Bobby carefully wiggled the black ring off his finger and looked at it for a second – admiring the hypnotic red rubies uniformly packed inside the black band – before putting it on the kitchen counter, far away from the sink. The thing was just as pretty and shiny as the day Crowley gave it to him, because Bobby made damn sure to take it off before he did any hard work. Like he was about to do right now. The giant pile of dirty dishes in the sink was starting to get out of hand and he couldn't put the washing off any more. The old man huffed a breath and rolled up his sleeves. Boy, he really needed to invest in a dishwasher...
The house was really quiet while Bobby went about scrubbing his cups and plates. But hell, it wasn't anything new. The place was always this silent and boring without Jessie and all the boys around. Those Winchesters were something else; always showing up unannounced, taking his food, using his stuff, getting the dogs all riled up... and though it was disruptive, Bobby actually loved every second.
No sooner than the thought passed through Bobby's mind, the backdoor opened at the end of the counter. Bobby's hands paused in the soapy suds as he raised his head to see Dean come inside. The kid was dressed to the nines, wearing a nice suit, buffed shoes, and neatly spiked hair. Did he just come back from working a case or something? The boy looked real nice. When Dean saw Bobby standing at the sink, he smiled a bit and stuck his hands in his pockets.
"Hey," he mumbled, "What're you doing, Bobby?"
"Buildin' a space ship to Mars outta peanut butter," Bobby replied sarcastically, "What's it look like, kid? I'm doin' dishes."
Dean rolled his eyes but smiled at the old man's dry wit. One of the things Bobby loved most about the Winchesters was the fact that he could joke around without them getting all worked up. He finished rinsing the last bowl and placed it on top of the others before draining the sink and reaching for a dish towel to dry his hands.
"What are you doin', son?" he turned to ask Dean, "You workin' a case or something? Need some help?"
Bobby reached out to get his ring from the counter – but Dean swiped it away first. He picked up the onyx ring and looked at it, twirling it to catch the light in the rubies. Bobby's heart seized a bit in his chest when he saw the kid fiddle with it. He trusted Dean to hold it, of course, but that little band of black was more than just a ring to Bobby. It was a very important object that shouldn't be played with... The old man held his hand out and gave Dean a stern look, wanting it back. He had a feeling that the boy was going to make fun of him for having jewelry from Crowley or something. But surprisingly, Dean glanced down at Bobby's hand and pulled the ring even further away from him.
"Actually, I'm not on a case," he answered, smirking, "I've got a little surprise for you. It's outside."
Bobby narrowed his sight. A little surprise outside? Ah, hell. What were those damn boys up to this time? Did they buy him something ridiculous? Were they gonna try to give him another car from the bunker or something? Still, Bobby held out his hand.
"Alright, fine. But gimme my ring back first," he grumbled.
Dean closed his hand around the black band and shook his head, making Bobby's anger spike.
"Oh, you'll get it back in a little while. Trust me," the kid grinned, backing toward the door, "Come on, Bobby. You've put this off long enough."
Bobby stood horrified in his kitchen, watching Dean sneak out the back door with his most cherished possession. What the hell? The boy just took his ring! That ring came from Crowley! How could Dean just take it like that?! Bobby angrily balled the dish towel up in his hands and threw it on the counter before stomping toward the door. He yanked the screen door open and flew out into his salvage yard to follow Dean. The kid was at least fifty feet ahead of him, walking fast toward a stack of mangled cars, and Bobby chased after him in a storming rage. He thought his days of chasing around those damn Winchesters were over, but apparently they weren't. Dean was acting more like a kid than ever, giggling cheerfully as he jumped over a stray tire and disappeared around the front of a broken down van. What a little shit!
"Hey! Bring that back right now, dammit!" Bobby growled, voice echoing around the lot.
Bobby's aging joints and muscles could barely keep up with Dean's quick speed. The old man was out of breath by the time he reached the van and dashed around the front to get to the other side... But as soon as he turned the corner and looked down the lane, his feet drew to a complete stop.
Bobby was suddenly looking at his entire family. Dean, Sam, Cas, Gabriel, Jude, Jessie, Dickie, his three dogs – they were all sitting in white lawn chairs on either side of a long red runner. White and red ribbons and flowers were hung all along the two stacks of crushed cars on both sides of the lane, making it look like a decorated area for some type of ceremony. The red fabric runner led straight to a rose-covered arch at the end, where another person was standing. Bobby almost couldn't believe his eyes. Was that Chuck Shurley? Standing in Bobby's salvage yard? Holding an open bible? What the hell?
Bobby gulped and stared at all the familiar faces, feeling like he had stumbled into a weird dream. Everyone was staring back at him and grinning like crazy. Especially little Jude and Jessica, who were both dressed up and fighting giggles. Even his own three dogs were sitting in a row, wearing bow ties on their collars and wagging their tails. Why did everyone look so nice? What was going on? Jessica stretched up on Gabriel's lap to wave, making the frilly ruffles on her red dress sleeves shimmy.
"Hiya, uncle Bobby!" she smiled brightly.
Bobby wanted to say 'hi' back, but he was in such an overwhelming state of shock that he only blinked at her and raised his hand. Jude waved from Cas's lap too, seeming really excited to see him. Dean – still holding Bobby's ring in his hand and wearing that cocky smirk – carefully walked back over to take Bobby by the arm and pull him toward the arch. The old man's eyes flickered to Chuck Shurley again and he narrowed them in confusion.
"Bobby, I want you to meet somebody," Dean began.
"I know who he is," Bobby mumbled. He took his arm back and turned to size up the short, curly-haired man next to them before saying, "Chuck Shurley, ain't it? You wrote all those books or whatever."
Chuck smiled and glanced down at the bible in his hands.
"Uh, yeah. I've written at least sixty-six of them. With a little help of course," he answered with a wink.
Dean shook his head as if Chuck had told a terrible joke, but Bobby was lost. Sixty-six? He didn't know that there were sixty-six volumes of the Supernatural books. Boy, that was a lot of writing...
"Actually, Bobby, I don't know if I've ever told you this, but Chuck isn't just a writer. He's... uh..." Dean sighed and shrugged, "Chuck is God, Bobby."
Bobby scoffed out loud at Dean's bizarre statement. Chuck Shurley? God? Yeah, right. And Zeus was masquerading as Elvis... Chuck must have heard the disbelief in Bobby's laugh because his smile disappeared and he tilted his head, seeming kind of offended. But Dean simply loosened his tie and reached inside his dress shirt to pull out his necklace – which was shining with white light. Bobby blinked down at the glowing charm on the string and could feel his own mouth slowly falling open. He remembered what Cas said about that charm; about how it burned hot in God's presence... Bobby turned back to look at the short man under the arch, who smiled again and waved from under his bible. Holy shit. He was God...
"I... Y – you... You actually exist?" Bobby breathed, "You're actually standing here? In my salvage yard?"
Chuck nodded, making his tight curly hair spring around on his head. A twinge of bitterness seeped into Bobby's chest as he stared at him. If this really was God and he really was on Earth, then where the hell had he been all this time?! Why was he here now?! And what was he doing under that stupid rose-covered arch?!
"Where the hell have you been?" Bobby huffed, feeling rage trying to get the best of him, "These boys have been looking for you since they were little kids and now -"
"Whoa, Bobby," Dean interrupted, grabbing him by the arm again to calm him down, "You don't have to be upset with him, alright? We're cool. It's all fine. I'm actually the one who called him here."
"Why?" Bobby asked, feeling so freaking lost.
"Because you needed to hear me tell you that it's okay," Chuck spoke up.
Bobby's eyes snapped back to the man under the arch and he could see a gentle and comforting smile on his familiar face. He was cradling the bible in his hands close to his chest and staring back at the old man warmly. Looking at Chuck suddenly made Bobby feel so peaceful; like the mountainous burden of pain he had been carrying over the years was a hundred times lighter.
"Bobby," Chuck hummed, voice so full of tenderness, "It's okay to love whoever you want. In fact, I encourage you to love everyone as much as you can. Love conquers evil, in case you haven't already noticed. Why do you think I preach it so much?"
Bobby gulped, feeling embarrassed and nervous. He knew for a fact that Chuck was talking about Crowley. He didn't say the guy's name out loud, but Bobby could feel it in his soul. Chuck – God – was verbally giving him permission to love Crowley as much as he wanted...
Dean raised his hand and held out Bobby's ring to Chuck, who opened his own hand – revealing a similar one already resting in his palm. Dean laid the rings together and Chuck took both. Bobby blinked down at the exchange, feeling suspicious. Wait, if there were two rings... and everyone was all dressed up... and the place was decorated... and God was there...
"Oh my God," Bobby breathed, feeling his limbs go numb.
"Actually, I prefer Chuck," God insisted.
Dean reached up to pat Bobby's shoulder and give him a comforting expression.
"Relax, Bobby. It's going to be ok -"
"You're puttin' on a wedding?! Right now?!" Bobby hissed.
Before the kid could answer, little Jessie hopped out of Gabriel's lap and dashed over to press a button on a near-by CD player. A classical melody – it sounded like Bach, one of Crowley's favorites – suddenly filled the space, making Bobby's stomach bubble with queasiness. Son of a bitch. They really were putting on a wedding! Bobby wasn't dressed for this! He wasn't prepared at all! Dean walked over to be with Cas and all the Winchesters stood up from their seats to turn around and look behind them. Bobby followed their line of sight to the other end of the aisle... where Crowley and Rowena were standing.
It felt like Bobby's heart raised up to get lodged inside his throat. Crowley was wearing his classic black suit, but his tie was pure white; the whitest white Bobby had ever laid eyes on. And he looked so handsome. His signature grin – the one that always got him into trouble – was spread on his face, making him look like a teenage boy rather than an age-old demon. Rowena was clutching his arm with a huge smile, dolled up in a fancy red dress with her ginger curls tossed around her shoulders. They were slowly walking down the red runner together, heading straight for Bobby.
"Oh, I never thought this blessed day would come," Rowena whimpered, dabbing her face with a handkerchief, "Especially not for you, Fergus. You always were an ill-tempered child."
"Mother," Crowley hissed, nudging her with his elbow, "I told you to keep your yap shut. We're walking down the bloody aisle!"
"I can't help it, Fergus! You and Robert are both so dashing. I'm witnessing a miracle!" she sniffled back.
Bobby actually smiled a little at the sound of their bickering. He was slowly getting used to the incessant arguing, and watching them do it in the middle of a preplanned ceremony was pretty darn hilarious. Crowley and Bobby eventually met eyes as he drew closer and Bobby could feel his heart rate slow down in his chest. The demon's dark eyes were so calm and pleasant. It was the same gentle stare that Crowley always gave him, even when they were all alone. And just looking at Crowley put Bobby at ease.
Rowena and Crowley paused at the end of the aisle and the music faded out, leaving only the sounds of Rowena's sniffles and the dogs' panting nearby. The witch took her son's hand and held it out to Bobby, offering it to him willingly.
"Here ya go, Robert Singer. This belongs to you," Rowena smiled softly, "I couldn't have chosen a better man to give my Fergus away to."
Bobby actually felt a small lump form in his throat. Aw, hell. That was really sweet. Especially for her. Bobby gulped as best as he could before slowly reaching out to take Crowley's hand. Rowena's carefully slipped away and she sobbed loudly, burying her face into her handkerchief and escaping to the empty chair next to Sam. Bobby watched her sit down before bringing his sight back to Crowley, who had firmly taken his hand.
"Hello, love," the demon muttered softly.
The mixture of smugness and affection dripping from Crowley's voice made Bobby's eyes narrow.
"Thanks for the warning, ya idjit," he hissed back.
Crowley only winked pompously in reply. Next to them, Chuck cleared his throat, subtly getting everyone's attention. He shifted the bible in his hands around and glanced among the crowd.
"Dearly beloved," he began, "We are gathered here today -"
"Just get to the good part, old man," Gabe called, rolling his eyes.
Chuck sighed and shook his head a little, but decided to listen to the archangel in the audience.
"Fine... Have any of you heard of Kintsugi?" he asked instead.
Bobby's eyebrows slid together and he shared a look with Crowley in front of him, both equally lost. Nobody sitting in the chairs knew what Chuck was talking about either. They all just stared back at him and shook their heads, making the smile grow on Chuck's face.
"I didn't think so," he mumbled to himself as if he was telling a joke, "Kintsugi is the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with gold. You take the broken pieces of something – pieces that would have been crushed or thrown away – and put them back together with molten gold, making a brand new, beautiful work of art that has even more value than it did before."
Chuck glanced between Crowley and Bobby, making their hands tighten together.
"And when I look at the two of you," Chuck said, pausing to look into the crowd, "In fact, when I look at all of you, that is exactly what I see. You were made of broken pieces until you found each other. And each of you helped put the others back together with gold – with love – and now, you're more beautiful than you ever were before..."
Bobby couldn't believe that moisture was actually blurring his sight. Shucks. He never thought about it like that before, but the guy was absolutely right. Bobby really was just a bunch of broken pieces until the boys and Crowley came along. Bobby shared a small smile with his favorite demon before turning to glance back at the crowd. Dean and Cas were sharing a smile and so were Sam and Gabriel. They were all taking Chuck's words to heart, as if it was their wedding ceremony, too...
"Since Gabriel doesn't want me to make this too formal," Chuck mumbled, tossing the blonde guy a flat look, "I'll let you two make some vows to each other."
Bobby felt his own face flare up with heat. Make vows? To Crowley? What in the world was he supposed to say? The man turned to face the demon again, feeling nervous as hell.
"Um..." he gulped, able to feel his hands trembling, "I... I'm not sure what to say..."
"I'll start, darling," Crowley promised, holding Bobby's hands firmly and looking him in the eye, "From this day forward, I vow to always be at your side and fight for you whenever it is necessary. Your heartaches will now become my heartaches. What hurts you will now hurt me. Therefore, I will protect and honor all that you care about, even if that includes those plaid-wearing morons out there," he mumbled, nodding toward the crowd.
"We love you too, your highness," Gabe called with a wink.
There was some laughter, even from Bobby. Crowley paused to open his hand out in front of Chuck, who placed Bobby's onyx ring in his palm. The old man watched the demon slide the warm ring back on his finger before meeting his dark eyes again.
"Robert, with this ring, I vow to aid you in anyway I can," he promised, "To comfort you, guide you, help you, and always tell you the truth. And I vow to love you – and only you – for as long as this body draws breath and even from beyond the grave. You are truly the love of my life and the reason for everything I do. And I vow to be your partner forever."
Bobby's entire soul felt lighter than a feather. Ah, hell. That was the sweetest thing he had ever heard... A loud sniffle came from the crowd and Bobby and Crowley both turned to look at Rowena, who was practically drowning in her own tears. She was clinging weakly to Sam's bicep, making the tall kid confused and uncomfortable.
"Oh, Fergus!" she sobbed, "That was so poetic!"
"Shh," Crowley hushed his erratic mother.
Bobby gave Rowena a reassuring wink before facing Crowley again. A small silence gathered among the lot and Bobby felt like he was standing in a spotlight. Shit. It was his turn to make vows but he had no idea what to say. Hell, he didn't even know that he was getting married today! How was he supposed to know what to say?!
"I uh... I won't be able to compete with that," he mumbled, making a few chuckles come from the guys, "Plus, I didn't know about this at all, so I'm kind of on the spot..."
"It's alright, old friend," Crowley soothed, "Just say whatever your heart desires."
Bobby huffed. He couldn't exactly hear what his heart was saying when his head was full of nervousness. But he did want to give Crowley the best stuff he could offer. With a bracing breath, the old man held out his hand toward chuck, wanting the other ring. After Chuck gave it to him, Bobby slipped it on Crowley's pale finger and looked up to meet his stare again.
"I ain't got no fancy words or shiny things that I can give you," he mumbled, "but I swear that I can be there when you need me. I'll stay right at your side when things get rough. I'll fight my way through a sea of demons and angels to get to you if I have to. Just ask my boys. I've done it for them plenty of times... You're... You're more important to me than you probably realize, Crowley. You're my best friend and I need you in my life. I love you, with all my heart. And I promise to do all the things you just said and then some. Whatever you ask, I'll try to do. And I'll be your partner for life..."
Crowley's smirk softened and his fingers tightened around Bobby's. Beside them, Chuck leaned closer to glance between them.
"So, do you each take one another to be wedded partners?" Chuck asked.
"I do," Crowley answered without hesitation.
Bobby smiled down at the face he had grown very fond of over the last few years and sighed contently.
"I do," he agreed softly.
"Then by the power vested in me by... me," Chuck muttered, shaking his head, "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Singer. Go ahead and kiss."
Heat burned from Bobby's face when he received the go ahead from God to kiss Crowley. The two of them never kissed in front of other people. It was something that they only did in private. But now, literally everyone they knew had their eyes on them. Crowley must have seen the hesitation on Bobby's face because he reached up to gingerly tilt the man's hat up and pull him close to join their lips. As soon as their mouths connected, Bobby's eyes closed and he felt completely at peace. Nearby, everyone else started clapping and whistling and hollering with congratulations, making Bobby and Crowley both smile inside their kiss. Wow. He never realized how easy it would be to get married to Crowley...
When they finally broke apart to face their family again, Crowley raised their joined hands as if he had won a victory. Everyone sang praises to them for tying the knot. Especially Rowena, who dashed over to tackle Bobby's side with a warm hug. Bobby patter her tiny back and smile down at her.
"So, I guess I can call you 'momma' now, huh?" he joked.
A few more tears and a tiny squeak fled her lips as she blinked up at him with watery eyes.
"You can call me whatever you'd like, dearie. As long as you take care of my wee piglet," she blubbered.
Bobby chuckled at the nickname she gave Crowley.
"Yes ma'am, I will," he nodded.
The two of them hugged again and Bobby honestly felt like his family had extended. He now had a husband and a new mother-in-law, all within ten minutes. The clapping finally died down and Dean motioned everyone toward the end of the aisle.
"Let's go cut some pie and open presents," he sang.
"Pie? Don't you mean 'three tier wedding cake?" Gabriel corrected.
"Wait," Chuck called.
Everybody stopped and turned toward the curly-haired man. He was still under the arch holding the bible, not moving a muscle. Bobby could see some kind of twinkle his eye; the same kind that Gabriel had when he was about to do something mischievous.
"Actually," Chuck mumbled, glancing at all the faces before him, "We're not done yet."
Bobby blinked down at Crowley next to him to share an odd look. Not done yet? But, they had already kissed and everything. What else was there to do? Sign a paper or something? Chisel it out in stone? Chuck's twinkling eyes fell down to look at Jessica and his smile grew.
"Jessie," he whispered, "You first."
Jessica gasped and shared a look of surprise and excitement with Jude, but all the adults were lost. First? Why was she first? What was she supposed to do? In a blur of shimmery red fabric, Jessica danced over to grab Bobby and Crowley by the hands. The little girl practically towed them toward the white chairs and sat them down in the front row, giving them a good view of Chuck under the arch. Once they were seated, Jessie ran over to take her fathers' hands and led them toward the arch. Sam and Gabriel both stumbled along with their daughters' hold with Dickie behind them, wearing the same look of confusion.
"Uh, what are you doing, Jess? What's the matter?" Sam asked.
"It's your turn, Daddy," she answered, pushing him closer to Chuck, "It's your marry-day, too!"
"Our what?!" Gabriel spat.
Bobby couldn't stop the laugh from bubbling out of his mouth. Ha! It sounded like those 'plaid-wearing morons' were about to get a taste of their own nuptial medicine! While Jessica positioned her parents under the arch, Jude was guiding his back into their seats. Dean and Cas were just as lost as everyone else. It seemed like Chuck and the kids had planned this out together beforehand or something. Bobby was secretly pleased to see the pale and terrified expressions on Sam and Gabriel's faces. Poor kids. They looked scared to death...
When everyone was in their new arrangement, little Jessica walked around the arch to stand next to Chuck, who looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Do you still have them?" he asked.
Jessica smiled and nodded her blonde head before reaching into her pocket to pull out a set of rings. Bobby strained to see them from a distance, but could tell the bands were made of shiny gold. There seemed to be diamonds scattered around the tops, too. The little girl held them up toward her parents, who both had open mouths and huge eyes.
"Whoa whoa, wait a whistle-blowing second," Gabriel huffed, glancing between his daughter and Chuck, "Is... is this the secret you guys have been keeping from us?"
"Uh-huh," Jessica giggled.
"Jess, you've had those rings all week?" Sam breathed in shock.
"Yep. Grandpa told me to keep them safe. They're real special, 'cause they're for your love, Daddy," she smiled.
Sam and Gabriel shared a glance of total disbelief and amazement and Bobby couldn't help but share their feelings. Hell, he had just went through the surprise of a lifetime, too. It seemed like everyone was getting a surprise today. Chuck coughed again, still wearing that cheeky grin under his fuzzy beard.
"Dearly beloved," he began again, "we're gathered here to -"
"Enough with the formal crap, Dad," Gabriel sighed, shaking his head with a smile, "Just let me make some vows to my moose, okay?"
"Alright," Chuck smiled, taking a step back.
Although they were put on the spot – just like Bobby was – Sam and Gabe seemed to be cheerfully accepting their sudden wedding. They took the rings from their daughter, pausing to kneel down and give both of her cheeks some kisses before taking each other by the hands. In the meantime, Bobby reached over to take Crowley's hand too, making the tiny smile return to the demon's handsome face.
"This should be interesting," Crowley purred.
Bobby chuckled in response. Oh yeah. This was going to be hilariously interesting... Gabriel nervously raked a few fingers through his blonde hair and sputtered his first few words.
"Um, well, I've never been very good at making or keeping promises," he admitted, eyes on Sam, "But for you, kid, I swear that I can keep every single one of them... For instance, I vow that I will always get you the best seats at every event, so that you have the best view. I vow to let you share my candy – yes, even the Butterfingers, which are my favorite. I vow to wake you up with kisses every morning and put you to bed with kisses every night... Those are the easy ones..."
Gabriel's voice dropped to a more somber tone when he continued, which made Sam's smile turn tender. The archangel slipped the ring on to the man's finger and held it there to talk.
"But for you, Sam, I'll do way more," he promised, "I'll always put your needs before mine. I'll take care of you like your brother took care of you. It's gonna be hard to out-do Dean-o's mothering skills, but I'll try my best," Dean chuckled at that, which made Gabe wink back at him before turning back to Sam, "Kid, I'm never gonna disappear like the other loves in your life. I'm gonna stay right here, right next to you, long after the world ends and the sun burns out. You're my soul mate. The peanut butter to my jelly. The moose to my candyman. And I'm gonna love you forever and ever."
Dickie interrupted Gabriel's rambling vows with a bark, reminding everyone that he was still there at Gabe's feet. The archangel glanced down at his dog before rolling his eyes and smiling.
"Dickster says he promises to love you forever, too," Gabe mumbled.
Sam laughed out loud, making some of the glistening moisture in his eyes leak down his cheeks. He wiped the stray tear away to look down at the wiggly Jack Russell Terrier at his feet.
"Thank you, Dickie. I love you too," he hummed.
Dickie panted and wagged his tail, seeming pretty excited about having his feelings reciprocated. Since Gabe was mostly done with his vows, Sam took over the talking. Bobby could see the kid's hands shaking even from the distance he was sitting, trembling as he slipped the other ring onto Gabe's finger.
"Gabriel," Sam started, making his Adam's apple thud with a big gulp, "I... I used to want a lot of things. I wanted a college degree. My own law firm. A big house with a picket fence. A normal life..." he mumbled, big eyes filling up with tears again, "But then you came along, and I fell so deeply in love with you. You make me happy, you make me brave, you make me want to be more than I've ever been. And you helped me realize that all that other stuff is pointless. I don't want a normal life with anyone else. I want an extraordinary life with you."
Whoa. Those words were deep enough to hit Bobby's heart. The old man gulped and shared a small glance with his own newly wed husband, who smiled softly in return. Under the arch, Gabriel wiped his own eyes and the sight of him crying must have triggered Sam, because the tall kid stepped closer to cup Gabe's face.
"It's true, Gabe," he nodded, "I know we play around and argue sometimes, but you are at the center of my heart. And I promise that I will love and cherish you until the end of time. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe and happy. I love you, Gabe. And I want to spend the rest of my life at your side, being annoyed by you in every way possible."
Sniffles and chuckles echoed all around the open area, making smiles bloom on every face. Bobby was beaming with pride as he squeezed Crowley's hand tight. It was so nice hearing Sam confess his love like that. The kid was always so caring of others; especially Gabriel. And watching them interact – watching them get married – made Bobby's whole heart swell with happiness. Behind them, Chuck inched closer and smiled.
"Do you take each other to be wedded partners?" he asked, making it sound official.
"I do," Sam nodded.
"Hell yeah," Gabriel grinned, "Of course I do."
"Then I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Winchester. You may kiss the moose," Chuck winked.
Bobby laughed along with everyone else as Gabriel yanked Sam down into a firm kiss. It was a little steamy for Bobby's taste, but entertaining none the less. He and the rest of the crowd applauded and stood to congratulate the newly wed couple. They kept kissing for what seemed like a few minutes before Sam finally pulled away to pick up Jessica and let her join in the celebration. Gabriel picked Dickie up too, and Bobby couldn't help but think about what a cute little family they made. Aww. They were all so in love. Where the hell was a camera when Bobby needed one?
"If you ever get tired of that trickster, Samuel, just remember I've got a jar all picked out for him," Rowena reminded, adding a wink.
Gabe, in true childish fashion, stuck his tongue out at the witch, warranting an even bigger sneer from her. The clapping eventually died down and Chuck leaned around Sam and Gabriel to meet eyes with Jude. The curly-haired man gave the kid a nod and a warm smile.
"Alright, Jude. You're up," he encouraged.
Bobby leaned forward so that he could look at the little boy across the aisle. He stood up from Cas's lap and turned to take Dean and Cas by the hands and pull them to their feet. Dean and Cas looked soberly aware of what was about to happen. They knew that it was their turn to get married, just like everyone else, and the realization must have sunk in. Dean's face was pale and void of emotion; the classic 'soldier' face he always put on when he had to do something important. Cas, as usual, was a little more difficult to read. The angel was wearing a bit of determination mixed with confusion, staring straight ahead as if he was too nervous to look anywhere else.
Once Sam and Gabriel walked away from the arch, Jude started pulling Dean and Cas toward it. They shuffled along with their son's hold until they were right in front of Chuck. Although Jude bashfully kept his head down to avoid the stares from all the eyes on him, the little boy still managed to slip next to Chuck and dig around inside his pocket. He took out two more rings – Silver-looking, this time, with some kind of blue stones in the middle – and held them up to his parents with a blush. Dean and Cas took one each and looked over them.
"Thanks, little man," Dean uttered, reaching over to ruffle Jude's hair.
Jude smiled but his face reddened even more. He backed up to give his parents some space and to watch them do what all his uncles had already done. Even though everyone else had gone before him, Cas still seemed a little confused by what was happening. The angel coughed and glanced up at Dean with sincere blue eyes.
"I'm not entirely sure what... I mean, aren't there some scriptures we must repeat in order to make this official?" he mumbled, sparing a glance at Chuck.
"No," Chuck denied softly, "This is more of a 'speak from the heart' kind of deal, Castiel."
"Here, baby," Dean said, reaching out to take both of the angel's hands, "Let me start..."
Even though he offered to go first, Dean still seemed nervous as hell. He clutched Cas's left hand and carefully slipped the band onto his ring finger before taking a deep breath and meeting his eyes again. The two of them stared at each other – that silent, peaceful stare they always shared as if the rest of the world had disappeared around them – and Dean finally started to speak.
"Cas," he almost whispered, so low that Bobby strained to hear, "I'll be honest with you. I never thought I would get married at all. I mean, when I was growing up, I always figured that I would fight for as long as I could and end up dying young, just like the soldier my dad wanted me to be. Plus, after all the shit I've done in my life, I knew I didn't deserve to be happy anyway. I didn't deserve a big family or a nice house. I didn't deserve love. Especially not the heart-pounding, soul-aching, life-changing kind of love... But then, you came walking through those barn doors like a badass and I've been a different man ever since."
Cas actually cracked a smile at Dean's comment and Bobby could feel himself beaming just as bright. Dean swallowed a bit and glanced at their joined hands, seeming almost as shy as the little boy standing near them.
"Baby, I... I didn't know how lonely I was – how incomplete I was – until you came into my life," Dean mumbled, "and now that you're here, I feel whole. You've given me everything I ever wanted. You gave me love. You gave me a home. You gave me a son," Dean's voice cracked as he paused to glance toward Jude with a watery-eyed smile, "A perfect son... You gave me everything that I didn't know I needed and I am beyond grateful. Cas, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life proving how much I love you. No matter what gets thrown at us, I know we'll work it out together. I've got your back and I'm gonna take care of you with every last ounce of strength I have. You mean everything to me, baby... And I love you more than you'll ever know..."
Bobby could feel that lump trying to form in his throat again. Ah, dammit. That was so sweet. It was good to hear Dean express his love like that. After everything he had been through, the poor kid did deserve all the love he could get. The smile on Cas's face dimmed a bit and he looked back at Chuck like he was still confused.
"It's your turn, Castiel," Chuck encouraged, nudging him with the bible, "Explain to Dean how much he means to you and then make some vows of your own."
The angel nodded slowly before bringing his sight back to Dean in front of him. Everyone was very quiet, waiting for Cas to say his peace. He started by slipping the ring onto Dean's finger and holding it there with the steadiest hands Bobby had seen all day.
"Dean," he began, voice low and calm, "There has never been a soul, on this plane or any other, that has ever been able to touch mine the way that you have. When you speak of being a soldier without options, I understand your disposition. I, too, was a soldier. For millenniums, I blindly followed orders and carried out dark deeds based on a false sense of honor and duty. It wasn't until I rescued your soul from hell that I realized there was another way... Dean, you single-handedly freed me from the bondage of slavery and delivered me to a life filled with endless possibilities and happiness. Because of you, I was changed. And with you, I have discovered the true meaning of love."
As always, Cas's fancy words were able to make everybody smile. But they seemed to affect Dean the most. The oldest Winchester bit his bottom lip hard, acting like he was trying to hold it together in front of everyone else. Cas, on the other hand, spoke to Dean as if there was no one else around.
"When I say that I love you, Dean, I mean so much more than those simple words could ever express," the angel went on, "My soul pines for yours in a way that would shame even the closest of lovers. I have adored your spirit even during its most weathered seasons. You've become my greatest ally and dearest friend. You are brave, selfless, caring, intelligent, and you protect those you love the most. And I know our son has been blessed with these same qualities," Cas paused to smile at Jude, who blushed even more, before returning his sight to the man in front of him, "Dean, I vow that I will always watch over you. I will use whatever means necessary to keep you safe and happy. I vow to aid you in all your pursuits and remind you every single day of how much you are loved and valued. I will take care of you always and forsake all others. And I vow to adore and cherish you for the rest of eternity as you so rightfully deserve. For you have made me the happiest being to ever exist."
Once Cas's small speech was over, there wasn't a dry eye in the whole crowd. Everybody had teared up at the way the angel talked so precisely and soulfully to Dean. The man himself was sniffling too, subtly wiping his eyes with the bend of his quivering finger. With a gentle smile, Chuck leaned forward over his bible.
"Does this mean you take each other to be wedded partners?" he squeaked.
Dean let out a shaky laugh.
"Yeah, I do," he agreed.
"I do as well," Cas replied.
"Then, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Winchester also. Now please, for the love of me, kiss the groom," Chuck huffed.
Dean and Cas were leaning toward each other before they even received the official go ahead. Their lips plunged together and everyone clapped again, serenading their kiss with joyous congratulations. Even Peter, Willy, and Humphrey were barking and wagging their tails, getting excited just from the energy. Bobby stood up from his chair to give them both a proper round of applause. It was nice that everyone else got married, but this was long overdue for Dean and Cas... While the two newly weds kissed under the arch, Bobby glanced toward his own new husband and smiled.
"I guess your mom was right," he admitted, "Miracles do happen."
"Everyday, my love," Crowley replied with a smirk, "Everyday..."
While Cas sliced Dean a piece of 'wedding' pie, the man stood behind him and scanned the garage full of people. Everyone was eating, talking and laughing, making it seem like a genuine wedding reception of some kind. Jude and Jess were chasing the dogs around the scattered tables and chairs – plastic lawn furniture that he and Sam picked up from a department store just for this occasion – while the adults talked in random groups. Dean was looking for Chuck in particular because he had a specific question to ask him. Something important that he didn't want anyone else to hear...
"Dean," Cas said, reclaiming the man's attention by holding out his plate of pie, "Thank you for becoming my husband."
A bashful heat raced across Dean's face as he smiled and took the warm pie from his angel. Husband? Oh, man. That was such a grown-up title. He was gonna have to get use to that one... Dean kissed Cas's pink lips again slowly, savoring the heavenly flavor.
"Thank you for becoming mine, baby," he whispered in reply, "I'll be right back, okay? I'm gonna go look for your old man."
Cas smiled and nodded, giving Dean's lips one last glance before returning to the pie. Dean stole a small bite of his own but put the plate on the table. He walked away to comb the garage afterward, searching for Chuck's Brillo pad hair and thin beard. He spotted the tiny guy in the back of the room, sitting at a table to himself and chatting with Rowena, who seemed to be flirting with him as hard as she could. Dean fought the urge to roll his eyes as he wandered up to catch the last bit of her sentence.
"... and then I dug up his bones and sold them to a museum. Took me ages to sort out his skeleton. What with the head trauma I gave him and all," Rowena giggled.
"Uh, yeah. I know," Chuck nodded, sipping his drink, "I mean, I was kind of there. Because I'm, you know, everywhere. All at once."
"That sounds extraordinarily powerful," Rowena purred, her eyes twinkling with ambition.
Dean saw this as a perfect opportunity to wedge himself into the conversation and save Chuck from the humiliation of getting hit on by a witch. The man noisily stomped up to the table, gaining Rowena's attention.
"Hit the road, Hocus Pocus. I need to talk to the big man," he demanded.
Rowena huffed a breath and glared, looking like a pissed two-year-old.
"How very crass of you, Dean. Perhaps your father should have taught you some manners to go along with that sass," she hissed.
"Beat it, sister. Or I'll break out the firewood," Dean warned.
Though she seemed annoyed at being forced to leave Chuck's presence, Rowena fixed some of her bouncy red curls and gave him a pleasant smile.
"I'll bring you back some brandy, love. And a bit 'o my cherry-rum cake. I made it me-self," she winked.
The witch gathered up her red dress and tossed Dean another glare before walking away, clicking her heels as she went. Once she was gone, Dean turned to face God again, finally alone with the one person he needed to speak to all day. Chuck smiled up at him and raised his glass.
"How do you like the ring, Dean?" he asked, "It's platinum. The highest grade I ever created. And I included the shade of sapphire that you like so much. I made Cas's and Jude's eyes with the same stuff. But you already knew that, didn't you?"
Dean briefly raised his hand to inspect his ring again – realizing that Chuck was right; the sapphires even caught the light the same way Cas's and Jude's eyes did – but dismissed it just as quickly. He wasn't here to talk about rings. He was here to talk about another piece of jewelry...
"You mind telling me what's going on?" he asked.
Dean hoped that God would know exactly what he was talking about even without him bringing it up, but Chuck gave him an odd look. He lowered his glass and tilted his head like he didn't understand what Dean was referencing.
"Going on with what?" Chuck asked with a shrug.
Dean huffed a breath before reaching into his shirt and pulling out his necklace. Of course, the thing was already glowing because it was in God's presence, shining so intensely that Dean couldn't even look at it. He raised the string up over his head and tossed the whole necklace on the table in front of Chuck, letting him see it up close.
"Explain something to me," Dean said, using the deepest and most dominant voice he could muster as he eased closer to the table, "Why did that thing glow the other day when Jude used his grace?"
Dean remembered the incident clearly. At the Thompson's house, Cas's arm was nailed to the wall with that damn angel blade and Dean was on the verge of freaking out. But then Jude was able to power up and pull the blade out almost effortlessly. And whenever Jude's eyes lit up, so did Dean's necklace. And his own, too. Jude's Superman necklace shined just as bright. But why?
"You were there too, weren't you?" Dean breathed, "You helped him do it somehow."
Dean felt pretty sure about his own conclusion... until he saw a somber look drift across Chuck's face. The guy exhaled and looked down at the table sadly, as if he was confronted with a painful truth that he didn't want to acknowledge.
"No," he denied softly, sounding ashamed, "I didn't help him, Dean... He did it by himself..."
Dean studied Chuck's tone and expression closely, trying to figure out what he was saying. Jude did it by himself? Okay. But what about the glowing necklaces? What about his grace?
"I don't get it," Dean admitted, lost, "Those necklaces don't glow around other angels. Why is Jude different?"
Chuck finally raised his head to meet Dean's eyes again and Dean could see the absolute sincerity on the guy's familiar face.
"Dean," he said quietly, "There is a reason I forbade the creation of nephilim..."
Dean could feel his heart picking up speed in his chest. Oh, no. He didn't like where this conversation was going. Chuck must have seen the horror on Dean's face because he quickly backtracked.
"No, no. Don't worry. I would never hurt Jude or Jessica," he soothed, making Dean take a breath of relief, "What I'm saying is that I outlawed it a long time ago because... because nephilim are very strong..."
"Okay. And?" Dean prompted.
Chuck took another small sip from his drink and made another face. This one reminded him of the one his own dad used to make when he was about to say 'sorry' for something.
"Their power is almost as great as mine," he seemed to say all at once, "Almost."
Dean blinked for a second, trying to let his mind catch up with what he was hearing. Jude's power was almost as great as Chuck's? As great as God's?!
"So... when you said he did it by himself..." Dean mumbled.
"He actually performed a biblical-sized miracle all on his own," Chuck nodded.
Dean was at a loss for words. Holy shit! His son could perform biblical-sized miracles! His grace was almost as strong as God's! And he was only five years old! It was no wonder Jude was so afraid to use his grace to fly. It was probably way too powerful for a child to handle. This sudden grace revelation both excited and frightened Dean. That kind of power could let Jude do awesome and amazing things... but he could do some devastating things, too. What if his grace backfired on him and he accidentally wiped out an entire country? Chuck was probably able to read Dean's mind because he nodded sagely.
"Yeah," he sighed.
"Well," Dean gulped, his mind working overtime, "If you banned nephilim because of it... then why did you let me and Cas have a son?"
A tiny, tender smile appeared just beneath the surface of Chuck's thin beard.
"Because I knew that you would raise him the right way, of course," Chuck answered, "And Sam and Gabe? They're doing a great job with Jess, too. I couldn't think of any more loving, devoted parents than you guys... Jude and Jess are gonna do great things, Dean. Just wait and see."
Dean opened his mouth to ask Chuck another question, but he was suddenly looking at an empty seat. Chuck had disappeared into thin air, leaving Dean to stand there mouth agape. A million different things were running through Dean's mind; questions and fears and worries. Why would Chuck leave him hanging like that?!
The only thing that gave Dean comfort was turning around to see his family again. Sam and Gabe were chatting with Rowena near the food table, Bobby and Crowley were purring sweet nothings by a work bench, Jessica was chasing Dickie and the dogs around with a roll of toilet paper... and Cas was holding Jude in the middle of the room, tickling his stomach and making him giggle.
Dean stared at his new husband and their son from a distance, admiring the way they smiled with the same glow. He knew that there would probably be more talks with Chuck in the future about the extent of what Jude was capable of, but right now, Jude was just a happy little boy. He was a smiling kid, glad to be in his Papa's arms. He was the center of Dean and Cas's whole world.
And he was perfectly normal.
(Author's Note: I would like to formally apologize for the unbelievable amount of cheesiness I packed into this chapter. I didn't realize how sappy and romantic it was until I wrote it. ;) Some of you already knew that the triple wedding was coming – Sammy's Rose, gothichic, I'm looking at you guys ;) – but hopefully, it was still able to surprise a few of you. Oh Chuck. Your surprises are always the best. Good thing Jude and Jess were able to keep a hold of those rings for so long, huh? ;) I don't know how many of you caught it, but when Chuck said he wrote 66 books, I was referencing the ones in the bible. I have no idea how many 'Supernatural' books he's written. (It's probably a lot. Lol.) I learned about Kintsugi through a fanart of Castiel I saw on tumblr. Someone did a beautiful piece of Castiel as a statue with gold running through him (the art is called 'Kintsugi' by k6034 on Deviantart, I think,) And after I googled the term, I thought 'Wow. This sounds exactly like all the characters.' So I sneaked it into the wedding. ;) I don't know if Bobby ever met Chuck in person on the show, but I figured that he would know him from pictures or the boys mentioning him in this fic. And the little bit of conversation between Chuck and Dean at the end? That's kind of meant to be a cliffhanger. I'm sure you guys have even more questions now than when you started reading this chapter, and I promise that they will eventually be answered. But it will be in the next part. Yes, I've been planning another part. (Three more, in fact.) Boy, I hope you folks are in for the long haul, 'cause this one's gonna be a doozy. ;D
I'll get to work on the next part soon, however, I'm going to take a small brake and jump back over to AO3 for a while to transfer more stories. (I'm at 'Creation' right now, and going in order, so I'm almost done! Yay!) But until I start up the next part, I want you all to know that I deeply and truly appreciate you taking a few minutes every week to stop and read this fic. I'm sincerely touched by all your support and encouraging words, and it's honestly because of you that this story has become so important to me. Thank you so much for giving me a meaningful purpose in life. I love you all! :) See you again soon! :)
Eleven75, Aw, I'm glad, darlin. I think we're all pretty proud of our lil' Jude for flying all by himself! :) Haha, I know. That 'Full House' vibe is hilarious, eh? (Gabe: *makes a silly uncle Joey face* Sam: *facepalm*) lol. ;) Oh, sweetheart, you're making me blush! Thank you so much for the compliment! And for reading and reviewing! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Have a great weekend! :)
Banana Theft, That's okay if you don't have much to say, hon. Actions speak louder than words, anyway. ;) Yeah, Naomi made the plot thicken, and so did Chuck at the end of this chapter. (Argh! The cliffhangers!) ;D Don't worry. I promise to explain and resolve as much as I can within the next three parts. (Oh, boy. This story is really long. Lol) Haha! Yes! Sammy is definitely the 'cleaning shotguns' type of Daddy. Could you imagine Jessica's first date with Ollie? The kid will be nervous as heck. Lol! I certainly hope to write as quickly as my fingers will allow so that I can quench your thirst for answers, darlin! It may take a while to get it all down, but I hope you hang in for more. :) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, love! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and have a wonderful weekend! :)
Classical E Centric, aww, thank you so much, love! :) I'm pretty sure that little nap that Gabriel gave Jane and Eddie will help cure at least some of their doubts and worries. (Eddie's douchebaggary, however, would take a lot more than a touch from an archangel to cure, I'm afraid. But it's okay. He'll probably get his in the end.) ;) Yep, all the kids will have close relationships in their own ways. Jude and Jess are like siblings, Jess and Ollie are loves, and Jude and Ollie are best friends. In fact, they're all best friends. And will be forever. :) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing every week, darlin! I hope that you enjoyed the last fluffy chapter! Have a great weekend! :)
Deanstiel's Daughter, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the chapter, love! :D Oh, I love when Gabriel breaks out the honesty with Sammy, too. In fact, I tried to add some of it to this last chapter, too. You're right. Sam worries way too much. Hopefully one day, he'll realize how much people love and appreciate him for just who he is. :) The angel stuff will definitely come into play later. And you wish to see the kids as teenagers, you say? Hmm. It might be a while from now, but your wish will most certainly come true. ;D Oh! And if you get Gabe to carve the presidents' faces into mount Trashmore, please take pics! I would love to see that! Lol! XD I had a wonderful 4th of July, love! Thank you so much for the well wishes! :D and thank you so much for reading and reviewing every week! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend! :)
Sammy's Rose, Yes, darlin. I am sooo sorry! This was the last chapter. :( But three more parts? That sounds pretty excessive, right? Lmao! XD Aww, I hope the adorable children don't kill you, but it would be a pretty cool way to go, I must admitt. Hehe. ;D Haha! Thank Chuck for Mr. Gabe indeed. (Sam thanks him every single night, I'm sure.) ;) Omg! I'm so happy that you noticed Jane waking up in an angry Spanish rant! Lol! That was one of my favorite parts, too! XD Plus, flaming douche canoe? LOL! Omg, I really needed that laugh, darlin. It still makes me laugh. Ha! XD I totally understand about the Ginger Snap stuff. I have Brunette Breakdowns. That's kinda the same thing, right? Lol! :D Oh, I think Ollie's movie references are gonna come in handy one day. Not sure how, but I'll make it happen. ;) And yes. Naomi needs her 'beehived ass' (hahaha!) kicked for sure. But, we'll have to see how things go in the next part. (Which is pretty much planned out right now. I think you're gonna love it.) :) If I could, I would send Jessie to give you lots of bunny kisses of your own! Because you deserve bunny kisses, love! :) Well, now that you know all about Chuck's secret, were you surprised? All three couples married in under thirty minutes! You totally called it, so 30 points to Ravenclaw. Man, you're clever! :D Darlin, thank you so much for reading and reviewing every single week. And for just talking with me! You're the best! :) I really hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and have a great weekend! :)
Jawn Lennon Aid, *Quietly continues to play with heart strings in the background* Oh, sorry, love. I just have an affinity for pulling on those deep emotions. ;D I'm glad that Gabe didn't wipe Ollie's memories, too. Ollie is gonna be a really good friend; very loyal and hilarious... and a hunter? Probably. Hehe. ;) As for more siblings, unfortunately, I don't think so. :( But Jude and Jess have grown up sharing with each other, so it's all good. ;) You're absolutely right, darlin. Not everyone needs school to learn. Take Gabe and Cas for example. They learned everything they know from their dad. And human's, of course... actually, come to think of it, they're not very good examples. Scratch that. Lmao. XD But Sammy will come to terms with it eventually. After all, he's usually the smartest one of the bunch. ;) Exactly! 'Normal' is different for everyone. And the Winchesters' normal has always been abnormal, therefore, they're already normal. Does that make sense? Lol! I hope so. :D Darlin, thank you so much for reading and reviewing every week. And for chatting with me on PM. I love talking with you about stuff! :) I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and that you have a great weekend! :)
GeekGirlForLife, HAHA! Your comment made me laugh so hard, darlin! XD I think it was because of all the cap letters, but I totally agree with your statement. Naomi will be in a world of trouble if she ever tries to hurt any of the Winchesters or their babies. I'll never forgive her for season 8 either, love. Especially after what she did to Cas and, by extension, Dean. But you don't have to worry too much, hon. I'll never let anything happen to our family. ;) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, darlin! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and have a great weekend! :)
Ashley Allen 46, Aww, honey! You are the sweetest! *hugs* :D Unfortunately, Chuck's surprised wasn't to make them immortal – but hey! They have angels for husbands! I'm sure they won't be dying any time soon anyway. ;D Thank you so much for reading and reviewing every week, love! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and have a wonderful weekend! :)
Pups3942, I totally agree, darlin. Ollie is the cutest, sweetest, best-movie-quoting lil' red head ever. :D You're right, he's gonna have a future with Jess (Sorry again, Sam,) and he's gonna have to get used to all this *ahem* 'Supernatural' stuff. (See what I did there? Hehe.. eh.) ;D Exactly! The most important parts of Jude and Jess's characters are who they are, not what they are. And Ollie totally knows this. ;) Oh, and I certainly hope you enjoyed Chuck's little (or, rather, very big) secret. How Jude and Jess held onto those rings for most of the story, we may never know. Lol! :D Awww, I'm so glad to hear that you found – and began to hardcore ship – Sabriel because of my work! And that you've read each one so many times! (Uh, oh. Here come the waterworks. Lol.) I always try my best to write stories that can be re-read over and over. That's what I love about most of the books and movies on my shelves. Hearing a story you love over and over feels just as good as the first time and brings back so many memories. *content sigh* :) Oh, you're very welcome for the advice, love! You have no idea how glad I am to hear that your creative juices are flowing again! Keep at it, love! Like Jared says, always keep fighting! Or, as I like to say, always keep writing. (Oh man, even I cringe at that one. Lol!) XD I know that your story is going to turn out amazingly, love! Don't judge it too harshly while it's in production. Just keeping going and always remember why you started writing in the first place. ;) I'll be cheering for you on the sidelines! You can do it! :D Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my work, love! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and have a lovely weekend! :)
gothichic, Oh, darlin. Yes! You tell me that stuff all the time! And it always makes my day! :D So thank you so much for saying it. I really need to hear it sometimes and you always make me feel better. :) Yep! For once, Gabe's overly-dramatic scene-setting helped keep the underground Winchester palace safe! I think when Sam found out about that, he was pretty proud of him for doing that. Maybe he even rewarded him a little? Hehe. ;D Oh, Dr. Gabe reminded me of the time he played Dr. Sexy on the show, too! All he was missing was the really long white coat and scrubs. But I'm sure Sammy could get his hands on a few of those for bedroom purposes, like you said. ;D (Sam: *holds out coat and scrubs* Gabe, can you wear this tonight? Gabe: uh, why? Sam: Because I think I need an exam. *wiggles eyebrows* Gabe: *claps hands together and looks at the ceiling with a huge smile* Thank you, Dad!) lol! XD You're probably right, hon. Gabe totally should have let Eddie lay there after what he did. But I think the whole glimpse into the future probably freaked him out pretty good. Lol. :D Eddie will probably never look at Sam and Gabe the same way again. Jane, on the other hand, is totally cool with it! She loves the guys and Jessie! :) You're a movie buff too, darlin? That's great! Because Ollie's gonna say lots more references in the future and I think you'll like them! :D Hehe! No, Gabe didn't need a stick to flash Ollie, but he does use a stick to flash Sammy-boy. And Sam's pretty much used to it by now. Lol! Oh man, I would totally watch Men in Black starring Castiel and Gabriel! (Cas: This is a rare intergalactic species from the 47th quadrant, located on the east hemisphere of a planet in which – Gabriel: Alien, Cassie. He's just another alien. Cas: But, I – Gabe: Let's flash him!) hahaha! That would be hilarious! XD Oh, I think Jess will eventually take Ollie flying all the time. Sam won't like that very much, but it will be adorable to us. Lol. :D Yeah, Naomi is planning something pretty big, and we'll find out all about it in the next part. ;) I love when Gabe speaks to Sam too, darlin. He's just so sincere and honest. And normal really is just a word. And you're completely right about school. Gabriel and Cas were around before school ever existed! They can teach them hands on and even with time travel – like Michael did with Adam in 'Creation'. ;) I think Jude and Jessie are going to learn things just fine from them and their hunter daddies. Plus, they'll make many more friends along the way. And even a few they never expected to. But you know all about that, don't you? ;D Honey, thank you sooo much for blessing me with these wonderful reveiws every week! I adore everything you send me! And I truly hope that you enjoyed the last chapter of this part. :) Please feel free to PM me anytime, love! And thanks again for reading and reviewing every week! Love you, darlin! Stay safe! Hugs and kisses! I'll talk to you soon! :)