Chapter Nineteen – You're Strong, Rory Gilmore
Rory smiled as Logan led her up the path to their house. Yes, they would have to get it styled to their liking inside and get things ready for the baby but there was the furniture that Emily Gilmore had made sure they had. Logan turned to Rory as he stopped outside the front door and patted down his pockets.
"Did you forget the key?" Rory asked before searching in her bag. Although they technically were gifted this house and they did own it, she had been staying in her old childhood home. She hadn't thought that she would be moving into the house so early on but the missing part was Logan. "If you can't stay then I can just get a ca-"
"No. It's not that and now probably isn't the right time either," he said as he stopped holding something in his jacket pocket. Rory looked at him and Logan smiled. "Ace, you know that I would want to do something spectacular right now. Like one of those amazing things, have a party J Gatsby would be proud of but…"
"Nice reference," Rory smiled and Logan smiled before pulling a ring box out of his pocket. "Logan?"
"I wanted to do this in a more spectacular way so I hope that you'll allow me a second chance in doing so. I just think there are things that I need to say right now," he knelt down on one knee with the moon bouncing off of him and Rory smiled at his creamy skin, his blond hair. "Rory Gilmore, I will do whatever I can to protect you and your dreams. I feel lucky every time I look at you because I'm falling in love with you all over again. I know that I've messed up but I will always be faithful to you and our baby and -"
"Yes," Rory nodded and then reached her hand down. "Yes, I'll marry you."
Logan looked at her before the ring, "You're not mad that I didn't plan something yet where I propose to you in the middle of a large hall of people and I have a horse-drawn carriage or -" he saw Rory wondering about this. He stood up without putting the ring on her finger. "Ace, how about we plan something like that next time I'm back. I'm sure your grandparents are going to love it."
"I think I need to make sure that my dad takes photos or he's going to be disappointed and I'll…I'll talk to my mother but I'm saying yes," she told him as she looked at the engagement ring. She really wanted to wear it, have it there for when he was overseas so that she could know he was with her and their child. She had always imagined that the leader of the life and death parade would do a showstopping proposal but this was natural. It was something they had both thought about. Did it need to be big?
"So…" Logan said as he looked at her and showed her the gorgeous ring, worth about the same as Honor's ring that had impressed her, it was like an art piece rather than an accessory. "Are we engaged?"
"Was that a proposal?" Rory asked and Logan smiled to her not saying anything, "Yes, we're engaged then. Do I look like a girl who needs one of those huge proposal stories?" she asked before putting her hand on Logan's shoulder. "How about you give me the ring the next time you come back. So, it's a yes but…."
Logan nodded sadly but smiled to her, he sat down at a bench. "All right, Ace, but remember that you said yes," he winked. He pushed a hand through his hair. "You make all of this worth it," he told her. "I mean, the fact that you're trying to think of me and how I'm dealing with things. I guess that I'm worried but I love you, I want to be supportive of you. I'll be panicked when the kids gets here."
Rory came and sat next to him, "Thank you though. I know you would have stayed with us married or not. I'm just happy that we're going to have a family." Logan wrapped his arms around her, keeping her warm. He was happy about that too.
"You really will achieve all of your dreams, Ace," he told her, "I'll make sure of that."
It was hard not to miss him. That was how Rory had felt the first few days after he had left and now she was trying to focus on something else of importance to her, her studies. Maybe there were people who were out there like Colin and Finn who questioned whether she should still be attending Yale whilst pregnant but Rory truly hoped that her times of crazy decision making started with that boat and ended with her returning to her studies.
She reached up to grab one of the books on her syllabus about journalism abroad and was shoved to the side a little by someone else reaching for the same book. Determined, she kept the soles of her feet to the floor and snagged the book back. Suddenly she saw the other person getting pushed to the side.
"Get in line, you look like a comedian anyway but that isn't a funny joke you tried to pull," Paris said and Rory was glad that she was seeing one of her closest friends there. She also saw the mound of books that Paris had.
"Thanks," Rory smiled as she checked through the book to make sure it was in the best condition possible. She smiled as she flipped through it, perfect. "Thanks, Paris."
"You still got a bun in the oven?" Paris said bluntly and Rory coughed slightly, "I mean, you haven't told me any differently so Saint Huntsberger's descendent is still in there I assume."
Rory stared at her again before nodding, "Yes. We're trying to keep it secret though," she said and Paris looked around. She nodded but Rory was getting the feeling she wasn't going to apologize if any of these, as Paris might say 'nobodys', had overheard her.
"He has ways of making sure that you don't get kicked out. I mean, you don't see that many pregnant girls but you see a lot of fatties so just put on a sweater and make sure to have chocolates or fast food close by, they'll never figure it out," Paris suggested and Rory slowly nodded.
"I think that there are ways of attending school despite being two people," Rory told her. "I don't' think there has to be any ploy or disguise. I am going to graduate but that's why I'm glad that Logan is -"
"Giving you the money?" Paris asked and Rory blinked surprised. "Let's face it, he's loaded and he's going to have to pay child care anyway. Now, I think that if it's a boy you stand more of a chance of having things paid for but he'll still be the next in line or she."
"It's more than money," Rory argued and Paris read her expression.
"Well, well," she grinned with a respectful nod. "He finally stepped up," she was about to continue before seeing someone heading for a medical textbook and she slammed her hand on top of it. "These are mine, pointdexter," she snapped as the guy started to slink away to where there was an empty shelf.
"We don't have any plans set and you're actually the first to know of it. He hasn't formally done it so we're waiting until the -" Rory was explaining but again Paris cut her off.
"That big fancy moment that rich people get. You wouldn't want to ruin the high of their height of society. Still, I'm glad it wasn't just some charade. I hate the idea of being proposed to in front of a large crowd. I mean, when Doyle dose propose to me, he'll have to make sure to do it in a romantic manner that isn't too intimate nor public and he'll have to run it by me first, the story I mean," she said and Rory coughed a little. It was fascinating how the two of them had found one another.
"I hope he does," Rory smiled to her.
"And if he does, what am I supposed to do about that?" Paris asked. "Tell him that I should finish school before we even start plans on the wedding and then I don't know where I might be in my career or where he will be with his. No. I would prefer for both of us to work on our careers, getting engaged right now would be one of the worst things for me," Paris declared. She stopped as she heard herself and turned to look at Rory. Rory knew that after Paris's financial problems, she had started hearing how her echoes sounded and would often regret the things which she said. It was something that Rory understood and one of the reasons why Rory was still there in Paris's life.
"I'm happy. We're going to have a child and he supports my future. He seems one of the only people who does," she revealed before stopping herself and Paris's eyes narrowed.
"Your mother? I know that she doesn't seem the type to be promoting recklessness but if she has a problem with your pregnancy then -"
"My mother is fine, Paris," Rory insisted. "She might not be the biggest fan of Logan," she heard Paris cough and roll her eyes with a 'join the club' mentality. "But she wants me to focus on my career as well as have the baby and Logan is supporting me. It's his friends who had questions but that's what people are going to do. People are going to have questions."
Paris nodded, "I wouldn't listen to his half-witted friends if I were you. People don't recognize how strong you are. I mean, you might not be at my level but nobody is. You're strong, Rory Gilmore," she said with a determined nod and a friendly smile. "Remember that."
End of Chapter Nineteen
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Thank you to the reviewers of Chapter Eighteen
Crystal306vat, December Jeffries, jordana60, Kellybras, Lilkathra, lucylulu, Sjlove04, nourseholly, roganjalex, Rori Potter, YaleAceBella12,