Hey guys! This is TyForestGames, and I'm back to write Agent Rhode Island: Civil War! This is one of my favorite seasons, a huge breath of fresh air from 11. Minds were blown with this one. But let's get right into it!


Prologue: What Do You Fight For?

"Journal Entry... *sigh* Who can even remember at this point?

For the past few weeks, it's been one step forward, two steps back. We manage to take an enemy post, but we lose too many men to hold it. Felix brings a haul of weaponry, but half of it is damaged beyond use.

As for our heroes... Well, all but one are technically soldiers... I think. The only one that counts as a fully fledged soldier is Agent Rhode Island. He helps out various squads and basically does what Felix does, only for free.

Captain Grif has certainly exhibited extraordinary creativity. And by that, I mean he somehow managed to incorporate 'infiltrating the mess hall' into his men's daily training routine.

Captain Simmons has taken up his leadership with gusto, but he seems to fall apart when it comes to communicating with his squad. I've talked to them about it, but the girls just can't figure out what's wrong.

Captain Caboose has officially been forbidden from operating vehicles and heavy machinery. I won't go into details.

As for Captain Tucker... Besides Rhode, he's our best bet at this point. He's not smart, he's not disciplined, but he's driven. *Sigh* I just don't know if driven will be enough.

The Federal Army has their friends, and they've put a lot of obstacles between us and them. If we can't even save a few prisoners, how can we expect to save Chorus?"

"Meh. We'll wing it."

"Tucker! What are you doing?! Get out!!"


And thus starts Season 12! Hope you liked the prologue I made out of the trailer. Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, this was Kimball speaking. Till next time guys!