A/N: Hello, and welcome to my very first fanfiction. This is mainly going to be my version of the battle between Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, at the Swiss Headquarters, that would lead to them becoming Soldier 76 and Reaper. However, these first chapters will mostly focus on Reyes, and why he did what he did.
Whether this is good, bad, or somewhere in between, you decide, but I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it!

The darkness was the only thing Gabriel liked about his temporary room.

Albeit him and his squad had shown up unannounced, they could still have given the commander of Blackwatch a room with more than 20 square meters of space, for both bathroom and bedroom.

He sighed, as he re-read the report that had landed on his desk this very morning. A member of a small terrorist group, he'd been tracking for almost 3 months, had finally, after much "convincing", said that they were going to hit a major city in Austria.

He instantly jumped at the chance to take them out, but there were complications along the way. During a powerful storm, lightning struck one of the engines, and they were forced to make an emergency landing at Overwatch's base in Zürich, so it could be repaired.

And now he could do nothing but sit and be useless.

Eventually, he realized that he would assemble his squad, so they could discuss the situation. They might as well do something while they were here.

"Everyone, come to the hangar. Now." Gabriel said, into his wristwatch. The message was short and simple, like most of his messages.

He rubbed his goatee, before getting out of the chair. He took the report under his arm, and exited the room.

Unlike his room, the hallways of the base were brightly lid, even though it was early in the evening.

He let out another sigh, as he walked down the hallways. He didn't exactly like being in the same building as Jack.

They'd started out as mutual friends, when they were both thrown from the Soldier Enhancement Program into Overwatch, during the Omnic Crisis. Over the war, they'd grown so close that they were almost brothers.

However, their friendship was quickly shattered when Jack was given the title of Strike Commander, and Gabriel was given Blackwatch.

While Gabriel did appreciate the removal of red tape in Blackwatch, it was still just a small branch of Overwatch. Which Jack was in charge of, and not Gabriel, who'd led it through the Omnic Crisis.

Their relationship had continued to sour, and they hadn't exactly left off on a good note.

Gabriel still remembered the last time he'd spoken to Jack. It was about two weeks ago, and they were supposed to go to a press conference, to try and defend Blackwatch's actions. But Gabriel didn't show up. And later that day, he got a call from Jack.

"What the hell were you thinking, not showing up?!" Jack almost shouted over holo.

"What was I supposed to do there? Say we actually did the things they're mad about? Because we did." Gabriel replied coldly.

"Well, why did you do those things?" The Strike Commander asked, in a lower voice.

"To complete our missions fast and efficient." Gabriel answered, continuing to keep up his cold demeanor.

"Well then say that to them, and give them something, other than absence! They'll think you don't care about the accusations!" Jack tried, but Gabriel simply replied with "I don't."

The Strike Commander let out a loud sigh of frustration, before asking "And why not?"

"Because I know that once the general population see someone as an enemy, then it'll take a lot more than that person saying 'I didn't do it' to convince them otherwise." Gabriel spat back, as he began to get tired of this conversation.

There was a short silence before Gabriel continued. "Blackwatch is doomed. And instead of trying to fight the inevetable, I'm doing what good I can in whatever time I have left."

Jack buried his face in his hands, and let out an even louder sigh of frustration.

"You know, Gabriel, I could choose to leave you to fix this mess. But I don't. I'm trying to help you, when..."

"Of course your helping me. Jack Morrison, the white knight on the shining steed, coming in to save everyone, and then reap the rewards for himself." Gabriel rudely interrupted.

"Gabe..." Jack tried, but Gabriel cut him off. "I don't need your 'help'." He said, with venom dripping from every word, as he coldly ended the call.

Gabriel quickly shook of the memory. In his eyes, he'd spoken the truth to Morrison, and he wasn't going to apologize because the boy-scout couldn't handle it.

He continued walking, and eventually he reached the hangar with his ship. He pushed a button on the side, and the door slid open, revealing a rather large area filled several overwatch dropships, as well as a few jets and choppers.

Gabriel quickly found his ship, since it stuck out like a sore thumb, with its night-black painting, among all the crystal-white overwatch ships.

As he approached the Blackwatch dropship, he noticed something odd. Everyone in his squad always were in it, because they always followed his orders. However when he approached the dropship, he could only see a single person from his squad.

A/N: And that's the first chapter done. I expect the next chapter will come pretty soon, though I'm not sure exactly how long. Reviews are also greatly appreciated, since I'm always looking to improve my writing skills. Thanks.