Alex's First Letter Home

Hey Mom, Hey Dad,

I'm sorry for the way I ran off at the station, honestly, but, well, you know these weird dreams I've always been having for as long as I can remember?

I met someone from them.

Granted, technically, several someones and all of them look differently than they did before, but then again, so do I. Because, as it turns out, they weren't dreams after all, but memories.

I know, I know, it's hard to believe close to impossible, but let me remind you that you would have said the same thing about magic before and look where I am now.

The school is a castle! An actual castle, like, straight from a fairytale. It looked awesome when I first saw it. It even distracted me from the fact that I was sitting in a boat for a moment or two — luckily, I have been told that this is likely the last time that will be required. You know that I never liked big masses of water and it's not gotten any better with the memories.

Anyways, the Great Hall where we've had our entry feast (or whatever they are calling it) and were sorted — more on that in a minute — it lightened by dozens upon dozens of floating candles. No, really! And both the paintings and the stairs move (for some reason I have yet to discover).

The Sorting did not happen the way I expected it to. Not that I know precisely what I expected, but I can honestly say that a talking and singing Hat wasn't it. Again, I kid you not.

I am fairly sure that I rambled about the four Houses at least five dozen times in these two months, so you should know what each House means by now.

And no, Dad, I didn't get Ravenclaw. Mom and I were right in the theory that I am clearly a Slytherin.

Our common room — which I am in right now — is located under the lake, which, to be honest, creeps me out a bit.

I'll be rooming with some boy named Carlos something and my old friend Aaron Burr. Though his last name is Burts now.

Honest question: Is it odd to be friends with the man who shot me last time around? Because I think it might be, but I'd like to think it's not.

Oh, wait, I never actually got to the point of explaining what happened at Platform 9 ¾, did I? Sorry for that, really, but you know me and my ADHD.

Okay, so bear with me. Reincarnation is a thing. Like, an actual thing thing, not just something that Hindus and Buddhists and some other people believe in. It's a thing that happens.

You might be wondering how I know. Well, as it turns out, this life isn't my first one. I lived a life before, and in that life I was Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States (which explains a lot of things actually): I don't know how much you know about him — about me — but you should probably read up on that.

I mean, I could explain my past life here, but Aaron is already eying me which means that he'll drag me off to bed soon — don't worry, it's not that late. And I'm not even using my standards, I swear!

Anyways, a few things you should probably be aware of:
1) I also was an immigrant from Nevis/St. Croix, but to New York instead of London.

2) I was married to the most perfect being to ever walk this planet, Elizabeth Schuyler, and she is here with me now.

3) I cheated on her and she found out by me admitting to it in a 95-page pamphlet. It was the worst mistake I ever made, but it happened.

4) I also was, well, involved with a fellow soldier, John Laurens, during the Revolutionary War as well, but he died early. Too early. John's back as well and both he and Eliza are in Gryffindor.

5) My archenemy, Thomas Jefferson — who is Black this time around! I will take that as proof that there is indeed a God, because that guy owned over 100 slaves and was basically the ideal Republican (but back then it were the Democratic-Republicans and...I should probably stop this right now) — is back as well. He's rooming with Hercules Mulligan, another old friend of mine. My sisters-in-law (not this time around, at least not yet, don't worry) (oh, and their names are Peggy and Angelica, although Peggy is not actually here yet), James Madison (minor enemy/colleague? I honestly don't know), and my basically surrogate father — not that I ever admitted that fact — George Washington have returned as well.

Which actually brings me to 6)

My last father left my last mother, my brother, my half-brother, and I alone when I was ten.

My last mother died when I was twelve. We were sick and she was holding me as she died.

The cousin I moved in with afterwards — I don't really recall anyone else being there with me, so I'm pretty sure they either lived somewhere else or died as well — committed suicide and left me with nothing.

7) What little I managed to gather over the years was pretty much completely destroyed by a hurricane when I was 17.

8) There are a lot more sad facts like these I could mention, but I can't quite bring myself to list them all. Plus, Aaron is almost ready to make his way over here. I sat here a lot longer than these few lines would normally take me, but you deserve to know.

Dad, I'm really sorry that I subconsciously blamed you for the things a completely different man did. I couldn't really help it, but it's not right either. I hope you don't hold it against me.

You really should look into my past life. I would go on, but Aaron is standing next to me now and is only allowing me one more paragraph. I miss both of you, but I don't regret coming here at all. I hope that you believe me with all this.

I love both of you.


PS: Aaron wants me to tell you that he is incredibly sorry for shooting me last time and that he will swear up and down that it won't happen again.