Wearing the Skin Of A Shinobi Part One

Summary: I don't know if I actually died or if I'm just stuck in a coma and this is my mind's way of passing the time. Either way, I don't intend on getting a low score.

Special Note: This is the start of a Gamer Reincarnation fic series, planned to cover three Naruto worlds, three One Piece worlds, three Harry Potter worlds, one Bleach world, one Percy Jackson and the Olympians world, one Transformers Prime world, and maybe a few others, not necessarily in that order. Be ready for a LONG journey ahead.

1. Game Menu

Story Start: Our Universe, The Near Future

The area around me was a mess. A blown-out tire from the front of a semi had caused it to careen out of control, taking out five different cars within the first five seconds of the accident and it had only gotten worse from there. I was on the tail end of the first twenty seconds and thanks to my pretty good reflexes had somehow managed to put my little Ford Ranger into a tail spin so that the back end had gotten crumpled and not me. Once my head had stopped ringing, I quickly got out of the cab from the passenger side and scrabbled to the side of the road, glad that I tended to stay in the fast lane whenever I went on freeways and highways simply on principle.

Screeching tires drew my attention as yet another car couldn't stop in time and I saw the mini-van slam into one of the already crumpled wrecks. Seeing the flames that started in both vehicles, I cursed before I rushed back to my truck's still open cab and flipped the back of the passenger seat forward to expose the small fire extinguisher and wonder-bar (mini crowbar) behind the seat. Grabbing both, I quickly rushed over and pulled the pin on the extinguisher, dousing the flames in its foam. Imminent explosions diverted, I helped the passengers get out of the cars only to discover that the driver of the car the mini-van had hit had his leg pinned under twisted metal. Thanking my foresight to grab the wonder-bar, I began prying the metal away from his leg, adrenalin aiding my already not so unimpressive strength and after about thirty seconds, the driver was just able to get his leg out. I had just enough time to wince at the mangled look of his ankle before I threw his left arm over my shoulder and began making my way back to the side of the road.

We were just beginning to pass the hood of my truck when yet again I heard tires screeching and I saw another car squealing as it came towards us too fast to stop. Tossing the driver the last few feet to the side of the road, I made to jump as well only to get hit by the car in the area of the driver side headlight, the force of the impact pinning me into the hood of my truck and causing my head to slam into the side of my truck directly above the wheel well and darkness filled my vision.

Scene Change: Unknown Place

Game Over

I blinked at the red glowing words that hung over me, those two words being the only thing visible in the darkness around me. Seeing nothing else to do, I slowly reached up and tapped the letters. They blinked out before they were replaced with more letters, these ones glowing a blueish white.

Final Scores

Number of grades passed: 12 x 10 = 120+ Four Years College = 160

Failed Scholar (School was really not your thing) = -50

Blood Donor – 11 years x 20 = 220

Wannabe Warrior's Have No Roll Call (Strongly considered joining the armed forces but in the end failed to actually follow through) = -50

Construction Worker: 10 years x 15 = 150

Night Shift Maintenance Worker: Seven years x 10 = 70

Heroic End: 150

Final Score: 650, Ranking: Mediocre

I frowned at some of the words in front of me but shook it from my thoughts when the words once more faded away and more words this time in green appeared.

New Game? Y/N

I tapped the Y option and the words once more disappeared before a grid of soft white light formed around me in a full circle and various one foot tall icons filled into the spaces. It reminded me of the grid view of games and other programs on my 3DS XL and my eyes roamed over them, putting most likely meanings to some while most of the others I could not begin to guess at their meaning. Seeing an icon on my right that was made out of two crossed kunai and the marking for Shinobi that the Five Allied villages used in the tail end of the Naruto series, I tapped it and the grid faded away as the icon shot around to the front before expanding outwards and the words Shinobi of the Elemental Nations with three empty slots hanging below it and an arrow to the side most likely showing there were more slots available the next screen over.

Raising an eyebrow, I thought to myself 'Interesting how it says Shinobi of the Elemental Nations rather than something a bit more specific.' Hitting the circle with an i in it that was just above the empty slots, I saw a quick info screen pop up that said Choose your village and do your best to survive in the world of Shinobi. "Well that's not ominous at all." I muttered to myself with a huff as I closed the screen.

Staring at the three save slots in thought for a moment, I shrugged and said "Ah, why the hell not?" Tapping the first save slot, it blinked once before a standard selection sound effect sounded and the 'world' around me whited out only to be replace with a 'world map' of the Elemental Nations, several icons of Shinobi Villages that I both recognized and didn't taking a spot in most of the countries. Choose your village hung over the map in orange of all colors.

My eyes darted over the various countries with a frown as I muttered to myself "Do I want to be part of one of the Great Five where things are likely to be really messy or play it relatively safe with a smaller village? Decisions, decisions." Giving a shrug, I said "Meh, might as well stick with what I'm familiar with."

That said, I tapped on the leaf symbol and the world map faded as the words Choose your time period appeared. I took a glance through them and said "Huh, Naruto and Boruto's times are faded out." I tapped the former and an alert popped up that said Insufficient achievement points, please play an earlier time period first.

"Okaaay." I said before I quickly selected the time period directly before them. NO WAY was I going to go through the warring clan era or the first Hokage's reign. I had read horror stories about the first and I would probably be stupidly tempted to have a crack at Madara by myself if I got seemingly strong enough. And the less said about what I might try to do during the time period of the Sage of Six Paths the better. Besides, being able to have three seal masters around to help me with some of the ideas I have had about how to use sealing for a while now was just too good an opportunity to pass up.

The screen once more changed and in purple were the words Is your character a boy or a girl? I tapped the male silhouette that appeared under it and the words change to blue as they continued Choose your three skills. A rather long list of skills followed. Some were obvious, others not so much, from dojutsu to various kinetics, to straight out Assassin Creed DNA biofeedback allowing you to bring shades of your ancestors out to fight with you. (That one unfortunately was blanked out requiring a Legendary complete score of three thousand or more, shame.) A large number of skills were blanked out, either my final points hadn't been high enough (Which was unfair since I wasn't the Gamer before the pile up), or they were ladder skills, requiring basic skills to have been chosen first before they could be chosen. After about ten minutes, I had a much shorter list of skills to choose from.

Chakra Regen, LV One: Regenerate five percent of chakra capacity every minute

Poison Resistance LV One: Poisons are twenty five percent less effective

Genjutsu Resistance LV One: Genjutsu are twenty five percent less effective

Seal Enthusiast: Sealing is five times easier to learn

Dead Eye: All projectile weapons hit where you aim

Weapon Student: Twenty five percent easier to learn how to use a weapon

Will of Fire LV One: Fire Style Techniques are twenty five percent stronger and easier to learn

Wind Talker LV One: Wind Style Techniques are twenty five percent stronger and easier to learn

Water Lover LV One: Water Style Techniques are twenty five percent stronger and easier to learn

One with the Earth LV One: Earth Style Techniques are twenty five percent stronger and easier to learn

Lightning Enthusiast LV One: Lightning Style Techniques are twenty five percent stronger and easier to learn

I studied the list for a bit before I tapped Seal Enthusiast, Weapon Student, and Wind Talker, the three selections gaining circles around their words as I did. A pop up box appeared over the words with green words saying Is this your final choice? y/n and I tapped the y option.

The screen faded out before being replaced with a bunch of slider bars that contained various colors and numbers, titles for hair color and other descriptions on the left side. I decided to go with brown hair and hetero-chromatic eyes, one blue and one green, along with the 'slightly tall' option of final growth spurt ending at six foot two inches, two inches more than I was when the car accident happened since I figured the longer reach would be very helpful in a world of fighting but didn't want to be a giant among men since an extremely long reach could be just as deadly against the user as against the target.

The next window held a keyboard with the black words Choose your name hanging over the spot that the function keys should have been. I considered the question for a while, before I typed in Daisuke (Davis) Kinomoto and pushed enter. The same selection sound effect from before played and a countdown from 5 replaced the keyboard before the world whited out.