Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or Legend of Zelda franchises. Comments/Criticism is fine as long as it isn't just hate or flaming.

Thanks for reading and please enjoy

The Legend of Zelda: Interloper of Time

-Chapter 37-

-Last Time-

"Many say that, but most still blind themselves to the world around them." A familiar female voice said before Impa slowly rose out of the purple symbol on the ground, her ever iconic stoic appearance on her face as she crossed her arms.

Staring at the silver-haired woman for a moment, Naruto held his hand out towards Saria who promptly dropped a yellow rupee into his grasp with a slightly sour look. "So called it."

"Don't rub it in."

-And Now-

"So… is this goodbye?" Saria asked while staring up at the Sheikah, all humor fading away as the seriousness of the situation settled in.

Impa still retained her normal stoic demeanor, but those who really knew the woman could see as her gaze softened slightly. "Indeed it is."

"Figures as much," Naruto muttered with a sigh, his shoulders and head drooping a bit before chuckling softly. "Guess that means no revenge prank them, huh?"

"I guess not," The sheikah's lip curled upwards in amusement for a moment as she spoke. "Though just so you know, laxative in my morning tea would have never worked."

Both Naruto and Navi's eyes widened in alarm when they heard this as their gazes snapped towards the woman. "How did you-"

"I have my ways." Impa cut in with a smirk with her grin tuning a bit smug for a moment before everything was engulfed in a bright light.

"…Good luck… and try not to get yourselves killed out there…"

-Kakariko Village-

As the light faded, the quintet found themselves standing back in Kakariko Village, ironically right on top of the Time Portal Fi had created by the destroyed well.

"Seriously, don't get killed? That's what she says?" Naruto asked, crossing his arms with an offended huff. "Who does that woman think we are?"

Materializing beside the whiskered blonde, Fi tilted her head in a thoughtful manner. "Well Master Naruto, given the multiple near fatal incidents that have occurred so far during our travels-"

"That was a rhetorical question Fi."

"Oh… my apologies Master."

"Nah, don't be, I was being snippy," Naruto waved off the sword spirit's apology as a yawn escaped his lips and he rubbed his eye. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat. Anyone else up for calling it a night?"

"No arguments from me." Elia chipped in as she curled up into a bundle of Saria's hair, her glow dimming as she snuggled in comfortably whilst her fellow greenette nodded with slumped shoulders.

"Me either, I just wanna take a bath and sleep."

"Could we hit up the brewing shop first?" Navi asked with a soft hiss from her perch on Naruto's shoulders as she wiggled her still partially crumpled wings for added emphasis. "I could really go for some healing potion right now."

"Right, sorry," Naruto muttered guiltily, earning a soft pat on his cheek from the blue fairy, before turning to Saria "Meet up at Anju's?"

"Works for me." The ex-Kokiri said while marching off towards the cuckoo lady's house without even a moment's hesitation.

"How about you Fi-chan? You look exhausted." Naruto said while turning to the sword spirit, once more taking in her haggard appearance along with the fact she had actually stopped floating, opting to instead stand right next to him while leaning slightly on his shoulder for support.

"Your concern is appreciated master but you need not be, my current appearance is merely from some minor disruptions in my energy distribution," Fi said dismissively, standing up a bit straighter as she spoke, only to end up wobbling a bit before leaning back against him. "I should be back to normal peak efficiency in approximately three hours and twenty-seven minutes as long as I refrain from any further reckless activity."

"Well, in that case then maybe you should get some rest," The whiskered teen suggested unsurely while gesturing to the Master Sword, while Navi nodded in agreement. "That would help, right?"

"That would be c-incorrect master." Fi stated with a slight stutter, making the blond and bluenette duo blink in surprise.

"…Oh really, and why's that?" Navi asked after a moment, her brow raising a bit as she stared at the sword spirit suspiciously.

"I-it would be best if I maintain a constant l-level of energy expenditure to achieve i-ionization balance," Fi explained calmly albeit with some more stuttering as she stumbled a bit, prompting Naruto to wrap an arm around her shoulders for support. "So for the time being I shall remain in my c-corporeal form, if that isn't too much trouble for you N-Naruto."

"Of course not," The whiskered blonde said without hesitation, grinning widely as he rubbed the bluenette's head before smiling when a thought hit him. "Oh, why don't you tell us more about your adventures with that Link guy?"

Fi's lips curled upwards slightly in a smile at that, and for once it actually stayed like that while she nodded "I'd be h-happy to master."

And so the sword spirit regaled her companions with the tales of her past as they walked, of the long arduous journey her old master had taken to save first his friend and then the whole world. However, whilst Naruto was totally enraptured by every word she spoke, Navi was only half listening as she stared at Fi with a narrowed gaze.

'Something's fishy here.' She thought while eyeing the sword spirit suspiciously, a part of her brain nagging at her that something was up… and she had a feeling on exactly what it was.

So, when they finally arrived at the potion shop itself, a quaint little building with a large sign stylized like two filled pots of blue and green potion. the fairy cleared her throat loudly to get both Naruto and Fi's attention. "Hey Naruto, maybe Fi and I should wait out here while you shop. I'd rather not hear him guilt tripping me for my tears and/or wing dust again and the goddesses only know what he'll try if he sees her this time."

"Yeah… that's a good point," The young man said with a nod, grimacing when he recalled the last time they'd stopped by this shop. The owner had spent almost the entire time trying, and failing, to convince either Navi or Elia to give up some of the apparently precious materials, and likely would have the entire time if the former hadn't shut him up personally. "I hope his eye is better, you flew into it pretty hard."

"What can I say, he wanted tears, so I gave him some." The fairy huffed out, crossing her arms indignantly as she was gently picked up and set down on Fi's shoulder, who in turn had taken up a seat on a nearby bench with Master Sword resting beside her.

"Fair enough, I'll be just a few minutes." Naruto said before disappearing into the shop, leaving the two girls by themselves, just like Navi wanted.

The moment she was certain he was out of earshot, the small blue girl whirled around and jabbed the sword spirit's cheek. "Alright missy, spill it, what are you up to?"

"I… beg your pardon?" Fi asked as her head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Don't play dumb with me, I know you lied about the no resting thing." Navi stated, making the larger bluenette freeze with a shocked expression, before abruptly turning away.

"I-I have no i-idea what you're talking a-about."

"Just give it up Fi, you're are quite possibly the worst liar I've ever seen. You're stuttering, mumbling, avoiding eye contact, literally every single sign someone is lying their ass off," The fairy said dryly while shaking her head in exasperation. "Hell, the only reason Naruto believed you is because he's more focused on whether you're okay… not to mention he kinda an idiot."

"Naruto is not-"

"Ah-ha! You called him Naruto, not Master Naruto," Navi cut Fi off dramatically as she ran over to the sword spirit's other shoulder so they were face to face again, and thus revealing the knowing smirk on the fairy's lips. "And boy have you been feeling cuddly recently or what, I couldn't help but notice how you always just 'happened' to trip up a bit whenever Naruto started moving away."

"T-that was just a c-coincidence… b-balance hard to… r-recalibrating m-motion plus… axis s-setting inverted…" Fi stuttered out random gibberish as her face rapidly turned a nice deep purple, all the while Navi's smirk grew wider as she booped the sword spirit's nose.

"I knew it, I so totally knew it! You've got a-"

"Alright guys, I'm back," Naruto unknowingly cut the blue fairy off as he exited the shop, two bottles of red potion in hand. "You were right to wait out here Navi, that guy would just not shut up about you the whole…" The blonde trails off mid-sentence upon noticing the odd scene of Navi poking a purple-faced Fi's nose. "…What are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning," Navi said the first thing that she could think of as she grabbed part of her own dress and started scrubbing the bigger bluenette's face. "Some stupid bird pooped on Fi while you were gone."

"What? Ugh, gross, here let me help," Thankfully, the sheer randomness of the statement, plus Fi instinctively scrunching her face in disgust at the thought of having shit on her face, worked perfectly as Naruto immediately went to worry mode. Getting right up in the spirit girl's personal space, the whiskered blonde grabbed her chin and gently turned her head from side to side in concern. "Huh, looks like you got it all already. Are you feeling alright Fi?"

"I-I… I believe I feel a bit w-woozy as you'd call it, but other t-than that I am fine m-master," She said quietly, her cheeks darkening a bit at the close proximity before she managed to regain her composure. "Enough about me though, should you not assist Miss Navi now? That was the original objective of this outing."

"Oh right," Naruto said with a sheepish smile as he turned to said fairy, popping open one of the potion bottles and holding it up to her. "Here you go, this should fix your wings right up."

"It had better, or we're getting a refund," Navi said while dipping her hands into the red liquid, scooping up a decent amount and slurping it down. "Ugh, tastes like old shoes."

"How do you even-"

"My first home, it's a long story, don't ask." The little blue girl said with a dismissive wave, shivering as her natural glow gained a red tint to it. At the same time, her crumpled wings started twitching and shaking rapidly for several moments before suddenly springing out in their full unwrinkled glory once more.

In an instant they were fluttering like crazy as Navi took to the air with a cheer, zipping and swooping through the air happily. "Whooooo! Now that's the good stuff!"

"Meh, I've had better." Naruto said after taking a swig for himself, causing the few cuts and bruises he had left to rapidly fade away.

"That was rather wasteful Master," Fi stated with a small frown marring her lips. "Your natural recovery factor was already eighty-nine-point-six percent done healing your recent injuries."

"Always gotta be the buzzkill, don't you?" Said blonde asked while tucking the remaining potion away and gently helping the sword spirit to her feet.

Shaking her head as she rested it against Naruto's shoulder, Fi couldn't help the amused smirk that formed on her lips once more. "Someone has to be, otherwise you'd never get anything done Master."

"Ow, right in the feels there Fi," Naruto said jokingly, placing a hand on his chest in mock pain before shaking of his head. "I think that's enough joking around, we'd better get back with the others before Saria gets mad at us for taking so long."

"No kidding," Landing on the blonde's head, Navi snuggled in comfortably amongst his golden locks with a sigh. "For such a nice girl she can sure get snippy when people keep her waiting too long. Didn't she once knock Mido out because he kept making you late all the time with stupid made up restrictions or something?"

"Oh yeah she did, had to be one of the funniest moments ever," Naruto said with a nostalgic chuckle. "The knockout part was a total accident on her part though."

"How so Master?" Fi asked curiously, which made Naruto laugh even more.

-Mini-Flashback, two months after Naruto's arrival to Kokiri Village-

'Ahhh, time for a nap.' Mido thought as he stepped into his hut, Sittr lazily floating around his head… only for both to freeze when Saria suddenly steps out from around the corner, her arms crossed and a disapproving frown on her lips.

"Mido, we need to-"

"AAH!" *Thunk* *Thud* With a startled shout, the bossy Kokiri jumped back in shock… which caused him to bang the back of his head against the top of the doorframe and collapse in a limp heap.

"…Uh oops?" The greenette muttered in an unsure tone while staring at the unconscious boy, before awkwardly inching away when Naruto and the other Kokiri peeked in to see what the commotion was about.

-End Mini-Flashback-

"Yeah, she was gonna give him a surprise lecture for all the trouble he'd been causing for Naruto, but did a bit too well on the 'surprise' part." Elia said as everyone settled down inside their room Anju's, the little fairy herself idly swaying in a cute little hammock.

"You should have seen what happened afterwards too, he spent almost a month constantly looking around corners to make sure she wasn't there." Naruto added with a chuckle while he sat down on his bed, Navi giggling as she fluttered around his head.

Meanwhile, Saria was scratching the back of her head with a sheepish smile. "I just wanted him to leave you alone, I mean he was just getting ridiculous with all those stupid 'rules' he kept making up."

"Like the one where he just HAD to have a shield to go somewhere or that as the new guy he had to wait till last to use the bath springs." Elia said in a mock serious tone, earning several giggles all around.

"This Mido sounds like he was most tiresome to deal with," Fi stated from her spot beside Naruto, the bluenette leaning lightly against the whiskered blonde's side. "He sounds like he acts similar to how my old master's former rival used to."

"I think you told me about him, that Gorse guy who was always causing Link trouble right?"

"Groose master, and yes, though I will admit that despite his… less than pleasant start Mister Groose did end up becoming a trusted associate after descending from Skyloft with Master Link and learning some humbleness."

"Right, right, and even helped stop that Demise guy from escaping his imprisonment with a bomb launching catapult?" Naruto asked as he tried to remember what Fi had told him, before sighing wistfully when the sword spirit nodded. "You know, the more I hear about your past the more I wish I could have seen it for myself. I mean a desert turning to an ocean, cloud whales, a floating town, talking dragons, it just seems so cool when I picture it in my head."

"I'll admit, it does certainly stroke the imagination," Saria agreed while Navi and Elia nodded. "But there's not a lot we can do about it, most if not all of that stuff doesn't even exist anymore. Right Fi?"

"Indeed, from what I've observed so far on our travels, the only remaining remnants of the Sky Era that have survived the ravages of time would be the Temple of Time… and myself." The spirit girl stated softly, pausing a moment when she spoke the last bit with her head bowed, a tinge of sadness in her tone that made Saria cringe slightly.

'Oh goddesses damnit, I'm an idiot.' The ex-kokiri thought as she barely resisted the urge to facepalm while Naruto started rubbing Fi's head supportingly. 'Just casually mention how everything and everyone she used to know is gone forever, great job there Saria, just FANTASTIC.'

"However," Fi continued, snapping Saria out of her mental lashing of herself as the bluenette raised her head back up to reveal her lightly flushed cheeks. "There is one way you could get too see it for yourself if you truly wish master."

"Really?" Naruto asked in surprise to which Fi simply nodded, making the whiskered blonde grin excitedly. "Sweet! How?"

Her blush darkening, Fi hesitated briefly as she suddenly found the floor very interesting to look at again. "Just… just c-close your e-eyes and you'll see."

"Uh… okay then?" A bit confused but not seeing anything wrong with the request, Naruto did as he was told and closed his eyes.

On the other hand though, Saria, Navi, and Elia were all looking at Fi with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as the bluenette seemed to psych herself up for something.

'What is she up too?' Saria asked herself with narrowed eyes, before they almost instantly snapped open in alarm when Fi suddenly leaned in really REALLY close to Naruto as her lips gained a very noticeably glow. 'No way!? She's-' "Sto-"

Fi's lips met Naruto's.


"What the hell?" Naruto blinked in surprise and confusion as his vision was engulfed in a sudden blast of color when a strangely familiar sensation brushed against his lips for a brief moment, and did someone just scream a second ago? As quickly it started though, it faded away and the whiskered blonde found himself standing in an unknown courtyard, the only outstanding detail being a huge somewhat crude statue of a woman. "Where am I?"

"Skyloft," Fi stated as she appeared beside the blonde, making him jump with a startled yelp. "The Isle of the Goddess to be precise."

"Hey! No pulling Impa's on me," The whiskered blonde said while gently bopping the bluenette's head before pausing when what she said registered in his mind. "Wait, what?!"

Not waiting for an answer, he quickly rushed over to the nearest wall, effortlessly scaling it in mere moments…

"Whoa…" Only to freeze with a look of awe as he was met with the sight of a literally flying town, otherwise known as Skyloft, before him.

It consisted of several different islands somehow floating in the air, roughly a dozen or so, each one the size of a small castle. Most of them were interconnected by either stone or wooden bridges, some so thoroughly that the bridges even created small pseudo-islands of their own, but a few were floating free with the only way of reaching them being wooden landing pads.

And the way each island was laid out was just as astounding, some were covered in homes from top to bottom literally, a couple were set into farmland, others were basically miniature forests, and there was even one that had a large lake on it.*

The most notable islands though were the one he was already on due to both the statue and the seemingly ripped in half temple that the far-end side consisted of, one that had a large tent-like building, and another which held a two story academic looking building.

Then there were the people, men, women, children, some wandering about, others chatting with friends, and even a bunch riding around on huge horse sized birds across the sky.

"This is waaaay cooler than I even imagined it be," Naruto muttered after he finally managed to pick his jaw up off the ground, his gaze drifting over the entire place over and over before eventually settling on Fi as she floated up beside him. "But how? How am I seeing this?"

"During my creation, the goddess Hylia used a spell which briefly melded our minds together, thus allowing her to give me all the information I would need to assist my original master in defeating the demon Demise and his minions," The sword spirit explained while staring at the village with an oddly familiar expression Naruto couldn't quite put his finger on. "Using that same spell, I was able to connect my thoughts with yours and bring you to this virtual simulation I created based on past experiences."

"So basically I'm seeing your memories?"

"Essentially yes."

"Uh… then isn't that a little, I don't know, intrusive of me?" Naruto asked unsurely. "I mean this is cool and all, but I don't want you to force yourself into doing something your uncomfortable with just to satisfy my own curiosity. And besides, you should be resting right now."

"It is alright, my operating efficiency has gone back up to acceptable levels and the spell will only allow you to see that which I permit it to show you. It was really no trouble at all master." Fi said, mumbling the last part with a light blush as she adverted her gaze.

"Hmm… okay if you say so, but let me know if you want or need to stop, got it?" Naruto asked, though more like ordered, while gently grabbing the bluenette's shoulder supportingly with a concerned gaze, making her smile briefly with a short nod. "Alright, then what are we waiting for? Let's get going."

"Of course master." Without further ado, the pair climbed back down, the floating bluenette taking the lead as they went to explore the marvels of the floating town.

"Oh man, Saria is gonna be so jealous she's missing out on all this."


*CRUNCH* "Grrrrr…"

"I think she's jealous." Navi muttered softly to Elia, earning a 'no shit sherlock' look from her fellow fairy as they both watched Saria glare daggers at Fi and Naruto smooching each-other with glowing eyes. Her hands crushed the bed frame she was gripping and a low growl escaped her lips as she only just managed to keep herself from acting on her anger thanks to Elia warning her of the possible downsides of interrupting whatever it was Fi was doing.

-And Back-

"Daaamn, that is a long way down." Naruto said while he peered over the edge of the current island he was on to see the cloud barrier far below.

"Three thousand five hundred and ten feet to be precise, six thousand two hundred and one if you count the distance after passing through." Fi stated making Naruto whistle lowly as he stepped back from the edge.

"Wow… wait then how is it so war-"

"The barrier maintains a proper climate for sustainable human life, including adjusting the temperature, creating seasonal weather, and even increasing adjusting water condensation to prevent drought."

"Huh, well that explains how that's possible," Naruto said while pointing over his shoulder to a river which poured out into the sky, the water dissipating into clouds after falling just a few feet. "Man, that Hylia lady really put a lot of effort into this place, didn't she?"

"It was quite possibly the most difficult endeavor she'd ever done, especially with how exhausted she was from the ongoing war with Demise," Fi said almost reverently as the pair continued walking. "No other creation of hers could ever hope to compare."

"Now I wouldn't be so sure of that one, didn't you say she created you too?" The whiskered teen asked with a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Correct, but I don't see-"

"Then this place is only second best, because nothing can top how awesome you are Fi." Naruto cut in while pulling Fi into a hug thus causing the poor bluenette's face to once more erupt in a blush.

"I-I am flattered t-that you think that m-master." She stuttered out, shyly looking away in embarrassment… only to freeze as her gaze settled on a familiar dirty blonde young man dressed in green as he groomed a majestic red Loftwing. 'Master Link? But how? I haven't added him into the simulation yet.'

As if sensing her confused gaze, the now named Link glanced over at her as he finished and started climbing onto the large bird's back. Spotting her almost instantly, the green clad young man smiled happily while offering friendly wave just as his ride took to the air and vanished from sight, leaving naught but a few fallen feathers in their wake.

'…How?' Fi wondered in shock, trying and failing to comprehend what just happened. She didn't create that apparition, and she most certainly didn't program it to do that so how?

…And why did it make her chest hurt so much seeing it?

"Fi? Fi? Fi!?" Naruto asked worriedly while shaking Fi's shoulder, snapping the bluenette out of her thoughts.

"Huh? What? Is something wrong master?"

"You tell me Fi," The whiskered blonde stated as he grasped the sword spirit's other shoulder. "I've been trying to get your attention for almost five minutes straight."

"Oh… I'm sorry master," Fi muttered, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "I was just erm making some adjustments to-"

"Fi, please stop lying to me," Naruto cut in while wiping the side of her cheek, causing the spirit girl to fall silent as she finally noticed the moisture trickling down from her eyes of sparkling crystal clear tears. "I'm not blind, something's been bothering you since we got here and now look at you. I can't just stand here and watch you like this, so please, just tell me what's up okay?"

"I… I… I don't know…" Fi admitted after a long silent pause, her head bowed. "I was a place I remembered fondly, these are people I once called companions and possibly even friends… and yet all I feel upon seeing them is pain."

Suddenly her head snapped back up, her gaze boring into Naruto's with wave after wave of confusion and sadness. "Why? Why does my heart hurt so much? W-what's wrong with me? Am… a-am I broken master?"

"Oh shhh shhh shh shh it's okay," Naruto said while pulling Fi into a hug, gently rubbing the back of her head as she instinctually snuggled into the crook of his neck. "Your fine Fi, there is nothing wrong with you."

"Then why? Why does it all hurt me now?" Fi pleaded softly, making Naruto's heart clench at the genuine desperation in her voice for answers.

"Because you're homesick." He stated, getting the bluenette in his arms to look up at him in confusion.

"Home… sick?" She repeated with a muffled hiccup. "I-I don't understand."

"It means you miss your home Fi, you miss this place, your friends, you want things to be how they used to be even though they can't, trust me I know," Naruto explained slowly while continuing to rub Fi's head. "It gnaws at you, digs into your thoughts, and no matter how hard you try at times its all you can think about. Then, before you know it, even the happiest memories are turned into nothing but painful reminders of what's long gone."

Snuggling back into his shoulder, Fi couldn't help but nod along what Naruto said, each word almost perfectly describing how she felt. "…Will it stop?"

"To be honest, no, I don't think it ever really does, it just doesn't hurt as much eventually," The whiskered blonde said sadly, before gently cupping Fi's cheek with a comforting smile. "But I do know this, you don't have to go through it alone. Not as long as I'm around-Ttebayo."

"Thank you… Naruto." Fi mumbled, smiling just a tiny bit herself while Naruto's own grew when he heard what she called him.

"No problem, I'm-"

"Whoops!" A redheaded woman cut the blonde off as she bumped into his back, stumbling along her way as she scratched her back sheepishly. "Sorry about that! Didn't see you there! Bye!"

Neither Naruto or Fi heard what the woman said as she walked away, in fact they probably weren't even aware of her presence given they were too busy staring into each-other's eyes in shock with their lips locked together in an accidental kiss. For one single moment of eternity time seemed to freeze for the pair, their thoughts derailed and unable to focus on anything but the other's lips pressed against their own.

And then time resumed as Naruto snapped from his shock and pulled away with a face so red it made tomatoes jealous, a small trail of saliva still hanging between them. "Oh god Fi, I am so sor-Mph?"

Before he could even get a full apology out, the whiskered blonde's brain crashed again when Fi actually wrapped her cloak arms around the back of his head… and pulled him straight back into the kiss.

'So warm…' Was the only thing he could think as everything faded to white.

-Real World-

"Uuuh… is that supposed to be happening?" Elia asked nervously as both Naruto and Fi were gradually enveloped in a bright glow.

"Probably not." Saria, who'd snapped out of her rage finally, stated before diving for cover with the green fairy and Navi in tow. Not even a second later, the glow erupted outwards in a blinding flare, forcing the trio to shield their eyes until it faded back down.

"Do you think it's safe to look yet?" Navi asked after an awkward moment of silently huddling behind the bed.

"Well, given nothing's exploded yet I'd say fifty-fifty." Elia said jokingly albeit with a nervous and slightly paranoid edge.

"Good enough for me." Saria said before cautiously peaking out along with the fairies.

Two seconds later though, all three of their jaws fell straight to the floor and their eyes threatened to pop out of their heads from how wide they'd gotten. 'What left them so shocked?' you may ask.

Well, it could have been due to the now empty scabbard on Naruto's back which not even five seconds ago held the powerful Master Sword, or perhaps the long golden chains lazily waving in the air slowly slinking back into his arms.

But without doubt, the most befuddling, shocking, and amazing thing of all, was the young lady sitting across from him.

Her hair was a soft looking fluffy turquoise, eyes of sparkling aqua that flittered about in confusion, and flawless fair skin. She held her slender hands up to her face, slowly flipping them over and over several times before cupping her own cheeks with a look of total disbelief as she turned her attention to Naruto.

"Master… what's happened to me?"

-End Chapter-


*I changed how Skyloft was designed in Fi's recollection for the simple reason that realistically the population would be much larger than it was in game and thus need more space (not to mention resources such as wood, food, ect) given they'd been up there for about a thousand years or so with few to no real threats aside from accidentally walking off an edge.

Sorry for the long wait, this chapter was really hard to get right but I felt it had to happen. Quite a few people have added Fi into other Zelda stories like I have, yet almost none of them really bother developing her as an actual character. None so far have even touched on how she must feel with everything she once knew now changed, her first master and closest companion dead, everything around her continuing on without her, and the knowledge it'll probably happen all over again. Personally Fi is one of my favorite characters, and I wish more people would add her into stories, but it saddens me to see that so few people seem to care/bother about her personal development past a romantic interest.

As for her breaking down, please remember that at that moment that she was in an inhibited state (due to previous magic overload) and was within her own mind making her far more emotionally vulnerable than she has ever been.

Lastly, Fi taking human form. This is based on how her and Ghirahim are pretty much counterparts or each other and do appear to share a few common abilities, so it's plausible that she could take on a true human form like he can. Thanks for reading and please review.