Oh my god! I haven't updated in such a long time and I am truly sorry. I am so happy for all the review I received. When I read them, I was really excited and I want to thank everyone for them. I fixed the little mistakes with names in the last chapter and I will be more careful about that this time. I hope you enjoy! Oh and I have no clue about how much plane tickets cost (I hear they are cheaper when you go overseas) so please forgiv if I made them too cheap.

Little Packages

"Mamoru?" Mamoru looked at Usagi and eyed her over.

"Have we met?" Mamoru asked her. Usagi gasped when she realized what she said and shook her head.

"No, I have just heard of you," Usagi replied keeping her cool. She was about to hit herself. She should have known that she would run into someone from her past sooner or later. "I'm Serena Chase." Usagi held out her hand for him to shake.

"Well, you already know my name. Do you need help?" Usagi nodded tiredly.

"I can't seem to get Rosalind down here. She refuses to budge and I am too short to reach up there," Usagi explained exasperated.

"Okay, Rosalind is it?"


Mamoru looked up and saw a little girl pouting with her arms crossed. "Hey, Rosalind, why don't you come down here?"

"Because I don't wanna!" was the reply.

"And why not?" Mamoru asked gently.

"Because Mama will yell at me," Rosalind told him.

"What if I make sure that your Mama will not yell at you?"

"Well..." Rosalind pondered this suggestion. "Could you really do that mister?"

"Sure." Mamoru looked over at Usagi questioning and Usagi nodded her head.

'He is really good with kids. I wonder how good he'd be if I had stayed here,' Usagi thought to herself.

"Okay, then," Rosalind told Mamoru and let him carefully set her down on the ground.

"Rosalind!" Usagi rushed over to her daughter and picked her up, holding her at her hip. "Why did you have to scare me like that? You could have hurt yourself, sweetie."

"I'm sorry, Mama," Rosalind apologized, her eyes downcast. "I just really wanted to go to the park today."

"So that is why you were upset? Look, baby, we really can't go today but I think tomorrow is free. Is that all right? Mama and Auntie Chelsea just need to set up our apartment," Usagi said. Rosalind's face brightened up and she nodded cheerfully. "Thank you so much, Mamoru."

"No problem, Ms. Chase," Mamoru replied. "So why are you here in Japan, if I may ask?"

"Well, me and Chelsea are starting as interns at that new tech company. We had to move here to receive our internship. We were really excited to go from New York and because of our internship, the company gave us this apartment," Usagi answered putting Rosalind down and opening up a box.

"So Rosalind is your child and Titania is... Chelsea's?" Mamoru said. "If that isn't being too nosy."

Usagi laughed. "No, no. It is fine. Actually, Rosalind and Titania are both mine. Chelsea right now is off with Tyler and Adrian. Tyler is hers and Adrian is my other one. Rosalind, Titania, and Adrian are triplets, believe it or not."

"Wow. You don't see too many of those. Do you need help with that?" Mamoru pointed to the lamp she was trying to lift out of the box.

"Ya. Thanks." Mamoru lifted it out for her. "You can set it right over there." Mamoru did as she said placing it on a little table. "And before you ask about Rosalind's hair, no it is not natural and no I did not dye it pink. When Rosalind was little and me and Chelsea were still in college, she had a little accident with red food dye. It was all in her hair, coloring it pink and I haven't been able to get it out since."

Rosalind and Titania giggled at this. "Ya, Mama tells me I was originally blonde," Rosalind told him twirling a piece of her hair around her finger.

The door opened and a "Sere, I'm home!" rang through the apartment.

"'Kay!" Usagi replied. "I'm in the living room and we have a guest!"

A woman walked into the room. Like Usagi, she was quite pretty but she had flame red hair that reached her butt and was held in a ponytail and her eyes were a pretty shade of green. Two boys followed her. The one was crowned with golden hair and had two beautiful sky blue eyes that were framed. The other was a carrot top with chocolate brown eyes. The two of them seemed to be playing power rangers or something of the sort.

"Oooh," the woman said looking at Mamoru inspecting him. "Who is this, Sere?"

"Chelsea, this Mamoru, who was sent here to help us. Mamoru this is Chelsea, my friend and roommate," Usagi said.

"Oh," Chelsea said and mouthed to Usagi, 'Is this...'

'Yes but don't say a word,' Usagi mouthed back. Mamoru just looked from one female to the other wondering what was going on.

"Well, it is nice to meet you, Mamoru. As Sere said, I'm Chelsea and the little red head is my boy, Tyler," Chelsea greeted. "Tyler, say hi."

Tyler looked up at his mother and then noticed Mamoru. "Oh, hi mister."


"What?" Adrian, too didn't notice Mamoru at first (the boys were really into their game). "Hello...whoever you are."

"Mamoru, Adrian," Usagi corrected. Adrian shrugged and then returned to playing with Tyler.

"Well, I have to go now," Mamoru said a bit apologetically. "If you need any help, I live just down the hall in room 247. I'm not sure if I'll be there, my job calls me often, but you know..."

Usagi smiled. "Thank you, for your kindness."

Mamoru gave a small smile back and then said, "Well, bye for now."

Chelsea waved and when they heard the door shut, Usagi let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, I did not expect for him to be the first person I meet here in Japan!" Usagi exclaimed.

"Nor did I. That sure was a surprise," Chelsea replied. "But in truth, he didn't seem all that bad. The way you explained him, I had thought he was some severe jerk who had no bit of kindness in him."

Usagi felt a tug on her sleeve and she looked down to see Titania staring up at her. "What is it, baby?"

"What are you and Auntie talking about, Mommy?" Titania asked innocently.

"Nothing baby, nothing at all," Usagi replied giving her a kiss on her forehead. 'I will wait awhile before telling them that that was their father.'


A younger Usagi sat down on a curb on the busy streets of New York. She looked around fearfully and on instinct, put her hand on her stomach as to protect it. She had nowhere to go and had no one to go to. She was alone in this big city and was afraid.

She walked into a sort of run-down apartment building and was greeted by a large, sort of greasy man.

"What?" he grunted.

"I heard you had some rooms to rent," Usagi began wringing her hands. "And I was interested in renting one."

The man looked at Usagi disbelieving. "How old are you, girl? You are still a baby. Why would you need an apartment?"

"I... can't answer that. I just really need a place to stay but the thing is... I don't have too much money right now," Usagi was extremely nervous.

"How much?"

Usagi went through her pockets and pulled out some bills. "32 bucks right now, sir. I'll get more, though. I just need a place to stay... desperately."

"That isn't much, you know?" the man asked.

"What are you talking about Harold?" a voice with a thick New York accent said. An older woman, probably in her fifties, walked out. She was quite pudgy and her graying hair was pulled up into a messy bun. "This apartment building isn't about to turn out a young girl into the streets and if you look closely, you can tell she is pregnant at that!" The woman looked over at Usagi and smiled warmly, "I will let ya' stay here, sweets. The money you have right now is fine. I'm a patient woman and I can wait for you to pay me back for the rent."

"Thank you, Miss..."

"Jo Ann, Miss Jo Ann," she replied. Miss Jo Ann walked over to the rack that held a bunch of keys. She took one and handed it to Usagi. "Here, this is room 45. It is on the second floor and close to mine just in case ya' need somethin'. But I need to know ya' name, sweets."

"I'm Us...." Usagi began but stopped. "I am Serena Chase, Miss Jo Ann."

"Well, Serena, just make yourself at home. I hope this place will suit you." Usagi smiled. Sure, this place was a dump but it was reassuring to know that there was nice people here...

Usagi woke up to see the birds singing and the sun shining into her room. She moaned groggily; she had never been a morning person and never would be. She rubbed her eyes and somehow pushed her body out of bed.

The dream last night had been fairly good; it was one of her better memories of New York. Miss Jo Ann had really treated her kindly and Usagi had done all that she could to repay the woman.

Usagi made her way grudgingly to the closet where she finally decided on a pink tank top embroidered with flowers and a pair of light blue jeans. She walked out of the room to be allured by the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

"Mmmm... what's cooking, Chelsea?" Usagi asked poking her head around the corner. Chelsea stood by the stove flipping pancakes.

"What does it look like, sleepy head?" Chelsea said with a laugh.

"Pancakes!" Usagi exclaimed happily. She sat down on a chair by the table where the children waited expectantly for their food. "Tomorrow is our first day of work and their first day of school over here. It is sort of strange."

Chelsea nodded her head in agreement before bringing over the plate of pancakes. "And who knows who you will run into, Sere." Usagi smiled taking several pancakes from the pile and soon everyone was munching down on food not thinking of a worry in the world.


I hope you guys like it! Please leave me a review telling me what you thought about it. I just ask you to be respectful of me.