Epilogue: Reunion

Nobody's POV

It had bee a few weeks since Dai Shi had been destroyed and Dom and Fran left for Europe. Stryder kept having those weird dreams of that Red Ranger, but he also saw other Rangers behind that one. What did the dreams mean?


One day, a girl with a hat covering her face walked in the restaurant and Lily walked up to take her order.

"Welcome to Jungle Karma Pizza, how can I..." Lily paused when the girl looked up at her, showing her face, "I... I... Oh my gosh...! You're-"

The girl leaned up and covered Lily's mouth with her hand and whispered, "Shush! Please don't say it out loud! I don't want anyone to know I'm here. I finally got two months off, and I just need to relax."

Lily nodded and grinned, "Just a sec. There's someone you have to see."

The girl raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Okay..."

Lily speed walked into the kitchen where Stryder was just getting a pizza out.

"Stryder! Get out here! There's someone you've got to see!"

"Wait, wha-" Stryder was interrupted by Lily pushing him out the door and right back to the girl's booth, "Lily!"

When the girl saw him, her eyes widened.

"Geez Lily, you're acting weird toda-" Stryder stopped himself as he looked at the girl and his eyes widened.



They both seemed to be frozen in place for a few seconds. Then Kira quickly jumped up and kissed Stryder, nearly knocking him over. People looked over but just shook their heads, smiling.

"Man, I've missed you," Stryder said when he got air again.

"Me too," Kira smiled, kissing him again.

Lily watched the two with a smile on her face. Casey then walked up.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Stryder just reunited with his girlfriend," Lily answered.

"Ah, love," Casey grinned, "It's a strange thing."

"It really is," Lily agreed.

They locked eyes for a second but then looked away blushing. They just looked at Stryder and Kira, both secretly hoping that one day, that would be them.


How's that for an epilogue? Oh, and there will be a sequel, but that sequel will be the last book in my Power Rangers series. Sad to see it go, but it's been fun. I'll start it once I've caught up with Red vs Blue. Be prepared for Power Rangers Dino Fury! Till next time guys!