Fast & Furious: Salute, Mi Familia

Chapter 2 - Author Update

Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd give you all some information regarding this story because it has been a VERY long time since I last updated this story.

I can assure you that I am definitely planning on continuing this story because I actually don't want to disappoint all of you, especially since I had no idea that several people would love this story so much, and I just want to say to you all how grateful and happy I am on the fact that this story has been an enjoyable start for you to read... and again, I promise that I will finish it as soon as I get the chance, so please... all that I ask is for you to not give up on this story, even though it seemed like I may have given up on it... but that's not true... this story will continue and eventually one day have a satisfying conclusion (hopefully), and I can't wait to see what you will think about it. :)