
6/13/17 [12:57 PM CT]

Persona User are fill

The Fool - [M] Luck Arclight Me

The Magician - [M] Zach Vermilionfield Seven Alice

The Priestess - [F] Serena Austin florarune

The Empress - [F] Rikka Tachibana RosyMiranto18

The Emperor - [M] Luke Autumn Shiroikage

The Hierophant - [M] Robert Kennedy

The Lover - [F] Ayakane Koifumi Shouta Izukai

The Chariot - [F] Ariel Nightingale BlackAce19

The Justice - [F] Naomi Yamashita Harukawa Ayame

The Hermit - [F] Amy Smith

The Fortune - [F] Jane Hanamura Maria65

The Strength - [M] Satoru Miyahara KingOfStories01

The Hanged Man - [F] Azalea Vanderbell AndrogynyXAlchemy

The Death - [M] Shin Shadowplayer360

The Temperance - [F] Michi Yamauchi Magick From Your Heart

The Devil - [F] Aihime Arashi Reduced20

The Tower - [M] Kazuhira Nagato Kaizer Rinzence

The Star - [F] Jennifer Kunikida JessJess1818

The Moon - [M] Alex Eliwood Alex The God Killer

The Sun - [M] Dimitri Moreau ItSaCaTwOrLd

The Judgment - [F] Martha APHLync13

The Aeon - [M] Tsuruya Shirasaki PrincessFairytale5

The Jester - Kae Sakagami [F] TheRoseShadow21



Luck Arclight

[Fool] Agnostos Theos

Physical – Resist (Shadow Form Only)

Gun –

Fire –

Ice –

Electric –

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear – Wks

Force – Str

Water –

Earth –

Bless –

Curse – Null

Ailments Immunity (Shadow Form Only)

Charm (Special Ailment)

Fear (Non-special Ailment)






Jane Hanamura

[Fortune] Bahamut

Physical –

Gun –

Fire – Null

Ice – Wks

Electric –

Wind – Str

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water –

Earth –

Bless –

Curse – Str (Shadow Form Only)

Ailments Immunity (Shadow Form Only)






Luke Autumn

[Emperor] Herne, the Hunter

Physical –

Gun –

Fire – Wks

Ice – Str (Shadow Form Only)

Electric –

Wind – Str

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water –

Earth –

Bless –

Curse –

Ailments Immunity (Shadow Form Only)






Ayakane Koifumi

[Lover] Siren

Physical – Resist

Gun – Resist (Shadow Form Only)

Fire –

Ice –

Electric – Wks

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water – Null

Earth –

Bless –

Curse –

Ailments Immunity (Shadow Form Only)

Despair (Special Ailment)

Silence (Non-special Ailment)



Jennifer Kunikida

[Star] Lyra

Physical –

Gun –

Fire – Wks

Ice –

Electric –

Wind – Str

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear – Null

Force –

Water –

Earth –

Bless –

Curse –




Kae Sakagami

[Fool] Toyotama-hime

Physical –

Gun –

Fire –

Ice – Wks

Electric – Str

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water – Null

Earth – Null

Bless –








(Equip) [Fool] Agnostos Theos

Physical – Resist (Shadow Form Only)

Gun –

Fire –

Ice –

Electric –

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear – Wks

Force – Str

Water –

Earth –

Bless –

Curse – Null

Ailments Immunity (Shadow Form Only)

Charm (Special Ailment)

Fear (Non-special Ailment)







Lv. 4

[Sun] Tam Lin

Physical – Resist

Gun –

Fire –

Ice – Wks

Electric – Resist

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water –

Earth –

Bless – Null

Curse – Wks





Lv. 2

[Magician] Pyro Jack

Physical –

Gun –

Fire – Null

Ice – Wks

Electric –

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water – Wks

Earth –

Bless –

Curse –




Lv. 3

[Lover] Pixie

Physical –

Gun – Wks

Fire –

Ice – Str

Electric – Str

Wind –

Psychokinesis –

Nuclear –

Force –

Water –

Earth – Wks

Bless –

Curse – Wks






Name: Luck Arclight

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Persona: Agnostos Theos

Shadow Mode: Luck's Shadow form will take any scenario seriously and with a cold-hearted attitude if such action is necessary. He will become unfazed by anything as his will is strong and the worst opponent to face, but he still has his kindness for his teammates.

Persona's clothing: Luck Persona's clothing consists of a large white, long sleeved cloak reaching down his legs and barely covering his dark boots and a dark scarf with two trails leaving behind. Luck's body change as he has a pair of dark, feather wings, horns, and a slim dark tail.

Weapon(s): (Right) Claw & (Left) Thin blade

Gun: Revolver

Crystal/Gem: Pink Star Diamond

Gem/Crystal Location: Thin blade's Socket

Name: Jane Hanamura

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Persona: Bahamut

Shadow Mode: Jane's Shadow is distrusting, sadistic, sarcastic and psychotic when her shadow takes over. She had little to no mercy and often mocks others if they try to bring her down. She is known to tear her victims apart and she loves shedding blood.

Persona's clothing: Jane ends up wearing a black cloak with leather training clothes, dragon rider gear. A shoulder guard on one shoulder, gauntlets, hips and shin guards. Dragon wings are printed on the cloak she wears.

Weapon(s): Two-handed Sword

Gun: Glock 9

Crystal/Gem: Diamond

Gem/Crystal Location: Necklace

Name: Luke Autumn

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Persona: Herne, the Hunter

Shadow Mode:

Persona's clothing: A tight white turtleneck sleeveless shirt, a open light grey high collar jacket with only one left long sleeve. The collar of the jacket has black diamond's shape pattern. Dark blue loose pants and the legs are tuck are in a pair of black leather knee high silver tips boots with white belts around the legs. One black long right glove with neon blue and green vines pattern on it. He has a white deer mask that covers the top half of his face and has a pair of white antlers at the top of his head.

Weapon(s): A pair of tonfas

Gun: Dan Wesson DW RZ-10

Crystal/Gem: Green Fluorite

Gem/Crystal Location: Left earring, a vine covering his left ear cuff with the jewel dangling.

Name: Ayakane Koifumi

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Persona: Siren

Shadow Mode: Ayakane's Shadow form will act childish to lower the guard of her opponents and friends; she is flirty toward people as she understands people's desire well and weaknesses while occasionally act very clinging toward Luck. She hates backstabbers and Luck trying to leave her side as she believes he may disappear again.

Persona's clothing: She wears black bodycon dress with a slit on her left leg and a fluffy neck chocker with a dark-blue circle pearl. Two pair of black leather gloves reaching her elbows and black high heels with two fluffy chocker above her feets.

Weapon(s): Bow

Gun: Rifle

Crystal/Gem: bright blue cavansite crystal

Gem/Crystal Location: A chain around neck holding a bright blue cavansite crystal shaped like a small orb.

Name: Jennifer Kunikida

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Grade: Freshman

Persona: Lyra

Shadow Mode: ?

Persona's clothing: She wears a knight's armor with a golden border, but just a chest plate and metal shorts. She also has a red cape with black rose design. Her shoes are fancy leather boots and she wears a black musketeer mask and a white musketeer hat with a red feather.

Weapon(s): Katana

Gun: ?

Crystal/Gem: A milky white opal in the shape of a quartz.

Gem/Crystal Location: Silver bracelet on her left wrist.

Name: Kae Sakagami

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Persona: Toyotama-hime

Shadow Mode: ?

Persona's clothing: A short kimono that is a very blue with abstract swirly silvery patterning at the end of sleeves and at the hemline (which just reaches her knees), with a sky blue obi, tied with an indigo cord. With this, there are black leggings that are slightly shinier, and sky blue knee-high lace-up boots (the laces are black).

Weapon(s): Curved blade

Gun: ?

Crystal/Gem: ?

Gem/Crystal Location: ?


The Jester – (Rank 1)

After a big predicament, Kae has finally see the light of Luck and wishes to repay him back, but she still hate him of his attractions.

Kae Sakagami

A adapts girl that survive the harsh way of life on her own and can do anything if she put her mind into it. Prefer to follow her three rule above all else.

The Fool – (Rank 1)

Philemon trusts Luck at avoid his unavoidable fate and will lend a helping hand for his unknown reason as of now.

- (Rank 2)

Philemon began to lend a helping hand to further develop his gift and hoping he doesn't die from his unavoidable future.


A strange man wearing a mask and he seems to be watching Luck's progress from afar for unknown purpose.

The Magician – (Rank 1)

Luck has gotten the attention of the overlord, Zach during his usual routine and manages to strike a deal involving his shadow self-training.

Zach Vermillion

A self-proclaim evil genius that wish to rule the world with his intelligent and rather big ego. He became outcast by his other peers and wishes befriend someone despite his own feelings of others.

The Priestess -

The Empress -

The Emperor – (Rank 1)

Luke realizes his judgment wasn't at fault nor he was weak after realizing this from Luck. He decides to join Luck's cause in order to find the truth in that case, three years ago.

Luke Autumn

A student council president of Morning Star High. He has kindness and care for other as he will do anything to protect anyone from harm.

The Hierophant – (Rank 1)

Robert began to trust Luck as he will success on something he once fail to do and wishes the best for him on his club.

Robert Kennedy

Hard-working teachers that want what is best for his student and teach them the value of life. He seems to be hiding something from his past and relating to the original Paranormal Team.

The Lover – (Rank 1)

Ayakane realize the boy from her past was indeed Luck and wanted to stay by his side to repay the kindness he once show him.

- (Rank 2)

Ayakane has learn that she manages to change slightly and impressing Luck with her progress. They manage to get their friendship back.

Ayakane Koifumi

A rising artist that gotten the attention of many people with her skills with the paintbrush and while she is an introvert person, she can speak with others freely and without hesitation. She has a crush on Luck and afraid to speak up her feelings to him.

The Chariot -

The Justice -

The Hermit – (Rank 1) New!

Amy finally spoke the truth between Luck's relationship and her reason to look after him. She finally regain calm and no doubts are found within.

Amy Smith

A mature girl looking out after her little brother and want to find out the truth of her parent's whereabouts.

The Fortune – (Rank 1)

Jane wanted to help and get praise by Luck for gaining his trust but doing so, he felt trust for him which made herself change slightly.

Jane Hanamura

A calm composure girl that want to be perfect on any subject and dislike relying on other and wishes to be rely on. She secretly hates hospital and dislike being tease by Luck.

The Strength -

The Hanged Man -

The Death – (Rank 1)

Shin realizes the similarity between him and Luck as they wish to safe other from the bad guy. He wants to teach him the things he learns so he can accomplish such task on his own.


A nihilist young man that works for the government as an agent but later realizes that life is a big game of just numbers. He lost interest on life and his own personality as a whole because of his realization.

The Temperance -

The Devil – (Rank 1)

Aihime wanted to keep her secret away from people's ear and strike a dark deal with Luck while gaining her respect from his courage.

Aihime Arashi

A teacher that acts likeable, kind and willing to help others to hide her true personalities from others, as she is prideful, ruthless and very planning of her every action. She is the leader of the dangerous gang known as The Dark King's.

The Tower -

The Star - (Rank 1)

Jennifer spoke with Luck about her dilemma with her other peers and took it hard, but Luck confidently prove her wrongs as she has more potential that she realizes.

- (Rank 2)

After Luck find Jennifer's main problem, Jennifer reject Luck's help and no longer seek his companionship since she will hurt him if he stay with her.

Jennifer Kunikida

A freshmen student that has trouble speaking with others as she has trouble with her shyness and prefer to safely play video games, read manga and talk about anime than normal conversations.

The Moon -

The Sun -

The Judgment –


[Lv. 1] Comprehension – Ignorant (+9)

[Lv. 2] Determination – Daring (+8)

[Lv. 1] Adept – Clumsy (+5)

[Lv. 1] Affection – Blunt (+5)

[Lv. 2] Beauty – Engaging (+9)