Leo's 16

Don's 16

Mikey's 16

Raph's 15

Fifteen-year-old Raphael blew out the candles on his chocolate birthday cake and made a wish. I know it's a huge ask, he thought, but I wish ta find love. Hopefully with Irma, he thought. I like her a lot and she's beautiful. So smart too and she makes my heart soar when she's around. Butterflies and all that shit. Fuck. "Great job, Raph," Leo said. "Did you make a wish?"

Emerald eyes looked into Leo's sapphire ones and Raphael said, "I did."

"What did you wish for, Raph?" Mikey asked.

"He can't tell you, Mikey," Don said. "Else it won't come true."

"That's right," Irma said. "So, how old are you now, Raphael?"


"I remember when I was that age," the brunette said, adjusting her red glasses. "Feels like a lifetime ago."

"Was only two years ago. Ya ain't old."

"Let's cut the cake, shall we?" April said. Raphael stood up and April cut slices for them all.

"This is incredible," Raphael enthused, after he'd taken a huge bite. "Thank ya, Irma."

"My pleasure. I'm thinking of becoming a caterer."

"Ya should totally do it. If ya need a guinea pig ta taste what ya make, I'd happily do it."

Mikey laughed and said, "Anything to get close to Irma, huh, Raph?"

Raphael flushed and said, "I don't know what yer talkin' 'bout."

"I think you do. Raphie has a crush on you, Irma. He's just too shy to admit it."

"Leave him alone, Mikey!" Leo said crossly.

"But it's true! Come on, Raphie."

His cheeks flaming red, Raphael dropped his plate, swung his fist into Mikey's jaw, sending him reeling, and stormed out of the lair.

"Nice going, Mikey!" Don said angrily.

"I was just being honest," Mikey said, rubbing his aching jaw.

"I'll talk to him," Leo said, and went in search of the temperamental turtle.

Raphael ran and ran until he could run no more, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he thought back to the events of that evening. Fuckin' Mikey, he thought, spillin' the beans like that after I swore him ta secrecy. How could he do that ta me and embarrass me like that? Fuck. Panting heavily, he slumped against a wall and cried unashamedly.

Raphael was so engrossed in his misery that he didn't see Bebop or Rocksteady hiding in the shadows, but he sure as hell felt the tranquilizer in his left leg. Looking up, he saw the villains and snarled, baring, his teeth, as his hands went to his sai in his obi, "Ya fuckin'…." but his sentence went unfinished, as the drug took effect, and he fell to the ground with a dull thud, his eyes sliding closed.

"Boss will be super pleased," Bebop said. "It's the red masked turtle. The mean one. What's his name again? Donatello?"

Rocksteady racked his brains and said, "I think it's Michelangelo. Quick. We have to get him to the boss before he wakes up. Come on."

The villains carefully lifted Raphael up and out of a nearby manhole into their van and sped off to Shredder's place.


Raphael woke up some time later and found himself strapped to a stretcher, Shredder peering at him. "Welcome back, Raphael," Shredder said.

"Oh, it's Raphael!" Bebop said, slapping his head in frustration. "I should have known. I always get them turtles mixed up."

"Shut up," Shredder shouted. "For once you morons actually did capture the turtles. Well, one of them. I wanted all of them, but he'll have to do. In fact, he's perfect. What a gorgeous specimen you are, Raphael." He trailed a hand down Raphael's bicep and said, "Huge muscles. Perfect."

"What do ya want with me?" Raphael demanded and spat in his face, as his green eyes blazed. "Don't fuckin' touch me."

Shredder wiped the spit from his cheek and said, "Your shell would look wonderful hanging up on my wall, but that's not what I have planned. No harm is going to come to you, Raphael. Nothing. I just want to examine you."

"Ya gay or somethin'? Ya want me? Maybe a kiss? Aw. Even Shredder needs love."

Shredder wrinkled his nose in disgust and said, "Shut it, shell back." He slipped a gloved hand between Raphael's legs and began to rub. "Drop down for me, mutant. Be a good boy. Come on, boy. I know you can do it."

"Fuckin' get yer hands off of me," Raphael shouted, as his shell felt embarrassingly tight. "Don't want this. Untie me now."

"Relax, Raphael. This is called a hand job. Ever had one before?"

A reluctant churr escaped Raphael's throat, as he dropped down into Shredder's waiting hand, his purple cock semi erect and slick with precome. Shredder kept rubbing and Raphael's eyes rolled back into his head, as he rumbled and saw stars. He'd given himself hand jobs before, but someone else-even if it was the Shredder doing it-was amazing. "Container now, Bebop," Shredder ordered.

Raphael churred loudly and went over the edge, as he climaxed, long ropey, milky streams of semen filling the container that Bebop held. "Good job, Raphael," Shredder praised. "You're so virile."

Panting, Raphael opened his eyes and, seeing the container, said, "What are ya gonna do with that?"

"Never you mind, Raphael. Now for my gift to you. Well, for me, actually," Shredder said, and cackled. "Blindfold him."

"Look, I got a right ta know what ya do with my DNA," Raphael said, as he was blindfolded. "What are ya plannin', sicko? A super army? Talk ta me."

"Talk to this," Shredder said, injecting him three times: once with a tranquilizer and then again with a special love potion he'd developed and finally with a special serum that would send Raphael's hormones raging off the charts. He'd be one aggressive, horny turtle with one thing on his mind.

"Fuckin' bastard," Raphael muttered, as he passed out.

"What do I do with his jizz, boss?" Bebop muttered.

"I'll examine it and throw it away," Shredder said.

"So, we aren't going to have turtles?" Rocksteady asked.

"Of course not," Shredder said. "We've been over this. I was just humiliating him. The real plan is to have the turtles fall in love and be so obsessed that they won't give a damn about my schemes. Go dump him in the sewers."

"Right, boss," Bebop said. "Come on, Rocksteady."

The villains untied Raphael, took him back to the sewers and returned to their boss.


Leo searched high and low for Raphael and was just about to call it a night, when he saw a prone figure lying on the ground. Cautiously approaching the figure, his eyes lit up when he saw it was his missing brother. "Raph," he said. "Thank God. I've been worried sick about you."

Green eyes flickered open and Raphael said weakly, "Leo?"

"It's me, Raph. Can you stand?"

"Yeah," Raphael said and stood. "I feel weird. Burns. So hot."

"Let's get Donnie to have a look at you. Did someone hurt you?"

"Mine!" Raphael growled, lunging at Leo and knocking him to the ground.

"Raph, what the hell's wrong with you?" Leo demanded, trying to escape, but unable to, because his brother was stronger. "Stop."

"Mine!" Raphael growled again, and bit down on Leo's collarbone, making him cry out in pain. "Gonna pound ya good."

"Raph," Leo said, realizing what his brother wanted. To dominate him and to rut like animals. "Stop. We're brothers. This is wrong. Raph! I don't want this and you don't either. Raph, stop. Please."

Ignoring Leo's pleas, Raphael parted Leo's legs and lined his cock at Leo's entrance. Leo bit his lip, as Raphael plunged inside of him, pain coursing through his body. Nothing like he'd ever experienced before. "Raph!" Leo said. "Stop."

Fuelled by his lust, his eyes glazed over, Raphael plowed in and out, Leo feeling like he was being split in two. Raphael's so huge, he thought. My brother's raping me and there's nothing I can do this. This isn't Raph. This is a monster. My brother would never do this to me. What happened to him? Have to remember this isn't Raph and when this is over..

Leo whined, as Raphael kept stabbing at his prostate, the cries turning to churrs, as Raphael hit the bundle of nerves buried inside of him. Leo came first, his essence coating both him and Raphael. A few minutes later, Raphael came, churring loudly, his essence filling up his brother and seeping out of Leo's abused hole down his thighs. "Mine," Raphael panted, pulling out and looking at his brother lovingly. "Mine. Love ya, Leo," Raphael added and pressed a kiss to Leo's lips.

Ashamed, disgusted and afraid, Leo turned his head away, as tears ran down his cheeks. My brother raped me and now he kisses me. What the hell happened to him?

"Yer mine," Raphael said, dragging Leo to his feet. "And we're gonna be together forever. Mine. Mine. Mine."

"Raph, I want to go home," Leo choked out. "I need a shower and we….Everyone's worried about you."

"We ain't gonna go home, Leo. Me and ya are gonna have a life together. Just us."

"I don't want that, Raph. I want to go home."

"Yer just sayin' that. Ya love me, Leo," Raphael said, slipping a hand between Leo's legs and tugging on his tail. "Yer comin' with me, Leo. I'm leader now and yer my mate."

"Raph, this isn't you," Leo said, trying not to flinch. "Something happened. Let's talk about it and we can figure out something. Come on. Donnie will help you."

"I'M FUCKIN' FINE!" Raphael yelled and backhanded Leo, making him wince. "I love ya and ya love me. Why the fuck can't ya accept that?"


"Grrr," Raphael snarled, lunging at Leo and knocking him to the ground. "Stop fightin' me! It'll be easier for ya."

"Raph," Leo said, as he struggled futilely "Please…." His words were cut off, as seeing a brick beside him, Raph picked it up with one hand and smashed it onto his brother's head, stunning him. Leo blacked out and Raphael lifted up a limp Leo and loped off to his secret hideaway. "He's all mine," Raphael said, as he bound Leo to the bed in the chamber. "And he loves me. I know he does. We belong together."