Phone Calls and Lavish Lifestyles.

The third and final part!

Just how Mae and Ryan ending up telling the IRT they were dating.

Hope this is enjoyable! Reviews are welcome and appreciated!

Disclaimer – I own nothing.

Mae wasn't sure how she felt about meeting Ryan for the first time since he came home from Mexico. Mae had been down to the border twice, but she'd only seen Ryan for two days before he went back into gang territory and she returned to Virginia.

On those two occasions, they'd shared kisses, as well as, a little make-out session, which left Mae unable to focus for the rest of the week, which didn't go too well, when the IRT got sent out to Turkey.

Now, Ryan was back in the US and had spent the first four days of his freedom from Mexico with his mother and siblings, before going to see Jack and Clara. Mae didn't mind waiting, she knew that he would want to see her, or, she hoped Ryan would want to see her, but Ryan was also part of a close-knit family, and she knew that RJ and Emma had missed their big brother whilst he'd been away.

"Something on your mind?" Mae turned at the voice. Ryan was leant against the bedroom door. Mae had disappeared five minutes ago to grab a jacket so the two could go for a walk, but instead of opening her wardrobe, she'd sat on her bed and gotten lost in thought.

"No, no, sorry." Mae apologised and quickly got up again, moving to her wardrobe to find a jacket.

"Is it cold out?" She asked, hoping Ryan wouldn't ask the obvious question.

"I don' think so, but, I can always keep you warm if you get cold." Mae stopped and turned to look at the man in her bedroom.

"That must be the worst come on line, ever!" Ryan shrugged with a smile.

"You can't blame a guy for trying!" Mae finally grabbed a jacket and made her way out of the room, Ryan letting her go first.

Once outside and walking the streets, Ryan held Mae's hand, which was something that felt right, Mae did have worries about seeing Ryan this side of the border, without the persona of the cartel's security.

"Have the FBI told you where you're heading next?" Ryan shook his head, pulling Mae a little closer.

"But, in the meantime, I plan on spending my time in the US with you and my family."

"I was thinking that maybe later we could, you know, take some picture, at least then I'll have some memories of your time back here. I know how long some undercover operations can take, maybe you could also begin making photo albums with RJ and Emma?" Mae suggested as the crossed a street, walking nowhere in particular.

"I would like that. I think RJ and Emma would too, and you've met my mum, she loves all of that sentimental stuff." Mae chuckled, that sounded a lot like Karen.

As they walked further from Mae's apartment, the pair of them fell into comfortable conversation. A little talk about the job, some about family, Mae made it very clear that she found Ryan a lot better looking with facial hair before they began speaking about everything and nothing.

Hours later, the pair found themselves in bed. It wasn't late, but neither of them had plans to do anything else, and Mae was enjoying being this close to Ryan.

"Maybe we could take some pictures? Something for you to take with you when you leave again?" Mae suggested, feeling much like her nineteen-year-old self.

"I would like that," Ryan began, "what kind of pictures did you have in mind?" He asked.

Mae bit her lip, grabbing her phone off the nightstand.

"What kind of pictures would you like to see?"

After what felt like a million photographs Mae scrolled through them whilst Ryan was in the bathroom. Mae felt like laughing out loud at some of them, not because they were funny, but more because she was shocked that she did it.

Her favourite so far was the picture of her in her favourite bra looking away from the camera. Mae knew it was Ryan in the corner of that photo, but she assumed everyone else would be oblivious. Which is why, when she accidently clicked the wrong button and sent it to Clara, she thought nothing of it.

How wrong she was.

A reply came back only seconds later.

'Is that who I think it is?'

Mae frowned slightly.

'I can make an effort if I want to, can't I?'

'For Ryan Garrett?'

The moment the text came back Mae's face dropped and she began to panic. Pushing the covers off her body, she dropped her phone onto the bed and grabbed her jeans and shirt off the floor.

"Something wrong?" Ryan asked, coming out of the bathroom, seeing Mae bothered about something.

"I sent one of those pictures to Clara. Shit." Mae cursed as she said it out loud.

Ryan laughed slightly.

"This isn't funny, Ryan. No one knows, and Clara is with your dad if he finds out through some revealing picture, not only will that affect you, but I'll never be able to look him in the eye again!"

Ryan carried on laughing, causing Mae to shoot him a serious look.

"Nothing is going to happen, Mae. Dad can hardly kick you off the IRT or cause you any trouble. He's dating his partner, and that seems a little worse than us dating. Besides, we're both adults, we make our own life choices." Ryan said, moving closer the brunette, wrapping his arms around her.

"I sent Clara a picture of me in my bra, not just any bra, the most revealing one I have…" Again, Ryan had to hold in his laughter.

"But, you looked good in it." Mae punched him lightly in the chest.

"Let's go back to bed, we can deal with it in the morning." It took Mae a moment to agree, but she knew Ryan was right.

Picking up her phone again, she opened the latest text from Clara.

'So, I was thinking a girls' night in? Maybe you can finally let me in on your secret?'

Mae smiled, it was a nice reassurance that Clara seemed okay with it all, but right now, she was with Ryan.

They'd deal with everything else in the morning.

"I promise, it will all be fine," Ryan whispered as she laid down next to him.

"Now they know, does this mean, I do, or don't get that first-class trip to New Zealand?"

"You get whatever you want…"

Please let me know what you think! Thank you for reading, Bethany.