Tommy and Kat were on a date at the Angel Grove mall. Kat wanted to look for makeup. Tommy was just happy to get away from his books for a while. Being in college was stressful and he was tired. Kat found a store she wanted to go in and Tommy followed. Lots of makeup lined the shelves. All types of colors and different products. It made his head spin.
"I'll go wait by the entrance while you shop." Tommy said to Kat while she looked at three tubes of lipstick that all looked the same to him.
As he walked back through the aisles something caught his attention. He turned around and walked back to it. It was a pink hand-held mirror with a long handle. He picked it up and looked into it.
"Kimberly loved these things. I got her one at a fair once. She loved it... I wonder how she's doing. I sure miss her. Man, I haven't thought about her in a long time." He thought. Kat walked up to him.
"Tommy?" She said. "Tommy…" She tapped him on the shoulder. He was out of it and staring into space.
"Tommy!" He snapped out of his trance.
"Huh? Oh. Kat… are you done?" He said turning around.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"Yeah… yeah, I'm fine." He put the mirror down and followed Kat out of the store.
"Ready for lunch?" She asked. Tommy stayed quiet. "Guess not. Why don't we go see a movie?" His silence continued. "Tommy, hello? Anyone in there. Tommy!"
"Huh, what?" He said.
"I think we need to talk." Kat sat down on a bench in the mall. Tommy sat next to her. "There's something going on. Suddenly, you're out of it, not paying any attention to anything but what's going on in your head. What's going on?"
"That mirror just reminded me of Kimberly."
"Kimberly? She's what this is about? Do you still have feelings for her?" Kat asked agitated.
"I don't know."
"Tommy, this isn't fair."
"I'm sorry, I never planned to feel this way." He put his head in his hands and sighed. "This is all just too soon…"
"Tommy, I think you're in denial. You better sort it out. I can't do this." Kat stood up and walked away from Tommy.
"Kat…" He called but it was too late. She was gone.
Once again, the monster alarm's shrill cry rang through the Power Chamber. The spunky little robot Alpha-5 turned around from his work. The orange, red and pink lights bounced off his golden head. He ran around trying to find out what was happening.
"Oh, ai yi yi. What's going on, Zordon?" He yelled.
The good wizard from the planet Eltar opened his eyes, snapping out of a pensive mood. "My sensors are indicating that another one of King Mondo's monsters is wreaking havoc on the people of Angel Grove." His booming voice replied.
Alpha scuttled up to the viewing globe. A large, 30 feet tall monster, lumbered through the city streets. The body was smooth and heart-shaped, but a huge winding crack ran right down the middle; the monster was completely gray save for two piercing red eyes and a mouth in the crevice. It waved two arrow-like appendages that formed arms, releasing light beam copies of the shape toward unsuspecting citizens. Those arrow beams returned to the being and made it pulse with a pinkish glow. The citizens Mondo's newest minion was menacing were mainly couples. Glares replaced sweet smiles, clasped hands broke and gave way to shoves and slaps, and laughter turned to crying and shouting. This made the monster smile wider than any of them had.
"Oh no, we have to call the Rangers!" Alpha yelled, running to a console to contact the new team of Power Rangers. "This enemy is clearly casting a spell on everyone in Angel Grove!"
"Wait, Alpha," Zordon urged. "This is no ordinary monster. There is a prophecy that is finally coming to pass."
"Prophecy? I don't understand."
"One that relies on a key union, my friend. We must call upon the Zeo Rangers once more."
"But Zordon, the Zeo Rangers have moved on with their lives," Alpha reminded him. "Some of them are no longer even in the same city as one another."
"I will explain later. Find their bio rhythms in the Morphing Grid and bring them here immediately," Zordon instructed
Alpha was confused but did as his mentor said. His padded fingers flew across computer keys, and by pressing the right combination of brightly-colored buttons, five columns of light descended into the Power Chamber, revealing the former holders of the Zeo Crystal: Pink Ranger Katherine Hillard, Yellow Ranger Tanya Sloan, Blue Ranger Rocky DeSantos, Green Ranger Adam Park, and Red Ranger Tommy Oliver. A white point of light also materialized, and Billy Cranston, the Mighty Morphin Blue Power Ranger and longtime technical advisor to the Power Team, joined his friends.
The former Zeo Rangers looked at each other confused but excited to see each other.
"Hey guys, it good to see you." Billy said walking up to his friends.
"Hey buddy," Tommy said walking up and hugging Billy. The others walked over to Tommy and Billy hugging each other and catching up. It was a good feeling to be among friends again. They smiled as they caught up with each other. "This is great, but Zordon, Alpha why did you bring us here?" Tommy, the leader of the team asked. "Why did you bring the Zeo Rangers here?"
"Tommy, it's good to see all of you. I know you all have moved on to new lives but there is a danger only you can face." Zordon said. "King Mondo, who unfortunately is still operational, has sent down a new monster to destroy the world. I have analyzed this creature, and he is actually taking love from the people of the city and turning it into hate. If it is not stopped, those under his spell will only grow more enraged and violent, and that will spell doom for Planet Earth."
Alpha reported to the Rangers next. "Our research has shown that the creature is called Erida, after the Goddess of Hate. While you can see, he uses a powerful spell to incense those living in Angel Grove, he can use his projectiles as deadly weapons." The rangers looked into the viewing globe. The monster shot its arrows at unsuspecting couples as they held hands and smiled. Once hit they dropped hands and began to argue. He laughed and smiled more and more as he ingested love from the people of Angle Grove.
"That's awful." Said Rocky.
"But Zordon," Adam started. "We don't have powers anymore. We are defenseless against this monster."
"This monster is fulfilling a prophecy foretold long ago. It says "Love itself will succumb to a broken heart. The world will fade to black lest the champions of green and pink finally become one. True devotion can turn the tides..." A circular platform descended from on-high and landed right in the middle of the smooth floor of the Power Chamber.
"The true realization of such love, perhaps expressed physically, can give us the energy we need to stop Erida. From this site of good, we can right this wrong." Zordon explained.
Adam turned to Katherine, and both raised their eyebrows high.
"Us?" Katherine questioned, nervously biting her lip.
"Whoa…" Adam said, rubbing the back of his neck and brushing some hair out of his eyes. "I mean, Katherine's wonderful and all, but I don't think…"
Rocky chuckled, patting Tommy on the shoulder.
"I don't think the prophecy means you, Adam," he said with a smile. "Remember, we have two former Green Rangers here! Sounds like all we need is these two to kiss." Tommy gasped and looked at his friend, then to Billy, who looked at him with a knowing gaze.
"Finally," Tanya added, nudging Kat, whose cheeks glowed like the blinking lights on Alpha's visor.
A few quiet seconds passed. Tommy sighed and took a few steps toward Kat, but he turned back, his body shivering and a cold feeling taking over his head.
"That won't work." he responded.
Katherine ducked her head for a moment. Her lip quivered, but she refused to show any more emotion. She simply walked over to Tommy and put her hand on his shoulder.
"You need to be honest with yourself, Tommy," she said softly. "You have to."
Tommy took a deep breath. "Because, if it must be true love then, the Pink Ranger I am in love with isn't here…" He closed his eyes and leaned on one of the counters. Kat stepped away. "And she found someone else." Tommy gripped the computer tighter with every second, each one bringing him closer to tears.
"Kimberly…" Billy said. "Alpha, see if you can locate Kimberly."
Kimberly was laying on her couch reading alone in her apartment in Florida. She put the book down for a moment. The book she was reading reminded her of her time as a Power Ranger. The characters in the book had been going on an adventure to save the world.
"I miss that. I miss my friends. And…" she stood up and walked across the room to a cabinet. She opened the second drawer and took out an old blue mirror. The one her ex-boyfriend, Tommy got her. She sighed. "And I miss him." She said stroking the side of her mirror. "I'm sorry, Tommy." Kimberly went back to the couch, laid down and closed her eyes.
"She should be coming up in the viewing globe." Alpha said. Tommy ran to it with the rest of the rangers behind him. Kimberly appeared in the globe. She was laying on her couch. It looked like she was asleep.
"She's alone." Tommy said. Billy gave Tommy the coordinates that printed out of the computer and Alpha handed him his old communicator.
"Go to her, Tommy," he whispered. "If this prophecy is right. Deep down, she still loves you. You've never been serious about someone since Kimberly. You need to take a chance."
"Alright, I'll go." Tommy studied the coordinates. Tommy teleported away and landed in front of Kimberly in her apartment. Kim's apartment was small, but big enough for one person. She had a few mirrors hanging up on the wall. And a small coffee table by the couch. Tommy walked over to Kim and kneeled by her.
"Hey beautiful, time to wake up." He said putting his hand behind her neck. Kimberly screamed when she woke up.
"Tommy, what are you doing here?" Her eyes went wide as she sat up. She looked around and nervously bit her lip.
"This isn't happening." She thought.
"Kimberly, please hear me out. You won't believe parts of this, but please try." Kimberly stared at him attentively. "An evil monster has been sent out. It takes love and turns it to hate, and it's destroying everything and won't stop until the world is destroyed. But Zordon told us of a prophecy that can stop it. The only thing that can destroy it is the true love between green and pink."
"But I'm not pink anymore."
"I'm not green anymore. I even gave up my Turbo and Zeo powers to go to college." Tommy replied. "Kimberly, I know you found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with… but… I still love you. I always have loved you, and I always will." Tears welled in Kimberly's eyes. Tommy's palms were sweaty. His heart started beating faster and faster. It felt like it was going to pound right out of his chest.
"Kimberly, we need you. If you help me save the world one more time…. I promise…" Tommy stopped, trying to hold back tears in his own eyes. He was about to say something he would never want to say. "I promise… you'll never see or hear from me again, if that's what you want. I only want you to be happy. That's all I've ever cared about, no matter how much it would hurt..." Kimberly took her former boyfriend's hands.
"Tommy, I'll do it. We have a world to save." Kimberly then hesitated for a few seconds, and then threw her arms around Tommy. "I've actually really missed you…"