I do not own Highschool DxD or dragon ball all rights got to their owners except for my OC

"Boost!" speech

'Boost!' Inner thoughts or narration

[Boost!] Dragon speech


(Insert High School DxD CD 1 – Track 19 – Watashi no tame Ni, Ikinasai)

'H-how the h-hell did I, a d-descendant of the saiyan Son Goku lose to someone so low as her… d-dammit I can't die here I can't I would dishonoring the saiyan race especially my ancestor Goku… huh who is that.. Red, the same color as her hair… darker than any red hair I've ever seen… just like the color running through my hand … long beautiful crimson hair… just like this' thought the half saiyan half human Sunnyl, the last of the saiyan bloodline and bearer of the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet or as its better known as, the boosted gear

"Not today, I will not let you die" said the mysterious red haired girl

(Track End)

(1 Week before)

"Godammit this is so boring I'd rather go to the library than be out here… Can you guys tell me why the hell we're here again" Said Sunnyl who was uninterested on what the two other boys in front of him where doing

"Dude what the fuck do you mean you'd rather be in the library the view in here is fucking amazing, aIl of the girls in the locker room are smoking hot!" said Matsuda one of Sunnyl's friends

"Murayama's jugs are huge… 36' 22' 34'" said Motohama who kept rambling about girls bust size, he was also Sunnyl's friend

"*Sigh* you're both idiots" said Sunnyl in a disappointed tone

"Hey it's not our fault we can't get any girlfriends, for god's sake you can get a girlfriend at any time you want because you are literally look like you were perfectly sculptured like a buff god, I bet if it wasn't for all that muscle you'd also be unpopular?! Exclaimed Matsuda and Motohoma as they hugged each other and started to cry anime style but this got the attention of the girls in the locker room

"What was that? It must be those perverts again" said one of the girls

"Oh shit run!" Exclaimed Motohama as both him and Matsuda ran for it leaving Sunnyl to deal with enraged girls

"Ow fucking assholes" muttered Sunnyl who started to get up when he turned around he saw all the girls in the locker room come out armed with bamboo sticks they were ready to strike the perverts down but they stopped as soon as they saw Sunnyl

"Sunnyl, were you the one looking at us changing?" asked one of the girls

"No" was Sunnyl's simple response

"Sunnyl if you wanted to look at us you should have asked us, you could come in and help us" said another girl

"NO IT WAS US!" Exclaimed both Matsuda and Motohama at the same time as they came out of hiding from the two trees behind Sunnyl

"So it was them, Get them!" Exclaimed all the girls as they ran past Sunnyl to beat up Matsuda and Motohama

(Minutes Later)

"HAHAHAHAHAHA You guys got your asses kicked if I didn't leave my phone at home I would've recorded that shit!" Exclaimed Sunnyl who was rolling around the grass laughing at his friends beat down at the girls locker room Matsuda and Motohama just groaned in embarrassment as they were being humiliated by their friend, Sunnyl finally calmed himself down

'Huh I feel a weird energy and its close' thought Sunnyl as he thought that he turned his head, he saw a girl with crimson red hair looking out of a window causing him to ask "Who is that"

"Oh Sunnyl I see you found the beautiful Rias Gremory" Responded Motohama

"She's the hottest girl in the school, I bet my whole life that she's the hottest woman in the world" said Matsuda

(With Rias)

"Hm isn't that Son Sunnyl?" Asked Rias

"Yes he is" responded Akeno

"He has hidden power within him, he will be of great help in my plan" said Rias

"You know he can be more than just a weapon I mean look at his amazing body" Gushed Akeno

(Later that day with Sunnyl)

'Man this is boring maybe I'll train in the gravity chamber when I get home I always did want to try x400 gravity…'

"Hello, are you Son Sunnyl?" Nervously asked a girl that had long black hair and light purple eyes

"Yes, but who're you? Last time I checked I haven't seen you around" asked Sunnyl

"My name is Yuma Amano and I've seen you pass by here almost every day" said Yuma

'That's just creepy!'

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and I was wondering if you were going out with anyone? Asked Yuma

"No I'm not" said Sunnyl trying to hide how annoyed he was

"…So then will you go out with me? Asked Yuma nervously

"I'm sorry but I'll have to decline it's nothing against you but I'm not looking for a girlfriend"

"O-oh its okay, but thank you for being honest" Yuma bowed and ran away

'Dammit that stupid filthy human declined me now I'll have to wait until I get the chance to assassinate him, the more time he's alive the bigger chance the devils have to recruit him '

(Minutes prior to Sunnyl's death)

Sunnyl was at a park sitting on a bench near the fountain, he finished his jog around the park 100 times before he decided to rest, he was very tired since he was wearing freshly made weighted clothing that were 12 tons in total so you can imagine how vulnerable he is right now

"I'm getting really hungry now I should go home to get something to eat…and I need to figure out what's this flyer's for too" Sunnyl said to himself, he was about take off into the sky but he was interrupted by the same girl from before


"Uh it's you what are you doing here?"

"I need a favor from you"

"Um sure I can do it as long as it's quick"

"Oh trust me it will be really quick"

"Okay so what do you need from me?"

"Can you die for me?"

"Uh come again?" asked Sunnyl who taught he heard the question wrong, his answer was getting impaled by a giant spear of light by Yuma who was no longer human, she wore a very revealing outfit with black angel wings attached to her back and she also looked more mature as well

(And this is how we got to him dying)

"I'm sorry but the fact is you were far too great a risk for us I had no choice but to dispose of you, If you're looking for someone to blame why not blame him he's the one who gave you the sacred gear"

"Fuck you" was the only thing Sunnyl managed to say before he collapsed on the floor with blood spreading everywhere around his body

(Insert High School DxD CD 1 – Track 19 – Watashi no tame Ni, Ikinasai)

'What the hell is this really how I'm going to die? I always imagined dying a warrior's death… but now I'm going die like a pathetic animal… Red, the same color as her hair… darker than any red hair I've ever seen… just like the color running through my hand … long beautiful crimson hair… just like this, what the hell why am I talking like this I'm about to die in the most pathetic way possible… Damn why, why I wanted to honor the saiyans but to die like this it's just too pathetic for someone like me to die like this… If only…if only I could get a second chance of life I will train myself until I bleed from the insides, I will train until I can surpass my ancestor Son Goku!'

Sunnyl's prayer for a second life came true as the flyer in his pocket floated up in midair before it turned itself into a giant red circle with the Gremory clan symbol lowering itself causing it to summon a certain red head into the scene

"I have come, you're the one who summoned me was it not"

'W-who is that?'

"Since death is upon you I will gladly take you in"

'She has wings as well'

"From this moment forward you'll live your life for my sake"

(Track End)

(Next Day)

'What the hell the dream felt so real I actually felt like I was stabbed and the whole dying part as well' Sunnyl was thinking to himself about what happened last night

"Hey you okay man" Asked Matsuda who saw Sunnyl's weird behavior

"Yeah are you okay you usually aren't his quiet" said Motohama

"Huh oh no it's not nothing really it's just a weird dream I had" Responded Sunnyl

"Okay if you say so" Said Motohama

"You know I have something that'll light up the mood… I recently bought a new DVD called double D's and the nerds who love them!" Said Matsuda with a lecherous grin on his face

"That sounds awesome so we can go watch it today?" Asked Motohama with anticipation

"Yep my parents won't be home today since they're on a business trip so I have the house all to myself…Hey Sunnyl are you gonna come with us"

"No thanks I need to take care of some important business back home"

"Oh yeah I forgot you live alone well you can come and watch it tomorrow if you want"

"Sure I guess well I'll see you guys Friday" and with that he left the two perverts to contemplate on his dream


It was night time and Sunnyl was walking in the park still debating to himself if the dream was an actual dream or if it actually happened

'It's the same fountain… The same one at was at before she killed me…this can't be fake it's definitely real I remembered every detail of that dream I even felt the pain so It was real… but how am I still alive… Huh what the hell is that' thought Sunnyl as he heard a summoning circle behind him, he turned around to see a man with a tan colored coat and black fedora on

"Well this really is unfortunate, me running into you that is…"

"Who're you and what do you want from me!" Exclaimed Sunnyl who got into a defensive stance, luckily for him he was actually aware of what is going on right now, he wasn't going to let anyone get a cheap shot on him like Yuma did to him

"Ah so you're planning on fighting back, there's no use just give up and your death will be painless, but if you must know my name is Dohnaseek and I'm a fallen angel, but It doesn't matter you're about to die anyway "

"Like hell I will!" Exclaimed Sunnyl, who charged at Dohnaseek hitting him twice in the gut then kicking him upwards, he disappeared from his previous spot and reappeared behind Dohnaseek spiking him back down to the ground causing a small crater to form where he landed

"You filthy devil how dare you hit me!" said Dohnaseek with disgust as his black wings appeared behind him

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but if you don't leave me alone I'll destroy you right now" Sunnyl's statement caused Dohnaseek to start laughing

"I warned you" Said Sunnyl as he charged once again towards Dohnaseek

"You fell for it" said Dohnaseek as a dark energy orb was flung towards Sunnyl who simply just backhanded the orb away thinking it was just a regular Ki blast

"What do you mean I fell for it?" Asked Sunnyl as he stopped his offensive charge towards the fallen angel

"You'll see soon enough" answered Dohnaseek who summoned a light spear in his hand

"Gh-what I c-can't move my body?!"

"Hmph you were a pretty formidable opponent for a stray devil but too bad you didn't think this through" Said Dohnaseek as he threw his light spear at Sunnyl who once again got helplessly impaled

"S-son of a whore!" Was Sunnyl's last response before he collapsed flat on his back

The fallen angel summoned another light spear to finish off the half saiyan half devil hybrid but before he could throw it a red beam of energy hit his hand making the light spear disintegrate in his hand

"Get your hands off of him" said Rias who know appeared out of a summoning circle

"Hmph I'll teach you not to mettle were you don't belong" Said Dohnaseek as he threw his light spear towards Rias but it was kicked away by koneko

"I'm done with you!" Exclaimed Dohnaseek as he charged towards Rias but was stopped again by Akeno who unleashed powerful lighting magic

"…That hair, you're from the house of Gremory" said Dohnaseek as he put back his fedora

"My name is Rias Gremory, and who are you other than a fallen angel"

"Heh well, well who knew, this town is currently under the control of the next head of the great Gremory family, so he's a part of your house hold I take it?

"If you bring any harm to him you will get no mercy from me"

"I apologize for the misunderstanding, although it's unwise to let your servants loose like this, the next time he's out for a stroll he might encounter someone that's less cordial than myself"

"I appreciate the friendly advice, but bear in mind if something like this happens again I'll make you regret ever crossing paths with the house of Gremory my friend"

"No offense to your noble household but you should bear in mind that the same thing could be said to you, my name is Dohnaseek I pray that you and I never meet again" And with that Dohnaseek disappeared into the night

"That was a close call, I can't believe he actually ran into a fallen one" said Akeno

"If we don't do something he'll die" said koneko

"That won't happen he'll live, I'll see to that myself" said Rias

(The next day in Sunnyl's house)

"…..What the hell that was definitely no dream it couldn't have been, it all felt to real…Huh why the fuck am I naked" said Sunnyl as he lifted his blanket only for him to see a naked Rias beside him

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Exclaimed Sunnyl as he fell backwards and hit the floor this of course woke rias up from her sleep

"…Good morning Sunnyl"

"W-what the hell w-why are you naked?! No there's no way this can't be real it can't!"

"No this is real and so as everything else you have experienced as a matter of fact, my name is Rias Gremory and I'm a devil, not only that but I'm your master too, you're mine now" nice to meet you Son Sunnyl"

"….No I refuse to be a slave, my race were already slaves before… but now this is different I'm the last of the saiyans and I won't let myself be chained by someone like you!" Exclaimed Sunnyl with rage

"Well too bad I saved your life twice so you have no choice"

"Gh-Dammit!" Shouted Sunnyl as he smashed his desk into tiny pieces this action surprised and scared rias she has never met someone so prideful in her life luckily for her Sunnyl calmed down immediately after

"So… now what?" asked Sunnyl with an embarrassed voice

"What do you think? We're going to school of course" said Rias who started to put her clothes on

"Grr hurry up then I'm already done…Oh and one more thing just because you're my master now that doesn't mean I'll follow your orders" said Sunnyl as he glared at rias

"Well I guess I'll be looking forward to that challenge then" Rias said calmly

Sunnyl simply grunted and headed downstairs, he has no idea what's going on but one thing is for sure his life will turn upside down because of one single mistake


AN: And here you go a new story because I'm fucking bored and I have too much time on my hands… before I forget:

Sunnyl's hair color: Dark purple

Sunnyl's Hairstyle: Future gohan's hairstyle

Sunnyl's eye color: green

Sunnyl's Height: 5'8

Sunnyl's weight: 170 pounds