I have just come up with an idea for yet another parody. Someone has
probably beat me to this idea, but I'm using it anyway..letters of the
Fellowship! To each other, etc. It's like doing diaries, only..different.
I'll just be putting up 2 people at a time and their letters to each other. Plus maybe a couple of private thoughts here and there. First up.Aragorn and Arwen.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Arry,
Love and smoochies,
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
NO! I'm STILL not king! It makes me sad, so every time I take a bath I nearly KILL myself!
PT, Aragorn (that stands for Private Thought): There! She'll lap that up.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Arry,
Aaaaawww! Why didn't you tell me you were so worried? Poor baby! XXXXXXX How's that journey of yours going, anyhow? Is it like, totally cool?
Love and smoochies,
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
It's not TOO bad. Remember Legolas? Well, we went over Caradhras today and that el-er, he was nancing around on top of the snow, laughing at us poor cold buried-up-to-our-butts in snow creatures. But my stubble is still nice, stubbly, and manly. Just for you, babe.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Aragorn,
Aaww! Poor you! Well, you'll just have to get used to that. Legolas is ALWAYS like that. I've known him since he was 200. Didn't take any notice of him then one day he's walking around Rivendell (he was visiting) and I'm like, 'whoa there. That is one MAJOR hottie'. But don't worry, Arry dear, he's got none of the manly stubble I love you for! Smoochies!
Love and smoochies,
PS: Do NOT show this to Legolas!
PT, Aragorn: Oh shit..
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
*thus his flirtation with Eowyn in TTT is explained
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Aragorn,
I don't think he's hot anymore!!! Well, maybe just a little.but please don't get mad at me, Daddy's making me go to the Gray Havens and (all that would be where this text is now was blurred out because it got wet) Sorry. It's raining. Can't be helped. Wait.uh oh. He's trying on my dresses again! Gotta run! Smoochies!
Love and MORE smoochies,
PT, Arwen: Daddy has really got to get some fashion sense. EVERYone but him seems to know that green and orange just don't mix. Even Haldir knows. Maybe I should give him that blue dress for his birthday..he did seem to like it...
Random LOTR fan who saw both movies: Which blue dress? She wears more than one blue dress!
Me: She does? Oh well. Maybe he likes all of her blue dresses.
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
Can't really see to write. We're in the Mines of Moria. Legolas complaining about how the dust will mess up his hair. Can't WAIT to see it after..
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Dear Aragorn,
The Mines of Moria???!!! Noooooo! Quick! Get out! Daddy says there's a BALROG in there! I don't know what the hell that is, but I don't think it'll improve Legolas' complexion at all. Hurry!
Love and smoochies, Arwen
At this point, Aragorn stopped writing for a while, being totally smitten with Galadriel, then depressed because Celeborn got her first, then even MORE depressed because he finally got what Arwen was saying and realized that she loved Legolas more than him, and then even MORE depressed because Legolas found out. And we all know what happened then..
did you like it? ANY of it? Stupid I know, but.I couldn't resist. Now see the little review button? Please push it and review it. PLEASE? PRETTY please? With a picture of Legolas on top? Signed? You can't have him, we en't divorcing now, but you can have a signed picture.
Or he can get a signed picture of any one else if you would like. Anyhow, just push the little button and write something. ( Oh, and if I DO keep going.who should I do next? I'm thinking..hobbits. No, wait, I just got this GOOD idea for Gimli.I'll get back to you on that one. (
I'll just be putting up 2 people at a time and their letters to each other. Plus maybe a couple of private thoughts here and there. First up.Aragorn and Arwen.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Arry,
Love and smoochies,
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
NO! I'm STILL not king! It makes me sad, so every time I take a bath I nearly KILL myself!
PT, Aragorn (that stands for Private Thought): There! She'll lap that up.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Arry,
Aaaaawww! Why didn't you tell me you were so worried? Poor baby! XXXXXXX How's that journey of yours going, anyhow? Is it like, totally cool?
Love and smoochies,
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
It's not TOO bad. Remember Legolas? Well, we went over Caradhras today and that el-er, he was nancing around on top of the snow, laughing at us poor cold buried-up-to-our-butts in snow creatures. But my stubble is still nice, stubbly, and manly. Just for you, babe.
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Aragorn,
Aaww! Poor you! Well, you'll just have to get used to that. Legolas is ALWAYS like that. I've known him since he was 200. Didn't take any notice of him then one day he's walking around Rivendell (he was visiting) and I'm like, 'whoa there. That is one MAJOR hottie'. But don't worry, Arry dear, he's got none of the manly stubble I love you for! Smoochies!
Love and smoochies,
PS: Do NOT show this to Legolas!
PT, Aragorn: Oh shit..
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
*thus his flirtation with Eowyn in TTT is explained
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Oh my dearest love Aragorn,
I don't think he's hot anymore!!! Well, maybe just a little.but please don't get mad at me, Daddy's making me go to the Gray Havens and (all that would be where this text is now was blurred out because it got wet) Sorry. It's raining. Can't be helped. Wait.uh oh. He's trying on my dresses again! Gotta run! Smoochies!
Love and MORE smoochies,
PT, Arwen: Daddy has really got to get some fashion sense. EVERYone but him seems to know that green and orange just don't mix. Even Haldir knows. Maybe I should give him that blue dress for his birthday..he did seem to like it...
Random LOTR fan who saw both movies: Which blue dress? She wears more than one blue dress!
Me: She does? Oh well. Maybe he likes all of her blue dresses.
To: Arwen
From: Aragorn
Dear Arwen,
Can't really see to write. We're in the Mines of Moria. Legolas complaining about how the dust will mess up his hair. Can't WAIT to see it after..
To: Aragorn
From: Arwen
Dear Aragorn,
The Mines of Moria???!!! Noooooo! Quick! Get out! Daddy says there's a BALROG in there! I don't know what the hell that is, but I don't think it'll improve Legolas' complexion at all. Hurry!
Love and smoochies, Arwen
At this point, Aragorn stopped writing for a while, being totally smitten with Galadriel, then depressed because Celeborn got her first, then even MORE depressed because he finally got what Arwen was saying and realized that she loved Legolas more than him, and then even MORE depressed because Legolas found out. And we all know what happened then..
did you like it? ANY of it? Stupid I know, but.I couldn't resist. Now see the little review button? Please push it and review it. PLEASE? PRETTY please? With a picture of Legolas on top? Signed? You can't have him, we en't divorcing now, but you can have a signed picture.
Or he can get a signed picture of any one else if you would like. Anyhow, just push the little button and write something. ( Oh, and if I DO keep going.who should I do next? I'm thinking..hobbits. No, wait, I just got this GOOD idea for Gimli.I'll get back to you on that one. (