So, there's really no reason for this. I'm bored again and I wanted to put up something before Thanksgiving (if I don't get the next chapter of Warriors of the Light done).

Anyways, this chapter focuses ENTIRELY on Roxas, who I feel like I kind of left out of pretty much everything. I don't like how things went down with him, so...this was made.

This chapter is his thoughts on everything that happened throughout the story (at least the important parts). Please do let me know what you thought of it.


Play: Roxas - KH2

Day 73

Our new member finally woke up today. Axel brought him up to the clock tower after their mission. His name is Kirux. He seems like a cool guy, just a little more...reserved.

There's something about him though. The two of us have never met, but...I can sense that we've been friends for a while. When I first saw him, I almost said "Nice to see you again."

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's stuff from when I was human. I don't know.

Xion still hasn't shown up either. Axel says him and I are gonna go find her tomorrow. Hopefully, she's okay.


Day 74

Well, we found Xion today, but she can't use the Keyblade anymore. And to make things worse, Kirux was knocked out by something or someone when he came to the clock tower today.

He was holding his head in pain, and yelling at someone when nobody was speaking. He said once he woke up about some guy named "Ansem," but...I've never heard of an Ansem.

Also, when he showed up, he didn't even look at me or Axel. He looked at Xion and only Xion. His eyes were stuck on her the entire time.

It's odd, considering that they've only just met. Perhaps it's the same with me.


Day 95

Kirux walked out on us at the clock tower today. He talked even more about the darkness inside of him,'s like that's all he ever worries about.

It's all about the darkness with him, and it's...kind of upsetting. We're all Nobodies, and we're not supposed to feel. But...I feel kind of bad for Kirux, having to deal with all of this stuff.

It completely killed the fact that Xion got her Keyblade back, and that Kingdom Hearts finally appeared. That's a whole different thing in itself.

I just hope Kirux doesn't let his darkness get too much in the way.


Day 128

Xion is asleep. I don't know how it happened, just that she's out. Kirux told us he found her at Beast's Castle, and she's been out ever since.

Oh, and Kirux can somehow wield the Keyblade now. He says it just appeared out of nowhere while on his mission.

He also said that he knew who hurt Xion today, but...he didn't tell me anything after that. Kirux has always been kind of secretive, but when it came to's kind of suspicious.

I know he likes her, and Xion likes him too. The two of them are closer than any of us. Honestly, I'm kind of jealous of them.

Always having someone that you can turn to when things get bad must be good.


Day 161

Well, Xion's finally awake. And as much as he doesn't want me to, I know Kirux is as happy as he's been in a long time.

Those two are just so...I don't know how to explain it. They're practically attached to each other at all times. It was obvious when they said they had spent their whole vacation day together. Axel and I gave them both a hard time about it, and we still do.

I'm happy for them though. Of course I should be anyways, they're my best friends. How could I not?

It seems like, though, they just kind of...forget about the two of us. It's like me and Axel just get left out.

What am I saying? There's no way. I'm just jealous, is all.


Day 171

I ran into Xaldin after my mission today. He told me about these two people, and how they had developed something called "love".

Axel said that when two people feel really close to each other, they love each other. He said that you need a heart to love someone.

Kirux didn't comment or anything. He just sat there, thinking. It made me wonder too.

Kirux and Xion, do each other? They're the only people I know that are really close.

I don't understand it...


Day 255

Kirux is gone. Xion told us that today.

My only question is why? Why would Kirux leave the Organization? Doesn't he understand that we don't have anywhere else to go?

Axel's the one that usually knows everything, but even he had no idea. He said he would try and find something out, but I doubt he will.

It hit Xion really hard. I went by her room when I got back, and...I heard her crying.

I knew that her and Kirux were close, but...


Day 290

I knew it was gonna happen eventually. Wherever Kirux went, Xion was bound to follow.

Only problem is we don't know where Kirux is. So, Xion just ran off into the unknown without a clue.

Axel says he hasn't found anything in the five weeks Kirux has been gone, but...I don't know if I can believe that.

As for Xion, well...I can only hope she's okay. Her and Kirux both.


Day 298

Well, my suspicions were correct. It was Kirux we chased throughout the tunnels today. It was Xion who was with him before she ran off.

But that's not the point. Axel did a little more searching around Twilight Town, and...he found Xion and Kirux together in front of the mansion.

What they were doing he didn't say. All he said was "You were right about them." I knew exactly what that meant.

Xion and Kirux are in love with each other.


Day 299

Axel and Kirux fought. It started when I found Xion in the alley, then Kirux showed up out of nowhere. Axel attacked him then, all went downhill from there.

I never thought I'd have to see my two best friends fight each other, for no real reason. I remember Axel bringing up a guy named Sora, which seemed to confuse Kirux a lot.

But...I don't know a Sora. What makes him so-


Day 305 (The Sixth Day)

I remember everything now.

Kirux, Axel, and Xion. We were all best friends. It wasn't Hayner, Pence, and Olette. It was the first three.

Why did I forget? How did I forget? I could never forget my best friends, ever.

I know what to do.

I'll find Sora. Maybe then, I'll finally get some answers.

Maybe someday, all four of us can be together and have ice cream again.

There we go. That's Roxas' perspective.

See you again.
