AUTHOR'S NOTE – Welcome back everyone for another update of Second Encounter. Sorry for the constant delays of this fanfic, but it will be continuing at a much faster rate (hopefully). Enjoy!

Finn walked through the jungle area, not even knowing where he wanted to go anymore. At the point when a princess was deemed to die, he wanted no part in what was to come of her. So he began to run instead of walking, dodging and weaving out of tree lines to avoid getting his ass kicked by nature itself. Rather, he didn't make it far before he realized that something had landed in front of him. He stopped with a skid of his shoes and readied up his hands to fight whatever there was in front of him. As his guard heightened, the Jungle Princess emerged from the thick bush, dusting her arms off. She frowned to see Finn readied for an attack. "You." He said lowering his fists. He walked to the left only to be trailed by the Jungle Princess farther and farther. "Leave me alone." He declared walking faster. Yet the Jungle Princess didn't listen and kept trailing close behind the princess. Finn looked back to see nobody behind him and for a split second he thought she had given up. Till she appeared right in front of him, both running into each other. Jungle Princess backed a little bit ways and stared at the hero.

"Hero." She stated. Finn shook his head and walked on past her. "Not anymore, not if people I protect will die." He replied. A hand came over Finn's chest stopping him in his tracks. "Stop." She ordered. Finn began to feel a deep sense of rage for this nonsense of a woman. So he threw her hand off of his chest and walked on through the Jungle. "I'm done being the hero, I've told you that, and you should leave me alone." Finn mumbled still walking on. Jungle Princess clenched her fists and ran toward Finn, stopping him by putting her knuckles to her chest as a warning. "Gussariah." She said with a blush of her cheeks. Finn shook his head and began to move her out of the way before Jungle Princess grabbed him. Only to Finn's surprise she wasn't attacking him, rather grasping him for a hug. "My Gussariah." She mumbled under his shirt. Finn blushed as she nuzzled into his torso and he tried to free himself from the situation.

He finally freed himself and gently grabbed her arms to put her in front of him. "I am a hero. I protect all. If I can't protect everyone. Why be a hero?" Finn divided his sentence into individuals so she can understand. Jungle Princess put her soft warm hand on Finn's cheek and closed her eyes. For a minute Finn didn't feel anything but just as he was about to relieve her hand from his face, a light aurora began to form around them. His eyes widened as light circle and dodged all around him. He smiled as the Jungle Princess's eyes lit up like a person were star gazing on crisp pale moon night. Finn felt like if peace on earth were granted then this is what the Gods would guarantee the deceased. "Finn." Jungle Princess spoke out. Only instead of English, she spoke in a different language that Finn knew he wasn't supposed to know, but translated the words in his mind with ease. "You are a hero because the world needs a hero. The world also is swallowed in a darkness that none of us can see but you can. See it in yourself to save the ones that you know can be saved." Jungle Princess spoke in her language. "If I save the ones that I know can be saved, then I will make enemies." Finn replied. "Not true, if you look at the dark that shrouds this land, you will see that not everything is true, everything can be a manipulation of evil." Jungle Princess explained.

The light began to fade between the two as Jungle Princess began to slowly close her eyes and fall. Finn quickly grabbed her, lifting her up into his arm. Her hands felt his face and she smiled to be in her hero's arms. "You. Are. A. Hero." She said before passing out from the overconsumption of her power. He sighed and looked back at the trail that he had walked on.

Princess Bubblegum stood in the Jungle Camp, pacing around faster and faster. Jake sat on a log pouting and finding different ways to get his brother back. He thought of various things he could say that wouldn't piss him off. However, every time he thought of the things, the more he realized it led to Flame Princess's death. Bubblegum still paced around and looked back at the way Finn went through the Jungle. "He'll be back, he will. Yes he will. He's our only hope. Damnit where is he?" She began to spurt out. Jake looked at the entryway and saw that a blue shirt appeared out from the jungle. "Finn!" He shouted practically running out to his brother. Finn walked past his worrisome brother and carried Jungle Princess onto the campsite, right past the mumbling pink princess, and into a large tent that Finn assumed was Jungle Princess's. He laid the princess down and squatted beside her, feeling her forehead with his hand.

Walking back out of the tent he looked around at the worried people and he cleared his throat. Getting Jake's and Bubblegum's attention as well. Finn realized that his mind was telling him to speak Jungle, in which he began. "People. Your princess is fine, she is resting after showing me the truth. She has shown me that there is evil in the world, and that is true. Also she has shown me that the true evil is not our enemy currently." Finn spoke in Jungle. For a second all the Jungle people paused and slowly began to nod at his words. Jake, lost as he will ever be, scratched at the top of his head and looked at the princess. "What's he saying?" Jake asked. Princess Bubblegum didn't answer at first and kept listening to Finn rally up the Jungle People. "The real enemy is not the princess, but the true evil flame! We have to find it and kill it before it takes control of the princess for good." Finn stated. All of the Jungle people didn't make a sound, but instead raised their fists in the air and slowly began to chant the name that Finn was given.

"Gussariah, Gussariah, GUSSARIAH!" they all shouted. "Let's forever take the fire out and bring peace of the natural world!" Finn shouted raising his fist in the air. The Jungle People shouted up and down now yelling Gussariah as loud as they all could. Jake in the back however was lost to why they were shouting and yelling Gussariah. "Princess, what's going on?" He asked. Princess Bubblegum bit her lip and looked at the dog. "They're retaliating against me."

Back in the farther southern regions, sleet and snow began to fall down and around the crystalized structures. Through a window, a faint flame could be seen and an older man in a blue robe hunched over admiring it. "A flame, a dearest flame. Gunther! Watch as this dies." He cackled as his hands erupted shards of ice into the fire's core. "Damn fire. Shouldn't exist in this world." His voice cracked and wheezed. A little penguin emerged from a farther room to quaked and stomp in front of the old man. "What's that you say?" He asked. The penguin quaked and stomped louder going back into the room he came from. "Wait Gunter! I'll follow." The old man said following his penguin. The old man approached the room with the pale black haired vampire laying down in the bed, tossing and turning, shouting Finn's name over and over. "Finn! How dare you bring that mongrel name into this sacred castle!" He shouted freaking out. His hands uncontrollably blasted ice shards in every which direction, snapping the vampire out of her unconscious mind. "Simon stop! She shouted flying off the bed and out of the way. The old man grabbed his head and threw the crown off of the top, getting rid of his ice powers. He crumpled to the floor and felt tears running down his hands. "Gunther, give me the dose! Please!" He shouted.

The old man fell to the ground and just as he was about to give up on getting the medication, the vampire ejected him with the needle in which the penguin carried in his beak. "Oh thank you Gunther, what would I ever do without my little helper." The old man calmed looking up to see Marceline. "Oh you're awake! Good." He said grasping his crown from the floor. "Simon wait." Marceline replied following the ice king out the door. He looked at her with a pleasant smile, readjusting his crown on the top of his head. "What's wrong? Too small for me?" He asked trying to find different ways to adjust his crown. "No the crown's fine, but what's with the freak-out?" Marceline asked concerned. The ice king paused and looked at the pale vampire before memories began to pile in from his previous mind frame of being Simon. He saw her as a little girl and saw himself as a wise man with blue shaded glasses. "Marceline, I assure you I'm fine dear." Simon spoke out from the ice king. "Simon that's you! Please don't go back into the ice kin-." Marceline started.

The ice king's pale eyes and broken voice returned to see Marceline standing there in front of him. "What's wrong? Too small for me?" He asked again trying to find the same way Marceline saw the first time. She sighed and looked out the window of the ice kingdom. She looked back at him for the last time and spoke her last words to him. "If you're in there Simon, I want you to hear this from me and not anyone else. You were my life back before the ice came and if the ice king has something hidden from you, then he has locked you away in the old body you live in now. Please, if you come back, find your way to me." Marceline stated before flying out the window. Tears fell from her face and a shockwave erupted from her takeoff to the skies above. "Weird. This Simon guy must have been important. Oh well! She's gone and it's just you and me Gunther." Ice king shouted. Gunther replied with a small quake before waddling away.

AUTHOR'S NOTE – I hope the events of this fanfic isn't too all of the place. I'm liking how it's falling into place because it seems like Ice King to me has always been the hidden ally to Finn HINT HINT. Anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed this next update, which took a little while to plan. The updates should get a little better but we'll see. Leave a review, like, or follow up for the next chapter!