Chapter 3

Author's Note: This is word emphasis

When morning dawns InuYasha is surprised to find someone new at the shrine. Said person, a female, scoffs as she looks him over, " Sachiko-chan, why am I teaching this whelp how to use a sword again? "

" Makino, he will be protecting my daughter in the Feudal Era, and his own pup. I'd rather he learn how to wield a weapon, just so he doesn't have to rely on his claws! " is the hot, and immediate retort.

" Fine, I'll teach the whelp, though first he is learning how to care for a sword. "

InuYasha has a terrible feeling of foreboding, " I'm in for hell, aren't I? " he asks rhetorically.

Sachiko smiles, " Makino will teach you weapons, while I'll work on your mind. I can tell you have a keen one, and that should be nurtured as well. "

InuYasha sighs, and keeps his ears trained for his pup, Makino brings him a rusty sword, and starts on his lessons. Informed that he did in fact have a child to care for, she knows their lessons will be interrupted briefly when said child wakes up. Any true parent will want to see to their child first, and from the way he has his ears set, he was already listening for her. Though he was also attentive to their lessons. Perhaps he had more potential than she realized, it would only be when she left for the day that she realized that she would be training the future wielder of Tetsusaiga, InuYasha. All demon hunters knew he'd been instrumental in defeating Naraku, and apparently the priestess that had helped him to track down the shards of the jewel, and then wished it out of existence was Kagome. She did bring clothes for Kagome in the sizes that Sachiko gave her.

It would make sense for her to have clothes that could handle what she'd be getting into as she travelled looking for the shards of the jewel she'd accidentally broken. It was an hour after she'd started teaching InuYasha that he stands up, and spins to his right, catching the energetic pup that had thrown herself at him. Izumi giggles as he tickles her, " Morning, Pup, Kagome's mom has arranged for me to be taught how to use a sword, which means I'm starting off with learning how to care for a sword. "

" He's stubborn, so you may need to phrase things in a way that interests him. "

" Learning all this will help him to be able to protect you all the better. " Makino says to the pup.

Izumi smiles, " That will do it, can you take a break to eat, Sachiko-san sent me to tell you breakfast is ready. "

" I expect you back here in seven days for another lesson, got it, whelp. "

InuYasha's ears twitch, but instinct has him holding his tongue, " Feh, fine. "

Makino rolls her eyes, " Pup, keep your sire out of trouble, would you? " With that parting remark she leaves InuYasha spluttering, and his pup laughing.

The hanyou makes his way into the Higurashi home, and his mental lessons start, while Kagome is working hard on her schoolwork while she can. Souta helps Izumi with her numbers while they eat, and InuYasha knew he would never be able to repay the kindness the Higurashi family was showing them. Sachiko whacks him upside the head, " Get that thought out of your head right now. You'll be protecting my daughter in the past, and in exchange you, and your daughter get the education that narrow minded bigots denied you both. "

Kagome giggles at the look on InuYasha's face, " We'll head back this afternoon, okay. Mom, Grandpa, I need targets set up so I can practice my archery when I'm here, and gramps, I should probably learn exorcisms, and last rites as well. "

The old man nods at this, " I'll teach you how to make anti-evil talismans first, and we'll progress from there. "

InuYasha supposed her learning how to perform last rites would actually be a good thing. Angry ghosts were not something one wanted to deal with after all. Even if he couldn't see them, he had heard stories about them. Izumi and InuYasha were both put into school while Kagome and Souta went to their separate schools. While not thrilled with having to learn, InuYasha did see the value in it. Sometimes fighting smarter was better than fighting harder after all. Being smarter than those that had gone after him, and then his pup had sometimes been all that had kept them alive.

He liked the games Sachiko used to teach them the basics, and once his pup was outside playing Sachiko looks at him, " It's not easy, is it? "

InuYasha didn't need to ask what she meant by that, " No, it's not, always second guessing yourself as to if you're doing right by your child. "

" I'd say you're doing good so far, she's happy, healthy, and adores you. " Sachiko says.

" Thank you, I just wish my mom could have met her, even once, but she was born so long after my mom died. Izumi gets most of her looks from my mother actually, the ears and eyes are all me. "

" Forgive me if this is a sensitive topic, but where is Izumi's mother? " Sachiko asks him, noticing the tightening of his eyes, the clenching of his fists, apparently it was a sensitive topic.

" What do you know about pack mentality? " InuYasha asks her.

" Not much. "

" Well, her dam got into a dominance fight with me, had she won, the terms were I sire her child, but she cheated, she used outside help, and Izumi was conceived while I was out cold. My father was a very powerful dog demon, the Lord of the Western Lands, my older half brother now has that title. The bitch wanted the blood of InuTaisho flowing through the veins of her pups, but didn't dare go to Sesshoumaru for that. Since she cheated she shamed herself, had she not been with pup she would have been slain immediately, instead I had to wait until my pup no longer needed her. Sesshoumaru was pissed, mostly because it meant he lost control of his pack. "

" In other words, she knew she wouldn't win, and basically raped you to get what she wanted, and then she was killed when Izumi no longer needed her. Good for you. What is your relationship with your brother? "

" Strained, though he respects that I killed the bitch, and his pack, at least, won't hurt myself, or Izumi. He did look out for me at a distance, even if he can't stand the fact that I exist, I am his brother. "

Sachiko nods, " Essentially he didn't like the new kid in the pack, right? "

InuYasha snorts at how she'd said that, " Most demons can't stand humans, and hanyou's never fit in. Izumi's three quarters demon, one quarter human. He just couldn't understand why our father chose my mother. "

" You could leave her here, she'd be safe. "

" Maybe for the really dangerous fights, but she needs training on how to use her demonic powers. That can really only be done in the past, and I don't like her being out of my sight for too long. "

Sachiko frowns thoughtfully, their era was far more dangerous, and Izumi was a child, a demonic child, but a child nonetheless. Instincts would also being playing a part in this, InuYasha was a single hanyou parent to a child that had more demonic blood than he did. That had to put a target on both of their backs, so his instincts would demand he keep his pup close at hand while she was so young, " I understand, still, bring her here so she can play like the child she is. "

InuYasha smirks, " I can agree to that, now, I think it's time to play with my pup. How'd you like to be the one she seeks? "

Sachiko has to laugh, " Turning Hide and Seek into a training exercise as well, shrine grounds are the limit, right? "

" Yeah, she has your scent, and you are allowed to move. This is also hunting training. " InuYasha states, " I have to make sure she has the necessary skills to survive on her own. "

" Well, you learning how to use a knife to skin things would probably help. "

InuYasha groans, " We may come through whenever the moonless nights occur, it's when I'm the most vulnerable. "

Sachiko blinks, " Vulnerable? "

" All hanyou lose their demonic powers for one night a month, mine just so happens to be the moonless night. " InuYasha states, if Sachiko wouldn't feel so much like his own mother there was no way he would have ever told her that.

Izumi has fun hunting Sachiko, and laughs outright when InuYasha scoops her up, nuzzling her neck. He sometimes just needed to inhale her scent, it calmed him. Sachiko smiles as she watches them, yes, InuYasha was a good father, making the best of what had to be a terrible living situation. Yes, they would both be welcomed at the shrine so that darling daughter of his could get the puppyhood she deserved.

Feudal Era:

InuYasha leaps out of the well with Kagome and his pup. Kagome now has on a green t-shirt, and brown trousers, along with shoes meant for all terrains, she also has her hair pulled back into a braid, with spikes woven in that were laced with sedatives strong enough to knock out full demons. Her bag was also made for demon hunters, and held far more than one would think, yet didn't expand in size. She had brought three brushes along, and looked up natural ways to clean hair before leaving, bringing along books on that as well. Once back at Kaede's village Kagome asks for training on how to at least perform final rites, just in case. Kaede agrees to help her learn. Izumi snuggles into her father, dropping off into sleep immediately.

It was only when dinner was ready that she woke up, but stayed curled up with her father, she liked being able to snuggle up with him. InuYasha indulges her since they never really did get to have times like this too often, though he wasn't thrilled with the beads Kaede put on him, until she explains that it's a just in case measure. " You've never been truly backed into a corner, InuYasha, have ye. Your sire's blood is powerful, it could overwhelm you, and at that point, only Izumi-chan would be safe from you. " Kaede states.

InuYasha frowns thoughtfully, " I hate that you're right about that. My demonic instincts would never allow harm to come to Izumi, especially by my own claws. Kagome wouldn't have that protection. "

" Aye, the beads are a mere precaution only, InuYasha. " Kaede says.

" I promise to not use them on you too often, but you're on your own if you piss me off, got that? " Kagome asks him.

" Great, my brain to mouth filter is not the best at keeping me from saying stupid things. " InuYasha groans.

Izumi giggles, " Just be very careful with your words once a month then. "

InuYasha pales at this statement, " Right, hold my tongue once a month, and then hope to hell I don't piss you off the rest of the time, I can do that, I think. "

The females all laugh as he says this, as Kagome sits behind Izumi, running a brush through her hair. Once Izumi's hair is brushed Kagome whips it up into a braid, and InuYasha gives her a thankful nod, Izumi never had anyone to do the motherly things with her before. He'd done his best to be mother and father to his pup, but he couldn't do it all. Izumi bolts to her feet, and rolls her golden eyes, " Uncle Sesshy's visiting. "

InuYasha chokes on his pup's nickname for his brother, " What the hell does he want this time? "

That was when his hand slaps at his neck, and he blinks, " Myoga the flea, and my brother, okay, what's going on, Myoga? "

" Simple, little brother, though I agree not with our father's decision, it is time you receive your inheritance. Normally I would battle you for this, but you have a pup that needs protecting, which means you need Tetsusaiga more than I do. "

InuYasha has to laugh when his pup glomps onto Sesshoumaru, " Hi, Uncle Sesshy. "

He laughs even harder at the look on Sesshoumaru's face at his niece's nickname for him, and bops Jaken on the head before he can do something stupid, " Jaken, my niece is a mere pup, it would be wise for you to remember that she, and InuYasha are under my protection. Plus, my brother will rend you limb from limb if you hurt his pup. "

Jaken subsides, " Where is my inheritance then? "

" In father's hidden tomb. " Sesshoumaru says.

Izumi, when she hears the clues rolls her eyes, " Are you really all that dense, it's in Daddy's eye. "

Everyone looks at the pup, and Sesshoumaru sighs, " Perhaps father actually did have the right idea, your pup is smarter than most of the bitches in my pack. "

" Inbreeding, you have to bring new blood in every so often, or mental retardation, or physical abnormalities will occur. Studies are done on this in my time. " Kagome says matter-of-factly.

Sesshoumaru looks at her, " I see, that would make some sense. I will have to see about bringing in some fresh blood, the idiocy is painful. "

InuYasha scoffs, " Like my pup's dam, really using help in a dominance fight. "

Not even Jaken could complain about that, to use help in a dominance fight spoke of weakness, and InuYasha was rather powerful for a half-demon. He only got more powerful once he had a pup to protect. Izumi was what made the brothers tolerate each other. She existed because Sesshoumaru had lost control of his pack, which was unacceptable to the full demon. InuYasha had been within his rights to kill her dam after the pup no longer needed her. Even the full demons were disgusted she had used help in a dominance fight just to get InuTaisho's blood in her pups. No one had blamed the hanyou for killing the bitch for the presumption of forcefully mounting him to sire her pups.

Izumi curls up with Kagome while the brothers go get the sword, InuYasha's deep desire to protect Izumi, and his promise to Sachiko to protect her daughter allow him to draw Tetsusaiga from it's pedestal, and the brothers leave again. InuYasha was now grateful he'd be getting lessons on using a sword, he'd need them. Though he does start cleaning Tetsusaiga, lest his new sensei tear him a new one. Sesshoumaru makes a note of the female his niece was with, she was most likely a new member of InuYasha's growing pack. Izumi accepted her, unlike the priestess that had sealed his brother, and niece.

Sesshoumaru takes his leave, though he does make sure to remember where the village is, he'd warn his pack that the village was now considered his brother's territory. There was also the matter of the priestess as well, the younger sister to the one whom sealed his family. Then again from all reports at the time Izumi had been friends with the old priestess before the sealing. InuYasha watches him go, Izumi's presence made things easier when it came to dealing with his older brother. Kagome looks at him, a silent query in her eyes, " Before Izumi Sesshoumaru and I couldn't even be in the same place without fighting, her presence keeps it so we can tolerate each other. "

" Basically two alphas fighting each other for dominance, huh? " Kagome asks him.

InuYasha blinks, was it really as simple as that, had his existence threatened Sesshoumaru's position as Alpha, was it as simple as that once he got old enough? " Huh, never thought about it like that. "

Even Myoga was stupefied that the explanation for the hostilities between the brothers could be explained that simply. " Ye are not a threat to his rule now, InuYasha, ye have a pup, and a tentative new pack member in Kagome. " Kaede says.

InuYasha snorts as he observes his pup curled up with Kagome, Izumi did need a female influence in her life, even if he didn't want that to be so. At least Kagome didn't automatically think he was evil, like just about everyone else did. Her mother, Sachiko-san, had even arranged for swordsmanship lessons for him, had agreed to continue his education...yeah, Kagome might make a good pack member.

Time Gates:

Meiou Setsuna, Sailor Pluto, is absolutely befuddled at this moment. The Tsukino family, the ones that were to have the hime, did not have a daughter. What was happening? Where was the Hime? Pluto's garnet eyes held the beginnings of panic in them, if she couldn't find the hime then everything was screwed over. Beryl would rule the Earth unchecked.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or InuYasha.