AN: This is based on the promo for 13x21, enjoy!

Meredith entered the attending's lounge right after the press conference and found Amelia sitting there.

"Hey" she said as she entered the room.

"Spill Mer" Amelia said.

"What?" Meredith asked, although she had a feeling that Amelia was refeering to her love life.

"Come on Mer... You and Riggs?" Amelia said as she crossed her arms.

"What about us?" Meredith tried to avoid the topic.

"You're together" Amelia stated and gave her a knowing look.

"No we're not" Meredith denied.

"The way you looked into eachothers eyes as he rubbed your shoulder says otherwise... You totally slept with him." Amelia said.

"I didn't" An other lie from Meredith.

Arizona came into the room.

"Hey what's going on?" She asked as she came.

"We've a new couple in the hospital... Mer and Riggs" Amelia was quick to answer.

"Are you official now?" Arizona asked. She wasn't at the press conference, so she hadn't seen the interaction between the couple and didn't know that Amelia hadn't gotten a confirmation from Meredith yet.

"Wait what? You know something!" Amelia said and got up from her chair.

"No..." Arizona said hesitating.

"Your question certainly implies that you know something." Amelia answered.

"All I know is that Riggs likes Mer and a couple of weeks ago she agreed to go on a date with him." Arizona admitted.

"He told you that?" Meredith asked and soon realize what she accidently admitted.

"You've been dating him and you didn't tell me?" Amelia asked Meredith.

"I haven't been on a date with him." Meredith said and this was technically not a lie.

"Wait a second, I remember you were on your way to a date, when Maggie showed up like a mess. Your date was with Riggs?" Amelia asked.

"You canceled on him? He didn't tell me." Arizona added.

"Are you guys friends or something?" Both Meredith and Amelia asked Arizona. She just nodded, there were a lot of questions in the air.

"I want details! Arizona knows more than I do and I'm your sister." Amelia said.

"Fine... We hooked up right before your wedding... Then I found out that Maggie liked him, so nothing else happened." Meredith sat down as she started talking.

"Maggie likes Riggs?" Arizona asked.

"Yes, or she did I don't know if she still does." Meredith replied.

"You haven't told her?" Amelia asked.

"No, and that's why I need you two to keep your mouth shut." Meredith answered.

"On one condition" Amelia said.

"Name it" Meredith replied.

Amelia and Arizona shared a look and Arizona said; "Tell us the rest of the story."

"Ugh... He kept pushing me and I eventually agreed to go out with him, but then I had to cancel due to Maggie. I met him on the plane, and one thing led to another." Meredith explained.

"You did it on the plane? You go Mer." Amelia replied.

"The first time we did it in my car. I'm a horrible role model for my children." Meredith said.

"So what are you now? A couple or maybe friends with benefits?" Arizona was curious.

"Well, he made some valid points on how I've been pushing him away because I've been scared to let Derek go, and it's really hard to argue with him, because he knows exactly what I'm going through. Anyways... we never got to the conference, we stayed in Suox Falls together. We're a couple but I have to tell Maggie before word gets out." Meredith said.

"You know that she was at the press conference right? Unless she's stupid she already knows." Amelia said.

"I know, but I think I should still tell her." Meredith said and that ended the conversation.

AN: Should I continue? Do you have any ideas?