Victims of time travel don't remember anything until time resets itself. But True Love has a way of thwarting all the rules, and nothing, not even time can stand in its way.

Or, Killian Jones intends to wait for his woman...even it means taking a three-hundred year long nap.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...a handsome young man met a beautiful young woman...

"THAT'S MY MONEY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI- oomph!" A girl, no older than seventeen chased after a small child who had stolen her sack of coins which she had worked very hard to earn. Or at least, she intended to chase after him, if it weren't for the fact that she had just collided with something solid and warm...something that smelled like the sea on a summer's morning. Something that let out a pained groan from underneath her.

"Oh!" The girl scrambled to a standing position, smoothing out her now dirty dress. She glanced down to the ground, her breath promptly taken from her when she saw the most enchanting pair of ocean blue eyes squinting back at her, though the owner of those eyes seemed to be in a bit of pain.

She crouched down, her fingers smoothing the man's hair...who really looked to be only one or two years older than her, away from his face, trying her best to hide a gasp as she was subjected to the full effect of those captivating eyes.

"Bloody hell." He attempted to sit up, but clutched his ribs with gritted teeth instead. The girl instinctively steadied him, acutely aware of the awkward position they were in. She tried not to blush as she heard his accent, but it sent tingles down her spine...and to other places.

He was wearing a uniform, she noted...a Naval uniform. He also sported the tiniest amount of stubble, and a ponytail that looked far better than it should have.

"Er," He choked, though it wasn't from the fact that his ribs felt as though they'd been crushed. No, it was because he was currently staring at the most lovely lass he had ever seen.

Blonde hair that looked like spun gold cascaded around her delicate face. Her eyes, brighter than any shade of green he could think of peered at him with unmasked concern. Her dress, though slightly worn, hugged her body as if tailored just for her. He caught the barest glimpse of her bosom, and the flush that was creeping up his neck bloomed straight onto his face. She was an angel and he was in heaven, because there was no way such an ethereal creature would look at him if he wasn't dying.

"Are you okay?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, both of them shivering at the touch.

The young man blinked, the din of the crowded market suddenly coming into full focus. He grabbed his head, wincing as he felt the slight bump that was already growing. But when slender fingers combed through his hair, gently caressing the same spot that he was, suddenly he felt entirely too light headed.

It definitely wasn't because of the fall.

The girl pulled him to his feet with surprising strength, her hand never leaving his body as she did so. It was only when she realized that she was standing in between his legs, breathing the same air that he was, did she spring away, her cheeks pinking in an ever so delightful manner.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized, bowing her head in a way that she'd seen some of the others do. She'd been in this alternate universe for maybe five months now, and she thought she was getting the hang of it. "I didn't mean to knock you over."

"The fault lies with me." The boy immediately shook his head, a sheepish expression coming over him. He scratched behind his ear in an utterly adorable way that absolutely did not send the girl's heart aflutter. "I should have watched where I was going."

"No!" The girl refuted. "I should have watched where I was going."

The two unknowing future soulmates stared at each other, blue meeting, green before both of them started to laugh uproariously, unmindful of the looks they were getting from the people milling about them.

"I'm Emma." The girl stuck out her hand, biting her lip in a very enticing fashion. It took all the boy's training and discipline to look her in the eye and not focus on her pink lips. He'd heard tales from his brother and the other sailors that there was nary a pleasure greater than sharing a kiss with a beautiful lass, but he'd never had the opportunity to find out.

"Killian." The young man turned the girl's hand over, and in a burst of courage, he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her palm, earning himself another pretty blush.

And thus, boy met girl, setting the stage for a romance even greater than that of Snow White and Prince Charming.

As with all Fairy Tales, they were happy.

"Emma!" The young man cried out in mirth, chasing his lady love around the port where he had just docked. Just a week ago, he'd made Lieutenant in King Horace's Royal Navy. His brother, Captain Liam Jones, pride and joy of the Kingdom of Corona had been so proud of him at the ceremony. But there had been none prouder than Emma Swan, the young man's betrothed.

"What's wrong Lieutenant?" She drawled out his new title, giggling hysterically as she danced out of reach of her fiance's hands. "Have you not found your land legs yet?"

The girl let out a squeal when two muscular arms wrapped around her trim waist, a scruffy face burying itself in her neck.

"Not only have I found them," The young man murmured, placing a searing kiss on the girl's neck, reveling in her tremble. "I found you as well."

The girl turned in his arms, looping her hands around the lad's neck. For a moment, they stared at each other, lost in a myriad of emotions that they couldn't begin to describe.

"Just kiss already!" Came a frustrated groan from somewhere above them. Startled out of their reverie, the two young lovers stared up at the young man's brother, who gave both of them an exasperated glare.

"Let me show you how it's done!" The Captain bounded down from his ship (the fastest ship in all the Realms) and stopped in front of a pretty woman who stood off to the side, a benevolent smile on her face. The woman cupped her stomach, stroking the slight swell that was visible through her dress.

"Hello my love!" The Captain grinned, swooping in and capturing his wife's mouth in a sweet, but passionate kiss.

"Well we can't let Liam upstage us, now can we Killian?" The girl waggled her brows at the young man who blushed. In the next moment, Killian found himself pinned against a wooden post, his lips plundered by the blonde enchantress in his arms.

Catcalls and cheers could be heard by the rest of the crew and the few onlookers. There wasn't a frown to be seen, not when it was obvious how much both couples loved each other. The Brothers Jones had found love, and no one could begrudge them for it.

"Bloody hell lass." The man breathed heavily, planting a soft kiss on the young woman's nose. "I'm not complaining, but we do have company."

"Oh shut up." The girl grinned, leaning up and giving him another chaste peck on the lips. "It's not like they haven't seen it a million times before. Plus, we are affianced." She threw her arms around him, burying into his uniformed chest. "I think it's my right to kiss you senseless."

"Shouldn't that be my line?" He nestled his chin over her head, drawing her closer. Not a day would go by where he wouldn't thank all the Gods in the world for sending Emma Swan to him.

Emma just laughed, pulling away from him to rejoin her future in-laws. Killian looped a hand around her waist, not letting go until the two entered his chambers.

"I only have a week till I must return to the Jewel. The King has given us a very important mission." Killian ran a hand through his hair. Emma had been pestering him to cut his beloved pony tail off, but he liked the look.

Emma bit her lip, willing herself to steel her nerves. She said nothing, opting to take his hand and lead him to bed, undoing the ties on her dress as she did so. Of course, when Killian just stared at her, his eyes threatening to burst from his head, not only was it a huge confidence booster, but she realized that this was her Killian. Her dorky, adorable, handsome sailor who looked at her like she hung the moon. There was nothing to be scared of.


"Shh." She placed a finger on his lips. "If we only have a week, then we're going to make the most of it." She undid the buttons on his Naval vest, her lips sliding up his jaw, earning her a mewl of pleasure.

"Take me to bed, Killian." She sighed in his ear as his hands gripped her naked waist. "Make me yours in every way."

The young man could have argued about good form and waiting till marriage, but as he took in the glorious figure of his Emma, he knew that no force in the world could have dragged him away from her at that point.

Consequently, prim and proper Killian Jones said sod convention, and proceeded to show his lass just how much he loved her, allowing himself to lose control and feel.

They didn't even notice the pulse of white magic that emanated from their bodies when they joined together.

(A few days later, a very confused gardener would come across a large area of forget-me-not flowers which he was sure had never been planted before. He would later remember that those particular flowers had a legend about True Love and the likes surrounding it, but that didn't really matter much)

A new chapter was begun as they cemented their love for each other, the seed of the future taking root deep within the young woman's womb.

Alas, as with every good story, happiness cannot last forever.

But tragedy struck, changing the lives of the two young lovers forever.

Emma clutched Killian's hand in the pouring rain, not needing to look at her betrothed to know that he was crying. It had been two days since he had returned from whatever God-forsaken place that the King had sent him to, returning with Liam's body and a crew of near-mutinous sailors, himself included.

The mission had been a failure, and while the King had seemed sympathetic, they all knew that there was a storm brewing on the horizon, just waiting to destroy anything in its path.

So here they were, standing aboard The Jewel of the Realm, watching as Liam's body was slowly lowered into the ocean that he loved so much. Poseidon would care for him now, and he would rest in the land of Heroes.

Broken sobs came from Emma's right, causing her grab onto the woman they came from. Evelyn, Liam's widow, sank to her knees, her tears mingling with the rain. She was pregnant, six months along, and now her baby had lost its father. Emma crouched down next to the older woman, pulling her into her arms.

She could feel the rain pounding down on them, could feel how her own body was trembling. Salt mixed with rain water as she finally let herself weep alongside Evelyn.

Sometimes, she wondered how she'd ended up in this place. In the beginning, she'd cursed herself for wandering towards the weird shimmery, vortex-y thing that popped out of nowhere, cursed herself for ending up in some backwards eighteenth century universe where magic was real and people spoke with words like malfeasance and forsooth. But then she'd met Killian, and her whole world had changed.

Killian was her everything, but Liam and Evelyn had become like parents to her, just as they had been to Killian. This woman was the closest she'd ever had to a mother, and she would not let anything happen to her.

Emma felt Killian kneel down beside them, drawing both of them into his embrace. She felt him shaking, but knew he was trying to be strong. He was the Captain now as well as the Patriarch of the Jones Family. At only twenty years of age, Killian Jones had a responsibility of those twice that age.

A little while later, after the funeral was over and Evelyn was back in her room in their humble abode, Killian turned to Emma, his eyes red and anger running through him.

"The King is corrupt."

"I know."

"We have to do something."

"I know."

"Will you support me? Even if I feel like doing something horridly risky." Killian asked, his voice cracking.

Emma reached out, blinking past a sheen of tears, and stroked the scar under his eye. "Always."

He swallowed heavily, sniffling once...twice...until he lunged for her, holding her like a child would do to a favorite toy. "Oh Gods Emma! He's gone! Liam's gone, and I-"

"You're here." Emma whispered. "You're here, and alive. With me...with Evie, with our nephew. We're family now, and nothing can change that."

Killian looked so lost in that moment.

"Marry me."

Emma wasn't sure that she heard correctly. "Hm?"

"Marry me." Killian took her hands in his, sitting both of them up. He eyed the ring that sparkled on her finger, a surge of pride rushing through him at the sight of his mark on her. "I don't want to wait any longer. Our future is uncertain, but I want nothing more than to spend every day of it with you. A ship's Captain has the power to officiate weddings." He kissed her lightly, pulling away when she made to deepen it. "Please Emma. Let some good come out of this horrible event."

Emma just smiled through tears, nodding furiously.

Thus, two days later, Emma Swan became Emma Jones, and Killian didn't think he'd seen a more awe-inspiring sight than that of his love walking towards him, clad entirely in white, a shy smile adorning her angelic features.

A month later, the crew of the Jewel of the Realm mutinied, along with a few more ships. Captain Killian Jones became Pirate Captain Jones, who sailed the Seven Seas with his beautiful Pirate Queen as they gathered forces to oust the King, who had gone mad with power.

Our heroes thought that if they were together, nothing could stop them.

No story would not be complete if the two main characters weren't somehow separated from each other. Because...cliches.



Desperate cries were heard from both lovers as they clung to opposite ends of their ship, trying in vain to not be thrown overboard.

What had been a seemingly calm day at sea had turned into a violent maelstrom within seconds, a giant gaping hole opening up right in the middle of the ocean.

At first, Killian had thought that perhaps his absentee mother had somehow found him before dismissing that thought entirely. He knew the reason why his parents abandoned them. It was an utterly shite reason, but one that even she could not find a loophole around.

However, whatever this was, it was clearly caused because of magic.

"Hold on, love!" Killian clenched his jaw, realizing that he would be unable to go towards Emma because of how the ship was tilted. There was a risk that he would be thrown off if he let go of the rope he was holding on it.

"Killian!" Emma screamed, her hands slipping from the rigging. "I can't!"

"NO!" Killian's heart entered his throat, panic seizing every inch of him. "Emma please! I love you! Whatever you do, don't let go!"

"I'm sorry!" Emma managed to laugh, idly wishing that she'd at least gotten to kiss him once last time. They'd had a good run, found happiness that was all too rare for people their age. If this was how it was supposed to end, done in by the sea both of them adored so much, then so be it. Even in the next life, she would never forget her sailor, the boy who had completely changed her life for the better.

"I love you so much, Killian! I love you!" As a massive wave rocked the ship, the last thing that Emma saw was the terrified, but brilliant blue eyes of her husband, the same blue eyes that she would glimpse when seven months later, she gave birth to a baby boy who she could barely even look at.

"EMMA!" Killian moaned. "NO!" He watched with horror as his wife was swept away by a wave and right into the hole.

It closed up in front of his eyes, the ominous clouds clearing overhead while the sea stilled, changing from murky grey to crystalline blue.

The ship righted itself, with all the crew miraculously for their Captain, who stared out into the wide abyss, shock and grief etched on his features.

"Captain?" His first mate, a man by the name of Starkey shook his shoulder gently. "Captain, we're alright now!"

"Alright?" Killian snorted incredulously. "Alright?" He stood, his face the embodiment of rage. Unknown to him, the waters turned choppy, reacting to his turbulent emotions. The men exchanged looks, glancing uneasily at their leader.

"My wife just died, and you think we're alright?" He spat, swallowing heavily.

"Wife?" Starkey stared at the Captain blankly. "Captain...did you hit your head. You're a man of only twenty, sir. You have no wife!"

Killian's breathing became shallow, and all he could hear was the roaring in his own ears. "Have you gone mad, Starkey! What do you mean I have no wife? Emma? The woman you walked down the aisle? Golden hair, green eyes, the light of my life? The one who could outplay us all in Liar's Dice? The one who stitched all our clothing after a battle? MY TRUE LOVE?"

But the men simply shook their heads, and that was when Killian realized that not only was the storm of a magical nature, it had done something to his crew as well that made them forget all about Emma.

In fact, when he was able to send a missive to his sister-in-law, even she had no idea who this Emma was.

Unbeknownst to Killian, he wasn't even supposed to have met Emma this early on. He should have fallen in love with another, lost his hand to the Dark One, become a villain, and spend centuries planning his revenge before Emma would pull him away from the path of darkness.

But while the course of True Love never ran smoothly, that did not mean that events had to play out exactly as the Fates deigned.

If everyone had forgotten about Emma, there was a reason as to why. Something, or someone was conspiring to keep them apart, which meant that his love may still be alive.

And it was that hope of seeing his beloved again that kept Killian Jones going. It would take five more years until he successfully overthrew the King and avenged Liam.

And it would take five more after that to end up on Neverland, in the company of an enigmatic former Fairy who went by the name of Tiger Lily. The woman would tell him that his love was still alive, but that he had to wait three more centuries to see her.

To most men, it was an impossible task. But to Killian, if it meant that he would be able to hold Emma once more, he would wait an entire millennia.

Luckily for him, three centuries passed in the blink of an eye, partially because the former Fairy had decided to ease his stay on the island, using the ancient magic of Neverland to help her accomplish her task.

Thus, Killian Jones, aged thirty, the Hero of Corona, youngest Admiral in the history of the Navy, went to sleep on a magical island, and would only be woken by True Love's Kiss.

But that's a tale for another chapter.

True Love was worth fighting for, and Killian Jones was not just a fighter...he was a survivor.

There was that one character that tried to threaten the love between the Hero and Heroine. Alternatively: Henry Mills really hated Neal Cassidy.

Henry glared at the man who sat next to his mother. He looked friendly enough...brown hair, brown eyes, a wide smile...boring.

His grandparents sat on either side of him, both of them silently judging this other man's worth, even though Mary Margaret was beaming happily and David gave the man polite nods every so often.

It was his mother's expression that all three were most concerned about. She was clearly uncomfortable by the arm that was thrown around her shoulder, and the pained grimace on her face was not imagined at all.

Henry was under the assumption that they never should have brought Neal Cassidy from New York in the first place...especially because the man was insistent on reestablishing a relationship with his mother.

Which was completely unacceptable.

"So Henry...what do you like doing?" Neal asked him, only to be given a cold blue glare in return.

One of Henry's most striking features was his eyes, as he'd been repeatedly told. David had blue eyes, but they were no where near the same shade as Henry's. And they certainly were nothing like the muddy brown ones that Neal sported.

Of course, Henry being the carrier of the all powerful Book, knew exactly where his eyes came from. He'd even tried to jog his mother's memory of his real dad to no avail. The Book had said that the portal which carried Emma back to this Realm had erased her memories of the past, and that included his father.

Killian Jones, the brave and noble man who had lost everything for love...that was his dad. He'd probably read the story of his parents meeting and falling in love at least two hundred times, but he couldn't get enough of it.

He'd tried to show his mom the story, only to find out that she, and everyone else only saw blank pages. He figured it had something to do with his connection to the Book, and how only he had believed in the Curse or something like that.

"I like to read." Henry replied curtly, ignoring the reproachful look he was given by his grandmother. Mary Margaret could want Emma to get back together with Neal with all her heart, but Henry wouldn't let that happen.

"I wonder where you get that from." Neal laughed, his booming voice earning him a few snide glances from the other customers.

"Not from you." Henry sneered, viciously stabbing at a piece of chicken. He saw his mother stifle a snort, her fingers reaching up to touch a lustrous ring that hung around her neck.

It was the ring that his father gave to her, Henry knew. A small, but beautiful sapphire stone that sat delicately on a band of gold. From the Book, Henry knew that it was a family heirloom, one that his paternal grandfather had forged specifically for his grandmother, who were legends in their own right. He had asked his mom about the ring, but she said she couldn't remember where she'd gotten it. Emma usually touched it whenever she was feeling nervous because it calmed her down.

Neal winced, chuckling without much humor. "Yeah...I guess not."

Henry smirked, unknowingly echoing his father's favorite expression. "So...Neal," The use of his first name was deliberate, and they all knew it. "What have you been doing for the past ten years?"

Henry's voice was loud enough that the other patrons stopped what they were doing in order to try and hear the conversation. It was prime gossip after all...the son of the Dark One being Emma's former lover and Henry's father...the family tree was getting incredibly twisted.

"Um..." Neal coughed, his cheeks darkening. "I've been...doing stuff." He shrugged lamely. "Photography, traveling, artsy things." His eyes lit up suddenly. "I could show you if you like! Maybe I could teach you a thing or two!"

"Can you sail?" Henry raised a brow at him in a very Regina-esque way.


"Can you sail." The boy repeated as if he was speaking to a particularly dim child. "I love the ocean, and would love to learn how to sail. I think the sea may even be in my blood." He snickered to himself. "Can you teach me?" Though his tone was earnest, his expression remained blank.

"Well um, I don't really know anything about sailing." Neal swallowed. "Never had the chance I guess. But we could learn together?"

Henry gave him a disdainful glance, not bothering to hide his animosity anymore. "No thanks. I would rather learn under an experienced a Captain or something."

"Henry has a weird obsession with Captain Hook." David chuckled ruefully, giving his grandson a look that clearly said tone it down. "He thinks that Hook is very misunderstood, and that Peter Pan is the real villain of the story."

"It's true." Henry nodded solemnly. "J.M. Barrie's Hook is a tragic character who did everything right only to lose the woman he loved. Pan is the one who steals kids and makes them into his minions."

"Can't argue with you there." Neal agreed, a dark glower crossing his face. Henry remembered that as a kid, Neal...Baelfire, had been dragged to Neverland by Pan's shadow, and was marooned on the island for a very long time.

"I like Captain Hook too." Emma spoke for the first time, giving her son a loving smile. "But I've always felt that Disney's version of him is too...over the top. Somehow, I don't think that perms and waxed mustaches characterize the real Hook." She touched her ring again, her eyes distant. "Does he exist...Captain Hook?"

"Not that we know of." Mary Margaret shrugged. "We've had Pirates who have tried to steal from us like Blackbeard or Barbossa, but not Captain Hook."

"If Peter Pan exists, I'm sure Hook does too." Neal smiled wryly. "Who knows, maybe he's actually a gallant Hero."

"I'm sure he is." Henry affirmed, blue eyes glinting almost menacingly. He paused, letting the uncomfortable silence around them dominate the mood for a moment. "So...this stuff that you've been doing for ten years, that didn't include looking for my mom, did it?"

Neal blanched, while Emma closed her eyes. Henry however, hid a triumphant grin.

"Because that's what a good person should have done." Henry continued blithely, acutely aware that all ears were listening in on this conversation. "If you were my dad, you would have fought for mom no matter what. You would have not let something as stupid as your fear for Rumplestiltskin cloud your judgement. You wouldn't have let my mom take the fall for your crime, and you sure as hell wouldn't have let her give birth to me in prison." His quiet words carried through the silent diner.

David and Mary Margaret gasped, their eyes hardening at Neal.

"If you were my dad, you would have said that a man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets, and you would have never left her side in the first place." Henry sneered at Neal, who could only look down in shame and guilt. His mother sat rigidly, her throat bobbing up and down as she valiantly tried to stave off whatever emotion she wanted to express.

"So by that definition, you're not my dad. And you never will be. I'd rather be Captain Hook's son than yours." Henry crawled over David's lap and freed himself from the booth.

"Stay away from my mom." Henry warned, turning his back towards Neal. "She'll never go back to you."

He walked out the door with his head held high. Henry Mills may never have met Killian Jones, but there was no denying that he had inherited most of his personality from him. Especially his flair for the dramatic.

Perhaps Henry should have stayed for just a minute longer though. Then he would have seen the punch that David so lovingly bestowed upon Neal's jaw.

A child of True Love was an infinitely precious gift whose entire existence was based on the rarest magic of all. Just like his father, Henry Mills would never stop fighting for True Love, even if that meant letting himself be kidnapped.

No Fairy Tale could be complete without an epic quest.

The entire diner sat in stunned silence as the events of the past few hours caught up to them.

Henry was gone, dragged off to Neverland by Neal's ex-fiancee and her deranged boyfriend. Which left all of them stuck in Storybrooke, with no foreseeable way to get to him.

Emma stood next to her parents, shaking in terror and sheer rage as she thought of Tamara's smug smirk, or of Henry's frightened, but determined expression as he was dragged through the portal.

"I told you she was bad news." Emma snarled, her fingers curling around the ring which rested by her heart. It might be purely psychological, but she thought she felt the ring warm to her touch, sending a wave of pleasant heat skittering up her body in comfort.

"I'm sorry Emma." Mary Margaret wiped away her tears. "I thought...that you were jealous."

"For the record, I knew you weren't." David attempted to smile, but his joke fell flat.

"Well I wasn't!" Emma tugged at her curls in frustration. "And if you had just listened to me, then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"It's no use arguing!" Regina slammed her hands down on a table, startling everyone. While it would still take some getting used to, the Evil Queen was no longer...evil. Right now, she was just a mother who wanted nothing more than to find her son.

"We have to work together, regardless of the past." Regina glanced around the room, eyeing the Charmings and Rumplestiltskin, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "For Henry."

"For Bae." Rumplestiltskin hissed, glaring at Emma. She just stared back, not daunted by the promise of retribution in the imp's eyes. Yes, Neal's death did hurt, but it wasn't her fault, and she sure as hell wouldn't apologize for it.

"For Henry." She ground out. "Anyone have ideas on how we can get to Neverland?"

All she received were pained looks in return.

"Fantastic." Emma sat down, placing her head in her hands. "So we can't do anything?"

"I may be able to create a portal." Rumplestiltskin sighed. "Though it will require time."

"Time which we don't have." Regina frowned, her manicured nails tapping against her arm. "Henry could be in serious danger!"

Emma didn't think so. Yes, Henry was definitely going to a land that they knew nothing about, but if Greg and Tamara wanted to kill him, then he would be dead. Which meant that his presence on the island served another purpose. Whoever they were taking him to, they needed him alive.

Not to mention that Henry had seemed off for the past few days. Emma caught him stocking up on water bottles and snacks which he thought he was sneakily hiding from her. It was almost as if he knew-

"Where's Henry's Book?" Emma turned to Regina. "I think there may be a clue in there about his disappearance."

"His room probably." Regina stroked her chin, regarding Emma evenly. "Do you really think that it would tell us something?"

"It's worth a shot." Emma nodded. "Can you summon it?"

In response, the older woman snapped her fingers, the familiar Book appearing in her arms. She lay it down on the table, but before she could open it, a gust of wind blew through the diner, flipping the pages until it came to rest on a brand new story.

Tales from Neverland.

"Woah." David breathed. "You were right."

"The boy knew what he had to do, even if it meant upsetting his entire family..." Emma closed her eyes, a litany of curses falling from her lips as she read the first sentence of the new chapter.

"You mean he went willingly?" Regina shrieked, and Emma couldn't blame her. Out of all the things Henry could have inherited, why did he have to get the let's-rush-into-danger-without-a-plan gene from her parents?

"Henry had a job to do, and someone to find." David continued reading. "After three centuries, Killian Jones was finally going to come home." The man looked up, confusion on his face. "Who's Killian Jones?"

Unbidden, a flash of blue and a cheeky grin flickered through Emma's memory.

"Did you say Killian Jones?" Sean Herman, also known as Prince Thomas asked, his expression bemused.

"Yeah, do you know him?"

"Do I know him?" Sean ran shaking fingers through his hair. "I'm descended from him!"

When all eyes turned to the young man, he blushed but went on. "Well, technically I'm descended from his brother, but there's not a soul from Corona who hasn't heard of Killian Jones, our greatest Hero."

"Is he a Prince or something?" Mary Margaret asked.

"A sailor." Emma blurted out suddenly, flushing when she realized she'd said that out loud. She touched her ring, but recoiled immediately when she noticed how hot it was. Was that even normal?

"How'd you know that?" Sean gave her an odd look. "Yeah, he was a Naval Lieutenant who led the Rebellion of the Three Seas which put my family in power. He was promoted to Admiral not long after, and even given a Duchy for his actions. His brother's son married the Crown Princess, and I'm their direct descendant."

"Wait, but that was years ago!" David protested.

"Three centuries." Sean nodded, swallowing roughly. "He was the youngest Admiral ever, and a skilled sailor, but a few days after his thirtieth birthday, he just vanished with his nothing. We never saw him again."

"Because he was on Neverland." Regina gasped. "No one ages on Neverland, and the Book makes it sound like he's still alive. Henry...I don't what he was thinking, but he clearly wants to save this man, which is why he didn't fight."

"But why?" Emma couldn't help but feel like she'd heard that name before. Killian Jones. It sounded so familiar!

"Wait!" Sean exclaimed, his light blue eyes alight with excitement. This time, the face of another man, one who had sandy curls, a serious disposition, and Sean's eyes floated in front of her, along with a name: Liam.

She was going insane. There was no other explanation.

"Killian Jones had a pretty famous moniker when he rebelled against the Crown." Sean grinned, pausing for suspense. "Hook."

"As in Captain Hook?" Emma groaned. "So he is real?"

"Everyone involved in the rebellion had code names." Sean explained excitedly. "His was Hook, but no one knows why. After the rebellion ended, he rejoined the Navy, but refused to be called by his proper title of Admiral. Pretty much everyone knew him as Captain Hook." The man laughed uproariously. "I can't believe I didn't connect the dots sooner!"

"So Henry was right." David smiled sadly. "Captain Hook was a Hero."

"He still is if the Book is any indication." Regina groused. "But that doesn't explain why Henry let himself be taken! Why is Captain Hook so important to him?"

No one had an answer, least of all Emma, who was still confused about the images she had seen. They seemed so real, but how could they have been?

"His name is going to be Eugene." The image and voice of a pretty auburn haired woman flashed across her eyes. "Eugene Liam Jones, after my father and his father."

"Fitzherbert." The same lilting voice that she'd heard before floated over her. "I can't let anything happen to you two. I'm about to become the most wanted man in Corona, Evelyn. Give him your maiden protect him."

"He's going to be so loved." Wait...was that her who had said those words? What the hell was going on? What exactly was she seeing? "Uncle Killian and Auntie Emma will go to the end of the world for him."

Okay seriously, what was this? A vision of some sort? She definitely had never referred to herself as "Auntie Emma" before, and there was no way that the Killian she was thinking of was the same one Henry had gone off to rescue!


"Jones' nephew," Emma started before she could stop herself. "What was his name?"

Sean frowned, appearing to be in thought. "Eugene." He said after a few moments. "Eugene Fitzherbert-Jones, but he was more commonly known as the notorious outlaw, Flynn Rider."

"Oh my god." Emma sat down in a chair roughly, clutching her head.

"Emma?" Mary Margaret placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder in concern. "What's wrong?"

But Emma didn't answer, her eyes riveted on the Book. The ring around her neck heated, but she didn't pay it heed, concentrating on her son's story instead. Another gust of wind flipped the pages, coming to a stop at a story which nearly had her breathless.

The Tale of the Savior and the Sailor: Emma Swan and Killian Jones

She touched the beautiful calligraphy with trembling fingers, brushing over "Killian Jones" with the utmost tenderness.

All of a sudden, a picture popped up, one of herself, though she was distinctly younger, maybe sixteen or seventeen. She was wearing a modest peasant's dress, and was kneeling on the ground, her hands entwined within the dark hair of a young man she was with. A man who had Henry's eyes (or was it the other way around), and who was looking at her like she had just changed his whole world.

"And in that moment, both of them knew that nothing would ever be the same again." Emma read with a muted sob. She flipped through the pages, her eyes devouring the pictures and words as memories of a past life suddenly flooded her mind.

"Shouldn't that be my line?"

" Marry me?"

"I love you!"


It was was all real! How could she have possibly forgotten him?

"Killian!" Emma breathed, closing her eyes with agony. "My love..."

The diner shook as a small wave of pure magic emanated from Emma, who sat there, looking utterly stricken.

"Emma!" David cried out, patting his daughter's face. "Honey! What happened? Was that you?"

Emma stood slowly, leaning on her father for comfort. She glanced down at the Book, the face of a determined Killian staring back at her.

And as the man listened to the former Fairy, he knew what he had to do. He would wait for however long it took if it meant that he could see his True Love again. With her face in his mind, he let the magic of the spell overtake him, knowing when he opened his eyes again, all would be well.

"I remember!" She choked, her chest heaving. "I remember everything!"


"Killian Jones." She licked her dry lips, a euphoric smile crossing her face. "Gods! Henry knew...of course he knew! That's why he let himself be taken!"

"You're not making any sense Emma." Mary Margaret and David exchanged worried looks, but their daughter ignored them all, her eyes alight with joy.

"Killian Jones is Henry's father! He's my husband!"

She looked straight at her parents, who were staring at her with gaping jaws. She stood taller, the familiar persona of Pirate Queen overtaking her body. Her eyes sharpened as she glanced around the diner coolly. She was Emma Jones, a wife and mother who had both her husband and child taken from her for reasons out of her hands.

"And I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring them back."

Second star to the right, and straight on til morning.

Neverland had better watch out, because Emma Jones was a woman on a mission. Those who had dared take her family from her would rue the day they crossed the Jones Family.

Thus, the journey began. True Love couldn't be stopped, as a few unfortunate people were about to learn.