Phone calls and Lavish lifestyles.

I guess this isn't really what's expected, but after seeing Adam Glass' tweet about who Ryan should end up with, I decided to write this, and since Clara has Jack (in my head!) I decided it was Mae's turn to find a moment of happiness!

Set just before Jack takes Ryan out to the local authorities at the end of 2x07.

Reviews are loved and appreciated! Enjoy!

Disclaimer – I own nothing.

"How long have you been doing this?" Ryan asked Mae. After Ryan had asked Simmons to punch him a couple hundred times, as well as push him around a bit, Mae had offered to do a little reconstruction of Ryan's face.

"What? Working for the IRT or working on bodies." Mae smiled as she put another stitch in Ryan's brow.

"Both I guess. I know Clara from a while back, and dad talks about Simmons and his kids. Monty, I knew just from being at the office, but I've never really been able to put a name to the face with you." Ryan tried his best not to wince as the needle pierced his skin again.

"Well, I got a job at the local M. E's office right out of college, but became an M.E when I was 23. I stuck at the local M. E's office for a while, before joining the FBI and then 4 years ago, I got this gig." Mae didn't make a habit of talking about her life, but Ryan seemed sweet enough and she wondered if it would help him since he would soon be back in the world of drug running and gangs.

"I can try and patch you up some more, but I don't want to ruin your cover story, so, look in the mirror, and give me your honest opinion." Ryan laughed a little.

"I think Simmons did a pretty decent job of beating me up. Not to undermine your work, Agent Jarvis, but I think Matt's punches may stay with me forever." Mae nodded in agreement, as she held up the mirror she'd gotten from her bag.

"For the record, it's Mae. I love the IRT and everything, but I'm still just Mae." Ryan stood up, noting the high difference between the two of them.

"Well, Mae, I appreciate what you've done."

Mae too had noted the height difference, but it didn't bother her. She noted how different he looked, of course, there was now a bruise on his eye, and a few stitches on his brow, as well as the bruising that Mae couldn't see under his shirt, but he went from being Jack Garrett's son with ambitions to join the FBI to a hot guy with a biker gang in Mexico.

"Happy to help. I know you might not be able to use it, but I have a friend, lives just across the border. Owns a clinic in San Diego, just in case you need patching up again." Ryan nodded, taking the small card that Mae had gotten out of her pocket.

"And, my number is on there too, you know, just in case." Mae wondered if she was being too forward, but she was thankful that she was alone.

"I hope I never have to call your friend, but, I am thankful either way. I also hope that I never have to call you for help…"

"You can just call me for a chat. You know, have a little bit of contact with civilisation." Ryan laughed, he knew it could put him and Mae at risk, but the thought of speaking to the Medical Examiner occasionally sounded nice. She had a nice voice, a lovely smile and seemed to be an independent woman, which, was something Ryan liked.

"I might have to come up with a pretty good cover story. I am sure you could cope, but I would hate for you to get dragged into this. Drugs and gangs are nasty business." Ryan joked as he sat back down on the chair.

"Well, a pretty rough gang member such as yourself must have a girl tucked away, somewhere right? I'm sure if they asked, I can play the needy girlfriend, I've always wanted a lavish lifestyle." Mae had to admit, she was now flirting with her boss' son, but she could only see him as Ryan, an FBI agent, who, although had been beaten looked pretty sexy.

"Thinking about a career change, Mae?" Ryan asked, with a grin.

"Depends on what you're offering." Mae shot back, turning slightly to pack away all the equipment she'd used.

"Well…" Ryan was about to say something else when the door opened.

"You two about done in here? The local authorities are getting a little impatient." Clara asked with a smile.

"Yeah, give us two minutes and we'll be out," Mae said, with a nod towards her best friend.

As the door closed behind Clara, Mae looked at Ryan, but this time, really looked at him.

"Well, you look the part…"

"As do you, Mae." Again, they were flirting.

"You need to go be the badass gang member again, and I need to get on that jet and go home." Ryan smiled, a part of him wishing he could go with them.

Standing up, Ryan played with the small card in his hand.

"I don't know when you'll hear from me…"

"Good luck out there, stay safe," Mae said before Ryan could finish.

"Likewise." It wasn't much, but there was something there. Something that influenced Ryan to take that step forward, to get closer to Mae.

The kiss was short and sweet, but still, something that would keep Mae smiling for the next few hours.

Ryan was the same, despite the fact he would more than likely get another beating, he was happy that he had the mental image of Mae to keep him going.

"It's show time," Mae whispered.

"Yeah…" And with that, Ryan had turned to leave the room, and before the door had closed shut behind him, she was waiting on his phone call.

Again, reviews are loved and appreciated, hope you enjoyed this little one-shot! Bethany.