Title: Full Moon

Summary: What if by some strange accident the Cullen family lost their Renesmee? And Renesmee lost her memory? And to add to it she has been in a human orphanage. She has no memory since the age of 6, as we all know the Cullen family would never stop looking.

General Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters all rights are reserved to Stephenie Meyer.

hailey79726- So you commented on how Renesmee cannot smell Jacob like that, I just wanted to clear up some confusion so you would know how I am to portray it. In the book series, which is what this is going off of, it never says if Renesmee can or cannot smell Jacob. So that would leave it to ones own interpretation, I believe that Renesmee would still be able to smell him, since she is half vampire, but it would not be as potent as the other full vampires smelling him. When she was younger he was always there so she would have thought it was normal that he smelled like that, but they have been separated for years so now she can definitely smell the difference between him and other humans. Hope this helps! :-)

Rolling with the Flow

The days here passed quickly, I had gotten use to the constant eyes of the other people living in this house, I had also gotten use to the sudden drop ins by the 'family friend', Jacob. Everything here passed with ease, I was allowed to do what I wanted, eat what I wanted, but I could help out.

On my second day here I tried to wake up early and find the cleaning supplies, I was stopped by the ever smiling Esme who said I could watch her cook, but not help, on the third day I again tried to wake up early, going so far as to wake up at five in the morning, I had been successful in finding the cleaning supplies but Edward had quickly shown up at the scene and said he needed my help, which ended up being another game of chess. On the fourth night I was determined to help with the cleaning, so I stayed up all night and waited for everyone to retire to their rooms, I had always been able to sneak around if really needed, then I ran swiftly through the halls, not making a single sound, and into the cleaning area. I was able to prepare the cleaning supplies when Isabella had found me about to start cleaning.

She, and Edward who had come along, took, more like dragged, me back to my room and there they tucked, more like tied, me into bed. I was bound there the rest of the night and in the morning they had to come get me out since they had tucked me in so hard I could not get out.

No one had ever actually said I could not clean but it was very well implied, the fact that they would refuse to let me get to the cleaning supplies and all of them kept an even closer eye on me now. I had gone to the cleaning supplies sometimes after to try my last and final attempt, but they were gone without a trace.

It was now the second week of my being here and I was currently cuddled, yes cuddled as much as I hate to admit it, up next to Isabella, my adopted mother. I still called everyone by very formal terms but it was clear I was warming up to them, whenever I did lay on my adopted mothers shoulder I had to curl myself up since I was so much taller than her, it made it a little awkward but still worth it.

"Hey Remi?"

I looked up to see Emmett talking to me as he leaned over the couch, squishing it with his huge muscles.

"Yes?" I said, not moving from my adopted mothers shoulder.

"Me and some of the family are going to be gone for a while, well mostly everyone but Bella and Edward, that okay?" He asked, as if I have some say in it.

I just smiled at him, "Its fine."

I had definitely warmed up to Emmett he was carefree and easy to talk to, his wife, Rosalie, was also very kind and always tried to help me out. She would snap at Emmett every time he tried to crack an inappropriate joke, I would always stifle my laughter to the best of my ability. I may have grown up in an orphanage but I wasn't clueless to such things, also I didn't want the others to hear me since they always seemed to think Emmett was a bad influence on me.

"Alright see ya!" He waved as he went out the door where his wife was waiting, I could already see everyone else had left.

After a few more minutes of simply hanging out with my adopted parents my curiosity got the best of me.

"Where are they going?" I asked.

Isabella wrapped her arm tighter around me pulling me closer, "Out to the woods." She answered.

I nodded my head weakly, enveloping myself in her scent, she always smelled so familiar and every time I was around her I couldn't help but think she was the prettiest out of everyone, I don't know why but I was simply drawn to her that way.

"Why?" I asked, trying to bring myself out of my daze.

"To hunt." She said, Edward had been watching our little exchange, but then again it felt like he was watching me twenty four seven even when he wasn't looking.

"I didn't know you guys enjoyed hunting." I stated.

She chuckled, which was absolutely gorgeous, "More than you know." She commented and then kissed the top of my head.

When her lips did meet my head I closed my eyes for a second longer simply enjoying the feel of being loved, I really must have been starved for affection, because when they offer it I can never seem to turn it down. Edward came over and sat on my other side and watched the TV screen with us.

"Would you like to do something today?" Edward asked after a second.

"Like what?" I asked, wondering what he was thinking of.

"We could go into a town and go shopping." He suggested.

I went through a mental checklist in my head, clothes, nope good on those, toiletries, nope got those, they had gotten me some stuff after my talk with Carlisle, I was good on everything.

"Nope I don't need anything." I informed them, in case they were unaware.

"It's not if you need anything, its if you want something." Edward clarified.

Want something? I already had everything I wanted, I had a roof, clothes, food...people to call my family, I have everything.

When Edward saw I was not taken up by the idea he decided to go a different direction.

"How about a movie?" He asked.

"Oh you guys have movies?" I asked, I had never seen them since they only seemed to watch these sports and occasionally the news channel, I liked that one better.

"I meant go to a movie theater, we could then go out to eat afterwards." He said with a sweet smile.

I rose an eyebrow, "Eat out?"

He sighed then got up off the couch, "That's it we're going out."

He suddenly grabbed my hand with his cold one and yanked my up, not to roughly though.

"Where?" I asked, as Isabella rose too.

"I refuse to have a daughter who is so ignorant in the ways of the world she does not know what 'eat out' is." He declared.

I looked down, "I'm sorry." I apologized for being ignorant.

He bumped his forehead against mine and looked me in the eyes, "This is not your fault."

His breath and words were so familiar, but I just nodded my head not daring to challenge him on it.

"I'll go get her ready." Isabella smiled.

She took my hand and pulled me up to my room, then she got a fashionable jean jacket for me, thank heavens it wasn't over the top like Alice always tried to convince me was normal. I put it on as she got out some shoes for me,. they were very nice sneakers, I saw a logo on the side though.

"What does this mean?"

"Nikes it is a brand name, Alice won't let us buy you anything unless it is brand named." Isabella informed me.

I shrugged not really caring since I had not heard of them before and got the shoes on, we then went down stair to were Edward was waiting for us and soon we all went out to their garage. When I walked in I was quite shocked to see a ton of cars, it wasn't really a ton, but it was more than I have seen anyone own at one time. I sucked with mechanics and could not tell the differences between each car names, other than the slug-bug, van, and car, but just from looking I knew these had to be some pretty expensive cars.g

I kept my thoughts blank for now, since I now knew for such that Edward could read minds, honestly it was a cool gift and I didn't think much of it since I had heard of some humans having gifts to make them different from others.

Edward got one of the key rings and walked over to this sliver like gray car, it was very pretty and I did not mind getting in it at all, I got in the back and buckled up, wondering where they would take me.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked again.

"You'll see." Edward answered getting in the drivers seat and starting up the car.

I pouted, "No fair how you get to see my thoughts all the time, but when I ask for one of yours you refuse to show it to me." So I was being a little selfish here but I just didn't like to not know where I was going.

Isabella chuckled, and Edward sighed, "I told you we are going to a movie theater and then out to eat."

I looked out my window, thanks that is so helpful, I thought very deliberately and dripping in sarcasm. Edward chuckled already hearing my thought but just kept on driving not agnologing my thoughts. I wasn't sure what town we were going to, but from what I gather about the town they actually live in they live on the very outskirts and it is very small. I'll be going to the high school when school starts up again, and I will be a junior, which means 11th year of school. I am excited and worried at the same time, I have never been put in a 'public school' and am not use to being around kids my age. I wonder what they will think of me, it is sure to be an interesting experience.

We finally started passing some buildings after I had been in my thoughts for who knows how long, I watched the people pass by on the streets as they carried many tourists bags with them.

"What town are we in?" I asked them.

"Port Angeles." Edward answered without looking back.

We kept driving until it seemed we were where they wanted to be, they parked and started getting out, what shocked me was the fact that they did not put on as much clothes as they did last time I had seen them driving. I had figured it was because they got cold easily but that could not be the case since it was even colder than it was then, but now the sun was not out, maybe it had something to do with that.

I got out not questioning them out loud and started following them to wherever they were headed, we walked down a couple streets, drawing eyes right to us, more like them, since they both looked like models and had the walk and everything. A couple girls would flirt with Edward every now and then but he would either walk right past them or introduce us as his family. Whenever a guy would try and flirt with Isabella she would awkwardly laugh and or smile, she must not have been use to the attention but you think she would have been with an appearance like that, then Edward would simply look at them a certain way and they would take the hint and leave immediately. I had a couple guys try and talk to me but I figured they were just trying to sell something so I wouldn't even look at them twice.

That was until one guy walked up to me and his scent flew across my nose, it stopped me for just half a second, but it was enough for him to catch up and stop me. Everybody I have ever met has a scent, some people smell bad, other people okay, but then there are just a few people who I smell for just a second and then I want to smell more, I usually ask what cologne or perfume they are using because I would want to wear it sine it smelled that good. Whenever I had bought it it never smelled as good on me as it did on them, so I would quickly disregard it.

The man in front of me said something funny so I gave a sweet smile just to humor him and he seemed absolutely pleased by it and went on. It did not last long though as Edward quickly pulled me away from him, and made it to where we lost the guy in the crowd.

"What was that?" Edward suddenly snapped at me.

"What?" I asked totally confused by his anger.

He calmed down and asked again, "Why did you stop to talk to that guy?"

I didn't understand the question, why would he ask that if he could read my mind.

"I ask it because you are to stay away from people who have that certain smell." Edward said.

Holy cheese and crackers! "Why?" I asked.

"You might lose control." He answered.

Lose control? Like go crazy? Has that happened before?

"Yes." Edward said shortly with a bit of a smile.

Holy wow, I've been flirting with insanity this entire time and I had no idea, I had no idea something like that could happen, I wonder if there is a technical term for it, I should ask Carlisle when we get home.

We kept walking for a bit longer till we were at a building that had bright lights and big pictures naming each movie, it seemed very designed in its own typical fashion. We walked inside and I could smell a potent scent of butter and popcorn, everyone in there was either excited or stressed, I blame the little ones they had with them. The popcorn buttery smell was not unwelcoming but it was very different to other places I had been, I hardly ever got anything sweet so the thought ofg having the popcorn was very entertaining.

Edward went into one of the lines that went up to the counters, he bought three tickets for a movie I had never even heard of, and then after that he went in a different line altogether.

"What is this for?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The food." He said.

"Oh I don't need any." I immediately waved off not wanting to seem needy.

"Don't worry its for me." He smiled.

I sighed in relief glad that I wasn't making them do things they didn't want to do, even though I knew Edward could read my mind I still let most of my thoughts out freely, maybe I should work on that more, some privacy. Idiot he can still hear you!

Edward beside me chuckled and I blushed, Isabella was left out of the loop but she didn't ask for it to be explained. This was going to take some getting use to, the line didn't take as ling as I thought it would and soon Edward had ordered a medium bowl of popcorn and a large thing of sprite, we went down this long hall that had many large doors, the theater was decorated in gold and red colors. Above each door there was a letter and then a movie name along with it, we went inside number eleven, and the room was very dark and the lights were barely on, we found some seats in the middle of the theater and I was thankful no random strangers sat next to us.

I sat in between Edward and Isabella and they put the popcorn in my lap and then the drink on my cup holder claiming it was so they could both have it and share, not once did they ever touch that popcorn and drink again, but Edward told me to at least try some. So I tried a little soda and a little popcorn, after that I couldn't stop eating it, I had never had movie theater popcorn and I had never had soda once. It burned my throat as it went down but they flavor and feel of it was so addicting, Edward and Isabella seemed happy that I was enjoying myself and even went back a couple times to get refills on popcorn and soda. By the time we left the movie theater I was stuffed and had no idea what went on in that movie.

"I would say lets go get something to eat, but I am pretty sure that that won't be necessary." Edward rose an eyebrow my direction, making me blush.

Isabella then piped up, "We should definitely go get something to eat because it is very unhealthy to have just popcorn and soda."

"Alright," He agreed, "What are you in the mood for?"

It took me a moment to realize he was speaking to me, "Oh nothing in particular, I'm fine with anything really."

Edward and Isabella both stressed that I should have an opinion in every little thing but I assured them I really was fine with anything, also I had never been to a restaurant before. They took me to this little place where you could look out at the sea, it was beautiful as the sun was setting on it, I hadn't thought that it was that late but time flies.

The waiter came and brought us our menus, it was obvious that Isabella was with Edward as she strapped her arm around his, so I felt no need to worry. Yet the guy seemed to want to stay.

"What can I get you to drink?" It almost looked as if he was specifically asking me.

"Water for all three of us is fine." Edward said curtly almost shooing him away.

After he left I looked at the menu but Isabella looked as if she wanted to talk.

"So how have you enjoyed yourself today?" She asked with a gorgeous smile.

"It was great, thank you." I said at the end to not forget my manners.

"No need to thank us, we love to do these things with you." She smiled, "How have you been feeling lately?"

"Fine." I said laced with suspicion.

"I mean are you more comfortable around us." She clarified.

I smiled, "Of course, what's not to like."

She seemed happy at my response but the waiter quickly came back and I hadn't had he chance to look at the menu yet, so I panicked and did absolutely nothing.

"What can I get for you today?" He smiled.

Edward spoke up unfazed, "My wife and I will get the combo meal and our daughter will have the ribeye, well done, with an Caesar salad."

"Ah, if you could please make it a rare." I said changing the order just a bit.

The waiter was not at all threatened by Edwards secret threat and smirked at me, "Sure thing Darling~."

I ignored the word seeming it must be normal for him, but Edward looked as if he was about to bite the guys head off.

"Honey." I heard Isabella quietly chide, she then turned to me, "So you like rare steak?"

I nodded my head, still having my eyes on Edwards weird reaction, but he turned to look at me, making me look away.

"Why?" She pressed gently.

"I like the flavor of steak and the juices, I find that anything more than rare is burnt." I spoke bluntly.

"So you like the flavor of animal blood?" Edward looked at me with intrigue.

"I wouldn't say that, just the juices." I tried to mend.

"No matter what way you try and phrase it, the 'juices' are still blood."

I just stared into his eyes at the weird turn the conversation had taken not quite sure what to say, yes the juice of a steak is blood, but I have always been taught that to say so was very classless. I wonder why they feel the need to point this out to e as if I hadn't noticed already.

"So you like meat?" Isabella said trying to bring the conversation back to where it should be.

"Yes, I do find it one of the best, it not The best, food groups."

"So you would never even consider being a vegetarian?" The couple across from me was watching my every reaction.

It was so weird to be with them, I couldn't tell what they were expecting, but they were definitely expecting something. I could never read them and they still made me uncomfortable sometimes, not that I would ever voice that out loud or actively think it, but I felt as if they were always keeping something back and hiding something.

"Heavens no." I said with a smile, letting the conversation flow freely.

Our dinner arrived not to shortly afterward and I immediately wanted to dig in but the waiter seemed to be waiting for something.

He gave me a toothy grin and leaned over the table blocking off m view of my adoptive parents, "Anything else I can give you, or did you want to give me something?" He let his eyebrows do a little wiggle, which just creeped me out.

The next second he was on the other side of the table, Edward had forced him there by grabbing his shirt by the collar, and he looked just as shocked as I was by the speed of it.

Edward stood up and bent towards his ear seeming to whispering something, all the while Isabella remained calm and didn't even glance there way. When Edward sat back down the young man quickly walked away with his head down, we hadn't drawn much attention since there wasn't many people next to us, but it certainly didn't go by the few that did see it.

"What was that about?" I asked Edward.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He smiled at me and then changed the conversation completely, "Come on now, was it not a few seconds ago that you were thinking about di8gging into that, practically drooling over it." He laughed.

I blushed, "I was not! It just looks good."

"Nope." Isabella said, "Pretty sure your father is right." She laughed as well.

"Hey you can't side with him~" I whined, it did not go past me that they were using less formal terms to refer to themselves as well as me, but I still felt so awkward saying it.

Dinner was good, I was finally given the chance to dig into my dinner, even though I was not that hungry from the movie theater, and Isabella made sure she looked like the good mom, forcing me to eat all of my vegetables. By the time we left it was dark out and I was so full I was about to go to sleep, we slowly walked to the car and I got into the back. I buckled myself up and put the top part behind me as I let my head rest against the cool glass of the car window.

I slowly drifted off to sleep as we drove home, with a smile on my face, now that I thought about it never once did I see them eat today.