruto he then pulls out his chakra blades and grins at Naruto with a wide smirk.

Asuma spits out the cigarette and got in his battle stance "alright kid lets see what you got Naruto. I'll give you the first lesson Naruto now let's see how you far in kenjutsu. " grinned Asuma Naruto charges at Asuma and delivers a fast volley of sword strikes but Asuma easily deflects each strike. Naruto backflips then perform a 360 double slash attack but Asuma meets Naruto dead on blocking his swords with his brass knuckle blades "nice try kid but you'll have to do better than that." said Asuma he then kicks Naruto in the gut sending him back.

Naruto grabs hold of his stomach in pain he then narrows his eyes and he releases a deep sigh "Whirlpool Technique: Rising Moon ( Uzugijutsu: Noborutsuki)," said Naruto he then covers his tanto and katana in water affinity he then slashes the small blad in a diagonal slash Asuma dodges the slash his eyes widened as he sees the water slashing cutting through a few trees Naruto then shunshin four times unleashing blades of water at Asuma who dodged each one Asuma then releases a torrent of fireballs that brushes past each water blade his eyes widened as it hits Naruto but Naruto suddenly disperse in a flock of ravens.

"Are those crows? No, they're bigger these are ravens amazing a genin who already knows his element affinity, shunshin, and a summoning contract. Smart kid using a clone to see where he stands." thought Asuma as he watches the ravens fly off.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes "so, that was a clone Naruto you really areca troublesome blonde." muttered Shikamaru.

"Here's my chance those bells well me mine and I will kill him." thought Sasuke he threw a volley of kunai and shuriken at Asuma. The son of Hiruzen grins "let's see what you got Sasuke." said Asuma he then covers the trench knives In chakra and cuts through each blade. Sasuke throws four more kunai Asuma dodges each on Sasuke grins with each blade being attached to a string Sasuke releases a fire stream.

"You really are talented for your age but a trick like that won't work on me," said Asuma shocking Sasuke he quickly tries to send Asuma with a sidekick but Asuma grabs hold of his leg "you'll have to try harder than that Wind Release: Force Gale Wind Technique (Futon: Fōsugeiruuindo no Jutsu)," said Asuma striking Sasuke in the gut with his palm a strong wind gust is release sending him flying back Sasuke struggles to rise to his feet he then releases a fireball from his lungs "if Fire Release (Katon) is all you got it then sorry to break it to you wind overcomes fire Wind Release: Twin Cyclone (Futon: Tsuinsaikuron)," said Asuma he then performs cross creating two wind blades cutting through the fireball.

Shikamaru then feels someone tapping him on the head he looks up and sees Naruto he then sighs knowing his nap is over. "I have a plan for how we can get the bells," said Naruto.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow in curiosity "we? What you mean we?" asked Shikamaru.

" I know you already know the meaning of the test. If I had to guess you probably figured it out when you noticed my clone was fighting Asuma-sensei," states Naruto.

"Fine I'll help to hear my mom complain about me failing is a real drag. But you know getting Sasuke to help won't be easy right" asked Shikamaru both of them turns Sasuke who is struggling against Asuma.

Naruto turns towards Shikamaru "leave that to me." said Naruto.

Shikamaru sighs as he sees he can't find Sasuke "great where the hell did he go now?" wondered Shikamaru.

Naruto sighs in annoyance "the dumbass got himself trapped." said Naruto.

Shikamaru shot Naruto with a raised eyebrow "how do you know that?" asked Shikamaru.

"The ravens I summoned have a special ability that gives the summoner a shared vision. Now come on we can't be wasting time," said Naruto he then jumps down from the tree.

Shikamaru follows after Naruto and placed his hands behind his head "bossy blonde." thought Shikamaru his brown eyes stare at Naruto with curious the blonde had changed dramatically he can still remember when he went to loudmouth idiot to serious intelligent blonde and now he seemed cold calculating "what made you change so much Naruto." thought Shikamaru but the young genius couldn't help but to gain a deadpan expression. In front of him was Sasuke hanged upside down by a rope.

Sasuke glares at the two "what do you two want!" demanded Sasuke not happy with the situation he finds himself in.

Shikamaru rubs the back of his neck "we need to work together with each other. It's the only way we can pass the test." said Shikamaru.

Sasuke scoffed at the Nara "I don't need yours or the dope's help! I can get the bells on my own!" states Sasuke.

"Right, a freshly new genin is going to best a jounin who is a member of the Sarutobi clan and the same person who is a Temple Guard. And if you didn't know they are the most elite shinobi whose duty is to protect the daimyo and I supposed getting trap like this was all part of your plan," said Naruto.

Sasuke grumbles in annoyance "fine, I'll help just get me down." said Sasuke Naruto turns towards Shikamaru who groans he then pulls out a kunai cutting the rope causing Sasuke to hit the ground.

Once he gets up Naruto glares at him with a cold look causing Sasuke to step back in fright "Oh, and a little reminder don ever call me dope. I haven't been a haven't in years and I expect you to call me by my name." said Naruto with his eyes becoming cold as a frozen tundra.

Shikamaru turns towards Naruto "so, what's this plan of yours?" asked Shikamaru while he was pleased he didn't have to come up with a plan but he was still curious about what the blonde thought up.

"If my plan is to work I'll need the both of you to do what I say," said Naruto he then stares at Sasuke with a hardened glare fully aware of Sasuke's selfish attitude. Sasuke sighs at this knowing they'll have to work together.

"I wonder if they figured it out yet." pondered Asuma as he enjoys the harsh taste of his tobacco he then hears the bushes begin to rustle "I guess rest time is over," remarked Asuma he then pulls out his out knives a volley of shuriken and kunai are thrown at him he casually cuts the weapons in half he quickly turns around dodging the two giant windmill shuriken his eyes widened as the blades are detached. The blades then twist around heading towards Asuma "this must be Shikamaru's shadow possession jutsu interesting." thought Asuma he then releases a wave of fire from his lungs he then sends two wind blades increasing the size of the flames.

Asuma smirks at his work he then narrowed his eyes as a volley of fireballs is thrown in his direction. He gets ready to cut the fireballs but before he can send another wind blast four kunai with explosive tags are thrown into the fireballs increasing their size "okay I'll have stepped up my game " Wind Release: Whirling Tempest Barrier Technique (Futon: Uzutenpe Sutobaria no Jutsu)." said Asuma he then spins in a 360 manner creating a miniature tornado as the fireballs come in contact Asuma's tornado cuts through them causing him to smirk.

His smirk vanishes as an explosive tag was thrown right in front of him it then explodes throwing him back causing him to groan. "Got you, sensei Shadow Threading Technique (Kage Sureddingu no Jutsu)!" exclaimed Shikamaru suddenly shadow threads connect to each broken weapon and embolize him.

The blonde genin then uses the Pig, Dragon, Cat, and Boar hand sign "Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Screech Resonance Technique (Uzumaki Fuinjutsu: Himei Kyōmei no Jutsu)." thought Naruto an Uzumaki pentagram appears on the four birds each release a high pitch scream causing Asuma to grit his teeth he then feels everything around began to feel heavy. He then falls to his knees and struggles to rise to his feet.

"Damn it this seal is making the gravity intensify and with each passing moment makes it harder to stand." thought Asuma as he struggles to rise to his feet but with the screeching of the ravens it feels as if gravity itself is pushing down one of the ravens swoops down and takes the bells from Asuma's body each of the ravens stop screaming.

Asuma looks up and sees the raven landing on his shoulder the bird then drops the bells in Naruto's hand but instead of taking the bells he throws the bells back at Asuma who catches "are you sure there's no turning back." said Naruto.

"Yes," states Naruto.

"It's troublesome but failing is more of a drag. So, I guess we're a team," said Shikamaru who is staring at the moving clouds above him.

Sasuke crossed his arms and clicked his tongue "yeah what they said we're a team." said Sasuke.

"Is that right?" asked Asuma each of them nods their head "if you're all so sure then welcome to Team 10." grinned Asuma causing Sasuke to grin, Naruto nods his head, and Shikamaru shrugs his shoulders. "Now before i dismiss you there's something you three need to do. Don't worry anything serious just pour your chakra into this paper," explained Asuma he then hands them each of them pours chakra into the pape. Naruto's paper is cut in half while the other one becomes soak, half of Sasuke's crumbles while the other one is burned, and Shikamaru's crumbled into rocks while the other half ignites in flames.

I'll be trying finished these stories : Soul and Mind of Pain, Tides of Hardship, The Three Kings, Foxes of Snakes, Snake Empire, Student of the Scorpion, Fox of Trials, Ninjas and God's, Grandson of Blood Bender, Light and Dark, The Fox Spy, Speed, Demons, Curse of Heavens, Force of Family, Whirlpool Meets Sand, Change of Course, Proud and Clothes, Red Fox, Bats, Foxes, Clowns, and Vengeance, Uzumaki Spawn, Beyond The Stars, My High School Life of Fatherhood, Power From Within, There Is No Justice, Ninjas of Whirlpool, Bridge of Two Paths, Fate of a New Adventure, Darkness Within Us, Supreme Carnage, Sword and Guns, Twins of Space, My Dear Ashikabi, Our Sensei Has a Boyfriend, The First Warlock, Sides With Agendas, House of Zod, Two Sides of a Coin, Naruto of Water, Species of the Same, Fox, Love, and War, Great Fox Demon, Never Again, Train by Prodigies, Two Different Worlds Apart, World's Apart, and Our Nindo Way)

Naruto X Beth- Universal Whirlpool-different Ricks there's also different Naruto but while the most version of the blonde is good and evil this Naruto is just one of the many versions of Naruto especially when this Naruto is married to Beth

Naruto x Summer- Fox in Space: With Rick coming back bringing Morty with him he brings his grandson's friend is it because he gains his attention nope just for the hell of it