3rd Person POV

"Good morning. Any phone calls?" Phoebe asked as she walked into the Bay Mirror and up to her assistant.

"Take your pick. We've got adulterers, cross-dressers, thirty-four year old virgins, and, oh, your nephew."

"Oh, Chris called?"

"No, Wyatt. Um, actually, I think Piper did the dialling, but. You have another nephew?"

"Um, no, uh, but-but, you know, maybe some day I will. You know what I mean? Okay" Phoebe dashed off to her office and jumps in surprise when she turns around to see Chris waiting for her there.

"Phoebe, I need your help," Chris told her.

"I've been calling for you all week. Didn't you hear me?"

"For the first couple of days, yeah. Then I put you on mute."

"You can put me on mute?"

"I had to, I was busy. Now, I need your help."

"Oh, yeah, and I need yours too, because you come here, you drop this bombshell on me, and you expect me to keep this secret? And I don't even know why I'm keeping the secret," ranted Phoebe, finally letting out the emotions she'd been bottling up lately. Not only was she keeping Chris's secret, she was also trying to keep Eliana's - which was hard for her to do - she had never been good at keeping things to herself!

"Nobody can find out Piper and Leo are my parents. It could mess with the whole future!" Chris said.

"Yeah, well, if you didn't want anybody to know, I don't know why you told me."

"I told you because you busted me, and I'm glad you did. I have been so focused on protecting Wyatt, I've completely forgotten about me. This month is my conception date."

"Your conception date?" Phoebe asked, her face scrunching up at the thought.

"That's where I've been. Oracles, fortune tellers, soothsayers they all say the same thing. If mum and dad don't screw this month, I'm screwed!" Chris explained.

"Okay, I'm just trying to get used to you being my nephew. I never hit on you, did I?" asked Phoebe, as she sighed and sat down at her desk.

It was Chris's turn to scrunch up his face in disgust. "What? No!"

"Oh, thank god."

"Can we focus here, please? Mum and dad need to have sex. Now who's gonna tell them? You or me?"

"No, nobody's gonna tell them because we're not gonna reopen those wounds!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Okay. So how do we get them back together?"

"W-we? There is no we here. We don't. You're the one that split them up. And why did you split them up?"

"Leo had to become an Elder to make room for me as your Whitelighter. It was the only way I could protect Wyatt from turning evil," Chris said calmly.

Phoebe looked at her nephew in astonishment. "You're unbelievable. I mean, most kids who are the cause of their parents divorce actually feel guilty. And you're sitting here like it's part of your master plan!" she shouted.

"I'm sensing some real issues here," replied Chris.

"Oh, you're damn right there are issues. You can't just pop in from the future and play with people's lives because your big brother picked on you!"

"He picked on the world, Phoebe!" Chris yelled back.

"I'm not finished. Your parents were happy until you split them up. And now you want my help because you didn't think this all the way through?" the two looked at each other in silence until Phoebe's breathing finally calmed down.

"Feel better?" Chris asked, half amused.


His face turned serious again at his next words. "Will you help me?"

"No. Oh, I don't know!" Phoebe rubbed the sides of her head as she felt a headache coming on.

"If I'm not conceived in the next couple of weeks, I'll disappear forever!" Chris stated as he picked up a letter from the stack on Phoebe's desk. "You are willing to help complete strangers. How about family?" As Phoebe reached out to take the letter, she was sent forward into a premonition. "What is it? What'd you see?" asked Chris when he saw that she had opened her eyes again.

"A woman being attacked," Phoebe answered.


"Looks like a dig site," Phoebe said as she and Chris walked through the entrance of a cave.

"A desert in the middle east. Are you sure your scrying wasn't off?" Chris asked as he looked around in disbelief.

"Maybe Jinny is an archaeologist?" Phoebe suggested.

"Yeah, why would an archaeologist in the middle east send a letter to an advice columnist in San Francisco?"

"She said she was with a controlling man!"

"Okay, you're missing my point. What happens if this is a trap?" Chris continued to look around and stopped as he saw a pile of bones. "What is that?" he cried out as he bent down to examine them. As he did so, a sword flew past above his head. They turn around to see two Arabians standing near the cave entrance. They shouted words at Phoebe and Chris and moved forward to attack. Phoebe threw a potion at them and they both blew up.

"You think anyone heard them?" asked Phoebe.

A ball of light suddenly hit Chris in the shoulder and knocked him to the ground as a guy on a flying carpet soared in holding a bottle. Chris used his telekinesis to knock down some trestles in front of the man, which caused him to drop the bottle.

"No!" the man shouted as he dove to catch it. Before he could grab it, Phoebe threw another potion. While her aim was off, it did manage to force the stranger to fly off and Phoebe rushed to Chris's side.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Was that a flying carpet?"

Phoebe helped Chris stand and her gaze suddenly fell on the bottle. "What is that?" She went over to the bottle and picked it up. As she wiped off the dirt, pink smoke escaped out of the bottle and Jinny, the Genie appeared.

"Thank you for responding to my letter!" Jinny cried out happily.

"Wait, are you Jinny?" Phoebe exclaimed in surprise.

"At your service, master!"

"Oh my god, Chris! What happened!" Eliana exclaimed as he orbed into the conservatory with Phoebe.

She ran forward and helped him down onto a couch.

"Can you heal him?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, I can borrow Leo's power," Eliana stated as she hovered her hands over Chris's wound.

"I could heal him, master. Your warrior needs his strength. My last master will be coming back for me," Jinny said, trying to be helpful.

"I think she's got it under control," Phoebe replied, gesturing to Eliana who was now healing Chris.

"Good idea, save your wishes."

"Did you get a good look at the demon?" Eliana asked Phoebe.

"I did, and when we're done here I'll go up to the Book of Shadows and check it out. I also called Paige to see if she can keep an eye on Jinny for me."

"There is no need to guard me. Even if I was not bound to serve you I would do it anyway for sparing me from Bosk," said Jinny.

Phoebe looked at the genie in confusion, "Bosk?"

"My last master. He's cruel, even for a demon. And I would know. My bottle has been passed around from demon to demon for centuries."

"That's terrible!" Eliana cried out. Chris glanced at her, hearing the emotion in her voice and guessing the cause.

"You can not begin to know. That is why I got a message to Phoebe. I knew if she had my bottle she would wish me free."

"No wishes. I know all about Genies. You're tricksters," Phoebe stated, remembering the last time she had encountered a genie.

"Listen, I gotta go back upstairs and put Wyatt down for a nap, you think you guys can handle this without Piper?" Eliana asked as she stood up.

Chris looked as Eliana. "Where is Piper?"

"On a date," Leo answered as he walked into the room.

"On a date in the middle of the day?"

"Yeah, Greg works nights," Phoebe chimed in.

Chris closed his eyes as he thought back. "Greg, Greg. Greg, the fireman? You mean the one she's insanely sexually attracted to? Doesn't that bother you?" He looked over to Leo.

"No. If it makes her happy, that's all that matters."

"Oh, come on! What about all this forbidden lovers, you and me against the world stuff? That just doesn't go away!" Chris argued, his fear rising.

"You know, Chris, it's a little late for male bonding. Especially since I'm petitioning the other Elders to send you back to your time - Eliana as well."

"What?" Chris stood up angrily.

Phoebe looked at her brother in-law. "Wait, are you serious?"

"Even though Chris's intensions are good, his methods have put us all at risk. So, he's going back - and as helpful as Eliana has been, there's no reason for her to stay either."

"You mean your abandoning me again," Chris explained in irritation. Eliana walked over to him and gave his hand a quick squeeze as she tried to reassure him.

"Look, you two did your job, you warned us about an evil that was after Wyatt. I think we can handle it from here!" Leo replied before orbing out.

"I've gotta stop him!" Chris called out.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Leo," Phoebe said.

"No, no, not Leo. Greg, the fireman. He's about to sleep with my mum!" Chris shouted as he orbed out.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that!" Phoebe cried out in annoyance.

Jinny put her hands together and blinked and suddenly Chris orbed back in.

"What just happened?"

"Your wish is my command, master!" Jinny said happily.

They heard the front door open and close.

"Alright, where's the Genie?" Paige called out as she walked into the conservatory. "Oh my god, you landed one!"

"She's a Genie, not a trout," said Phoebe, looking at her sister.

"You still have two wishes, master. I suggest you save one for Bosk," Jinny stated.

Phoebe glanced at Jinny. "I told you, no wishes. We're gonna do this our way."

"But you can not handle him. Nobody can. He has a flying carpet and an army of forty thieves!"

"Thirty-eight. I vanquished two!" Phoebe pointed out.

"Let me guess. He wanted a crew and a nice ride. Original for a demon's wish, yeah?" Paige commented.

"Yes. And if Bosk gets me back, he will force me to grant his third wish."

"What's his third wish?" Paige asked as large diamond earrings suddenly appeared on her ears.

"Did you do that?" Phoebe exclaimed, looking at Jinny.

"No, but they are lovely. Who conjured them for you?"

"My boyfriend, Richard. He's been showering me with gifts all week," Paige sighed heavily.

"I thought you were gonna talk to him about binding his powers?" stated Phoebe.

"I have but every time I bring it up I just get another present. Luxury problem I know, but still."

"Yeah, not good. Back to the demon. Uh, what was his third wish?"

"Zanbar," Jinny whispered.


"What's Zanbar?"

"The lost city. Before being swallowed up by the desert, it was the seat of power for an evil empire."

"Phoebe? Will you do something, please? I can't orb!" Chris called out as he walked back into the room. Before Phoebe could respond, a diamond bracelet appeared on Paige's arm.

"Damn him!" she muttered.

"You know, Paige, if he won't listen to you, maybe he'll listen to his family?" Phoebe suggested.

"Most of them are dead. Remember, the feud," Paige replied.

"Please, we do not have time for this. If Bosk captures me, Zanbar will rise again from the dust! interrupted Jinny.

"It's just a city," Paige shrugged.

"A city of magic. Bosk has been using his thieves to search for its' former site. If he finds it and wishes it back, there will be no stopping him. That is why you must wish me free, master. If I am not a Genie, it will solve your problems and mine. I beg you."

"Hey, a little help here, please?" Chris piped up as Paige's clothes changed into a black evening dress.

"Okay, I'm losing my mind. Uh, Paige, go to Richard, deal with it so you can help us," Phoebe exclaimed.

"Okay," Paige said, orbing out.

Phoebe turned to Chris. "You, I will help you get your parents back together but it has to be on my terms. Agreed?"


"Go get Piper, we could use her help. Uh, I wish that he could orb." Jinny put her hands together and blinked. Chris orbed out. "And we need to find a vanquishing potion for that demon," Phoebe said, turning to look at Jinny and Eliana.

"Oh, yes, master."

"Phoebe," Phoebe corrected.

"Yes, master Phoebe!" Jinny said, not understanding.

"Piper! Piper!" Chris shouted as he knocked on the door to Greg's place; Piper and Greg were sitting on the couch making out.

"Forget it," Piper told Greg.

"I know you're in there. Please open the door now!" Chris continued.

"Just a sec," Piper said to Greg as she got up and went to the door. She yanked it open and glared at the whitelighter. "Go away!"

"We have an emergency," Chris explained, giving Greg a cold stare as he came over to stand behind Piper.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Yeah, many problems, many levels. Piper has to come home now," spat Chris.

"Excuse me? Who are you again?"

"I'm a friend of her husband's."

"Ex-husband, and he's not really a great friend. Um, it's okay, I got it," Piper clarified.

"Well, I'm here if you need me," Greg said, kissing her before walking back into the room.

"What is this big emergency? Can't it wait an hour or two?" Piper complained as she closed the door behind her to give them privacy.

"No, it can't. There's a demon on the loose, a Genie running amuck, and it took me two wishes to get here!"

"You can't make wishes with Genies!" Piper exclaimed.

"See, we need you. Come on, let's orb," Chris said, grabbing her hand.

"No, no, no. Listen. I am not gonna leave him high and dry again without an explanation. So your demon can wait five minutes!"

"He was my master once. And him too. And her," Jinny stated as she flipped through the pages of the Book of Shadows.

"Boy, you sure got around. How did so many demons get a hold of you, anyway?" asked Phoebe.

"Some bought, some stole. I changed hands so many times I lost track."

"I'm sorry we can't set you free. But wishing is just too risky right now," Eliana said sympathetically - knowing full well how Jinny must be feeling.

Just then, Piper and Chris orbed in.

"Okay, let's go. Greg's not gonna wait forever!" Piper stated.

"Well, then you should dump him!" Chris argued.

Piper looked at him in surprise. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"He's just being over protective," Eliana explained, elbowing Chris as he opened his mouth to say something else.

Piper glanced over at Jinny. "I take it you're the Genie?"

"Jinny," Jinny told her.

"Jinny the Genie," Phoebe said sarcastically.

"Of course. Who's the demon?" Piper said, raising her brows at the irony in Jinny's name.

"Uh -" Chris went over to the Book of Shadows and looked at the page on Bosk. "He's a low level demon with minimal powers. There's a vanquishing potion."

"Yeah, that's what we're working on," said Phoebe, gesturing to herself and Eliana.

"Good. Then you're almost done with me too. Okay, so what, your plan is to summon him to us?" asked Piper.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking," Phoebe confirmed.

Chris looked at his mother in suspicion. "What's the rush?"

"Well, not that it's any of your business but Greg's shift starts in a few hours and I won't see him for three days. So I'm gonna go call him - and I'd put the Genie back in the bottle just to be safe. No offence, but we've been burned before," Piper suggested before leaving the room.

Phoebe picked up the bottle and turned to Jinny. "Do you mind?"

"Yes, master," Jinny grumbled as she was sucked back into the bottle.

"I feel so bad," Phoebe mumbled.

"As well you should. If we don't do something soon, I can end up half fireman instead of half Whitelighter," Chris replied.

"Oh, for goodness sake."

"Look, I'm running out of time here. So what do you say we get to use that Genie to make mum and dad...you know."

"That's vile. And against the rules. I would think you wouldn't want to be conceived that way," Phoebe exclaimed.

"Well, beats not being conceived at all."

"Look, I told you I would help you on my terms, okay? So back off."

"What are your terms?"

"Hmm, not really sure yet. But the potion is done. As soon as Piper gets back we are ready to go."

As she said this, Bosk came crashing through the window on his flying carpet, knocking Chris to the floor. Eliana grabbed the potion off of the table and threw it at Bosk but the pendent around his neck blocked it.

"Not this time!" Bosk shouted.

"Jinny, I wish you free!" Phoebe yelled as Bosk went to grab the bottle.

Pink smoke escaped out of the bottle and Jinny appeared wearing black clothes.

"Well, it's about time. Who's the master now?" Jinny threw a fireball at Bosk; which vanquished him. As Jinny reached for the bottle, Piper walked in and called out to Chris.

He held out his hand and the bottle flew into it. Piper tried to blow Jinny up but Jinny ducked and jumped on the flying carpet - soaring out of the window.

"Where's Phoebe?" Eliana asked as she helped Chris get up.

Phoebe's voice filled the room, but it sounded faint. "Here. In here!" Chris looked down at the bottle and saw Phoebe dressed in a blue Genie costume. "Hello, master."

"Will you come out of there, please?" Piper cried out an hour later.

"I can't. I don't know how. Try commanding me!"

"Uh, okay. Get the hell outta there!"

"No, not you. My master," Phoebe said, gesturing to Chris.

Chris looked inside the bottle in surprise. "You mean me?"

"Well, yeah, you did pick up the bottle, didn't you?"

"Alright, get out of the bottle. I command you," Chris stated.

Blue smoke rose out of the bottle and Phoebe appeared. Piper and Eliana burst into laughter as their eyes landed on Phoebe.

"You look ridiculous," Piper told her sister.

Phoebe threw her hands up in irritation. "I feel ridiculous!"

"How am I supposed to get back to Greg now with this?" Piper cried out, still laughing.

"Is that all you care about? Would you look at me. I am trapped in pantaloons right now. Where is the mirror?" She walked over to the mirror. "Oh, and why do I always get stuck with the wig?"

"Trust me, you don't. Leo!" Piper called out.

"Have you ever noticed that Leo is the first person you call in your time of need?" Chris asked as Leo orbed in.

"Uh-oh," Leo stated as his eyes landed on Phoebe.

"Yeah, right, uh-oh," Phoebe echoed.

Piper glanced at Phoebe, "I still can't believe you made a wish with a Genie. You know better than that."

"I thought she was an innocent. How was I to know that I was gonna unleash a demon!" Phoebe cried out.

Leo picked up the bottle. "It says so right here."

"Oh, right, right there - in Arabic."

"There's a warning label on the Genie bottle?" Piper asked.

"Yeah. An ancient sorcerer condemned a demon into the bottle for not marrying him. It says whoever tried to free her would have to switch places with her. Missed a big one here, bud," said Leo, turning to look at Chris.

"You wanna pin this on me?" shouted Chris angrily.

"Leo, it's not his fault, it's my fault!" Phoebe stated.

Piper turned to Phoebe. "How come your empathy thing didn't give her away?"

"She tricked me and obviously the book too."

"Let's just figure out a way to fix this, okay?" Eliana said.

"Well, the only way to fix it is to get the demon to wish Phoebe free, reverse the magic," Leo explained.

"That's what we need to do then," Phoebe said.

Piper grabbed the phone, "I'll call Paige."

"Yes. I do believe the element of surprise is very important here," Phoebe told her.

Chris looked at her. "You sure? Because we could always take our time with this plan, you know, keep Piper around just a little bit longer."

"Yes, master."

"Good, I'm glad you agree."

"Actually, I don't agree, but I-I can't...How am I supposed to take charge and take commands all at the same time?" Phoebe complained.

"Well, you won't have to. Chris and Eliana are coming back up there with me. The Elders have agreed to send them back to their time.

"What?" Chris and Eliana shouted, together.

"You don't know what you're doing here, Leo," Phoebe said.

Leo ignored her and turned to Chris. "You don't belong here. And as your Whitelighter, he's doing more harm than good."

"You're so full of it. This isn't about me being a bad Whitelighter, it's about you feeling like I've let you down somehow. So whatever issues you might have with me, I wish you would just get over it already!" Chris yelled. Phoebe put her hands together and blinked. "Leo?" said Chris hesitantly.

"Of course I forgive you, man. You don't have to yell. All you gotta do is ask," Leo laughed.

"I did?"

"Yeah. And listen, with that whole going back to the future thing, you know, don't even worry about it because I'll talk to the other Elders and we're gonna work it all out, okay? It's no big deal, okay? Come on, give me a hug!" He pulled Chris into a hug which Chris awkwardly returned.

"What do you mean she didn't read the warning label?" Paige asked Piper as she walked through Richard's house with her phone in hand.

"I'll explain later. The bottom line is we need you home now," Piper's voice said through the phone.

"Well, I can't. I'm kind of in the middle of saving Richard right now. I took Phoebe's advice, I got his family here."

"I thought most of his relatives were dead."

"Uh-huh, they are."

"You're holding a magical intervention with ghosts?"

"Well, I thought about it and I realized that one of Richard's problems is that he's got no family here. He's got no support system. So the burden of helping him has kind of fallen on me."

"Okay, fine. Hey, maybe since you have all those ghosts there, you can get one to help us out when you're done."

"Help us do what?"

"What's going on here?" Richard asked as he walked into the house to see his relatives.

"Uh, I'll call you back," Paige told her sister.

"Hey, Piper says they're ready for those crystals. Genie Phoebe's getting on her last nerves down there. What are you doing?" Chris said as he walked into the attic to see Leo at the table trying to write a note.

"Writing you an apology. I just, I can't seem to get it right."

"Leo, come on, man, you don't need to do that."

"No, I know I don't need to but I want to. It feels good to forgive."

"Yeah, why don't you just hold onto that feeling, okay? We've gotta go help the sisters."

"Alright, well, in a minute. This is just as important. "Dear Chris..."

"Alright, alright, enough already. You said you're sorry, let's not go overboard," Chris said, as Leo sighed and crumpled up a piece of paper and restarted.

"Okay, but after everything I've put you through, I feel like I owe it to you."

"Honestly, a letter's not gonna mean a hell of a lot to me. I got plenty of them growing up," Chris said, trying not to think about all the letters Leo had sent him over the years.

"I'm sorry," Leo asked, looking at Chris in confusion.

"Uh, from my father. He wasn't around much," Chris explained lamely.

"That's awful. You wanna talk about it?"

"No. What I want for you is to grab the crystals and go downstairs to where Piper is. Do you remember her?"

"Sure. But right now I'm a little more concerned about you. You seem a little stressed," Leo observed.

Chris sighed heavily. "Yeah, you're damn right I'm stressed. I'm concerned about you two. You two need to get back together already. Any chance that's gonna happen?"

"I don't think so. But thanks for caring, man. It means a lot."

"Wait. You still love her, I know you do. How could you just throw that away?"

"That's a little personal don't you think?" Leo stated, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"More than you know. Look, are you telling me that there is no chance that you and Piper are gonna hook up in let's say, I don't know, the next couple of weeks?"

"Actually, yeah, that's what I'm saying. We've both moved on, and nothing short of a miracle can make that happen."

"Uh-uh-uh, the wording's not quite right there. Jinny is an upper-level demon!" Phoebe told Piper, as she hovered over her sister's shoulder.

"Hey, I don't need a bossy Genie on my back. I'm giving up a lot to be here. I'll write the vanquishing spell the way I want."

"You should invoke the name of..."

"Do I need to call Chris to shut you up?"

"You wouldn't!" Phoebe gasped at Piper as Paige orbed into the room.

"Keep pushing me," Piper replied, before glancing to Paige. "Back so soon?"

"Yeah, the intervention was a complete train wreck. Richard wouldn't listen to anyone."

"Oh, Paige, I'm so sorry," Phoebe said. Paige looked over to her for the first time and chuckled. "You're laughing at me? I'm trying to be sympathetic and you're laughing at me."

"I'm sorry. Maybe I needed a laugh after what I just went through," Paige apologized.

"Yeah, it's okay. Is there anything I can do?" Phoebe replied.

"Yeah, but don't you need to go help Major Nelson?" Paige said, causing her and Piper to laugh as Phoebe glared at them.

"What? It's funny, this is kinda funny," Piper said.

"Let's just finish the spell, okay?" Phoebe cried out.

Piper finally stopped laughing. "Alright, hey, I want this done just as badly as you do. Did you find us a ghost?"

Paige nodded. "Yeah, I got us Richard's dad. He's hanging out in limbo waiting for my call. Why do we need a ghost?"

"Well, once we capture Jinny, he can possess her and force her to wish Phoebe free."

"Here's those crystals you wanted," said Leo as he and Chris entered the room laughing together.

"You guys sure are chummy," Paige commented.

"Yeah, I had a change of heart. Decided to let bygones be bygones," Leo explained.

"Really?" Piper said, astonished by the news.

"Guys, there's something I have to tell you -" Phoebe started to say, not able to keep the secret in any longer.

Chris looked at her in alarm. "Ah, after we talk in the kitchen."


"Phoebe," He held up the bottle and Phoebe disappeared into it. "Now that was cool. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have a little one on one with the help."

"What's he hiding now?" Piper asked, as Chris left the room and the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Paige said as she left as well.

"You know, Chris is a hell of a guy. You too should give him a chance once in a while," said Leo cheerfully.

"You wanna make them do what?" Phoebe and Eliana exclaimed as Chris explained his plan to them.

"We finally got dad in a good mood and mum, she's all sexed up for the fireman. This is the perfect time to hit them with the whammy."

"No, we are not going to make Piper and Leo sleep together, okay? We're gonna do this my way, mister!" Phoebe argued.

"Master," Chris corrected.

"Oh, you know what? Listen to me -" Phoebe said, pointing her finger at Chris.

"I'm sorry, Phoebe, but I'm running out of time here. A guy's gotta survive. I wish for Piper and Leo to sleep together tonight!"

"I'm not..." But Phoebe couldn't fight the magic and she was forced to put her hands together and blink. A loud thud came from the other room.

"What was that?" Eliana asked as the three of them ran into the conservatory.

"Oh, no. They're sleeping. You tricked me!" Chris shouted at Phoebe as they gazed at Piper and Leo, who were now fast asleep on the floor.

"No, you made me wish for them to sleep together. And they're sleeping -together!" Phoebe countered.

"This is a mess. I've only got one more wish to sort this thing out, so if you don't mind..." He held up the bottle.

"Oh, no, actually I do mind because Jinny could be here at any moment!"

"You know what? I'll summon you when she does. I command you back into the bottle!"

"When I get out this..." Phoebe started to say before she was sucked back into the bottle.

"Chris, I really don't think you're going about this the right way..." Eliana said, but Chris waved away her words and was turning around to leave, when a loud crash filled the room and he found himself flying through the room and into the grandfather clock.

Eliana ran over to him and helped him up before quickly turning around and grabbing one of the thieves' swords - stabbing him with it.

"Mind the bottle, Phoebe's inside," Chris shouted to Paige as she ran into the room.

Just then, Jinny shimmered in and headed for the bottle as Richard walked in. He sent her flying across the room as Paige stabbed the other thief; vanquishing him. "Crystals! Circle! Got her," she cried out as the crystals encircled Jinny.

"Where's the bottle?" asked Eliana as she surveyed the room. They all turned to see Richard holding the bottle but he disappeared before anyone could say anything.

"You think these crystals can hold me?" Jinny yelled to Paige as she reached out and was zapped by the crystals.

"Nope, not for long. That's why we're putting you back in your bottle," Paige replied.

"When I form my empire, the first thing I'm gonna do is rid the world of witches!"

"Oh, yeah? Well, when you're back in your bottle, the first thing I'm gonna do is put you in the microwave. Ha ha. How do you like that?" Paige stormed out of the conservatory and joined Eliana and Chris in the living room; where they were watching over a sleeping Piper and Leo. "Think she can scare me. They're still asleep? Have you tried smelling salts?" Paige asked.

"It won't work, trust me," Chris answered glumly.

"What's wrong with them?"

"It's a long story," Eliana told her.

"I don't know, why don't you give me the cliff notes version. Come on, Chris. You, Leo, Phoebe, and Eliana have all been acting weird since before the demon attacked. What is going on?" Paige exclaimed.

"Alright, I made a little wish," Chris admitted.

"You did what?"

"Two little wishes..."

"Oh, great. It's not bad enough I have to worry about Richard, now I have to worry about you too. What did you wish for?" complained Paige.

"For Leo to forgive me, which by the way, was an accident."

"And?" Paige prompted as Chris paused.

Chris shifted uncomfortably. "For Piper and Leo to sleep together."

Paige stepped back as her face filled with horror. "You! Oh my god, you are sick! What is wrong with you? You're disgusting!"

"No..." Chris tried to say but Paige cut him off.

"You are some creepy registered sex offender from the future."

Chris shook his head furiously. "No, no, no..."

"Paige, you don't understand!" Eliana chimed in. "Let him explain!"

"Oh my god, you are so gross," Paige continued to rant.

"I'm Piper and Leo's son!" Chris finally yelled out.

"What?" Paige finally stopped talking as Chris's words registered.

"They're my parents. I came back to save my family."

"You're serious," Paige sank into the sofa and breathed out a sigh.

"Yeah. Only now I've gotta save myself. Because if my mum doesn't get pregnant in the next month, there is no me," Chris explained.

"This is all so wrong. And this has been such a long day," Paige muttered, her mind racing.

"Look, I'm gonna orb over to Richard's, okay, and grab the bottle," Chris said calmly.

"No, you can't. He's, uh, he's crazy right now, he might hurt you, okay? I need to strip him of his powers. It's a whole thing," Paige said.

"Well, how's that gonna help?" asked Eliana, not seeing the connection.

"Well, he's been corrupted by magic and if I don't strip him of his powers, I might not be able to save him. Who else knows about this?" Paige asked, sighing again as she looked at Chris.

"About me? Just Phoebe and Eliana."

"Alright, you two watch Jinny, I'm gonna go make the potion, okay?"

Chris and Eliana nodded their understanding and Paige left the room.

"Oh, thank god. I thought a demon got me. Why didn't you let me out?" Phoebe cried out as she finally managed to tip her bottle over and reappear normal sized.

"I'm not ready for you yet," Richard said, frantically searching a stack of books.

"Hey, we're in the black magic vault. Um, is there a phone around because I'd really love to call Paige and just check in."

"No, there's not. I know I've got a book of wishes around here somewhere," said Richard, rifling through a set of drawers.

"Wishes?" said Phoebe worriedly.

"Yeah. Gotta get the wording right."

"Yeah, maybe you should just wish for sleep because I'm really good at that wish," Phoebe commented as Richard continued to search the vault.

"Look, I just want Paige to accept me the way I am - with magic. It's the only way we'll work."

"I don't think magic is the answer to your problems, I think it's the cause of your problems," Phoebe tried to point out, but Richard couldn't be reasoned with.

"Got you brainwashed too. I'm gonna have to cast a spell on the entire family. Here it is! - Paige, I told you. Don't orb in and surprise me!" Richard shouted as Paige orbed into the vault with a potion vial in her hand.

"He's not himself right now!" Phoebe warned her sister.

"How come you didn't tell me Chris was my nephew?" Paige asked, glaring at her sister.

"Yeah, maybe we could talk about that later because your boyfriend's about to whoo-whoo!" Phoebe countered.

"Look, I'm fine, alright? I just need to do some reading. I'll call you when I'm ready," said Richard.

Paige looked at her boyfriend and raised her arm. "This is for your own good." She threw the potion at Richard but he used his power to send both the potion and Paige flying across the room.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work or something?" Chris asked as he opened the front door to see Greg standing there.

"I'm on a break. I came to surprise Piper."

"Oh. Little booty call, huh?" Chris said, wiggling his brows suggestively.

"Is she here?"

"No, sorry, she's sleeping." Chris started to close the door but Greg stopped him.

"I don't believe you."

"Okay, see for yourself." Greg walked in and looked into the living room to see Piper and Leo asleep on the couch. Chris waved his hand and Piper fell closer to Leo, and Leo's hand fell on her shoulder. "Do you want me to tell her you stopped by?" he asked Greg.

"Uh, no, that won't be necessary," Greg replied sadly before turning to leave. Chris walked him out and was so focused on his own thoughts, that he didn't hear the sound of a body falling to the ground in the living room.

"Sorry, mum, it's for the best," he said to himself as he shut the front door and walked back into the living room. His eyes widened in shock as he saw Jinny standing over Eliana's body and holding a fireball aimed at his parents.

"Take me to the bottle," Jinny hissed.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Richard told Paige as he helped her up.

"It's okay. It's fine."

"I'll make it up to you."

"No, no, no, not that way," Phoebe cried as she guessed what Richard was thinking.

"No more wishes," Paige agreed.

"No, no, it's okay. It's not for me. Phoebe, I wish you free." A blue tornado of wind surrounded Phoebe, rose up and then surrounded Richard. "Uh, what is this?" he asked as he glanced down at his new clothes.

"What are you doing here?" Phoebe said, as Chris and Jinny orbed in.

Jinny threw a fireball at them and they ducked. Chris attacked Jinny but she grabbed his arm and tossed him across the room then picked up the bottle.

"Genie, I wish the Charmed Ones dead," she shouted.

Richard put his hands together and nodded his head. The girls fell to the floor, dead.

"No!" Chris yelled and ran to their side.

"Now, into the bottle," Jinny commanded and Richard was sucked into the bottle. "My condolences," she said to Chris before disappearing.

"No. You can't be dead yet. It's not your time. I know it's not your time!" Chris cried out as Phoebe and Paige's spirits floated out of their body. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. She was gonna kill mum, dad, and Eliana!"

"Hey, Chris, we're not moving on," Phoebe stated as she realized that they weren't going anywhere.

"Why aren't we moving on?" Paige asked in confusion.

"Who cares? You're still here!" Chris cried.

"Got any unfinished business?" Paige asked Phoebe.

"No. You?"

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it would have been nice to find out I had another nephew before I died!"

"I was gonna tell you but I just didn't get a chance," Phoebe replied.

"Guys we can fix this. We can reverse the magic. All we need to do is get the bottle," Chris said excitedly.

Phoebe glanced at him then to her sister. "That's true, we're ghosts, we can possess Jinny. Where is Jinny?"

"Well, she was planning to conjure the lost city," Paige answered.

Phoebe turned to her nephew. "Don't worry, we're gonna take care of this. Should we go check on Piper first?"

"No, no, no. Piper's fine. I mean, she has to be, right? If she was dead, I would have vanished," Chris said, gesturing to his body to prove his point.

"How do we reach Jinny?" asked Paige.

"You're ghosts, you can haunt anybody you want. Just concentrate and it should wisp you right to her -" Phoebe and Paige closed their eyes and vanished. "Wait for me!"

"You sure this is the site?" Jinny demanded.

"One of the hounds of the Zanbar. They guarded the city for the Sultan," one of the thieves said, pointing to a pile of bones.

"I could use a few of those myself," Jinny said as she lifted the bottle up to her face. "You ready in there? I wish to resurrect the lost city of Zanbar." A huge Arabian city slowly rose out of the desert sands. "Finders, keepers," Jinny exclaimed.

"I wouldn't unpack just now if I were you," Paige commented as she, Phoebe, and Chris appeared.

"Why haven't you moved on? You're dead!" Jinny shouted angrily.

"So are you," said Phoebe as she jumped into Jinny's body. One of the thieves ran towards Chris and Chris threw him across the room. The other two thieves pulled out their swords and ran towards him.

"Watch out!" Paige warned.

"Phoebe, a little help here," Chris cried out.

Phoebe/Jinny tossed a fireball at both the thieves, vanquishing them. "I think I've got control of the body," she said as Chris grabbed a sword and stabbed the last thief.

"Okay, all clear," Paige stated.

Phoebe/Jinny picked up the bottle. "Richard, I wish you free."

Phoebe's spirit exited Jinny's body and Jinny was sucked into the bottle - Richard appearing in her place.

"Hi, honey," Paige said, waving to her boyfriend.

"Let me out of here!" Jinny yelled furiously.

"I wish the Charmed Ones alive again!" Richard said.

"Yes, master," Jinny grumbled, granting his wish.

"They're not waking up. How come they're not waking up?" Chris cried anxiously as he paced back and forth in front of his parents. Not only was he worried about his parents not waking up, but he needed Leo to heal Eliana! Jinny must have taken her by surprise and hit her in the chest with a fireball and now she was barely breathing.

"Would you relax?" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Relax? I'm sorry, did you say relax? Because Eliana's about to die and I'm about to disappear, vanish forever, cease to exist! "

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic," Phoebe rolled her eyes at her nephew then saw that Piper and Leo had finally woken up. "Hey, are you okay?"

Piper quickly pulled away from Leo. "I think so. Wh-wh-what are you doing?"

"Uh, I don't know, I swear. Leo stood up. "What's going on?"

"Arabic sleeping potion. Very strong, not good," Phoebe lied.

"You mean Jinny did this?" Piper asked.

"Who else?"

"Well, we've gotta stop her."

"We already did while you were sleeping. She's back in the bottle."

"Which we were sort of hoping you could take care of for us," Chris explained. "After you heal Eliana of course!"

"So that's it? It's all over?" Leo asked as he went over to Eliana and healed her wound.

"Pretty much. I mean, you still forgive me, right?" Chris replied.

"Of course."


"I still wanna know why we all didn't die. What? I'm curious," Phoebe stated, ignoring the glare Chris was sending her way.

"Oh, sure, you don't mind them knowing that they almost died but not that...never mind," Chris closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"What are you talking about?" Piper looked at her sister in confusion.

"Jinny made a wish for the Charmed Ones to die and we almost did, but then we turned into ghosts and..."

"Huh. So that wasn't a dream I had. I was floating over my body looking down at me and then, uh, you healed me," Piper glanced at Leo as she remembered what she had thought was a dream.

"I did?"

"Yeah. I called to you when you were sleeping and somehow you must have heard me and you wouldn't let me go."

"Well, then that must be the reason why Phoebe and Paige's spirits didn't move on. See, the wish was for all the Charmed Ones to die, so saving you must have saved them," explained Chris.

Piper stared at Leo and smiled. "That was really sweet of you."

"Any time. So you wanna go with me to get Wyatt?"

"Sure," said Piper. Leo grabbed her hand and the two of them orbed out.

"Wait, wh...what about me?" Chris called after them.

"I wouldn't give up. There may be hope for you yet," Phoebe told him, having noticed the way the couple had stared at each other.