Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto Or Young Justice


2008 January 4, 21:32 EDT

"Doctor Desmond, how is the weapon coming along?"

Standing before the gathered leading council of the newly formed Light, the Head of Cadmus wrung his hands nervously as he was stared down by what he could only assume were the scariest people on Earth.

"He is still growing but the Gnomes are working to perfection and there have been no complications. The weapon should be ready in two weeks' time."

"And you're new, partner?" L-4 questioned distastefully.

Desmond flinched at the mere mention of the man the Light had stationed at his lab in DC. "He is very helpful in regards to the science. But something is not right about him. He's-"

"As long as he does his work we don't care," L1 said and the half crescent of screens went black leaving him in the dark.

"What am I, Doctor Desmond?"

Desmond flinched as his partnered slithered out from the shadows with a grin on his face.

"Oh, we would have so much fun together. But that will have to wait."


Washington DC
2008 January 18, 19:19 EDT

His life was like a movie. That would have been the best way to describe it. Not like he was living in a movie where everything went according to plan and there were enough happy endings to even out the horrible world they lived in but more like he was watching a movie about the life he had lived. He could remember and see what happened but the emotions that went along with the memories were...absent.

He saw his brother in all but blood betray and nearly kill him, yet he didn't feel sad or angry, he just didn't care.

He remembered receiving news of his godfather's death and watched himself mourn but the sadness and grief alluded him.

He watched as an entire world went to war against a madman and then a false goddess and almost win before everything went wrong and he was booted from his dimension into a new one. Watched as those freaks in white jackets found him and brought him here where he died.

Yes, died. It shouldn't have been possible for him to have remembered taking his last breath but he did. And it was one of his first memories. He had no idea how they brought him back to life but he didn't question it. He should have but the little devil on his shoulder told him to let it go and he listened.

The next seventeen years had passed in a blur of fighting, stealing and killing for the people who had saved him, or so he thought.

For the past few months, ever since the little guy who always occupied his shoulder fell off for a few minutes during a fight he had been having second thoughts. When he had brought it up to a doctor he had been sedated and heard someone order him to be put back in his pod for reconditioning. That was what had shocked him out of his mindless drone mentality as the guards attempted to escort him back to whatever machine they had used to control his mind. What followed was a slaughter as he escaped the compound he had called home for his entire life. Non-stop Blood, fire, and bullets for what felt like hours before he felt the sun on his face and just started to run. He didn't know where he was going or what came next but being someone's puppet was behind him.


Watching the mayhem unfold from his fortified Office Desmond slammed a fist against the top of his desk looking away from the security footage to glare at the man standing next to him.

"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded his anger clouding his judgment. He had momentarily forgotten that his partner could kill him in the blink of an eye. "Are you not going to go after him? You can't let him get away!"

His partner shook his head a sick grin on his face. "I'm only a scientist. Capturing run away's is Guardian's job."

"He cannot be allowed to leave!" Desmond was near hysterics. "Do you understand the consequences we will suffer for losing him?"

"I can imagine the consequences you will suffer. As for me, I'll be gone before they find out what's happened."

Desmond gasped as a sickly white hand wrapped around his throat.

"Please give the Light a message for me, Desmond." The hand began to squeeze slowly cutting the doctor's air supply. "Let them know that I thank them for all of their help, and that the game has just begun. Kukuku."


2008 March 4th, 22:47

Sitting on top of a Wayne Tech building dressed in black pants and a jacket with the hood drawn up Naruto Uzumaki stared down at the black van pulling up to the security gate. He had gotten an anonymous tip that the building was going to be robbed tonight so he was watching anything that moved below like a hawk. Usually, he didn't look into tips sent in without evidence but Wayne tech had too much technology that could be altered to cause mass destruction so here he was in the middle of the night waiting for something to happen.

He didn't like it when there was nothing for him to do. The silence gave him time to think and thinking always led back to replaying the missions he had done for Cadmus over and over in his head. Six months had passed since he had escaped and while without the Gnome constantly controlling his thoughts his mind was free influence it was also lacking the barriers the Gnome constructed to hold back his less than stellar memories. All the experiment's and procedure's he had endured. The constant poking and prodding of needles digging into his skin injecting him with whatever concoction the scientist had created.

But even after he had escaped from the cloning facility they still had a hold on him. In his mind which was arguably more dangerous than physically being with them.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

Turning in the direction he had heard the shout come from Naruto saw a garbage truck filled to the brim with an SUV following behind it speeding towards the west security gate. Leaning forward he channeled Chakra to his feet sticking himself to the side of the building as he ran straight down.

"It's a battering ram!" The thought struck him as he was halfway down the building but there was no way to contact the guards.

Watching stoically as the suicide driver plowed into the reinforced guard post and exploding killing everyone inside the vehicle and the three guards he kept running trying to reach the ground before the SUV made it into the building's garage.

Dropping the last two stories he cushioned his landing as much as possible with his chakra he hit the top of the Suv feet first caving in the roof. Crouching down low practically hugging the roof of the car ducking the ceiling as they crossed into the underground garage. Rolling off the roof as the driver hit the brakes he grunted as he hit the ground.

Using his hands to spring himself back to his feet he charged the Suv as the passenger door swung open. Kicking it closed as a thug got half way out he ignored the loud crack of a leg snapping and the scream of pain afterward.

Vaulting over the hood he slid to the ground ducking underneath the barrel of a rifle as it started spitting bullets. Rising up he grabbed the gunners hand and forced the gun to the roof. As the magazine emptied he yanked it and the top half of the thug's body back down bringing his knee up to meet him halfway.

"Only two?" He thought letting the unconscious criminal fall to the floor and checking the inside of the van. These two idiots were breaking into one of Wayne's building's with two guys and two guns? That didn't make sense.

Walking around the car he grabbed the last thug by his collar and dragged him from the car slamming him against the side of the Suv. "Why are you here? Are there others?"

"Why are you here? Are there others?" He demanded.

"I'm not telling you-"

Across the parking garage, the elevator doors slid open and Naruto ducked behind the car dragging his captive with him keeping a hand over his mouth.

"Where are those idiots?"

Narrowing his eyes at the grey masked man leading a group of three others who were pulling large crates behind them Naruto frowned. Sportsmaster had gotten into the building without setting off one alarm. Wayne Enterprises had some of the best security defenses in the world. Sportsmaster was good but he wasn't that good.

Slamming the thugs head against the ground he moved around the car and grabbed assault rifle laying on the ground.

He couldn't kill the criminals. As much as he wanted to he knew the Justice League would stop him even if he was doing good. But that didn't mean he had to take it easy on them. When they went to jail they would want to stay there out of fear of what he would do to them if they escaped.

"Over there, boss." One of Sportsmasters cronies said pointing to the corner where the van was stopped.

Setting up his sights Naruto took the man's knees out with two bullets and did the same for the other two four more. Sportsmaster who was positioned behind the crates ducked down out of the line of fire.

Growling he kept his gun on his shoulder and started moving forward using the cars of Wayne's 24/7 work crew for cover.

Moving through the lot he stopped to cars from the crates and waited for five minutes to see if Sportsmaster was going to make a move. When he didn't he moved again making a wide half-circle keeping ten yards between him and Sportsmaster. He was the one with the gun. No need to get close.

"He's gone."

Behind the crates was nothing but air. Sportsmaster had gotten away.

"Hey, don't move!"

Now they show up. Naruto tossed his gun to the ground and raised his hand as five security guards came out of the elevator side arms trained on him. Rolling his eyes as the guards came towards him he fingered the hidden blade in his sleeve. Drawing it, with a quick nearly untraceable flick of his wrist he sent it flying into the lights on the ceiling.

"Where'd he go?"

"Do you see him?"

Silently slipping out of the parking lot Naruto left the guards and the thugs behind vanishing into the night.


In Orbit, Watchtower
2008 March 5th, 03:39 EDT

"Who are you?" Sitting in front of the main computer on the Watchtower, Batman watched as the hood figure took down Sportsmasters team of hired thugs who were trying to steal from the Wayne Enterprises Bludhaven branch building.

He was military trained. Bruce could see that from just watching the way he ambushed and shot the would-be thieves before closing in on Sportsmaster who had fled. The problem with that conclusion was that from the shape and height, the hooded figure was in his late teens. He doubted he had even reached adulthood given his size. And those answers only led to more questions.

Where did he come from? Why was he at Wayne Enterprises? What was he after? Who trained him?

"Zatara to Batman, requesting full league response."

Shutting down the video he sent the file to the Bat cave and headed for the towers Zeta tube. The League needed his help now, but he wasn't letting this matter drop.

'Who are you?"

A reboot of the original story.

Hope you guys like this one as much as the last!

Thanks for reading and leave a review with pairing and what you think so far!