A Simpsons yaoi story

A Bart and Sideshow Bob/Robert Terwilliger story

Thus Love Is Not A Thing To Deny

Chapter 3: Sideshow Bob tells Bart about his feelings for him

Lisa says before going down the rope, "I'll leave you two alone then." Once she had climbed down the rope, Bob said to Bart, "So as I was saying." He looked out the window making sure no one was watching or listening, he then looked back and said, "As you could guess, I was trying to tell you that I've formed a crush on you." Bart says, "When did you figure this out?" Bob said, "Just a few minutes ago, when I was about to kill you." Bart said, "Did you have these feelings for a long time?" Bob shrugged and said, "I'm not sure, but I am sure that now I know that I love you, Bart." Bart said, "Wel-" Bob then grabbed Bart's shirt, pulled him over to himself, and said, "I will never try to kill you again, I promise." Bart said while pulling himself away from Bob, "You're way older than me, man!"

Meanwhile at the police station, Lou says to Chief Wiggums, "Chief, you do know that Sideshow Bob is free yet again, right?" Chief Wiggums says to Lou, "Yes, I'm well-aware that Sideshow Bob was released."

Back with Sideshow Bob and Bart, Sideshow Bob grabbed Bart's left arm and said, "I know that I'm older than you, but I still want to-" Bart said, "You're not kissin-" Sideshow Bob pulled Bart over to himself and kisses him. Bart pulls away and says, "I was trying to tell you that I wasn't going to allow you to kiss me!" Sideshow Bob nods and says, "I guess you still don't t-" Bart says, "No, no, I trust you, I just don't like you in that way."

The end.

(I couldn't think of anything else to put in this fanfic.)